What's wrong with your classmates today? Odnoklassniki does not open in Yandex Browser. Preventative measures to prevent problems with Odnoklassniki

It is very popular and many of its users spend a lot of time there.

Attention! Dear visitors, today 08 October 2015 In 2019, the Odnoklassniki website was subject to a hacker attack and for this reason it does not work. The site administration is in the process of solving this problem... You just have to wait until your classmates are fully functional again... :(In gratitude for the information, follow the links in the articles on our website, we will be very grateful!

Hello dear visitors. Today, October 27, 2015, the social network Odnoklassniki does not work all over the world, so all we can do is wait for the technical staff of the site to fix this problem. As we can see, this is the second such failure this month. In gratitude for useful information, do not close that page immediately, but follow the links and sections, thank you.

And this is understandable, because it provides many interesting and fun activities, in addition to communicating with friends. But I don’t understand why this site suddenly stops loading, although it works fine for my friends.

What to do in this situation? Let's look at the main reasons why classmates don't work

  • To begin with, the simplest advice is to try accessing this site through a different browser, for example, if you usually use Google Chrome, then try Opera or Internet Explorer

Odnoklassniki is blocked in the host file

What does it mean? There is such a special file in the operating system, thanks to which you can block access to any site from this computer.

You just take the name of the site, for example, odnoklassniki.ru and fit it in there. That's it, after that it will no longer be available. That's why, maybe someone used this method and denied access to it. This is usually done by viruses, and completely unnoticed by you and your antivirus software.

In order to check whether your classmates’ website is included there, open the “Run” command in Start (or the key combination win+r) - enter the following line there: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc and press enter.

The folder that contains this file will open. Now you need to open it with notepad (or open notepad and drag the file there or right-click on it and select “open with”, and then notepad).

Now just look to see if there is a classmates website there, if there is, delete the entire line with it, save the changes (File-save), close it and restart the computer.

Viruses interfere with classmates' work

That is, as usual, you go to your page, and there is a message saying that you are sending spam or something like that. Perhaps your account has been hacked and the requirement is to provide your phone number, plus some code or send an SMS.

Or you just see some error in front of you, for example, 404, 403 or any other - most likely you have been hacked or are trying to do so.


And that's why. If a virus gets onto your computer, then when you try to enter your classmates’ website, it displays a pre-planned message - about sending money or a code, about an error, or any other information prompting you to take some step that will give them access to either your page or your phone.

That’s it, as soon as you have done everything as indicated in the attackers’ message, they can calmly either take over your page, and then send spam from it or withdraw money from your phone.

This is what attackers sometimes do when they create such viruses. Under no circumstances should you be fooled by them, it’s better to contact a computer technician with this question, he will really help by simply removing this virus, and will also supply you with a good antivirus to protect you from such pranksters.

In this situation, you need to clean your computer from viruses, plus install a good antivirus and configure it; you can read how to do this in this article about high-quality free antiviruses.

You need to clear your browser cache

What does it mean? A cache is a place where all information is saved when working on the Internet. Initially, to clear the temporary cache, press the key combination Ctrl+f5 (this is very important). This way you will refresh the site page, or rather see all the changes that have occurred to it (if any).

That is, for example, the developers changed home page, and you still see the old version, then just press Ctrl+f5 and you will see all the changes, if any. Exactly the same on other sites.

But it happens that if loading classmates is unsuccessful, this information is stored in the browser settings and then simply displayed the next time, although at that time the site is already working quite well.

In this situation, it is worth clearing the cache to get rid of old unnecessary information.

Your Internet provider or network administrator does not allow access

This means that the company that provides you with Internet access has, for some reason, now closed access to it. It happens rarely, but it does happen. You can check this by asking your neighbors with the same provider as yours to also log in to Odnoklassniki.

If it doesn’t work for them either, then the reason is most likely in the provider. In this case, you can call their support team and ask for clarification.

It has also now become very popular among the heads of various organizations in the workplace to prohibit their employees from going to classmates. This is done so that employees work more and not have fun at work. In general, this ban and many others on visiting websites can be easily circumvented if you use the anonymous Tor browser.

The Odnoklassniki website itself does not work

This happens extremely rarely, now, probably, it doesn’t even happen. Although earlier, as soon as he appeared, this situation was quite real. In this case, you need to ask your friends and acquaintances to visit the site. If it doesn’t work for them either, then most likely the problem is that it really isn’t available. (Register with Odnoklassniki for free)

In this situation, there is nothing left to do but wait. In general, we looked at the main situations why classmates do not work. Most often, the problem lies in your computer; if you cannot solve it yourself, then perhaps you should contact a computer service.

Today we will look at one of the common phenomena, namely the case when a social network does not work http://odnoklassniki.ru. And it seems that everything is fine with friends and the site loads normally, but on our computer it doesn’t want to work and that’s it. But before everything was fine, but now Odnoklassniki won’t load.

What happened and where should we go?

There may be several reasons for this, and perhaps one of them is the solution to the problem in your case. Let's look at it in more detail, but first I would recommend that you try a different browser. If you use Google Chrome, then go to Odnoklassniki through a browser, it may work. No? Then read on.

What needs to be done to make Odnoklassniki work? Below I will list the tips that are most common when solving problems with a non-working website http://odnoklassniki.ru, when in fact everything is fine with the site.

1. Clear your browser cache.

This solution quite often helps when Odnoklassniki does not work. The fact is that you may have visited Odnoklassniki when you had interruptions in the Internet, the page did not load, and this information about the unloaded site remained in the browser cache. Then, when the Internet started working again, we began to go to the site, and the browser began to give us old information from the cache that he saved to himself. You need to clear the cache.

I have already written about clearing the cache in browsers earlier in other lessons: “” and “”. You can also go to Odnoklassniki and try pressing the Ctr+R combination on your keyboard - maybe this will also help.

2. The site is blocked in the host file.

There is a file on your computer called host that can be used to deny access to any website. This file is simply opened, the names of the sites are entered there and the file is saved. And that’s it, after restarting the computer, the sites listed there will not load in our browsers. So, perhaps someone who knows about this feature and who does not want people to access the Odnoklassniki website from this computer has written in the host file: odnoklassniki.ru. I rebooted the computer and that’s it, the site doesn’t load and it doesn’t seem clear what the reason is. Also, this may not be the work of some person, but the damage caused by the virus.

In order for Odnoklassniki to load again, you need to edit the host file. I have already described in detail in one of my lessons how you can block and vice versa unblock a site in this file: " ". Check out this tutorial and, if necessary, clean up the host file. Maybe, Odnoklassniki doesn't work precisely because they are blocked in the host file.

3. The computer is infected with a virus.

Perhaps a virus from the Internet entered your computer and blocked access to Odnoklassniki through the host file or in other ways. In general, I recommend scanning everything completely hard disks computer for viruses. The social network Odnoklassniki may not work due to viruses, and therefore on the topic I can recommend that you study the article: “”. And if you don’t have an antivirus installed at all, then urgently solve this problem, for example, fortunately, the website has a detailed lesson about this.

4. The provider has blocked access to Odnoklassniki.

This is also possible, I personally only had this happen with VKontakte. The social network did not load for me, but in fact, for my friends, for whom another VKontakte provider worked, and I also tried to log in from the phone - everything worked fine. And the fact is that I was sure that everything was fine with my computer, since literally everything worked fine for a couple of hours.

This is my personal opinion that the provider has closed access to the site, thereby reducing the load on its equipment. There is, of course, no confirmation of this. I believe that the provider decided to save a little money and closed access. I can imagine how many people are constantly breaking into social networks.

As a result, after a few hours, VKontakte finally started working.

5. Classmates don't work.

It’s also an option that Odnoklassniki is actually on this moment don't work and all you can do is wait. Nowadays you are unlikely to see this, but in the first years of its existence social network Classmates, they often did not work. This was due to the fact that the site’s audience was constantly growing, and the servers could not cope with incoming requests and Odnoklassniki did not work for some time, or did not load well, very slowly, but all this was temporary while the developers solved the problem. For the same reasons, there were problems with the social network VKontakte.

Here I have given you four reasons why you may have Odnoklassniki doesn't work. I hope this helps you and you solve your problem.

Quite often, users of a popular social network encounter problems associated with poor performance of the resource or a complete lack of access to it. The problem when classmates do not work today is solved quite quickly. The main thing is to understand for what reasons such a failure can occur, and how quickly and effectively it can be eliminated.

There are many reasons why the resource does not load. Among the most common reasons why the problem occurred are the following:

  1. Basic lack of internet.
  2. Preventative work on the site.
  3. The appearance of viruses on PCs.

Each of the reasons is characterized by its own individual characteristics. If you know them, you will be able to understand the reasons why the question arises as to why I can’t get to personal page. While work is being carried out on the resource, nothing can be done, but it is quite possible to fight viruses.

What is happening with the Odnoklassniki website now?

If certain difficulties arise with logging in, if classmates do not open
that with classmates, the user will always be able to contact the support service with a corresponding request. Quite often, visitors to the social network receive a response that certain work is being carried out on the site.

If maintenance work is carried out on the resource, which happens quite rarely, the user may experience certain problems visiting the site. In this case, you just have to wait for them to finish, that is, nothing depends on the user.

As soon as the administrative service employees receive the message “I can’t log in” and fix all the problems, the resource will work again.

Why doesn't the Odnoklassniki website open?

Quite often, website pages do not open due to the usual lack of access to the Internet. Despite the certain prevalence of the problem and the simplicity of its solution, not everyone takes it into account. If there are any breakdowns on the line, if the user simply forgot to pay the next fee, there is no need to try to open the OK website. It makes no sense to ask why classmates are not loading today. Until the connection appears, you will not be able to visit the resource.

It is not difficult to identify such a problem. When deciding what to do, you just need to look at the very bottom or top of the main screen, depending on the operating system you are using, and see if the icon confirming the presence of a connected Internet is active.

Why is Odnoklassniki not working today 2020?

An equally common reason for lack of access to the OK resource is viruses, which quite often penetrate the PC system for a variety of reasons. Experts currently identify two categories of viruses that can cause a website with OK to not load in the regular and mobile versions.

The first category of viruses was created solely for entertainment, that is, they are not able to bring any threat to users. This situation is not correct, but it will not bring more serious problems. As for the second category, they are created and released onto the network so that the user, when attempting to log into OK Now, will be redirected to the attackers’ website.

This fake resource is external characteristics practically no different from the original. If you enter on such a site personal information, the data will automatically go to scammers with the ensuing consequences. To avoid such fraud, it is worth taking into account the following important distinguishing factors:

  1. The search bar contains an incorrect address, so you must check the parameters of the social network resource. There is one common rule here - using the short official address ok.ru. This is an ideal opportunity to completely protect yourself from scammers.
  2. If during the process of logging into your personal page the input form does not accept set password or login, here you can judge the following factors. The page has already been hacked and the attackers have changed the password.

If you have certain suspicions that a virus has formed on your PC, it is worthwhile to thoroughly clean the operating system. Then you should safely restore the code from the page. To ensure an optimal level of security, it is advisable to make the change from another PC. Such a solution will prevent many different unpleasant consequences.

What's wrong with Odnoklassniki today in 2020?

Very often, you can solve a problem with a website by checking the hosts file, which is located along the path “system drive: /Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts”. It is directly related to allowing access to modern social networks in 2020, OK, for example, and strictly the PC where the described operation is performed. If there is no permission to log in, the user will see the corresponding prohibition code in it.

To solve the access problem and understand why classmates are not working now, you will need to copy the file name to text editor, delete information from there, close with mandatory saving of changes. If this operation does not bring the desired result, you should use the second method.

Here you will need to download and install any modern antivirus on your PC. After downloading the programs to normal mode The function to scan your PC for viruses is launched and activated. Quality program for certain time will completely remove all viruses, including one that blocked a social network resource. After this, all the reasons that caused the failure are completely eliminated.

Summing up

Based on the above, it is clear that there may be quite a few reasons why there may be difficulties with entry. If you correctly recognize them and take appropriate measures for each case, problems associated with entry today will not arise.

Recently, people have increasingly begun to face the problem of poor performance, or even lack of access to the site odnoklassniki.ru. So why don’t classmates open and how to solve it possible reasons this problem? It is this question that we will answer in this article.

There are many reasons why the Odnoklassniki website may not work. Among them, the most common are:

  1. Prevention on the site
  2. Lack of Internet access for the user
  3. Viruses appeared on the user's computer

Prevention on the site

This problem occurs extremely rarely, but nevertheless occurs. Maintenance on the site means that some work is being carried out on the site, and unfortunately, nothing depends on you. All that remains is to wait until all the problems on the site are fixed and the site is up and running again.

The user is not connected to the Internet

Oddly enough, sometimes people forget that the Internet is required to access the site. Most often this happens on the first day of the month, when a person has forgotten to pay for the Internet and is trying to access the site. It is pointless to wonder why the Odnoklassniki website does not open here; until you have Internet access, you will not be able to access the site.


The easiest way to identify this problem is to simply look at the bottom of the screen for the Internet access status icon. If there is no network access, you will not be able to access the site.


This has become one of the most common problems on the Internet lately. In general, we can separate two types of viruses that cause Odnoklassniki to not load.

The first viruses were created just for fun, and did not pose any threat to the user. The situation is unpleasant, but nothing more. The second viruses, when you try to log into Odnoklassniki, redirect you to the attacker’s website, which looks exactly like the original. If you enter your data on such a site, it will go straight to the attacker. Recognizing such a site is usually quite simple; just pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Incorrect site address. Check that the entered address is correct, or better yet, use the short address ok.ru. This way you will protect yourself and your page from intruders.
  2. You are strongly asked to enter your login and password several times, while you are sure that you entered everything correctly. There are two options: either your page has already been hacked and your password has been changed, or you are on an attacker’s website.


Follow the procedure for treating your computer from viruses described below and try logging in again. If it doesn't work, feel free to reset your password. If you encounter such a problem, try to access the Odnoklassniki website from another computer and change the password. This procedure will help avoid most of the unpleasant consequences.

The page in Odnoklassniki does not open, what should I do?

If you encounter a problem where it is impossible to log in to your classmates with specific computer, and at the same time it is possible from other computers or phones, then you have encountered a virus. There are two ways to solve this problem

Method 1

Check your hosts file, located along the path “system drive:/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts”.

This file is responsible for allowing access to certain sites from of this computer. Most often, it is in it that the ban on access to the Odnoklassniki website is spelled out. All you have to do is open this file with regular notepad and delete all its contents, then close it and save the changes.

Restart your computer and check the file. If it is clean, then everything worked out. If not, then move on to the second method.

Method 2

Download and install any antivirus that can scan and repair system files. An example of such an antivirus would be Dr.Web Cure It. Launch it and wait while it checks your computer. It will remove all viruses, including the one blocking the Odnoklassniki website, after which you will no longer have the question of why Odnoklassniki won’t load.

Based on all of the above, the most in a simple way To protect yourself from this problem is to have it on your computer good antivirus. Do not underestimate the benefits of these programs, especially if you are an active Internet user.

The Odnoklassniki website does not load, the login and password are incorrect, what to do in this situation? Let's see why you can't log in to your page. There is always a specific problem and its solution, but if you simply say “I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page,” this does not mean anything specific.

Why I can’t log into Odnoklassniki - reasons and solutions

  1. You are entering the password incorrectly.
  2. Forgot your password for the page.
  3. There is a virus on the computer or the consequences of its presence - how to cure it, see below.
  4. The page is blocked - if such a message is displayed, read here: ""
  5. Other problems related to the browser (internet browsing program) or to the computer or tablet.

Now let's try to understand what of this applies to your case. For starters, don't panic. Perhaps the reason is simple: turned on Caps Lock. In this case, all letters are entered in capital letters, but large and small letters for a password are completely different. Find Caps key Lock on the keyboard on the left and try to press it - the Caps Lock indicator goes out (if it was on). Now the letters will be entered in small letters. Try typing your password again.

The next case is when you forgot your password. Let’s look again at the Odnoklassniki website and look for the link “Forgot your password or login?” - it was made just for you.

Click and follow the instructions. What, exactly, will the instructions be? They will ask for login and address Email or phone number. You should remember one of these, because you are already registered on Odnoklassniki. Step-by-step instruction.

In addition, there you will need to enter the characters from the picture (this is done to protect against intruders). Pay attention to this: if there are English letters, then you need to enter English ones. It may turn out that the characters are difficult to make out - then click on the “Show another picture” link or simply refresh the page (usually this is done with the F5 key).

Next, if you specified a phone number during registration, the site will inform you that you will now be sent a code to reset your password. Click on the “Continue” button and wait for the SMS (you may have to wait a few minutes, they warn about this). And when you enter this code on the site, you can set New Password instead of forgotten.

Why Odnoklassniki doesn't work

It means that malware changed the settings on your computer, and now instead of Odnoklassniki you are redirected to the attackers’ website. Such sites usually do not live long, and now the result is a 404 error, page not found. What to do in this case? Most likely, the problem lies in the hosts service file - you need to check its contents and remove extraneous entries from there. This is discussed below.

And keep in mind that the malware (virus) may still be present on the computer. Therefore, you need to check if your antivirus program is working and run full check computer.

How to clear the hosts file on your computer

If you can’t log into Odnoklassniki and some left page opens with SMS activation or it says that the site was not found, here is the recipe. Perhaps some malicious program has changed the hosts file, and it is very important for proper operation. Check to see if there is anything extra in it.

If you have Windows 8, Windows 7 or Vista, first run Notepad with administrator rights. To do this, find it in the “Start → All Programs” menu, then right-click and select “Run as administrator.” If you have Windows XP, just launch Notepad.

How to clear cache and cookies in your browser

Go to your browser settings and clear the cache and cookies (this may also be called “Delete temporary files”. This should be done just in case. It is quite possible that they are interfering and you cannot log in normally.

How to clear cache? IN different browsers this is done a little differently, but the essence is the same. You need to go to a certain place in the menu and there click the button that deletes temporary files.

  • Internet Explorer: Tools - Internet Options - General - Browsing history - Delete - Temporary Internet files - Delete files.
  • Firefox: Tools (or click the Firefox button) - Settings - Advanced - Network - Cache - Clear now.
  • Opera: press Ctrl+F12, then go to Advanced (Advanced) - History - Disk cache - Clear now.
  • Google Chrome: Tools (Ctrl+Shift+Del) - Clear browsing data - Select cache - Clear browsing data.

Try a different browser

A browser is the program that you use to view pages on the Internet. If you have another browser on your computer, try logging into Odnoklassniki through it. If you don't have another browser, download it and install it - it's easy. We recommend trying or Opera.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki because of a virus

What antivirus do you have? Does it work? Is it being updated? Everything is fine? Then, just in case, run a full scan of your computer. If operating system Windows then work without antivirus program it is forbidden. More precisely, it is possible, but not for long - problems may soon appear.

When the wrong date is set on the computer, this can also interfere with logging into Odnoklassniki. The browser reports a "security problem" (or - that it cannot verify the certificate). Check what date is set - maybe it’s not 2018 at all? For example, move your mouse to where the time is shown and double-click. If the date and time are actually incorrect, correct them, click OK and try logging into the site again. Try again! Now you can go to the main page