How long does it take to process? What does order processing time for aliexpress mean? What happens after the order processing period ends?

What is order processing on Aliexpress and what to do if this time runs out? The answers to these and some other questions are in this article!

What is order processing on Aliexpress, and what you should know about it

Processing an order for Aliexpress by the seller is the next stage after completing the purchase, paying for it and verifying the payment by the system.

You can find out the approximate order processing time by paying attention to the following line when purchasing: “Dispatching within ... days.”

As is obvious from the description, during this time the seller processes your order and ships it, after which it sends you a track number and changes the purchase status to “Shipped.” With a change in status, the counter restarts and tracking of the parcel begins.

That is, if at first the counter showed 7 days (indicated in the example above Aliexpress order processing time), then with a change in status, the countdown of the delivery time will begin and, accordingly, 35, 45 or more days.

This is, in short, what it means to process an order on Aliexpress. Now let's move on to the most common questions that beginners may have at this stage.

Where can I see when the processing of an order on Aliexpress ends?

So, you ordered the product, paid for it, the payment is verified by the system and your order is transferred to the seller for processing. You can view the remaining order processing time.

When you go to the order page at the very top, you will also see a counter that shows how much is left until the order is processed.

What to do if the order processing time on Aliexpress expires?

In this situation, you have two options:

  1. Wait until the deadline expires and the order is closed. In this case, the system will return your money within 3-10 days. Usually the return happens faster; for me this procedure took a maximum of 2 days.
  2. Extend order processing time on one's own. In this case, you will give the seller additional time so that he can send you the order. In this case, it is advisable to notify the seller about this and ask when he is going to send you the order and whether he is going to send it at all.

I have already written about possible reasons, so I will not dwell on this in detail. Which option to choose is up to you to decide.

If you still decide to extend the order processing time on Aliexpress, then this is done very simply. It’s enough to find the one you need, and then click the “Extend processing time” button.

The same can be done on the order page itself.

As a result of clicking this button, a window will appear in which you need to indicate the desired number of days of extension.

So, I took the order with 4 days of processing remaining and increased this period by 1 day. As a result, it turned out that the minimum “step” of increase is 3 days - the counter eventually showed 7 days and 16 hours instead of the previously available 4 days and 16 hours.

In this case, the increase in the order processing time is carried out unilaterally - you do not need the seller’s consent to this, unlike after payment. Theoretically, the seller can also increase the processing time without your consent, but the last such case I observed was about a year ago, so maybe now he can’t :)

And yes, It is impossible to reduce the order processing time on Aliexpress. You can only write to the seller and ask him to hurry up with the shipment. This is another common question for beginners, but the answer here is so clear that there is no point in separating it into a separate subsection.

This is how it turned out to be an educational program on the topic of what order processing on Aliexpress is, and also what is generally worth knowing about it. If you still have any questions about this, ask them in the comments, I will try to help.

I’ll talk about whether it’s worth increasing the processing time at all some other time :)

And finally: if this post was useful to you, you can say “Thank you” to us by sharing it on any social network convenient for you or by joining

As a rule, you have to wait 2-4 weeks for a purchase from Aliexpress - this is quite a significant period. The situation gets even worse when the seller delays sending the goods. What to do in such a situation?

Formally, the seller is right: he sends the goods within the allotted time. If the deadlines are missed, you will automatically receive the money using the method you used to pay for the purchase, and the order itself will be cancelled. But sometimes the deadlines can be very long - many who order goods on Aliexpress do not pay attention to this, but in vain. If you find yourself in such a situation, you can get out of it in several ways:

  • Write to the seller with a request to expedite the shipment of the goods. Most sellers actively make contact and name the real reason for the delay.
  • If speeding up shipping is not possible, or you do not want to write to the seller, you can request. Important! Cancellation of a paid order is made only with the consent of the seller. But for us this is not important, because... options for developing the situation 2:
  • The seller will start fussing and send the order as soon as possible. Often in such situations, sellers resort to a small trick: they write that they have already sent the order, but forgot to enter the track number into the system. In fact, after your request, the order is quickly sent, after which this response is written, and the track code is entered into the database.
  • The seller will accept the cancellation. The situation is quite real, but not always. It all depends on the seller. In case of cancellation, the money will be returned to you within 5-15 days in the same way as the payment was made.

The main advice to avoid such situations is to look at the time of sending the order. You can pay attention to the products from the section

Aliexpress website developers are constantly working to improve the site, so the site interface is constantly changing. Unfortunately, in the opinion of buyers, not all changes are positive. Some moments are completely confusing.

For example, on the Aliexpress 2017 website you will not be able to find a very important parameter in the product card - order processing time (shipping time). Although he was present before. Naturally, at this time, many buyers paid attention when choosing a product. If the seller processes the order for more than one week, then this significantly affects how quickly the package will arrive to you. The wait for an order turns out to be much longer, with the same delivery guarantees. Since the delivery deadline is calculated not from the moment of payment for the order, but from the moment the goods are sent.



What should we do now? How to find out the speed of sending goods?

In the “Burning Items” section, the “Order Processing Time” parameter is indicated in the “Delivery and Payment” tab.

In all other cases, to find out when the goods will be shipped, you need to do the following:

1) Read reviews first. In them, buyers often report how quickly the seller sent them the goods. If there are few reviews about a product, then read all reviews about this seller. Reviews can give an approximate idea of ​​the speed of order dispatch.

2) Before paying for the order, write to the seller. Ask him if he has the product with the required parameters in stock and how quickly he will process your order. A decent seller will be happy to answer such questions. And if there is no answer, then it is better not to contact such a seller.

3) See how many points are in the detailed seller rating. If the delivery speed is less than 4 points, then most likely the seller does not send the order for a very long time. If buyers' assessment of delivery speed is high, then most likely the seller sends packages very quickly.

Some customers whose orders have not been shipped within 24 hours are beginning to wonder: Why does the seller on Aliexpress take a long time to send the goods?

There are several reasons why marketplace sellers may delay sending packages. They can be either justified or unfounded.

List of reasons for delay in sending goods from Aliexpress

  1. Weekends and holidays. Each seller on Aliexpress has weekends and holidays when orders are not processed and shipped. In addition, it is important to understand that dates and holidays (for example, Chinese New Year) in the seller's country of residence may differ significantly from the recipient's holidays.
  2. Serious workload due to the large number of orders. This reason is especially relevant during various sales (for example, World Shopping Day 11.11), when buyers place hundreds and even thousands of orders in the first hours.
  3. Temporary lack of goods and waiting for new deliveries from the warehouse. The product tends to run out, and in order not to confuse the buyer with long explanations about the temporary absence of the product, the seller may not send the order, waiting for the delivery of a new batch of goods from the warehouse. In this case, most sellers notify the buyer of a slight delay.
  4. Personal circumstances. The reason is relevant for sellers who have small stores on Aliexpress and process orders independently. Life issues and problems may cause shipping delays.
  5. Negligence and indifference. There are also those sellers who allow themselves to not send an order for a long time without any good reason. This reason is more applicable to those sellers who do not ship the goods within the specified order processing time. Note that such sellers often do not have a very high store rating (less than 90%), and also ignore customer requests in personal messages.

Unfortunately, most buyers miss one important detail while waiting for the goods to be shipped from Aliexpress. Order processing time– this is the period of time during which the seller undertakes to send the order to the buyer. When this period ends (and the seller has not sent the goods), the order is automatically canceled and the money paid is prepared to be returned to the buyer.

According to the rules of the trading platform, the seller has the right to send the goods at any time while the order processing period is valid. Despite this, practice shows that most sellers still try to ship the goods within 24 hours after the buyer places an order.

Let us remind you that the remaining time for sending the goods can be viewed in the details of a specific order. You can describe your questions in the comments to this publication.

On forums dedicated to the Aliexpress trading platform, you can often find questions about the fact that orders are processed very slowly by sellers. Customers do not always understand why this happens for so long, sometimes it even gets to the point where people abandon their purchases. As a result, we were faced with the task of explaining to Aliexpress customers what order processing is and how this process occurs.

Typical situation

“One week left for the holiday, and I still don’t have a dress!!!” Sound familiar? A typical case. We always put off buying an outfit until the last few days before an important event, we run around all the stores in the city, we can’t find what we need, we go online, and a miracle happens... Of course, the dress of your dreams is on Aliexpress. The outfit is great, the price is right, the size is there, we place an order, make a payment... the holiday has arrived, but there is nothing to wear. Oh, I didn’t notice when I added the product to the cart that the order processing time from this seller is ten to fifteen working (not calendar!) days. Question: why so long. Is it really difficult to just pack the item and bring it to the post office? Well, let's look at this question step by step.

Process in several stages

In order to determine whether an order from Aliexpress will arrive within the time frame you need or not, you need to clearly understand the structure of its processing. The time of this process consists of certain stages, they are also called statuses.

1 stage. First you choose a seller, then the product you place an order. Then everything goes into payment waiting mode. That is, after you clicked “Place Order”, you will see the status: “This invoice is awaiting your payment.” So, the status has changed. And below we see a timer that counts down the time in reverse order. This time indicator means how much time is left until the end of the opportunity to pay for the goods. You can pay for your order on Aliexpress in any way. If you do not pay for the item within the allotted time, it simply will not arrive. Well, of course, when you change your mind about making a purchase, just don’t pay for it.

2 stage. After you have made the payment, the order status should change. The following words appear in the status line: “Your payment is being verified.” The significance of this stage is that Aliexpress checks whether your payment has actually been processed. All I can say is that at this stage time is dragging on. Since all this is checked over 2 or 3 days (24 – 72 hours). Here you just need to wait for a new status update. Check your page periodically to see if there are any changes.

3 stage . Let's say the payment you made was successfully verified by the platform. The time comes before the seller sends the goods. When you go to Aliexpress, you will be able to see the updated status “The supplier is processing your order.” How long this stage will last depends on the seller or you. Firstly, this stage takes the most time. Secondly, the amount of time this stage takes is set by the Aliexpress seller. Naturally, it all depends on how quickly he can send things. If you noticed, it was written that it depends on you. Yes, you can always ask your seller to make a short delay in sending your order. Bottom line: the time it takes to reach the third status depends on the seller and you.

4 stage. Once the seller has sent the order directly to the buyer, you should expect a purchase. After sending, the status on the page changes. It says the following: “The seller has sent your order.” The timer at the bottom of the page begins to count down the time it takes for delivery. It is important to know that at this stage the Buyer Protection program comes into effect.


So, having this information, each client of the Aliexpress platform will be able to track the status of their order. The result will be that customers will stop asking why it’s taking so long.