How to find a song by title. How to find a song if you only know a few words

Online music recognition.

Everyone has encountered a situation when a song plays on the radio or in a cafe that they really liked, but, naturally, no one knows the name.

Surfing the Internet for a long time does not give anything, but I really want it.

Fortunately, some startups have listened to requests to create something to recognize music from a passage. As a result, we have several interesting services.


The main purpose of this resource is online identification. There are no complex elements that need to be manipulated to search.

The track database contains millions of tracks of any genre.

The chances that you will be unlucky are minimal.

It is noteworthy that the search is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. By providing a file;
  2. Link substitution.

To find what you are looking for, the service takes about 10–20 seconds, after which the result appears on the screen.

The main thing is that the source is of relatively good quality, otherwise nothing will work. All you need to do is enter the captcha and then enjoy the result.

The site has an English localization, but the navigation is so clear that you do not need knowledge of foreign languages.

In the search results you will be presented with several tracks that match the “description”. All you have to do is listen to everything to find the song you want.

Magic MP3 Tagger

Another interesting online identification program for your computer.

This service was created for local and global search for interesting content on the Internet.

Important! If the program fails to find a song on its own, it automatically switches to the MusicBrainz database, which has a huge collection of free music.

As for the action algorithm. Here, not the entire file is used, but its “imprint” generated by the program.

This method allows you to identify an audio recording with an accuracy of up to 97%.

If you want to determine the genre of a composition, the program will kindly provide all the required information.

In addition, files from the "Track1" or "Various Artist" series will be renamed according to recognition.

It is noteworthy that she is not particularly familiar with the Russian language, so the name of the song may contain some abracadabra, but she is quite legible.

To use, you just need to download the installation package, which weighs a little more than 5 MB, and then feel free to surf the search. The main thing is the presence of the Internet.


Perhaps the most popular online music recognition service for, and. It's no wonder why it is in such demand among music lovers.

Firstly, the application interface is so clear that you will not have any problems using it.

Secondly, all you need to do is press the “recognize” button on the screen, bringing the phone to the sound source.

Alternatively, you can hum the tune yourself. The chances, of course, will be much less, but you can try.

Note! Identification is carried out through the gadget’s microphone. Please note that when the phone is close to the sound source, various interference may be created, such as hissing and excessive volume.

The probability of finding is more than 90%. Please note that the signal must be legible.

Finding it takes no more than 3–5 seconds from the moment it starts, and the procedure itself “eats” no more than 30–50 kb of traffic.

If the procedure is successful, you will be shown the title, artist, as well as album, release year and link to . There is an option to purchase through to save it to the collection.

Fans will love the artist bio that will appear when searching.

Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages. Let's start with the fact that it is relatively free. The free version can only detect 5 tracks per month.


A service that constantly competes with in quality and speed in sound. They are practically the same, with the exception of some points.

Important! Unfortunately, she does not recognize the Russian-language stage in any of its manifestations. Apparently, our performers are simply missing from the database. Even if they sing in a foreign language, the program will not find anyone.

On the other hand, the database allows you to find even the most exotic styles that are inaccessible to others.

Often SoundHound manages to find little-known representatives of Techno, PsyTrance, DownTempo and underground heavy music of “garage” bands.

The principle of operation is similar to similar ones: you press the button, bring the phone with the microphone to the source and wait.

If a song is stuck in your head, you can hum it. The result will also not be long in coming.

Another feature: enter a few lines of text (if you know) in the appropriate section, and then click on search. For him there are no fundamental differences.

The “load” for the track you are looking for is offered, the words of the song, the possibility of purchasing in and more.

There are 2 types of programs: Free and Full. The basic functionality is identical, but the free one may upset you with pop-ups

Unlike a full-fledged program that needs to be launched and wasted time, the SoundSearch icon can be freely displayed on the desktop to be activated as needed.

Owners of OS 4.2 can even set a lock screen, saving even more startup time.

Identification is carried out by servers. If the search engine finds something similar, the result will immediately appear on the display.

Often the entire procedure does not take more than 3–5 seconds. In special cases, the system can search up to 10–12.

Accuracy varies between 85–92%. This is due to the fact that it does not see any special differences between the remix and the original.

This fact, of course, will darken fans of club culture, but nothing can be done.

The interface is minimalistic and limited to just one button. An excellent solution for those who do not need additional bells and whistles.

In addition, the track you are looking for can be purchased on the Play Store.

Online music recognition

Music recognition by sound: TOP 5 online applications and services

1. Search by the text (words) of the song.

The most reliable way to find a song is by using a fragment of words from it. Try to remember or write down the most unusual line from the song somewhere. The chorus is best suited for these purposes, since it is precisely this that music producers try to make it attract attention and become boring in memory. Go to the website of one of the search engines Google or Yandex, and indicate the request in this format:

Phrase from the song + lyrics

Phrase from a song + lyrics

The keyword lyrics is needed to tell the search engine that we are looking for the lyrics of the song. You should not “drive” into the search the lines that sound in almost every song: “I loved him, but he left for someone else” , "let's dance with you" etc. The fact is that in this case the search engine will perceive the request as high-frequency (that is, very popular) and may not even return the lyrics of the song in the search, but even some message from the forum. Try to make your search query as specific as possible, meaning that it contains enough words to exclude other song lyrics from the results.

If you hear a song in a foreign language, you can’t do without basic knowledge in this area. Try to remember only those phrases that you are sure of. The search engine will correct grammatical errors if you spell a word incorrectly. You can also intuitively remember how to pronounce a line from a song. Try to enter your search query in Latin letters the way you expect this line to be written. And don't forget to add a keyword to your query lyrics .

2. Search on the website of radio stations.

Today, almost every radio station has its own website. It exists just so that any listener can look through the history of the broadcast and find the composition he likes. It is enough to remember only the name of the radio station and the time when the song you liked was played. The section of the radio station website you need is On-Air. Try to log into the site on the same day, as they do not store history for more than a day.

3. Search for a song by melody/fragment/excerpt

To do this, you will need a mobile device or any gadget on Android,Symbian or iOS. And a program called . Official website of the project: This is the so-called music recognition service. The client program records a 10-second fragment of a song using the device's microphone and transmits it to the server (of course, an Internet connection is required). After a moment, on the screen you will see the name of the song, artist and album that contains the composition.

You can download the program in services Google Play, Ovi Store, iStore.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Are you familiar with the situation: you heard a perky melody somewhere on the street, which, like a media virus, tightly clung to your consciousness? I would like to find a song on the World Wide Web, but how?

Or, for example, you heard a snippet of a melody in some movie that you wouldn’t mind installing on your phone as a ringtone. Rest assured: with the development of technology, everything becomes possible. In this publication I will tell you how to find a song by sound online.

By typing in the address bar of your browser, you will be taken to one of the most popular resources on the Internet for searching for music. With a slight stretch, the disadvantage can be considered that the site is in English. But its interface is extremely simple, so anyone can figure out how it all works.

There is a Click and Sign or Hum button in the site header. After clicking it, the service will send a request for access to the microphone and webcam.

A little inconvenient is that this request is sent every time a new composition is searched. The advantages include a huge music database and fast search: after a 10-second broadcast, the service is able to determine the name of most popular compositions. Both foreign and domestic groups and performers are correctly identified. The genre does not matter: the site recognizes everything - from “pop” to Exploited and “The King and the Jester.”


The site is located at It does not require access to a microphone: the full composition or its excerpt will have to be uploaded to the website (or indicate the URL where the melody is located). The resource interface is also in English.

The disadvantages include a rather complex captcha, which you have to enter every time to confirm that you are not a robot. Its difficulty lies in poor readability. The database of melodies is a little poorer than its predecessor: Western performers are identified without problems, but the service does not always find groups from post-Soviet countries.


How to find a song if you don't even have a fragment of it, but you remember its tune? The website will help. The interface is completely Russian, there is a division into classical and non-classical music. To search for a song, you need to tap its rhythm on one of the keyboard buttons.

The result reveals many, at first glance, dissimilar compositions. The reason is simple: the rhythms of many melodies are similar to each other, but among the discovered songs there will definitely be one that interests you. You can listen to music on YouTube and Vkontakte.

Programs for searching songs

Searching for music online is not always suitable, so you may need to install additional software. One such application is cross-platform Shazam. The program works on devices running Windows, Mac OS, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian and Android.

Using the microphone of the device on which Shazam is installed, the program identifies sound from any source: television or radio broadcasts, music playing on the street or in a club. The only condition: the noise level should not be too high. The program's servers store a huge database of music and, when a match is found, provide the user with a link to YouTube.

A legendary service created back in 2006 specifically for use on Walkman series phones from SonyEricsson. Searches for songs based on a short passage - 10 seconds of playback is enough. Since 2010, the program can be used for free on any Android device.

Another “ancient” program, released in 2005. To use it, you will need a computer running Windows or Mac OS equipped with a sound card. In addition to the microphone, the application can use the line input.

The search for a composition is performed by matching the audio fingerprints of the excerpt sent to the server with the compositions from the melodies database stored there. Disadvantages include the fact that Tunatic does not recognize classical music and does not work through a proxy server.

As you can see, finding the desired composition will not be difficult if you know what services and programs to use. And if one of the resources does not identify the melody you are interested in, several others are ready to help you.

Music expresses the state of a person’s soul, so very often the music a person listens to can determine his mood, inner mood and even outlook on life. If a person hums some melody or words from a song, then this can also indicate his complete harmony in himself and with the world around him. But sometimes it happens that a song heard somewhere and its melody remain firmly in the memory, but what it is called and who its performer is unknown. But you really want to find this song, download it to your phone or computer and listen to it all the time. How to find a song without knowing the title and artist?

Search a song by words

Who is not familiar with the situation when from time to time a certain song is heard on the radio or on someone’s phone, but no one knows its name and artist. In this case, you can remember the words of the composition, at least partially, and use the words to find the song on the Internet. To do this, simply enter the words into the search engine and, among the proposed options, select exactly the one you want to find. In addition, there are special sites that have bookmarks for searching songs by words. How to remember words? As a rule, words stick into memory on their own, because if you like a song, it will sound in your head and excerpts from its text will remind you of the desire to find the song itself and find out its artist.
Music lovers-friends who know all the new releases in the world of music will also help you find a suitable song and can easily tell you the name and artist of a particular composition.

Programs for searching songs without titles

Modern technologies offer a wide variety of programs for searching songs by melody or words. Some of them can recognize a song even by the most awkward moo. The recognition program will offer several options for songs that are similar to the one that was sung, and then among the proposed options it will be possible to find the one you are looking for. If it is possible to sing the song you like exactly, then this is even better, since then there will be fewer proposed options and you can find the song you are looking for much faster, although most programs and services still require a recorded excerpt of the composition on a voice recorder or phone.

Among such programs and services, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Tunatic is the easiest program to use, when almost at the moment of humming a composition it can find it on the fly.
  2. Autotag is a program that can find a composition based on a set of characteristics in its database, but is a little complicated to use.
  3. Midomi Mobile - recognizes a song from a short excerpt recorded on the phone; identification of music is complicated, but if a composition is found, the user may even be offered a clip of it on YouTube.
  4. TrackID is a service for Sony Ericsson Walkman series phones that identifies a song based on a recorded 5-6 second excerpt.
  5. - identification of songs online based on a recorded excerpt of 15 seconds or more.
As a rule, websites with these programs also provide instructions on how to use them, so that users can find the desired song as quickly as possible.

Quite often, users are faced with the fact that they cannot remember the names of songs that are “spinning around in their heads.” Or they want to know the name of the artist of the new track currently playing. But not everyone knows how to find music by melody.

Fortunately, there are currently many services that allow you to identify a song by fragment.

This site invites the user who wants to find music by sound to enter a link to a video or audio in a special field. The melody can also be uploaded to the server. The system will try to recognize the track and produce a suitable result. Nothing depends on the power of the user's computer. Since the system accepts mp4 files for processing, their owner does not have to save the audio track separately from the clip.


How to find music by melody without having at your disposal a tune that exactly matches the original? This online service can easily find the song you need. The user does not need to have a unique timbre and a large vocal range. This service is easy to use, since a piece of music can be easily recorded using a dedicated button. After the user performs the specified action, the system begins searching using a specific algorithm.

It is a search engine for identifying music tracks. Not the easiest service to use. Even with a convenient interface on the site, it is not clear to every user where to find music, since the online application sometimes does not display search results at all.

The last site on the list offering online track recognition service. To start the search, enter known words from a musical fragment into a special field and click on the button. The service quickly finds the lyrics of tracks containing the entered phrases and displays the results. The longer the known phrase, the more likely it is that the site will offer the desired song. Otherwise, the system displays a lot of unnecessary results or does not display anything at all.


The most popular program for Windows and Mac OS operating systems. Will the user need it while listening to the melody on the computer? Using the program, you need to record a fragment and immediately send it to the site. You can use either a microphone or a computer. After completing the specified action, the user will receive a link with information about the requested music track. You should not compare online services with computer programs. In each individual case, one or the other may work better. In most cases, using multiple services produces positive results.


It is a free program for identifying songs. Runs a little faster than Tunatic. The program is easy to learn and can be minimized to tray. The search history is saved. The program implements Gracenote technology. In the search results for a track, you can read not only the title, but also the album, as well as the address of the site where you can purchase the composition. There you can also find information about concerts, other albums of the group and much more. The application finds almost all requested songs. Works only with normal quality audio.

MusicIP Mixer

The program can not only identify music tracks, but also search the database for similar melodies. During a library scan, a footprint is calculated for each song, which identifies the song.

Magic Mp3 Tagger by MusicBrainz

Another program for identifying music tracks. It works on the same principle as the others.


One of the first track recognition programs created for Sony Ericsson. Currently, the Swedish-Japanese company offers the standard service it developed for all mobile phones. In addition, there is a computer version of the application. How to find the name of music for a mobile phone? The principle of operation of the program is based on recording a short excerpt (lasting no more than 12 seconds). After which this fragment is sent to the site and after some time the user receives all the information about the track, if it is in the database. An alternative to the program can be the Shazam ID and Midomi Mobile applications for the Symbian mobile system, as well as MusicID for simple phones. The latter contains user search history.


Thanks to such programs, any person who wanted to know how to find music by melody will finally be able to get information about the track of interest. Of course, not all songs may be present in the databases, but the most popular ones are definitely there.