The story of one application: mobile “1C: Managing our company. Mobile application “1C: Managing our company 1C unf synchronization with the mobile application

"1C: Managing a small company" for mobile work is an application designed to work on mobile devices running iOS and Android operating systems.

Application features

The application implements basic accounting capabilities for an enterprise with a small volume of documents and the ability to work with orders in conjunction with the boxed or cloud solution "1C: Small Firm Management 8".

The application allows you to:

  • store information about goods, their balances, sales and purchase prices
  • enter orders taking into account current balances and prices
  • perform basic warehouse and cash transactions
  • work in sharing mode with the boxed or cloud solution "1C: Small Firm Management"

Download the application

You can download the app (free) from the Google play app store.

Features of data exchange

The following data is transferred from the mobile application to the central database:

    • Nomenclature
    • Item prices
    • Counterparties
    • Customer orders
    • Receipts of goods
    • Shipments of goods
    • Payment receipts from buyers
    • Payment to suppliers.
The following data is transferred from the central database to the mobile client:
    • Nomenclature
    • Counterparties
    • Customer orders
    • Leftovers.
When transferring data from the central database to the mobile client, the following conditions and restrictions must be taken into account:
    • The mobile application only supports the use of items with types stock or service. Accordingly, only items with these types are transferred from the central database. Also, customer orders are not transmitted from the central database if they contain items with the type Job.
    • The mobile app does not support partial shipment or payment for customer orders. Accordingly, the signs paid or shipped when downloaded into the mobile application, they will be installed only for fully paid and shipped orders.
    • The mobile application does not support product characteristics and batches. Accordingly, these details will not be included in the order loaded into the mobile application.
    • If Buyer's order created in the central database, it cannot be edited in the mobile application, with the exception of the ability to set payment and shipment characteristics.
    • If payment or shipment of the order was made in the central database, then it is impossible to remove the signs of shipment and payment in the mobile application.
    • Warehouse documents and payments are transferred only from the mobile application to the central database. Accordingly, editing them in the central database does not affect documents in the mobile application.
Connecting a mobile client to a central database
The first time you synchronize data, the application will prompt you to connect to the central database.

When synchronizing for the first time, you will need to specify the following connection parameters:
  1. In field Application address you must specify the URL to connect to the central database, as if logging in through a browser.
  2. In field User Application specifies the user login in the central database under which the connection will be made. To successfully connect to the central database, it is necessary that the user login contains only letters and the “_” sign and does not contain symbols such as “@”.
  3. In field User password Specify the user password in the central database under which the connection will be made.
  4. In field Store documents for indicates the period for which documents will be stored in the mobile device.
  5. Field Device name contains a brief description of the device. This field can be left blank.
After entering the parameters, you must close the settings form, after which the data will be synchronized with the central database.
In the future, the settings form can be opened by clicking Settings In chapter Service.

Small Firm Management (SFM) is a ready-made solution for automating operational management in small businesses. Mobi-S is an add-on to your 1C database. Our company tries to cover as many standard 1C configurations as possible. At the end of summer 2016, at the numerous requests of our clients, we created an integration module for configuration Small company management. UNF is a relatively young but very dynamically developing organization. It looks like 1C is placing a big bet on it. Mobi-S currently supports this configuration.

Mobile application 1C management of a small company

Available on Google Play a mobile application released by 1C for working with the UNF configuration. The main goal of this article is to figure out whether Mobi-S is needed if you have a mobile client from 1C. Starting with version 1.6.10, 1C renamed the configuration and now it is called Managing our company.

Here is a brief description of the capabilities of the mobile application from the 1C website

The mobile application implements basic accounting capabilities for an enterprise with a small volume of document flow and the ability to work in multi-user mode in conjunction with the desktop or cloud solution 1C: Managing Our Company 8.

The application allows you to:

Store information about goods, their balances, sales and purchase prices;

Maintain a customer database and their contact information;

Place orders taking into account current balances and prices;

Carry out shipment and payment of orders;

Perform basic warehouse and cash transactions;

Mobi-S offers much more features and a clearer and simpler installation and exchange setup procedure.

Using Mobi-S you will receive.

  1. Ability to schedule agents' work using tasks. Monitoring and analysis of task completion.
  2. More opportunities for working with documents (sales plan and history, advanced search, product matrices, barcode scanner, etc.)
  3. Use of most standard UNF reports on the PDA.
  4. Control of sales agents using GPS. Working with agent track and report Where are agents now?
  5. Using messages.
  6. Merchandising.

You can see these possibilities visually in the Video section.

If you are in doubt about what to choose, the optimal solution would be to install both systems (Mobile application 1C UNF and Mobi-S). Based on the test results, choose the best one.

In relation to small and medium-sized businesses, one can include such an important characteristic as mobility. And this is not without reason, since these companies can respond very quickly to any changes. In addition, 1C has developed a special solution for such companies, “Managing a Small Firm,” providing it with a version for mobile devices (phones, tablets). In this review, I will talk about the capabilities of the standard solution Mobile application “1C: Managing a small company”.

Mobile version features

The first release appeared on September 18, 2015. At the time of writing this article, 9 releases have been released. This suggests that the functionality of the program is constantly expanding and improving.

Let's see what advantages the mobile version of UNF provides.

Maintaining a database of goods, services and clients. You can fill out and edit directories directly on your phone or tablet.

For each item from the nomenclature directory, you can specify:

  • Vendor code;
  • Barcode;
  • Selling price;
  • Purchase price (calculated automatically based on the entered purchase data);
  • Main supplier;
  • Current balance (the program calculates automatically);
  • Notes.

The Contractors Directory can be synchronized with contacts on the device. Those. when creating a new customer, the program will perform a search and insert the data into the counterparty card from the phone book. When editing the Contractors directory, the following fields are available:

  • Balance (who owes whom, is calculated automatically);
  • Telephone;
  • E-mail;
  • Address;
  • Notes.

Registration of customer orders on site. You can implement a scenario where a sales representative, being at a client’s place (at a retail outlet), registers the customer’s need and within a few seconds the “Customer Order” document appears in the central database. This allows you to very quickly begin processing the buyer’s Order, for example, start collecting goods for shipment or planning the provision of a service.

When registering in the Buyer Order application, you can immediately see the warehouse balances of goods and current retail prices. When selecting orders, you can filter them by criteria: in progress, completed, without payment, paid, unshipped and shipped.

Registration of purchases and sales

In the application you can register the purchase and sale of goods or services.

Making payments

Based on the Buyer's Order documents (it is possible without a reason), enter the document Receipt of money, thereby recording the fact of payment by the client for a specific order or advance payment for the upcoming supply of goods or provision of services.

Reporting system

The mobile application provides a set of reports:

  • Movement of money;
  • Debts;
  • Remaining goods;
  • Sales.

Of course, multi-user work is provided, i.e. You can work with the database simultaneously on several mobile devices and on several desktop computers.

Let's look at one more functionality of the Tax Calendar program. It is relevant only if you are an individual entrepreneur using a simplified or imputed tax system. Very simple settings are provided. You can tell the program what taxes you pay. It is also possible to enable reminder mode, in which case the mobile application will notify you about the deadlines for tax payments.

Where can I download

The mobile application “1C: Managing a Small Firm” is distributed free of charge. It can be downloaded from Google play or App Store.


To use the program you do not need to purchase any additional licenses. For example, if you have one license for UNF PROF for a desktop computer, then you can connect an unlimited number of mobile versions of the program to it.

How to set up synchronization with the database on your computer

I already mentioned earlier that in addition to the mobile version of the program, there is a version of UNF for a desktop computer, in which there are significantly more opportunities for record keeping. Therefore, it is possible to implement not a standalone operation of a mobile application, but, so to speak, in conjunction with the “big brother”.

The enlarged scheme for setting up data synchronization looks like this:

  • You need to install and configure the Apache web server on the computer with the central database;
  • Select the database user under whose name the data will be exchanged;
  • Then you need to launch the database in configurator mode and publish it on the web server;
  • At the final step, you need to indicate in the mobile version the Internet address where the central database of the UNF is published.

You can find detailed instructions for setting up data exchange in the documentation for 1C:UNF PROF or Basic.

As a result of the exchange, the following information is uploaded from the UNF mobile application to the central database:

  • Elements of the “Nomenclature” directory (including established retail prices);
  • Elements of the directory “Counterparties”;
  • Documents “Buyer’s order”, “Receipt of goods”, “Shipment of goods”, “Cash inflow” and “Cash outflow”.

The following data is transmitted in the opposite direction:

  • Elements of the directories “Nomenclature” and “Counterparties”;
  • Documents “Buyer’s Order”;
  • As well as data on prices and stock balances.

It is important to remember that the exchange of items and documents in which they are present occurs only for the “Stock” and “Service” types. You also need to take into account that in the mobile nomenclature application it is not possible to keep records by characteristics and batches.

Free to use in the cloud

The 1C company supports small and medium-sized businesses not with words, but with deeds. For beginning entrepreneurs, a completely free option is available for 3 users to work in the 1CFresh cloud service.

The point is this. You can deploy a 1C:UNF database for your account on the cloud service for free and connect three UNF mobile applications to it. This way you will get basic functionality for accounting at the start of your business.

There is one limitation. The functionality of the UNF program on the cloud service is limited by the capabilities of the mobile application. Those. Both in the cloud and on a mobile device in this operating scenario, the functionality of the programs will be the same.

If necessary, you can switch to a paid option for using UNF in the cloud, in which case all the features of the program will be available to you (i.e., you can remove the limitation described above).

This video demonstrates the operation of the mobile application + UNF combination in the cloud.

In the era of modern technology, the ability to manage a company from anywhere in the world is simply necessary. That is why the mobile application “1C: Managing Our Company” (UNF) is very popular; it has been downloaded more than 220 thousand times. In this article we will talk about how the application appeared, developed and what it is at the moment.

In the era of modern technology, the ability to manage a company from anywhere in the world is simply necessary. That is why the mobile application “1C: Managing Our Company” (UNF) is very popular; it has been downloaded more than 220 thousand times. In this article we will talk about how the application appeared, developed and what it is at the moment.

The mobile application was first offered to users in 2012; it was implemented on the 1C: Enterprise mobile platform. UNF successfully operates on the main operating systems: Android, iOS and Windows.

The developers of the mobile application were given the following task: to develop an application that is capable of supporting the basic capabilities of the client-server version of the UNF. The mobile application can work independently, or can be synchronized with the client-server version (in this case, the scenarios of employees of the mobile version must be supported).

The first mobile version of the UNF was developed in one month. Some metadata objects were created based on the client-server version of UNF. Some functions had to be developed from scratch. Many interface components were taken by developers from the 1C platform, for example, tabular and hierarchical lists, reporting tables, various types of charts, etc.

Mobile version and its features

Exists two approaches to developing a mobile application. According to the first, each application has its own function. For example, an application whose function is to scan barcodes is used when receiving or shipping goods. The second approach involves creating multifunctional applications. When creating the UNF, the developers relied precisely on the principles of the second approach. Therefore, the mobile application is capable of performing many functions, thereby providing the ability to manage a small company.

The mobile application actively uses the functions of a mobile phone.

  • The camera is used for reading QR codes and barcodes.
  • SMS and email service will help in sending messages or invoices to the client.
  • Sending letters or making calls to a counterparty is carried out in one click, provided that a phone number or email address is specified.
  • Using WiFi and Bluetooth, you can print documents.

The mobile application has a backup function, as well as the ability to restore the mobile UNF database to Yandex.Disk and sending the database by e-mail.

Here are some characteristics of the mobile application. The characteristics of the large version of the UNF are given in parentheses for comparison:

  • eight reference books (273);
  • seven documents (125);
  • three document journals (24);
  • three information registers (357);
  • four accumulation registers (64).

As you can see, there are few applied objects, but this does not in any way affect the functionality of the CNF. The simplicity and functionality of the application attracts novice users who often have not even worked with 1C. The mobile application is free (except for some specialized functions) and is available for download on Google Play and AppStore. This is another reason why the application is popular among users.

Work offline

Conducting business exclusively using a mobile application, without being tied to 1C, is possible and even convenient. True, this option is suitable for very small companies or individual entrepreneurs, for example, artisans who sell their products through social networks, or owners of small shops selling the same type of product. As mentioned above, with the help of mobile CNF you can solve basic problems: accounting for goods, processing orders, sending invoices and even printing documents via WiFi and Bluetooth.

First versions of UNF

Server synchronization mode

The first versions of the UNF mobile application made it possible to comfortably work with orders and their support, for example, managing directories of goods, services, and contractors. But early versions lacked accounting functionality. Synchronization with the client-server version of UNF was possible only in the function of directories and orders.

Data exchange function with large UNF

Let us tell you how data was exchanged with a large UNF. For example, orders were entered into the mobile version, then synchronized with the UNF, and then went to the mobile applications of those assigned to be responsible for a particular order. But documents, such as receipt at the cash register, sale of goods, were only uploaded to the UNF, but they were not exchanged when synchronizing mobile devices. That is, the first versions of the mobile UNF were focused on working with orders, but full accounting could only be carried out on a computer in the client-server version of the UNF.

Not very convenient, right? That is why the developers took these shortcomings into account in later versions, which made it possible to expand the list of functions and improve the quality of work with the mobile application.

A little about data synchronization

A web service deployed in the client-server version of UNF allows data exchange. This web server is called when necessary by the mobile version. And since the data structure is different in the UNF versions, the question arose of how the data would be exchanged. Two options were proposed.

The first involved creating a structure in a large UNF that would duplicate the structure of the mobile version, in which case the data exchange would be “one-to-one.” After changing the data in the client-server version, they are transferred to a duplicate structure, then the data is exchanged with the mobile version, and then the received information in the “mobile” format is converted again into the client-server UNF format.

The second option allows you to exchange data with client-server CNF structures, converting them according to the exchange rules.

Having assessed all the pros and cons of both options, it was decided to work on the second option. The first, despite the advantages of ease of data exchange, did not work well when changing the data structure. And updating the server version to implement the one-to-one exchange principle every time is problematic.

The formation of a data synchronization package is primarily carried out by the data exchange mechanisms built into the platform, so writing the code took a minimum of time. The data exchange function is based on the 1C:Enterprise mechanism. In the client-server version of UNF, a data exchange node is created for all mobile versions, and the change registration service tracks all data conversions.

When exchanging data, the mobile application, using the platform mechanisms, creates a package of information and transmits it to the client-server UNF. Considering the data from the starter package, the client-server version of the CNF prepares for transmission to the mobile version the information that was changed in the large CNF after the last synchronization. Data is transmitted in packets in the format XDTO (1C data that was serialized in XML). The size of each package should not exceed 500 objects.

Packets are transferred to the mobile version one after another. Data processing begins only after the last packet is received. If the connection was interrupted during the transfer of packets, the data will be transferred after the connection is restored thanks to the resuming mechanism, which, by the way, was added by the developers specifically for the mobile version.

It is worth noting that you cannot work in the mobile UNF only during the first synchronization; a modal window will remind you of this, in which you can monitor the progress of the synchronization process. Subsequent synchronizations do not interfere with the work with mobile UNF.

Data that can be exchanged between mobile and client-server versions of UNF:

  • reference books;
  • documentation;
  • registers (only basic prices of suppliers and goods);
  • information about the organization.

The product card in the client-server version in most cases contains pictures. In order not to waste traffic unnecessarily, in the mobile version, pictures are loaded when the product card is opened.

Scenarios for using a mobile application

Over time, users begin to notice that the functions of the mobile application are no longer enough. There was only one solution - to move from the mobile version to the client-server version, the capabilities of which are much wider. The first versions of the mobile version did not provide the user with a choice: after transferring all the information to the client-server version, only work with orders remained in the mobile version, all other operations were carried out only in the large version. This option did not suit everyone, because, having felt the freedom when using the mobile version, the user had difficulty switching to a desktop computer.

The developers have corrected the situation using a cloud service, which was based on cloud technology 1cFresh . Now the client-server version could be placed on a cloud server without being tied to a stationary one.

Let's look at the options for using a mobile application.

1. Small business controlled using a mobile application.

2. Small team . A mobile application is installed for each employee. It will be used to exchange data during synchronization. Data exchange is carried out not through files, but through the cloud version of the client-server UNF. When using this function, another version of the CNF is created in the cloud, which will be used when synchronizing data via mobile devices. This method of data exchange is free when using one mobile device; you will have to pay a little extra to use one or two more. The maximum number of devices should not exceed three. Users can select specific roles (salesperson, sales representative, etc.), thereby customizing the functionality of the application to perform specific tasks. It is possible to work with the cloud version of the client-server CNF through a web or thin client, but this is not practical, since its functionality will be the same as the functionality of the mobile version.

3. Medium sized company. For a business of this size, it is advisable to consider renting a full-fledged version of CNF in the cloud, since in this case you will have a CRM function that is not yet available in the mobile application. The number of mobile devices when choosing this option is not limited, for each user you will be charged depending on the tariff you choose.

Mobile app monetization

Using the mobile application, as noted earlier, is absolutely free. But if you want more features (production, synchronization with more mobile devices), you can purchase them for an additional fee. The Production feature is a one-time purchase and the ability to sync with additional mobile devices is purchased monthly. By the way, version 8.3.8mobile application 1C:Enterprise, in which paid content was implemented, was included in the Top 15 best-selling business applications on Google Play.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the UNF mobile application is quite popular. We hope that the information presented in the article will be useful to application developers not only on the 1C platform, but also on other platforms.

By the way, on the 1C mobile platform you can create not only applications that work with the 1C server backend. This is possible due to the fact that the protocols used for data exchange are platform independent (web or HTTP services, XML and JSON support, etc.). In what cases can the 1C mobile platform be used? When you need to develop an Android, Windows, iOS mobile client that can work offline without a constant connection to the Internet.

Using the example of the mobile application “1C: Managing Our Company” (abbreviated UNF), I want to show the evolution of a mobile business application from its origins and the release of the very first version to the present day. The app currently has over 220,000 downloads; The application is free, but it has paid options (implemented through in-app purchases).

The first version of the mobile UNF was made on one of the first versions of the 1C:Enterprise mobile platform in 2012. At that time, there was already a client-server configuration “1C: Management of a small company” (then the name was that), a program for automating the activities of a small company - sales, procurement, customer and supplier base, warehouse management, production, etc.

Like most mobile applications written on the cross-platform mobile platform 1C:Enterprise, mobile UNF is available on iOS, Android and Windows.

The task was posed as follows: to create a mobile application that supports part of the work scenarios of the “big” UNF. The application must be able to work both autonomously and synchronize data with the “large” UNF (in what follows I will write the word “large” in relation to the client-server version of the UNF without quotes so as not to overload the text). In the case of working with a large CNF, scenarios of “mobile” employees - sales representative, service engineer, salesperson - must be supported.

The first version was created in 1 man-month. When creating a mobile application, some metadata objects (directories, documents) were implemented on the basis of objects of the large UNF. But some of the functionality had to be programmed from scratch, for example, the process of exchanging data with a large UNF. True, in relation to data exchange, we actually had to do a little programming - we used standard platform mechanisms (in particular, exchange plans), which reduce coding to a minimum.

In addition to simplifying the work with data synchronization, the 1C platform significantly facilitates the work of constructing a full-featured mobile application, providing the developer with such interface components as lists (tabular and hierarchical) with the ability to search for them, input fields with search, tables for reports, a wide range of charts, the ability printing on WiFi and Bluetooth printers, etc.

Features of the mobile version

There are two main strategies for choosing the functionality of a mobile application. The first is “one application - one function”. For example, a mobile application for receiving goods at a warehouse, which can only scan the barcode of a product with a built-in camera and send information about the received product to the server. The second strategy is to create a mobile application with broad “all-in-one” functionality. Both approaches are valid; When writing a mobile UNF, we chose the second approach - our application covers many tasks in its subject area and can work completely autonomously, serving the needs of a small organization. Another advantage of this approach is that the user can work with several interrelated functions from one application.

Mobile UNF widely uses the functionality of a mobile device, in particular:

  • The built-in camera of the device can be used to photograph the product when filling out the product card, to read barcodes and QR codes
  • An invoice for payment can be sent to the client by email or SMS
  • The counterparty can be selected from the address book of the mobile device
  • If the counterparty has a telephone number, you can call the counterparty or send an SMS with one touch; if an email is specified, send a letter; if an address is specified, show it on the map
  • You can print documents to printers via WiFi and Bluetooth
There is an option to backup and restore the mobile UNF database to Yandex.Disk and send the database by mail.

The configuration of the mobile UNF looks quite spartan (see screenshot below):

  • 8 reference books (in the large UNF there are 273 reference books)
  • 7 documents (in the large UNF – 125)
  • 3 document journals (in the large UNF - 24)
  • 3 information registers (in the large UNF – 357)
  • 4 accumulation registers (in the large UNF – 64)

Main objects of mobile UNF

But, despite such a small number of application objects, the product turned out to be quite functional.

An interesting feature of the mobile UNF is that it is often started to be used by people who have never heard of 1C before (yes, there are such in our country), those who need a mobile application to keep records of their small business (for example, home crafting). They simply found it by searching on Google Play or the AppStore, read the reviews, and started working.

Autonomous operation

This work scenario is intended for very small organizations, when all accounting is carried out exclusively on a mobile device. This could be, for example, a “home” business - making jewelry at home and selling it on the VKontakte page. Or maybe even a small store - I personally saw a case where a toy store specializing in the sale of Lego constructors kept records exclusively on the mobile version of the UNF. Considering that the mobile UNF can print on WiFi and Bluetooth printers, it can be used to solve a fairly large number of problems. Mobile UNF supports order processing, entering incoming and outgoing invoices, accounting for receipts and expenditures of money.

Working in synchronization mode with the server (first versions)

In the mode of synchronization with the server in the mobile UNF in earlier versions, accounting functionality became unavailable, and work in it was carried out mainly with orders (receiving and fulfilling orders) and related activities (maintaining directories of counterparties, goods and services, etc.).

Directories of goods and services, contractors, and orders were synchronized with the large UNF.

Data exchange between mobile and large UNF in the first versions

Orders entered from mobile devices ended up in a large UNF, and when synchronized, they ended up on the mobile devices of those responsible for the orders. Documents such as cash receipts, sales of goods, etc., entered on mobile devices, went to the large UNF, but were not synchronized between mobile devices. All work in the mobile application in synchronization mode was carried out mainly around orders - their acceptance and execution; full accounting was not carried out on the mobile device; for this it was necessary to use a large CNF on the computer.

This was the case in the first versions, but later we changed the situation and expanded the list of scenarios for using mobile CNF to make working with it more convenient for users.

A little about data synchronization

Data exchange between mobile and large UNF occurs through web services; the mobile UNF calls web services deployed on the large UNF side. The data structures in large and mobile CNF are different; When designing the architecture, we considered 2 options for data exchange:
  1. Create a data structure in a large CNF that duplicates the data structure of a mobile CNF, and exchange data with the mobile CNF one-to-one. When changing data in a large UNF, you need to transfer the new/changed data to this duplicate structure, and after exchanging data with the mobile UNF, convert the data that came from the mobile device and located in the duplicate structure into the large UNF format.
  2. Exchange data directly with the structures of a large UNF, converting data “on the fly” according to the exchange rules.
We decided to go with the second option. The first option, although it promised some advantages associated with the simplicity of the data exchange itself, did not handle the situation well when the data structure changed (expanded) in the new version of the mobile UNF; In order for one-to-one data exchange to continue to work, it would be necessary to update the server, large UNF. Which, for many reasons, was unacceptable.

The data exchange mechanisms implemented in the platform take on most of the work of creating packages for data synchronization, allowing you to reduce coding to a minimum. During the exchange process, the standard mechanism of the 1C:Enterprise platform is used - the data exchange mechanism; for each mobile UNF, a data exchange node is created in the large UNF; in the large and mobile UNF, a change registration service is used to track data changed since the last synchronization, etc.

The mobile application initiates data exchange, using the platform mechanisms, generates an exchange packet (containing the mobile application identifier and data updated on the mobile UNF since the last synchronization) and sends it to the large UNF. Based on the information in the start package, the large CNF prepares for the mobile CNF the data changed in the large CNF since the last synchronization and packages them into packages. Packages in XDTO format are 1C metadata objects serialized in XML; The size of each package is no more than 500 objects.

Mobile UNF collects this data packet by packet. After downloading the last package, the mobile UNF begins to process the received data - process documents, record directories, etc. In the event of a connection breakdown, resuming packets is supported; We wrote the resuming mechanism for CNF ourselves (it is not in the platform), but since mobile CNF is supplied in source code, developers can look at the implementation of the mechanism and borrow it for their applications.

During the initial synchronization of a mobile CNF with a large CNF, you cannot work in the mobile CNF - a modal window appears showing the progress of the process. All subsequent synchronizations are background and do not block the operation of the mobile UNF.

Full list of objects exchanged between mobile and large UNF:

  • Directories:
    • Nomenclature
    • Counterparties
    • a list of users
  • Documentation:
    • Customer orders
    • Receipt at the cash desk
    • Expense from the cash register
    • Purchase Invoice
    • Sales Invoice
    • Production
  • Registers (but not all prices, but only the main ones):
    • PricesSuppliers
    • Prices of Products
  • Information about the organization:
    • Name
    • Tax information
In the large UNF, products have pictures - images of the actual products. In order to minimize traffic, we do not load pictures into the mobile UNF; they are loaded on demand - for example, when we open a product card in the mobile UNF.

Product card with product image

Evolution of the application - developing use cases

A typical situation is that a business is growing, and the functionality of mobile CNF on one mobile device is no longer sufficient. Another employee (or employees) appears in the business, and they also need to work with orders.

In the first versions of the mobile UNF, the moving scenario was quite straightforward - the data entered in the mobile UNF was copied into the database of the large UNF, and the user now had to keep records on the computer. In this case, the mobile UNF will work in the mode of working with orders, and it will no longer be possible to keep records (as on the standalone version of the mobile UNF).

This, of course, was not entirely convenient for the end user - he was already accustomed to keeping records from a mobile device, but here he was forced to sit at the computer keyboard. Not everyone will be happy with this.

Therefore, we have expanded the list of scenarios for the operation of mobile UNF. The emergence of our cloud service, based on cloud technology 1cFresh, helped us with this. It is now possible to place large CNF in the cloud. We have described three scenarios for using a mobile application as the user’s business grows:

  1. Quite a small business. Accounting is carried out on one mobile device.
  2. The business is growing - employees have appeared. You can install mobile UNF on employee mobile devices. At the same time, you need to be able to exchange data between mobile devices to synchronize data; For this, we decided not to use file exchange, but to use for synchronization (and at the same time for backup) a version of the large UNF located in the cloud. When you enable this script, an instance of a large CNF is created in the cloud, the database of which will be used to synchronize data between mobile devices. Using one mobile device in this scenario is free, for each additional device we charge 75 rubles/month, you can use no more than three devices in this scenario. At the same time, users of mobile devices can be assigned predefined roles - sales representative, service engineer, salesperson (detailed configuration of roles is also possible); The functionality of the mobile application will be limited accordingly. You can also work through a web client or thin client with a large CNF hosted in the cloud, but the functionality of the cloud CNF will be reduced to the functionality of the mobile CNF. But it is not necessary to work directly in the cloud UNF - all work can be done only from mobile devices.
  3. The business has grown to the size of a medium-sized firm. In this case, it makes sense to rent a full-fledged version of a large UNF in the cloud in order to receive (via a web client or thin client) additional functionality - CRM (plans include including CRM in the mobile UNF, but for now it is only available in the large version), warehouse management, expanded price formation, the ability to work with banks and. In this case, the number of mobile devices working with a large CNF is not limited (for each device an additional fee is charged according to the tariff, as for one workplace; 1 license for CNF in Fresh or for a “boxed” CNF gives the right to free use of 1 mobile application ).

Application monetization experience

The UNF mobile application, as I already wrote, is free. Some time ago, we decided to monetize our application (using the in-app purchase functionality implemented in the 1C:Enterprise mobile platform version 8.3.8), selling additional functionality - production, and the ability to synchronize with additional mobile devices.

The Production functionality is a one-time purchase, and the ability to sync with additional mobile devices is packaged as a subscription that must be renewed every month. Interestingly, just 3 weeks after adding the shopping functionality, mobile UNF was in the top 15 on Google Play for sales of business applications.


Mobile UNF is a relatively small (in terms of source code volume), but quite popular product. We hope that the story about its evolution will be useful to the creators of mobile end-user products both using 1C technologies and other development tools.

It would be useful to remind you that on the 1C mobile platform you can make applications that interact not only with the 1C server backend; protocols used for data exchange in mobile applications on the 1C platform are platform-independent (web and HTTP services, support for XML and JSON, etc.). So if you need to quickly and dynamically develop a cross-platform (Android, iOS, Windows) mobile client, with the ability to work offline without a constant Internet connection for your business application, then the 1C mobile platform may well be the best choice for you.