What is content and what it is eaten with. Trends, rules, cases. What is content in simple words What is meant by the term content

Laboratory report No. 7

“Licensed and free software products. Organization of software updates using the Internet "

Student of the group Pibz-1331

Yakunina V.A.

Teacher: Tuischev A.I.

Togliatti, 2016

Target: study licensed and free software products; learn how to organize software updates using the Internet.

Theoretical information for laboratory work

Classification of programs according to their legal status

According to their legal status, programs can be divided into three large groups: licensed, shareware, and free distribution.

1. Licensed programs. In accordance with the license agreement, the developers of the program guarantee its normal functioning in a certain operating system and are responsible for this.

Licensed programs are usually sold by developers in boxed distributions.

The box contains CD-disks from which the program is installed on users' computers, and a user's manual for working with the program.

Quite often, developers provide significant discounts when purchasing licenses to use the program on a large number of computers or educational institutions.

2. Shareware programs. Some software firms offer shareware to users for advertising and marketing purposes. The user is provided with a version of the program with a certain period of validity (after the expiration of the specified period of validity, the program stops working if no payment has been made for it) or a version of the program with limited functionality (in case of payment, the user is informed of a code that includes all the functions of the program).

3. Free software. Many manufacturers of software and computer equipment are interested in wide distribution of software free of charge. These software tools include:

Þ New unfinished (beta) versions of software products (this allows them to be widely tested).

Þ Software products that are part of fundamentally new technologies (this allows you to conquer the market).

Þ Add-ons to previously released programs that fix found bugs or expand capabilities.

Þ Drivers for new or improved drivers for existing devices.

But whichever software you choose, there are general requirements for all groups of software :

ü Licensed purity (the use of software is permissible only within the framework of the license agreement).

ü Possibility of consultation and other forms of support.

ü Compliance with the characteristics, configuration, class and type of computers, as well as the architecture of the computer technology used.

ü Reliability and performance in any of the provided operating modes, at least in the Russian-speaking environment.

ü Availability of an interface that supports work using the Russian language. English language interface is acceptable for system and tooling software.

ü Availability of documentation required for practical application and development of software in Russian.

ü Ability to use fonts that support Cyrillic.

ü Availability of a specification stipulating all the requirements for hardware and software necessary for the functioning of this software.

Advantages of licensed and disadvantages of unlicensed software

Licensed software has several benefits.

Technical support of the software manufacturer.

When using the purchased licensed software, users may have various questions. Owners of licensed programs have the right to use the technical support of the software manufacturer, which in most cases allows you to resolve the problems that have arisen.

Updating programs.

Software manufacturers regularly release update packages for licensed programs (patch, service-pack). Their timely installation is one of the main means of protecting a personal computer (this is especially true for antivirus programs). Legal users receive all released updates promptly and free of charge.

Legality and prestige.

By purchasing unlicensed software, you are breaking the law, as you acquire "stolen" software. You put yourself and your business at risk of legal sanctions from copyright holders. Organizations using illegal software have problems during the checks of the licensed purity of the software, which are periodically carried out by law enforcement agencies. For copyright infringement, in a number of cases, not only administrative, but also criminal liability is provided. Violation of copyright laws can negatively affect the company's reputation. Unlicensed copies of software can cause incompatibility between programs that normally interact well with each other.

Keeping pace with technical progress

Software management can help you identify your company's software needs, avoid legacy software, and help you make the right choice of technology that will enable your company to meet its goals and compete.

Professional pre-sales consultations

Users feel the advantages of purchasing licensed software already when purchasing it. The sale of licensed products is carried out by employees of companies - authorized partners of the world's leading software manufacturers, qualified specialists. The buyer can count on professional advice on choosing the optimal solution for the tasks facing him.

Increased functionality

If you have any wishes for the functionality of the product, you have the opportunity to pass them on to the developers; your wishes will be taken into account when releasing new versions of the product.

By purchasing unlicensed software, you run a very high risk.

Administrative liability for copyright infringement

According to Article 7.12 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation 1, import, sale, rental or other illegal use of copies of works or phonograms in order to generate income in cases where copies of works or phonograms are counterfeit: entails the imposition of an administrative fine: for legal entities - from 300 to 400 Minimum wage with confiscation of counterfeit copies, works and phonograms, as well as materials and equipment used for their reproduction, and other instruments of committing an administrative offense.

Criminal liability for copyright infringement

According to article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (part 2), illegal use of objects of copyright or related rights, as well as the acquisition, storage, transportation of counterfeit copies of works or phonograms for sale, committed on a large scale, are punished with a fine in the amount of 200 to 400 minimum wages or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to four months, or compulsory labor for a term of 180 to 240 hours, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

When using unlicensed, that is, the version changed by the pirates of the software product, a number of problems may arise.

Ø Incorrect work of the program. A cracked program is a modified program that has not passed the testing cycle after the changes.

Ø Unstable work of the computer as a whole.

Ø Problems with connecting peripherals (incomplete set of device drivers).

Ø Lack of help file, documentation, manual.

Ø Inability to install updates.

Ø Lack of technical support for the product from the developer.

Ø Risk of infection with computer viruses (from partial loss of data to complete loss of the contents of the hard disk) or other malicious programs.

Task number 1. Find on the Internet the law of the Russian Federation "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" and highlight the definitions of the concepts:

1.information information (messages, data), regardless of the form of their presentation
2.information technology processes, methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information and ways of implementing such processes and methods
3.information and telecommunications network technological system designed to transmit information over communication lines, access to which is carried out using computer technology
4.access to information the ability to obtain information and use it
5.confidentiality of information mandatory for a person who has access to certain information, the requirement not to transfer such information to third parties without the consent of its owner
6.Email message information transmitted or received by a user of an information and telecommunication network
7.documented information information recorded on a tangible medium by documenting information with requisites that make it possible to determine such information or, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, its tangible medium

Assignment 2... After examining the source "User Agreement" Yandex, answer the following questions:

Question Answer
1. At what address is the Yandex user agreement page located? https://yandex.ru/legal/rules/
2. In what cases does Yandex have the right to refuse a user to use its services? If the User provides incorrect information or Yandex has reason to believe that the information provided by the User is incomplete or inaccurate, Yandex has the right, at its discretion, to block or delete the User's account and refuse the User to use its services (or their individual functions).
3. How does Yandex monitor user transactions? - Service "Yandex.Bar" (monitors traffic to pages and sites); - Service "Yandex.Metrica" ​​(captures and transmits data about how, what and when was done on a particular site); - "Yandex.Mail" (has access to the user's personal information); - Punto Switcher (controls keystrokes of the keyboard - monitors user operations); - Service "Yandex.Webvisor"
4. What is meant by the term "content" in the PS? text, graphics, multimedia (video, audio) - everything from which information can be obtained in the future.
5. What does the PS say about the prohibition of the publication of materials related to: ü violation of copyright and discrimination against people; Do not use content that is illegal, harmful, ..., violates copyright, promotes hatred and / or discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds;
ü sending spam; Do not use downloads, sending, transferring or any other method of posting advertising information not permitted in a special way, spam (including search), lists of other people's email addresses, pyramid schemes, multilevel (network) marketing (MLM), Internet systems - earnings and e-mail-businesses, "letters of happiness"
ü treatment of animals; Do not post information containing materials that promote ethnic hatred, incite violence against any person or group of persons, or inhuman treatment of animals, calling for the commission of illegal activities ...
ü posting and promoting pornography It is prohibited to post and promote pornography and child erotica, as well as advertise intimate services ...
6. What is the maximum size of files and archives posted by users when using the free hosting service? 2 GB
7. Your mailbox on Yandex Mail will be deleted if you have not used it for more The mailbox on the Yandex.Mail service will be deleted if the User has not used it for more than 24 months

Assignment 3... After examining the presentation "Computer Software" (located on a network drive), fill in the table:

Concept The meaning of the concept
1. Software (software) is a set of commands that control the operation of the computer.
2. Utility programs are designed to meet the needs of their developers
3. Software products (PP) are intended for meet user needs, wide distribution and sale
4. Classes of software products: operating systems, application programs and programs for microcontrollers embedded in various devices
5. The system software includes operating systems, network software, command-file processors (shells), programming languages, service programs (including test and diagnostic programs, system drivers of peripheral devices, utilities), archivers and antivirus programs
6. The operating system is designed for managing computer resources and organizing user interaction
7. OS functions: - Execution of program requests (data input and output, starting and stopping other programs, allocating and freeing additional memory, etc.). Loading programs into RAM and their execution. - Standardized access to peripheral devices (I / O devices). - Management of random access memory (distribution between processes, organization of virtual memory). - Controlling access to data on non-volatile media (such as hard disk, optical disks, etc.), organized in a particular file system. - Providing a user interface. - Saving information about system errors.
8. Application packages (PPP) are a complex of interrelated programs for solving problems of a certain class of a specific subject area
9. Application software packages include: - editors: text (Word, WordPad) and graphic (CorelDraw, PhotoShop); - spreadsheets (Excel, Lotus 1-2-3); - database management systems (Access, Oracle); - presentation preparation tools (PowerPoint); - integrated RFP; - design automation systems (AutoCad); - shells of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems, etc.

Assignment 4... After examining the software of the computer you are working on, fill out the list:

List of Microsoft Office programs

Task number 5. Answer the questions:

1. What is computer software? The whole set of programs stored on all devices of the computer's long-term memory
2. What programs are shareware? Programs that are paid for long-term use, but have a free trial period (for example, 30 days), during which you can try all the functions of the program and decide if you want to purchase it.
3. What software is considered free software? - New unfinished (beta) versions of software products (this allows them to be extensively tested). - Software products that are part of fundamentally new technologies (this allows you to conquer the market). - Additions to previously released programs, fixing found bugs or expanding capabilities. - Drivers for new or improved drivers for existing devices.
4. What are the advantages of licensed software? Technical support of the software manufacturer. When using the purchased licensed software, users may have various questions. Owners of licensed programs have the right to use the technical support of the software manufacturer, which in most cases allows you to resolve the problems that have arisen. Updating programs. Software manufacturers regularly release update packages for licensed programs (patch, service-pack). Their timely installation is one of the main means of protecting a personal computer (this is especially true for antivirus programs). Legal users receive all released updates promptly and free of charge. Legality and prestige. By purchasing unlicensed software, you are breaking the law, as you acquire "stolen" software. You put yourself and your business at risk of legal sanctions from copyright holders. Organizations using illegal software have problems during the checks of the licensed purity of the software, which are periodically carried out by law enforcement agencies. For copyright infringement, in a number of cases, not only administrative, but also criminal liability is provided. Violation of copyright laws can negatively affect the company's reputation. Unlicensed copies of software can cause incompatibility between programs that normally interact well with each other. Keeping pace with technological advances Software Management can help you identify your company's software needs, avoid legacy software, and help you make the right choice of technology that will enable your company to achieve its goals and compete. Professional pre-sales consultations Users feel the advantages of purchasing licensed software already when purchasing it. The sale of licensed products is carried out by employees of companies - authorized partners of the world's leading software manufacturers, qualified specialists. The buyer can count on professional advice on choosing the optimal solution for the tasks facing him. Increasing functionality If you have any wishes for the functionality of the product, you have the opportunity to pass them on to the developers; your wishes will be taken into account when releasing new versions of the product.
5. What problems can arise when using an unlicensed software product? · Incorrect work of the program. A cracked program is a modified program that has not passed the testing cycle after the changes. · Unstable work of the computer as a whole. · Problems with connecting peripherals (incomplete set of device drivers). · Lack of help file, documentation, manual. · Failure to install updates. · Lack of technical support for the product from the developer. · Risk of infection with computer viruses (from partial loss of data to complete loss of the contents of the hard disk) or other malicious programs.

Task number 6. Make a conclusion about the laboratory work done:

Today we can observe at what frantic speed the development of the Internet is going. Every second on the vastness of the world wide web there is new information, various articles, videos, music albums, films, advertising ... And all this is called "Content".

The meaning of the term.

The word "content" has recently become one of the most widespread and used Internet terms. But not every user of the world wide web can clearly explain the meaning of this seemingly simple word.

The term "content" (content) came to us from the English language. It literally translates as "content" or "content", which does not completely let us understand the true meaning of this word (rarely, under any circumstances, one can come across the phrase "book content", although books have their own unique content). In most cases, this word refers specifically to the Internet, and in this context, it will mean the content of the site. Simply put, content is the content of a web page or materials posted on a site (the article you are currently reading is also content).

Content types

There are many classifications of types of content, some of them will be discussed below.

Internet Is an almost endless source of information. In the modern world, website content not only helps to sell products, but is itself a popular product. Any content, first of all, should provide the user with comprehensive information and satisfy requests. In addition, content is a versatile tool to help promote blogs or sites, so it is essential that the content of the web page is original.

Based on this, we can say that any content is inherently unique and non-unique.

    • Unique content - the content of the site, which has no analogues, the original author's material. This is a useful type of content with a high semantic load. For example, the author is well versed in any topic and talks about his own observations or experiences related to this topic. Such content will be unique because it will not have copies in search engines.
    • H unique content T - This is material found on a large number of resources, often in an unmodified form. Simply put, stolen content is not unique. A synonym for non-unique content is the word "copy-paste" (from the English. Copy and paste - copy and paste). By the way, on many sites the same material is often duplicated practically unchanged, which makes it difficult for the user to find the necessary information. Search engines regularly "punish" sites that are devoid of unique content and engage in theft.

Content types by form:

  • Text content. The simplest and most common form. It is a simple text that can be an article, a review, a thematic and advertising description, an overview of goods and services.
  • Video content. One of the most popular types of website content lately, as evidenced by the number of views on Y. It is a video clip or presentation that can be supplemented with text content.
  • Audio content... As the name implies, it is a sound file. This can be a recording of an interview, a musical composition, an audio advertisement, etc.
  • Graphic content- this is any image, from the simplest drawings and photos to complex graphs and drawings. This type of content makes the text easier to read, makes the site more visual and interesting for the user.

Content by accessibility:

  1. Paid... This is information that can be obtained for a set amount of money. Such content can be, for example, periodicals, films, computer games or some personal information.
  2. Free... Content that is publicly available or outstanding for a subscription. On the modern Internet, most of the content is free.

In addition, there are many other, less visual, content classifications, including content that differs in age and gender of the target audience, content topic, and so on.

Content value

Content is of the utmost importance for website promotion. It is the content of the web page, its uniqueness that allows the site to be raised in search engines and, accordingly, to reach the user faster. In addition, high-quality content is an excellent trading and advertising platform for companies selling any goods or services.

Any site owner should remember that it is the content that will be the face of his company, and the number of page visitors depends, first of all, on its content.

Practical work No. 2

Work theme: Licensed and free software products. Organization and updating of software using the Internet.

Purpose of work: study licensed and free software products; learn how to update software using the Internet.

Equipment, instruments, apparatus, materials: personal computer with Internet access.


Exercise 1... Find on the Internet the law of the Russian Federation "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" and highlight the definitions of the concepts:

information- information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation.

information Technology- processes, methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information and ways of implementing such processes and methods.

information and telecommunications network- a technological system designed to transmit information over communication lines, access to which is carried out using computer technology.

access to the information- the ability to obtain information and use it.

confidentiality of information- a mandatory requirement for a person who has access to certain information not to transfer such information to third parties without the consent of its owner.

electronic message- information transmitted or received by the user of the information and telecommunication network.

documented information- recorded on a tangible medium, by means of documentation, information with details that make it possible to determine such information or, in the established legislation of the Russian Federation. cases, its material carrier.

Task 2. After examining the source "User Agreement" Yandex, answer the following questions:

1. At what address is the Yandex user agreement page located? http://company.yandex.ru/legal/rules/

2. In what cases does Yandex have the right to refuse a user to use its services? Yandex has the right to refuse the user if the rules or terms of use are not accepted or if they are violated.

3. How does Yandex monitor user transactions? With the help of programs: Yandex webmaster, Yandex Bar, Yandex Metrica, Yandex mail, Punto Switcher, Web Visor.

4. What is meant by the term "content" in the PS? Site content: text information, graphics, multimedia files, etc.

5. What does the PS say about the prohibition of the publication of materials related to:

- copyright infringement and discrimination against people? The user, when posting materials, must indicate the source of information, and who is the author. It also does not have the right to post content that discriminates against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious and social grounds.

- treatment of animals? The user does not have the right to disseminate information that demonstrates violence and cruelty to animals.

6. What is the maximum size of files and archives posted by users when using the free hosting service? This is determined by the owners of a particular hosting, based on the amount of external memory of their servers.

7. Your mailbox on Yandex Mail will be deleted if you have not used it for more ... 6 months

Task 3. Having studied the organization of software updates over the Internet. Set up automatic software updates weekly at 12:00. Describe how to install automatic software updates. To automatically update programs, you need to log in with the “Administrator” account.

1.Click the "Start" button, select the "Control Panel" command and double-click the "Automatic Updates" icon.

3.Under the “Automatically” option to download and install the recommended updates on your computer, select the day and time when the Windows operating system should install the updates.

Control questions:

What programs are called licensed?

Licensed Programs - computer programs are subject to copyright and, as such, are protected by applicable law. Their use is possible only by agreement with the copyright holder.

Today, people who are in one way or another connected with working on the net or long-term surfing in the same place have surely heard the word “content”. What kind of animal is this, where is it found and what are its features? And in general, what is meant by the term content in ps?

Let's start with a definition. In search engines (ps), this designation hides all those objects that you find thanks to your queries: pictures, articles, videos, etc. Speaking globally, any content is the content of the site. All information located on its pages. All texts, multimedia, graphics and more. If the design is the wrapper of the site, then the content is its filling. And with the brightest packaging, a tasteless candy will not make the user stay on the pages of such a resource. What does content mean for life and website promotion? Almost everything.

Content ... How much is intertwined in this word for the developer

Let's figure out what this content of the site is like, how its quality is determined and what are the conditions for creating truly excellent content. Let's start with the varieties of our "filling". On sites, text content is mainly found, which plays a very significant role in the promotion of the resource. It is important that such content is literate, readable and unique. This seriously affects the reputation of the site. Agree, few people want to stay on a page that is not only full of errors, but also with information that has appeared on hundreds of sites. Text content, in turn, is like this:

  • Copy-paste - articles completely copied from other resources. Naturally, they are not unique.
  • Scan - laid out scanned pages of a book or publication.
  • Synonymize. This term is understood as texts passed through a synonymizer program, which changes words to their synonyms. The uniqueness in this case, no doubt, turns out to be high. But the resulting text is far from always readable and easy for human perception.
  • Translation. As the name implies, these are texts translated from another language. There is a machine translation (with the help of specialized programs), there is an ordinary translation (performed by a person). Of course, if we talk about quality, the first method is significantly inferior to the second.
  • Rewriting. This is the very retelling of the text in your own words. In other words, a certain article on the Internet is taken and rewritten so that the output is a unique text, although its structure, as well as its meaning, remains the same.
  • Copywriting. This is perhaps one of the best types of content to use to populate your site. Such texts do not have complete analogues in search engines and have a very high level of uniqueness. These are copyright articles with their own style of presentation. Distinguish and seo-copywriting, the essence of which is writing texts specifically for promotion in ps. It is characterized by the use of key phrases and special constructions.
  • Posting. Usually these are short texts of several sentences. They are most often found as reviews under an article or product, like posts on forums.

Rules and subtleties of creating good text

What are the necessary rules for writing content? Imagine a text that you would love to read. And perhaps even from start to finish. What should it be? What in it will attract the eye and attention, and what will immediately repel and force you to close the tab? Let's figure it out now.

  • Small paragraphs. Agree, reading an indivisible piece of text or huge blocks is rather tedious. Much easier to read if the article is divided into paragraphs. This makes it more likely that a person will read the text to the end.
  • The text should have a purpose. He must convey information, convince the reader of something and induce action, persuade in the process of reading to the side of the author. Even if the article is just informational, it should interest and attract attention.
  • Offers. It is worth abandoning too long structures. Perhaps they look good in literary opuses. But on the Internet, a person is interested in the rapid consumption of information. Long, overloaded phrases don't do this. What was forgivable to Leo Tolstoy is not permissible for the author of the selling text.
  • The article should be logically complete. This is not a sequel romance, so understatement and ambiguity should be avoided.
  • The text should be structured. Like any other work, it should have an introductory part, a main part, a conclusion. Subheadings are appropriate for large articles. Bulleted lists will also make it easier to perceive and absorb what is on the page.
  • Simple and understandable language. If the text is not written for a specialized site, then professional jargon will only annoy the reader. You should also forget about bureaucracy and not be zealous with stamps. Otherwise, reading will become frankly boring, and no one needs such an effect.
  • If certain phrases or words need to be underlined, you can highlight them in boldface type. But the measure is also good here.
  • Literacy. Which phrase is more pleasant to read: "Hello, how is Tibya Dila?" or "Hi, how are you?" Naturally, the second. And this applies not only to personal correspondence, but also to content. Text replete with errors will damage the reputation of the site. Any advice or purchase offer, expressed illiterately, will not inspire confidence in users. There are many literacy testing services on the web today. For example, https://tech.yandex.ru/speller/, http://orfogrammka.ru/.
  • Uniqueness. We have already spoken above about the importance of this point. Unique interesting text will allow you to bring your site to the top of search engines. How is this verified? Here specialized services and programs come to the rescue again. Among the most popular are advego plagiatus, text.ru, content-watch.ru.

Every hunter wants to know where to find great content

We have already learned about what this content is like. We got acquainted with the rules for creating high-quality texts. The most important question remains: where to get the content for the site? There are several options here. You can write texts yourself. You can order them from a specialized company or buy them on copywriting exchanges. Can be ordered directly from a specific author-copywriter. Each method has its own pros and cons.

As for the trends in the coming 2016, it is expected that user requirements for content will grow steadily. The more choice, the more discerning the consumer. Today's users want interesting, readable text, infused with images, infographics, and videos. Advertising content that is too explicit becomes less attention-grabbing. The informational content of the article and its benefit to the reader are in favor. Brands should pay more attention to their own content and take care of improving its quality.

The number of mobile users is growing. This means that the owners of Internet sites need to consider the convenience of the resource for them as well. This will seriously affect traffic and rankings.

Increasingly, users are turning to voice search. This should also be borne in mind when filling the site with content. It is desirable that the text be optimized for a whole range of keywords on the topic, and not for one key. Understanding what the user wants in general, it will be easier for him to provide it.

So we found out what is meant by the term content in ps, how to correctly create interesting and useful content for the site and where to look for it.