How the new GTA San Andreas has changed. Creating a GTA San Andreas map from A to Z - GTA - Games - Catalog of articles - Orgon - Window to the future Technical side and new sounds

Many fans of the GTA game, including myself, are wondering: “How to create your own map for the game GTA San Andreas.”

At the moment, I came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a GTA Kiev game with a detailed map of the city of Kyiv.

I haven’t done anything yet, but I’ve already scoured the Internet looking for information on how to do this.

And I decided to create one detailed article with a step-by-step description of how I will do all this.

So, let's begin:

To begin with, I’ll make it clear that you shouldn’t build your map higher or to the left - to the right of the main GTA map, because nothing will work out!

Firstly, there is such a thing as a limit on objects.

Secondly, it will also not be possible to build a larger scale than the developers intended, so we will have to rely on the space given to us.

Speaking of space, in order to build a map from scratch you must first remove the game map.

There is only one correct way to do this:

To begin with, we download the program

When you download, the program itself will be inside the archive, open it.
Start tab: "Game" Specify the path to the game directory.

Click on the “Object” tab and find the line there:

DATA\leveldes\levelmap.IDE and check the box next to it:

Okay, let's leave the rest of the boxes ticked. (NOWHERE ELSE CHECKS


Deletion has begun! At the end of this process, this window pops up, and we click “Yes”.

Here we are, the deletion is complete. I think you noticed that there were no messages. This is good. We close our program and open the game directory, namely the “models” folder. You see how the size has decreased "Gta3. img»?

The archive with the program also contains “”
We open it and see
file "gta.dat" and the "MAPS" folder. Install the files in \data
Next, in the same archive, open the folder “/
maps"and install the only folder from there along the pathGtaS.A./ Data/ maps/

We're almost at the end. The archive contains the file "water. dat" Let's install it this wayGtaS.A./ data/

GtaS.A./ data/ script/

Well, one last thing. OpeningCrazyIMGEditor. Or any other program that supports the "IMG" and delete all lines except "aaa. scm" from GtaS.A./ data/ script/ - "script.img"

IDs will remain:
- Transport
- Parts for transport (spoiler, etc.)

- Weapon
- Pedestrians
- Standard objects (cranes, barriers, etc.)

- Some trees and bushes

IDs of new objects start with 5002nd

All. You have cleared the map, and at the moment there is only a small piece of terrain and a tree on it. I don't think you want to just fly over the ocean and that's why openMED, load a single location and go!

By the way, you can skip this moment and use my finished work, GTA San Andreas game without map, cleared area map Download.

To be continued...

Assembled game

If you do not want to install all the modifications listed below yourself, then this item is for you. We set everything up for you. All you have to do is download the game from Steam first, delete the folder in Steam\SteamApps\common (namely delete the folder, and not through the “delete contents” function), and unpack the archive to:\Steam\SteamApps\common

Also, the assembly can work without steam. Move the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas folder from the archive to your disk and run the gta_sa.exe file in the root folder of the game.

Since everyone has different computers and Internet speeds, you can choose one of the build versions:

1. Full assembly (all improvements indicated in the manual).
. sk/d/ZLMzcbmK3A8vi3

2. Version for SAMP (script fixes + HD improvements + radio).
. sk/d/PBAsdMQ43A8bBX

3. Light version (only script fixes, no radio).
. sk/d/LhXZsVJY3A8En9

4. PS2-edition (the build is as close as possible to the PS2 version of the game, for a complete experience, set the resolution to "720x576"
. sk/d/u4YzXqkV3A9R5C


1. The original Steam version cannot be repaired, so we will have to replace it with a pirated one. We do the following:
1.1. Download the Steam version of GTA San Andreas
1.2. We delete its folder in Steam\SteamApps\common. Exactly the folder, and not through the function
"delete contents".
1.3. Download the game from 2005 and unpack the archive into
Steam\SteamApps\common ( . sk/d/z31ZPqAv37oPX7)
Steam will also think that we are playing the original GTA San Andreas, so its in-game features (chat, browser, etc.) will remain in place.

2. After installation, your saves will stop working, but saves downloaded from the Internet will work. Therefore, I’ll throw in as a bonus a save before the first mission, in which all the graffiti, shells, etc. are collected, the missions of the medic, the taxi driver and the rest are completed.

3. You will not get banned if you change game files. Rockstar Games doesn't care what you do with GTA San Andreas.

Localization of GTA: San Andreas 0.56 from SanLtd Team

Russifier from 1C is good, but our translators gave the characters other names (Sweet - Handsome, Big Smoke - Steam Locomotive, etc.).
SPENT RUSSIFIER into the firebox. This is already a hackneyed squalor. Yes, and here I’m describing how to put the game in order, and not turn it into even more slag.
The only sensible crack for GTA San Andreas - 0.56 from SanLtd Team
Download from here - . sk/d/9ZGozCnz37otqz

In the installer we specify the folder with the game, due to a bug in the installer it will write Grand Theft Auto San Andreas twice. We remove the repetition and in the end let the installation come out something like this:

Installing the CLEO library

The CLEO library is a thing that will allow us to run scripts. Included - Asi Loader from Silent
Download CLEO -
We run the downloaded file, the installation path should usually be like this (d is the hard drive on which you have steam installed. This can be drive C, E, L, etc. Find the folder with steam and specify the path as in the screenshot) .

In order not to open the game archives many times using third-party utilities, you need to download ModLoader. Unpack the files and folder from the archive into the root folder of the game (where gta_sa.exe is located)

How it works. You have replacement files or a script (let's say Silentpatch files). You create a folder in the modloader folder with any name and throw your modification files into it. Done, the mod works in the game.

SilentPatch is a script that fixes most of the game's bugs. The main ones - raises the frame limiter from 25 to 30 FPS, fixes the mouse, adds resolutions to widescreen monitors.

We drag out the folder from the archive into the modloader folder in the game folder

About the frame limiter. If you disable it in the settings, then you will of course have 60 or more FPS, but the more FPS in the game, the slower the motorcycles ride, and Karl swims and runs even slower. Therefore the frame limiter must be enabled.

Fix for widescreen monitors

If you don’t like the standard pictures in the menu, which are of low quality, then throw the fronten2.txd file into Grand Theft Auto San Andreas > models, replacing the original file.

Also install loading screens that are redrawn in FullHD (the size of the original loading screens is 800x600). Place the LOADSCS file in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas > models > txd.

GTA San Andreas is a cult game that many players love to play not only offline, but also online. This interest is facilitated by the presence of various mods that allow you to create a full-fledged RPG from a seemingly Action game, in which you live and act almost like a real person. So that you can expand the boundaries of your favorite game, this article will tell you how to create your own playground in GTA San Andreas.

Installing GTA SA and creating a server

First you need to install the game itself. The installation process is described in detail in the article. After this, you need to find ready-made servers with SAMP mods on the Internet. You can use, for example, this site SAMP mods for GTA SA. Next, in the “San Andreas Multiplayer” section, select the “Gamemodes” category. Download any of the mods you like and proceed to installation.

To create a gta san andreas server, follow the instructions:

  1. Download the archive from the specified site and unpack it on your computer (you will need to register to download the distribution);
  2. Go to the folder with the mod and open the file "server.cfg" using Notepad;
  3. In the opened file, change the settings for your server without touching the parameter: lanmode;
  4. Launch the “samp-server” shortcut, then “GTA Multiplayer” (you should have it after following the instructions according to the above article);
  5. On the website you check your address on the Internet. For example, it is: From the server.cfg file, copy the value in the port line (for example, 2222) and add it to your IP separated by a colon. It should look something like:;
  6. In Multiplayer, add the server address to the window that appears after clicking the button: Add to Favorites.

The indicated numbers will be the address of your server, which people can access.

Installing a mod and creating a gang in GTA SA

There are more than 1000 different mods and skins for this game that will diversify the gameplay. For most of them you should use CLEO scripts. Detailed installation instructions can be found in the article.

To create a gang in the SAMP mod, you need to enter the command into the game console: /gang - Create a gang. On some servers, this feature is only available to administrators. You can read more about gangs in GTA SA in the article.

Attention, TODAY only!


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The problem with how to create a GTA 5 Online gang of any direction is relevant for users, especially for beginners.

The developers from Rockstar Games did not abandon social interaction in their incredibly popular project, but they did it in a unique way.

To find out all the necessary information about gangs, privileges from participation, methods of creation, etc., it is recommended to read the article. This material will open up something new for every player.

general information

The player should first of all understand that in GTA 5 Online there could not be any guilds, clans and the like. This does not fit the project's setting, but the developers found a way out. They created a semblance of such associations, which were called gangs. The essence of such groups is to find allies for themselves in the world of San Andreas. It’s easy to catch a bullet in the head on the streets of Los Santos, but being a member of a certain team, the enemy will think several times before shooting.

By being in a gang you can get quite a few bonuses

Players on the same team consist not only of defense and attack, but also of receiving bonuses. If you go on any business with your comrades, then the profit, as well as the number of reputation points earned, will increase significantly. This alone is enough for each character to belong to his own gang.

Creation and entry into a group

If a player decides to create his own gang in the world of GTA 5 Online, then he should prepare for some difficulties. This applies specifically to the further development of one’s own group and competition with powerful teams.

If you want to create your own gang, the user just needs to log into his account on the Rockstar Social Club service, and then click on the desired window. The player here needs to decide what type of gang will be created. There are 5 of them in total, each with some peculiarity.

In GTA you can create your own personal gang

For example, soldiers are clearly focused on interaction within their own group, but for chatterboxes, leveling up does not matter. Social interaction is important to them, while stars like to show off their own achievements. Amateurs are always looking for new activities for themselves with a release of adrenaline, and rebels interfere with the lives of all the players around them. The direction determines the type of activities that gang members will engage in, and therefore this aspect should be taken as seriously as possible.

To enter someone's group, you just need to click once with the mouse button. This applies to open communities, because a request is sent to a closed team. The creator then reviews the proposal and makes a decision. All transactions are done through the Rockstar Social Club service.

Leadership and interaction

The leader of an established gang, even if there are several people in it at the initial stages, should prepare to feel like a full-fledged leader. Firstly, in the Social Club service on the group page there is a special tab called “Hierarchy”. Here the team creator can award special titles to distinguished players. This will not be a simple title, because under it there are a number of rights. For example, assistant leaders will also be able to create shared messages for all group members. Such letters invade the news feed directly and are required reading.

There is also a hierarchy in the gang

Secondly, the gang leader not only creates it, but also builds policy. He looks for allies for himself and enters into confrontation with opponents if necessary. Most often, it is the head of the group who appoints a meeting of gang members to organize an attack on the enemy team. It is for the sake of such shootouts that it is worth spending hundreds of hours on leveling up your character and improving your skills. Large-scale battles are remembered for a long time. It is not uncommon for a leader to have to resolve disputes within the team. For this purpose, a closed session of the gang is held, where rivalry takes place. The way to resolve the conflict can be chosen collectively, but most often it again becomes the burden of the head.

Motivation for joining

In addition to the fact that playing together with other members of your gang in GTA 5 Online brings a bonus to reputation points, there are a number of other reasons for joining. As mentioned above, a player can immediately determine his involvement in a gang. Even at the first level, themed colors and emblems appear on clothing.

In the future, as you climb up the levels of pumping, new pleasant functions open up. Already at level 10, it becomes possible to attach a sticker with the group’s logo to your car. If you go through the same number of steps, the player will be able to use the terrifying black pig mask.

The gang's bonus is that it brings a lot of reputation points

At levels 30 and 35, you gain access to repainting parachute smoke and what comes out of a car's exhaust pipe, respectively. This is not the entire list of benefits available to users. All these elements emphasize their belonging to some higher structure that is fighting for primacy in Los Santos. The developers also prepared a pleasant surprise for players in the form of gestures.

Some are intended to welcome allies to other factions, while others provoke opponents, which often ends in armed conflict. This kind of diplomacy only arouses more interest in the rich world of GTA 5 Online, which is full of a wide variety of events.

Other functionality

The legendary character Ice-T also said that the colors of the gang mean too much, or rather, they are a way of life. In GTA Online, the developers played well on this and now only beginners or avid loners have fun without their own team.

In addition to the above-described opportunities, bonuses and pleasant rewards, there are several more important points that players need to know. Gangs are created not only for social interaction, but also for help. Wars often break out between them, and the strength of the enemy can only be assessed by looking at the gang card.

You can create your own unique gang coloring page

It contains important information in the form of statistics. A simple comparison with your own parameters will allow you to understand the balance of power and make tactical moves for further actions. Based on such data, the leader can draw conclusions about the activity of rivals. No one forgives grievances in GTA 5 Online, but you shouldn’t rush headlong into the strongest of this world either.

First you need to gain a foothold, recruit participants and do not forget to distribute special titles. Receiving titles is an excellent motivation to continue working in your gang. Agents, commissioners, and other members of the group must work in every possible way to improve the team and recruit new personnel.


In conclusion, it should be mentioned that not all people know how to create a robbery in GTA 5 Online, and if they succeed, they are defeated in the process of passing the scenario. Most often this happens due to participation in missions with random users. Without having your own gang, it is incredibly difficult to find skilled players with whom you can go through a complex heist scenario to the end.

When joining a gang, there will always be a dozen willing to train and learn on the way to the goal, even if they first had to taste defeat. The gang leader can create several smaller groups specifically for robberies.

Carrying out robberies with your gang is much more convenient

The heads of such teams will be the most experienced and will be able to explain the main points. The leader of the group of robbers is also responsible for all expenses in the preparatory missions, as well as the distribution of roles and the assignment of a percentage of the main prize. In a gang, it is much easier to become an experienced criminal figure who will become famous throughout San Andreas.

You can even start your journey with a couple of friends who also want their own team. Here you just need to strive for your goal and not give up at a difficult moment. Now it is difficult, but possible, to promote your gang to the level of the largest communities.