What to do if you forgot your computer password on Windows 8. How to easily reset a forgotten password in any version of Windows. Using software utilities

How to reset a password on Windows 8 is a hot topic today. This operating system has a high level of security, and a password is required when installing it. But there are often cases where users simply forget the key and cannot log into the system. Moreover, a password may also be required to perform certain operations, such as and so on.

What should I do if I forgot my login password, but the system requires it? There are different ways to reset it. We will look at the simplest and fastest option on how to reset your Windows 8 login password, which anyone can handle. In this case, you do not have to wait long or.

How to reset your account login password in Windows 8

First of all, it should be noted that we will not need any third-party applications. We will do everything using the built-in utilities of the Windows 8 operating system. But, before moving directly to solving the task at hand, it is necessary to prepare. How to make it?

First we need a regular flash drive. Volume of at least 2 GB. We connect the drive to the computer and launch the control panel. In the upper corner of the service there is a search bar in which you need to write “Recovery”. Open the tool. It should not be confused with the Windows 7 file recovery utility, since in the latter case you can only create a CDDVD disk, and we need a flash drive.

So, the Recovery tool allows us to create bootable portable memory drives (Flash). To do this, click “Create a recovery disk.” We confirm the action. Next, a window will appear with information about the flash drive being created and what it can be used for. A little lower, you need to uncheck the “Copy recovery partition” checkbox. As a rule, it is not active, but in some cases it must be removed (if it is installed). Click “Next”.

The next step is choosing a memory drive. Here you should select our flash drive. Click “Next”. The system warns us that all data on the drive will be deleted. Click “Create”.

It is recommended to always have such a flash drive, since in case of any problems it will help solve the problem as quickly as possible. At this point the preparation stage is completed. It is worth noting that you can make such a flash drive on any computer with Windows 8. Now let’s move on to how to reset your password in Windows 8.

Resetting your login key

Now we have a bootable USB flash drive. In order to reset your Windows 8 password, you must boot your computer from it. If you have a desktop PC, then you need to set it to boot from a flash drive. If you are using a laptop, then everything is simpler. When the system boots, press the "Esc" key. After this, a window for selecting actions will appear. We are interested in the “Boot devise” section. The device selection key may differ depending on the laptop model. This could be F2, F8, F9, F10, F11 or F12. When you click on the corresponding button, a list of devices from which you can download will appear.

We boot from our flash drive and select the “Diagnostics” section. Next, open additional options and select “Command Prompt”. Thus, we launched the next Windows tool, which is necessary to reset the key. Next we will need to enter certain commands.

Working on the command line

The main thing is to be extremely careful, since the slightest typo in a command makes it invalid. So, next you need to enter the following commands, in the same sequence as they are written:

  1. Diskpart – allows you to start working with disk partitions.
  2. List vol – this command is executed to display the available partitions on the hard drive. In addition, thanks to it we will determine which partition the operating system is installed on.
  3. Exit – exit from working with the hard drive.

Now, knowing which partition the OS is installed on, you can move on to the next step. It is worth noting that to execute the command you must press “Enter” each time. That is, we do this after each line (each written command). So, now we write the following:

  1. Above we learned the letter of the partition on which the OS is installed. Now we write the following command – C: and press “Enter”. "C" is the drive on which Windows is installed. For you this may be a different partition, then instead of “C” write the letter that corresponds to the system drive. This means that further actions will relate specifically to the specified volume.
  2. Cd windows – enter the directory with the operating system.
  3. Cd system32 – open the subdirectory containing the files we need.
  4. Copy cmd.exe cmd.exe.original – copying files.
  5. Copy utilman.exe utilman.exe.original.
  6. Del utilman.exe – file deletion.
  7. Ren cmd.exe utilman.exe. renaming the file.
  8. Shutdown –r –t 00 – command to reboot the system.

The above commands perform the actions of replacing a specific system file. Why is this necessary? When loading Windows 8, in the menu where we must enter the password, there is a “Accessibility” button at the bottom. When you click on it, additional options appear. However, we replaced the file that is responsible for the functions of this button, and now when we press it, we launch a command line in which we can perform actions to change the password. So, let's move on to the next stage.

How to set and remove a password when logging into Windows 8: Video

Changing the login password on the command line

So, as you remember, the last command rebooted the PC. Now, when loading, we are taken to a menu where we are asked to enter a password. There is an Accessibility button in the lower left corner. Click on it. If the above commands were written correctly, a command line will open where you can reset your password in Windows 8. To do this, enter the following commands:

  1. Net user Andrey * – this command allows you to make changes to the account of a specific user. Here, instead of “Andrey”, you should enter the name of your account. It is worth noting that this name must be written in the language in which it is indicated in the system. The command line supports the Russian language, so if your account name is written in Cyrillic, then write it that way.
  2. Now you should enter a new password and press “Enter”. It will not appear as you type, so be extremely careful. It is best to first enter a simple key, which can later be changed in the account settings.
  3. After entering the key, you will need to enter it again for confirmation. Press "Enter".
  4. Now we execute the “Exit” command.

After the completed operations, you can freely log into your account by entering a new password. We have discussed with you one of the simplest ways to reset your password in Windows 8 if you cannot log into your account. It is worth noting that our data was not damaged, and we did not have to reinstall or restore anything.

How to reset your password on Windows 8: Video

Now all that remains is to perform the steps that will return the Accessibility button to its original functions. To do this, we boot from the flash drive again. Open “Diagnostics”, then “Advanced options”. Next, launch the command line. We write the following commands:

  • C: — Here again, instead of “C,” we indicate the letter of the partition on which the operating system is installed.
  • Cd windows.
  • CD system32.
  • Del utilman.exe.
  • Ren utilman.exe.original utilman.exe.
  • Ren cmd.exe.original cmd.exe.
  • Shutdown –r –t 00.

That's all. We've changed the password and returned the Accessibility button to its original functionality. It is worth noting that if you do not use it, then the purpose of launching the command line when you press it can be left. This will not affect the operation of the system in any way.

How to remove a password in Windows 8: Video

How to disable password in Windows 10: Video

Although a password is indeed an effective way to increase the security of your data, it can sometimes cause unexpected problems.

After all, many people have probably had the same situation when you or someone close to you lost or forgot your Windows 8 password. But you shouldn’t be upset about such a situation, because today there are many ways that will allow you to recover it.

What to do if you forgot your Windows 8 password

If you have forgotten your password, do not get upset prematurely. There is also no special need to contact technical support centers, you just need to be patient and concentrate a little. After all, within a certain period of time it will be possible to completely regain control of your personal device. Of course, you can contact service centers, but it is worth considering that you will have to pay a certain amount of money for the work performed. Why pay extra money if you can recover your password yourself at home?

Ways to recover your password on Windows 8

Today, users of personal computers with the Windows operating system have the ability to create multiple accounts, so everyone can be completely confident that all the information on their computer will not be available to other users. If you have forgotten your password, do not be prematurely upset, as there are a huge number of ways to recover it.

One of the most popular methods is the use of various additional software. It is worth considering that almost all of this software is usually paid, but even after purchasing the full version of the program it is not always possible to fix the problem. That is why it is possible through additional software, but not always.

The next way to fix this problem is to replace it. But, as a rule, this can lead to data loss on the personal device.

How to recover a forgotten password on Windows 8, first stage

It is worth considering the fact that when you recover your password, all data that was encrypted using Windows 8 encryption tools will be erased. That is why it is worth constantly creating a backup copy of it.

If you want to reset your password, it's worth considering that this is a process that only requires a few keystrokes.

The first step is to create a disk on another computer that also has Windows 8 installed. This could be a work computer, a home computer, a laptop, a friends computer, and so on. The password recovery disk can be recorded either on a regular DVD or CD or on a flash drive, since many computers do not have a disk drive.

How to create a system repair disk

Initially, you need to insert a blank disk or flash drive into the drive or connector, respectively, and then go to the “Control Panel”, where you need to select the section “Recovering system files” - “Create operating system recovery disks”. Here you need to follow the simplest instructions for creating a disc. After the most basic steps, after a few minutes the disk will be completely ready for use.

Second stage of password recovery

If the user has forgotten the password on Windows 8, to recover it, you need to insert a disk or flash drive into the appropriate drive. When starting to boot your personal device, press the F2 key and go to the BIOS settings. Here in the Boot menu, put booting from a USB connector or drive in the first place - it all depends on what media the disc was recorded on.

After that, having saved the settings, exit the BIOS, and when booting the PC, select boot from the disk on which the operating system is recorded. Then a certain program window will appear in which you need to select the Troubleshoot item. In the next window, you also need to select Advanced Options and click on Command Prompt to open the command line.

Third step

After the console opens, if the user is Windows 8, you should enter the following words: diskpaht; list vfl - and press enter.

After these steps, a list of hard drive partitions will appear on which the operating system can be installed. As a rule, in most cases it is installed on drive C.

The fourth stage of resetting the password on the operating system

After completing the above steps, you must exit the Diskpart program by entering the exit command. After that, enter the following combinations in the console:

C: (where C is the name of the partition on the computer’s hard drive on which the operating system is installed);

These commands will prepare the computer and operating system for password reset. Don't be surprised if your PC starts to restart automatically. These commands are intended to start the process of rebooting the device. After the computer has been restarted, you need to click on the “Special Features” window, which is located in the lower left corner of the account selection interface. These actions will bring up the command line.

To display a list of all accounts, you must enter the command net user and press enter. The account name will be different in the following steps, so you should immediately replace it with your own. To do this, you need to specify the net user command (hereinafter referred to as the account name). After these steps, write down a new password. It is worth considering that the cursor does not move and the password will not be displayed on the command line, so you need to be especially careful when entering it. After these steps, pressing the Enter key, you need to repeat the password exactly. And then write the exit command in the console. After this, you will be able to log in to your account using your new password.

Changing the password: stage five

If the user has forgotten the computer password, then it is necessary to perform all the above steps in order to change it. But this is not the end, we also need to do the following.

When changing the password, some settings in the system are also automatically changed, to cancel which you must perform the following actions and commands: load the recovery disk that was used when the user forgot the password on Windows 8, call the console, and then replace C with the drive letter on which operating system by entering the following commands into the command line: C1:, cd Windows, cd systm32.

After this, the accessibility button when you select an account will work the same as it did when you made the changes.

What to do if you forgot your password and login on your tablet

Many may ask the question of what to do if the user has forgotten the password on a tablet that runs on the Windows operating system. The answer to this question is very simple, because in this case you need to create not a disk for sequential password recovery, but a flash drive. That is, if you forgot your login and password, then using a special adapter you can connect the flash drive to the tablet without any problems, and then perform all the same steps that were listed above. Thus, it will be possible to completely recover the password in the shortest possible time without unnecessary financial costs for service, without the intervention of high-level specialists and without loss of data on the device.

With the help of these instructions and if you have a password recovery disk, this process can be completed completely in just 20 minutes.

In order to prevent such problems when creating a password, it must be recorded on any other source or immediately created a recovery disk. Even in this case, if the password is lost, you can immediately install it on your personal computer and literally restore it completely in just a few clicks.

If you can’t recover from a regular disk that was written when creating the password, you need to do everything as listed above in this article. It is also worth noting that it is best to create a recovery disk on a computer that is most suitable in terms of capacity and has a similar version of the OS installed on your device. This will give you a better chance of recovery.

The situation when the local system administrator password is lost occurs very often. You went on a business trip, and upon arrival you cannot remember your password. Or an employee who previously worked at the company suddenly quit, leaving his work computer locked.

There are actually a huge number of similar situations. But you won’t be able to get into your computer bypassing the password using standard means. That's why it was installed. It turns out that resetting the Windows 8/8.1 password if you forgot is impossible? Not everything is lost. There are several ways to solve this problem. Let's look at them below.

Reset Windows 8/8.1 password using Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home

This is a program that allows you to reset the local administrator password in Windows 8. First you need to download it from the official website.

We choose the home version (there is no need for commercial versions, and besides, they are paid).

Using the installer, download the program to your computer and install it. After launch, the user is presented with a similar window.

Select the Disc Image and Clone option. In the menu section on the left, select the Build Bootable function. From the drop-down list, select the version of Windows we need with the appropriate bit depth.

Click the “next” button until a window like this appears.

Here you need to select “Usb Flash” and click Next again. At this moment, all files from the flash drive will be deleted. At the end, click the “Finish” button. That's it, the bootable flash drive is ready. Now let's move directly to resetting the Windows 8 password. To do this, follow the procedure listed below:

1. Insert the flash card into the computer and reboot it.

2. At the moment of switching on, enter the BIOS menu and set the flash drive with the program as priority.

Attention! This instruction is suitable for those who have a BIOS boot menu on their computer. If you already have UEFI, the procedure is slightly different.

3. In the command interface window that opens, select Lazersoft.

We wait until the program loads. In the window that appears, select the “Password Recovery” option (usually located in the lower right corner).

4. Click “Reset Windows Password” and agree to the warning that the program is prohibited for use for commercial purposes.

5. In the window that appears, select the version of the operating system we need, not forgetting to correlate it with the bit depth, and check the “Reset Local Password” function.

6. In the next window, select the account of the user we need.

7.The last program window opens. Press the "RESET/UNLOCK" button.

8. Reboot the computer. Ready. You can now log into your user account without a password.

Resetting your password using a system image

If it is not possible to download third-party programs, but you have a disk or flash drive with an image of your or a similar operating system at hand, you can use the method below.

We follow the instructions:

1. Restart the computer and boot from the disk or flash drive.

2. In the window that appears, select the “Troubleshot” function.

3. Go to Advanced options and select the Command Prompt item with which we will call the command line.

The system command interface window will open. Please note that all subsequent operations will be performed only from the keyboard, since working on the command line using the mouse or third-party pointing devices is simply impossible.

4. Consistently execute the diskpart and list vol commands (after entering each command, press Enter).

5. The entire list of system partitions will be displayed on the screen. Typically, the one we need is section C.

6. Exit the diskpart subroutine with the exit command.

  • cd windows
  • cd system32
  • copy cmd.exe cmd.exe.original
  • copy Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.original
  • delUtilman.exe
  • ren cmd.exe Utilman.exe
  • shutdown –r –t 00

Don’t forget to press the Enter key after entering each command.

8. After completing all commands, the computer will reboot on its own.

9. Click on the “Special Features” icon. The command line will appear.

10.To view all accounts, enter the net user command.

12. The system will prompt you to enter a new password.

A feature of input at this moment is a completely motionless cursor. In addition, the characters you type will not appear on the screen either in their original form or as asterisks. Therefore, be extremely careful!

13. After entering the password, press Enter and repeat entering the password again, after which we exit with the exit command.

Done, you can log in with a new password!

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I recently published instructions. In this instruction I will tell you if you have lost or forgotten it. Reset your password in Windows 8 It's not difficult at all.

For the procedure password reset in Windows 8 You will need boot disk with operating system or flash drive. You can make a recovery disk on another computer with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 by entering the line in the start screen "Recovery Disk" and following further instructions.
Step 1 . We insert the boot disk into the drive and boot from it. (how to do this is described in detail in the section Installing Windows 8.)
After loading from the disk, you should see this window:

Step 3. Select an item Diagnostics. Then in the section Diagnostics you need to select a sub-item Return to original state:

Step 4. In the Additional parameters subsection, select the item Command line.
it will be revealed to you Windows 8 Command Prompt with Administrator Rights. Enter the following commands sequentially:
cd c:\windows\sуstem32
copy Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.old
copy cmd.exe Utilman.exe
Step 5. Reboot the computer.
Step 6. After restarting the computer in normal mode, you need to hover over the icon in the lower left corner - Accessibility Center. A command prompt will open. You need to enter the command there net user. A list of users will be displayed. After selecting the name you need, enter the command
net user<имя_пользователя> <пароль>
Attention! The cursor does not move while entering a new password, so be extremely careful when entering the password.
After entering the password, enter the command Exit and exit the command line.
Step 7. Login to Windows 8 with a new password.

But then a problem happened - the owner forgot the administrator’s access code and when he tried to log in, he saw a message about the incorrectly entered password and the impossibility of logging into the system. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that Windows stores all passwords in a securely protected partition on the hard drive using the SAM system. For security reasons, accessing it and finding out the password is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. On the one hand, this will protect you from third-party interference, but, on the other hand, it greatly ruins your life if you forget the access combination. Users of Windows 7 suffer the most, since this version of the OS only offers work with a local account, unlike the newer Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. Here the user can attach a Microsoft account to the computer and, in case of a forgotten password, can reset it via website from any device. PC owners on seven can only remove the administrator password.

Fortunately, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. If you follow our detailed instructions on how to reset the Windows 7 administrator password when using a local account, as well as how to find out the password, you can easily solve your problem in a short time without outside help. So let's get started.

Method 1. Using an installation disk or recovery image

To do this, you will need a boot disk or flash drive with Windows, or a previously created recovery disk (this can also be a flash drive). If you may not be able to figure out the second one, since you are unlikely to constantly create fresh recovery disks, then the installation image can be downloaded from a large number of sites.

  1. Insert the disk or flash drive into the PC, and in the BIOS, mark the media as a priority when booting. This is necessary so that loading occurs from external media, and not from the built-in hard drive.
  2. Depending on the version of Windows, click Diagnostics - Advanced options - Command Prompt or System Restore - Next - Command Prompt.
  3. When the command prompt opens, add regedit and press Enter.
  4. Click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section to highlight it, then click File - Load Hive.
  5. In the window that opens, go to C:\Windows\System32\config (if the system is installed in a different partition, the address will be slightly different) and open the System.
  6. Name the loading partition any name, for example, 555.
  7. In the registry editor, look in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\555\Setup section and find the CmdLine and SetupType parameters there. Double-click on each of them and change the indicators to the following:
    • CmdLine - cmd.exe.
    • SetupType - 0 change to 2.
  8. Select the 555 partition you created, then click File - Unload Hive.
  9. Take out the flash drive or disk, close all active utilities, select “Reboot” in the main window of the recovery wizard.

After restarting, when you log in, the command line will be expanded. With its help we will perform further operations.

Password reset

To reset your password, use this command:

net user login password

This command is relevant if you remember the exact spelling of the username. If you forgot, type the command net user, after which all accounts saved on the PC will be displayed.

Create a new account

If you do not have any administrator account installed, you will need to create one by entering a few commands. To do this, enter them one by one on the command line:

net user login password /add

net localgroup Administrators login /add

net localgroup Users login /delete

The first command first creates a new account, then assigns it to the administrators group, and then removes it from the users group. After applying all the commands, close the Command Prompt.

By creating a new account with a new password, you will be able to log into Windows without any problems.

Note! You won’t be able to find out your password this way, you can only reset it!

Method 2. Using third-party utilities

Offline NT Password Editor

If the first method involved using standard Windows capabilities, then the second suggests using third-party utilities that allow you to reset the Windows 7 administrator password. One of the most acceptable is Offline NT Password Editor, which allows you to gain full access to the OS system partition. You can either remove or change the password, or activate the administrator account. The utility does not provide a graphical interface, but nevertheless it is not at all difficult to understand. Each step is numbered and indicates what you need to do. So, what are the steps you need to follow to reset your password using this utility?

  1. On another computer or laptop, go to the developer’s website, in the Bootdisk section, scroll to Download and download the version you need. The file name consists of numbers and letters. If you want to create a boot disk, download the file with cd in the name, but if you use a flash drive, then usb.
  2. If you are using a disk, write the downloaded image using a burning program, and if using a flash drive, then perform the following manipulations:
    • Copy the contents of the archive to a USB flash drive without creating any additional files.
    • Expand Command Prompt as Administrator.
    • Use the command f:\syslinux.exe -ma f:, where instead of f write the letter under which the flash drive is identified in Windows Explorer. If it doesn’t give any error, it means everything was recorded as expected.
    • Insert your external media into the computer, set it in the BIOS as the first one to boot, and turn on the computer. The utility interface should start instead of the Windows Welcome window.

Step 1

The first step is to select the hard drive partition on which Windows is installed. The program provides a list of disk partitions indicating their size, which is what you should focus on. If you remember that the system is usually installed on drive C, which is several times smaller than drive D, it will be quite difficult to make a mistake. Enter the numbers with the section number and press the Enter button.

Step 2

After this, the utility asks which part of the registry needs to be loaded. Select 1 - Password reset, press the corresponding number and confirm with Enter.

Step 3

Changing or resetting a password by editing user data in the registry. The utility will launch chntpw Main Interactive Menu, in which item 1 - Edit user data and passwords - is immediately selected. Confirm your selection by pressing the Enter button. If you need to change the password, select 2 - Edit (set new) user password.

In the menu that opens, chntpw Edit User Info & Passwords, all computer accounts are displayed, with their code designation in hexadecimal notation (RID column). We are interested in the administrator account; most often it is displayed first in the list and is selected by default. If the account name is displayed in English letters, type it in the input field under the table; if in Russian, then use the information from the RID column. The entry in the input field will be in the format 0xABCD, where instead of ABCD you need to put the value from the table. The selection is confirmed with the Enter button.

Next, the User Edit Menu is displayed with a list of actions that can be performed with the administrator account. Select 1 - Clear (blank) user password and confirm with Enter. The program should report a successful password reset.

Step 4

Saving the changes made (Step Four: Writing back changes). Press successively! and q to exit the previous menus, after which the utility will offer to save the changes by issuing the request “About to write file(s) back! Do it? Enter y, and at the next prompt type n.

To reboot, enter the command reboot or click on the small button on the computer system unit. The system will start you up without asking for a password. You can install it yourself in the account management menu.

ERD Commander

Another fairly advanced utility for resetting the Windows administrator password. First, you will need to create a bootable USB flash drive with the utility on your work computer. For this:

  1. Prepare a flash drive with a capacity of at least 1 GB, and also download the following four files: HPUSBDISK.zip, Ghost32.exe, Grub4dos.zip, ERD Commander image file in gho format.
  2. Insert the flash drive into the computer, then run HPUSBdisk.exe, select your drive in the Device window, select File system as FAT32, and then click the Start button. The flash drive will be formatted, so make sure you save the important information stored on it somewhere.
  3. Unpack the Grub4dos.zip archive and run grubinst_gui.exe, then select the flash drive in the Disk field and click the Install button at the very bottom. If the procedure completes successfully, you should see the following message: “The Mbr/bs has been successfully installed. Press to continue..." Now you can safely move on to the next stage.
  4. Run Ghost32.exe - click Ok - Local - Disk - From Image, then select the ERD.gho file and click on it.
  5. In the window that opens, select the flash drive, click Ok - Ok - Yes and wait until the bootable flash drive is completely created. This usually takes 10–15 minutes.

Now you have to work with the ERD Commander bootable flash drive. Here's what to do:

  1. After connecting the flash drive to the computer, set the boot priority through the BIOS so that the flash drive comes first, and turn on the PC.
  2. Select your version of Windows. If you confuse the system bit size, then it’s okay, just at the next stage the utility will give an error and you can repeat the procedure from the beginning.
  3. After waiting for the download, select the installed operating system, click Next - Microsoft Diagnostics - Password Change Wizard.
  4. You will see a window with a list of users and fields for entering a password. Select the administrator account, write down the new password and confirm it.
  5. Remove the flash drive from the USB connector, boot into normal mode and use the new password.

Note! You won’t be able to find out your password this way, you can only delete it or set a new one!

Method 3. Substitution of system files

You've probably heard about the sticky keys feature. Simply press the Shift button 5 times quickly and a window will appear asking you to activate the mode. The file sethc.exe, located in the Windows system partition, is responsible for it. Interestingly, you can even activate it in the password entry window when Windows starts. But since the situation is that the user has forgotten it, we need to replace it with the cmd.exe file, which is responsible for opening the command prompt. How to do it?

  1. Boot from external Windows media, in the installation window, click System Restore - Command Prompt.
  2. Apply the following commands sequentially:
    • copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\- to create a backup copy of the sethc.exe utility.
    • copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe- to replace the file sethc.exe with cmd.exe.
  3. Restart your computer normally.
  4. When the password window appears, press the Shift button five times, which will open the Command Prompt.
  5. To change the password, type the command net user login password, after which reboot again and now you will definitely be able to get into the system.

Note! You will not be able to find out the password this way, only delete it!

How to find out your account password

In this paragraph, we will learn how to hack the administrator password or simply find out it. Indeed, in many cases it is simply easier not to reset the password, but to simply assume that it is forgotten. To do this, we need the Ophcrack utility, which has the capabilities we need. It is capable of working in a graphical and text interface and, according to the creators, is able to find out almost any password stored on your system. How to use it?

  1. Go to the official website and download the appropriate version: in the form of a program installation file if you can log into the system, or a Live CD to create bootable media if you can’t log into the system because you forgot your password.
  2. Run the installation file or boot from a flash drive or disk and select the graphical or text interface of the utility.
  3. Wait until the utility reads and displays the system passwords. Depending on the power of the computer, this may take different times.

That's all. As you can see, there is nothing complicated and if your password is not too complex, then the program will help you find it. You will then be able to log in again and enter your access code. Practice shows that if the password is very complex, consisting of a combination of large and small letters, as well as numbers, then the program may not cope.


We hope that our instructions helped you in a situation where you forgot your Windows account password. You now know how to reset it and install a new one. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.