How to set up an automatic Internet connection via PPPoE in Windows. How to quickly set up wired Internet on a computer or laptop How to create an ethernet connection on Windows 10

Many providers around the world offer their Internet services through the so-called high-speed PPPoE connection (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet). To connect to the Internet via PPPoE, ISPs usually give their customers a unique username and password, which are required to connect to their networks.

The disadvantage of PPPoE is that you have to manually start the connection every time you turn on the computer. This is an annoying inconvenience that many users would like to forget about once and for all. In this article, I will talk about the settings with which a computer with such a connection will connect to the Internet automatically during startup.

1. Launch the task scheduler

First of all, we need to launch the regular task scheduler. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to use the system search window. Enter the first few letters of your keyword and then click on “Task Scheduler” in the search results.

In Windows 10, Task Scheduler can also be launched from the Start menu: All Applications\Administration ToolsWindows.

In the control panel it is located at the following path: Control Panel\System and Security\Administration.

Regardless of the chosen method, you will see the following window as a result:

2. Schedule automatic connection upon login

Now we need to schedule an automatic connection to the Internet every time we log in.

In the task scheduler window on the right, click “Create a simple task.”

In the task creation wizard window, enter a name for the task, for example, “Auto dial”. You can also enter a description, but this is not necessary. Click “Next”.

Next, we need to choose when exactly our task should be performed. Since our goal is for the PPPoE connection to automatically connect to the Internet every time we log in, we select “When I log on to Windows.” Click “Next”.

The penultimate stage of creating a task is choosing an action. We need the PPPoE connection to start automatically with Windows. Accordingly, select “Run program”. Click “Next”.

Now the most important part of the process is setting up a script that will be executed automatically.

In order for the system to automatically connect to the Internet via PPPoE, you must enter the following information:

  • In the Program or Script field, enter the command rasdial.
  • The "Add arguments (optional)" field must contain the connection name (in quotes) and the username and password preceded by a hyphen. For example, let's say your PPPoE connection is called WWW, and to connect to it you use the username Ivan and password 123456 . In this case, you need to add the following arguments: " WWW"Ivan 123456.

Leave the “Working Folder” field empty.

At the final stage, you will see a brief description of the created task. Click “Finish”.

After closing the wizard, you will be returned to the main Task Scheduler window, where you will see that your task has been added to the list of other scheduled tasks.

3. Restart the computer and check

Finally, restart your computer to check the results of your actions. If all steps were completed correctly, the system should connect to the Internet automatically after rebooting. Please note that from now on, each time you log in, a console window will briefly appear on the screen, signaling that the connection process has started.

Have a great day!

So, let's figure out how to set up the Internet in Windows 10. I would like to say right away that this question is quite extensive, so let's start from the very beginning to the very end - from setting up a network card to choosing a browser.

Step #1: Pre-flight check

First, you need to check if everything is ok with the network card. In other words, is the driver installed on it? In most cases, Windows installs it itself, however, if you have old or unusual hardware, you will have to do this step manually. So, to check if you have a driver for the network, do the following:

  1. Press Win+X and select “Device Manager” from the menu that appears;
  2. Expand the “Network adapters” section (it is located almost at the very bottom of the list) and check if your network card is there;
  3. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to the “Other Devices” section, marked with a yellow triangle; if it contains devices named “Network Adapter” or “Networkadapter,” then you still have to look for a driver.

The “firewood” itself can be found either on the disk with your motherboard, or on the manufacturer’s website (this is especially true for laptops). Don’t worry if you don’t have a driver for “ten” at hand - in 95% of cases, the one that was written for “seven”, “eight” or even “Vista” will work perfectly. In this regard, the question of how to set up the Internet in Windows has not changed for the last 10 years.

Step No. 2: check the network settings

If your network is configured correctly, the Internet should start working after installing the driver. Otherwise, in order to “finally configure the Internet in Windows,” we recommend that you check the settings of the network cards.

Step #3: connect to WiFi (if available)

For some, the question of how to set up the Internet in Windows is identical to how to set up WiFi. If you are using a WiFi connection, then you now need to connect to the network. To do this, left-click on the “ladder” icon near the clock and, in the window that appears, select your home network. All that remains is to enter the password and you are already on the World Wide Web.

Step #4: select a browser

All that’s left to do is choose a program with which you will surf the Internet. Here I would like to immediately say that felt-tip pens have different tastes and colors, however, if you want to approach this issue wisely, we recommend reading the article to the end.

MicrosoftEdge. This browser replaced the rather boring Internet Explorer. By the way, the new program works very, very quickly. What's more, it syncs your data with the cloud, so if you use your account on different devices, you won't have to drag around bookmarks or remember passwords. There are also disadvantages - this program does not yet support extensions, so if you need something other than a Flash player, you will have to find something else.

GoogleChrome. Today, this browser occupies a dominant position - it is popular, has a bunch of add-ons and works quite quickly on new PCs, however, if your computer is not particularly fast, it is better to give preference to the same Edge or Firefox, which we will talk about later. By the way, the popular Yandex.Browser, Amigo, Opera, Uran (pah-pah-pah), as well as many other browsers, are the same chrome, but only with a different icon and a couple of additional bells and whistles of varying degrees of lousiness.

Firefox. The oldest browser mentioned here. Fast, multifunctional and popular. Among the disadvantages, one can note only the long time of the first launch, but after the start, it works great even on old PCs. In addition, there are a huge number of extensions and themes for it, the number of which even exceeds that for chrome.

After updating or reinstalling the OS, you may need to configure the Internet yourself. Inexperienced users may have difficulty setting up their computer to create a connection. To avoid problems, you need to follow the algorithm proposed in the article. Connecting to the Internet in Windows 10 can be done in different ways: wired and wireless. These include cable and high-speed connectivity, Wi-Fi and 3G/4G modems. For each type of connection you need to make your own settings.

Local Area Network technology is actively used in home and industrial networks. Connecting to the Internet via an Ethernet cable is the simplest and most popular method, using fiber optic wires or twisted pair cables. In this case, you do not need to enter a login and password from the provider.

Access will appear after the first connection of the cable through the communicator to the PC. To start using the World Wide Web, you need to plug the wire into the laptop into the network card connector. The network should appear, but sometimes you have to do the setup yourself.

If there are problems with access, a symbol with a yellow exclamation mark will light up in the notification panel. This means that there is a local network, but the user cannot access the Internet. Then it is recommended to check the settings. To do this, open “Network Connections”, select your adapter and open its properties. The IP and DNS addresses recommended by the service provider are written there.

Important! If access does not appear when you enable it directly from your provider, it is recommended to contact your service provider. You may have to connect your computer using a mac address, which should be reported to your provider.

Setting up the Internet via PPPoE

A high-speed PPPoE connection is used by providers to authorize users on the Internet.

Setting up the Internet via Wi-Fi network

WiFi is the most modern method of wireless communication. Nowadays, all manufactured smartphones, laptops and tablets are equipped with a Wi-Fi module. When you install a Wi-Fi router at home, the PC is connected automatically. You just need to select your Network and enter the password provided by the provider.

How to connect WiFi Internet on Windows 10:

After this you can use the Internet. You can turn off WiFi in the same way; you just need to click the “Disconnect” button.

The computer will remember the Wi-Fi connection; you won’t have to configure and establish the connection every time.

If the access point is not detected, it is recommended to reboot the router. You should also make sure that the laptop is in the area where it overlaps.

Setting up the Internet via a 3G/4G modem

Mobile versions of the Internet are convenient for users with laptops who work outside the home. Before connecting to the Internet on Windows 10 using a 3G/4G modem, you need to install the driver on your computer. You should find out the manufacturer and download the appropriate driver from their website. The modem can also be sold with a disk on which the necessary programs are installed. Setting up Beeline Internet on a Windows 10 computer and other providers is done in the same way.

How to set up the Internet on Windows 10 when connected via a modem:

Modem manufacturers also offer specialized software to make setup easier. The user needs to install the program on his computer, launch it and follow the instructions on the screen.

Once the information has been entered, you can click the “Create” button. If the data is entered correctly, access should appear. Otherwise, you should double-check the information and look at. If the network is poor and the signal is low, you may need to install an additional antenna. The speed of operation (throughput) depends directly on the quality of communication with the operator.

Once a connection has been created, you can delete it, fix it, or turn it off. This is done by clicking on the network connection icon. Select the desired item from the list. In the same way, you can edit in the computer section “Settings” - dialing a phone number.


There are several ways to create a new Internet connection in Windows 10: via Wi-Fi, via a cable or high-speed connection, and via a modem. Each method has its own characteristics when setting parameters.

Connecting to the Internet on a laptop or computer with the Windows 10 operating system is simple. It is necessary to correctly configure the settings for each type of connection according to the presented algorithm.

All articles on our site are audited by a technical consultant. If you have any questions, you can always ask them on his page.

Just 5 years ago, organizing a local connection between several computers meant purchasing special equipment (switches or hubs), which had to be configured and prepared for the successful functioning of the network. Today, when almost every apartment has a router, or router, with the help of which wired or wireless communication is organized between a number of systems, the need to buy third-party equipment has disappeared by itself, since if you set up communication between computers, it becomes possible to organize file exchange, including with using a local connection.

Why is a local network needed at all? In such a network it is possible share movies, music, pictures, play 3D games with live opponents. All these features together make up an excellent tool for organizing and setting up a connection, and the very possibility of playing with real people in multiplayer immediately reduces all the time and moral costs of customizing the connection, as well as the dissatisfaction from the appearance of possible pop-up pitfalls during setup, to nothing.

In this material I will tell you how to generate and tune a wired/wireless connection between several nodes on a local network, and what is needed for this.

A prerequisite for organizing a local connection in Windows 10 via a router is already. This article does not cover setting up the router, since we have already described the setup process in a separate article (link above). We will assume that your router is working properly and stably, and there are no problems (such as periodic loss of connection or communication interruption). Also, using the instructions provided, you can organize a wired connection bypassing Wi-Fi.

Setting up a local network connection - detailed instructions

The first thing we need to do is join all the computers on the network to one workgroup. To see which workgroup your selected PC belongs to, right-click on the “Start” button and select “System” in the pop-up menu.

In the system properties form that opens, click the “Change settings” button in the section where the name of the computer and the domain to which this node belongs is indicated. The “Computer name” tab opens, where, among other information, there is information about the workgroup.

As you can see, my PC belongs to the “WORKGROUP” group. An alternative way to get to the same form is to use the “Win ​​+ R” key sequence and enter the command sysdm.cpl. As a result, you will also be taken to the same form.

What if the workgroup names are different on different computers, and you need to change the group on one or more of the selected machines? On the same form, click the “Change” button and in the new form that opens, enter the group name we need.

When entering the name of a working group, do not use the Cyrillic alphabet; use only Latin characters.

Here we check the option “View task and network status” in the “Internet and network connection” category.

In the form that opens, open the “Change additional sharing settings” subsection.

Enable the OS to manage workgroup connections, printer and file sharing, automatic configuration, and PC discovery on the network.

Select the “All network connections” section and there check the “Disable password protected sharing” option. After that, save all changes by clicking on the save button.

Do the same operations on all systems that you want to connect to the local network, after which we can move on.

How to set up access to file objects and directories on a PC

To organize general access to a folder on the network, you need to right-click on the corresponding directory and select “Properties”, then click on the “Access” tab and then “Advanced settings”.

To open general type access to the directory, check the box to open access to the general type directory and click the “Permissions” button. Here, select those users for whom you want to provide access, and indicate what kind of access you want to give. The most preferable option is “Read Only”, since if you open access to other users for changes, in the near future you may be missing several dozen files in your directory.

Now go to the “Security” tab in the directory properties and for the “Everyone” user set access only to read the contents of the directory and to run files in the specified folder, so that you can watch movies on any computer with a local connection, without first copying them to your PC . To change permissions, click the "Edit" button for the corresponding user.

Now, if you did everything correctly, the folders you shared will be visible on other computers connected to a single local network.

This way, you can freely use shared resources stored on other PCs, thereby saving valuable disk space without duplicating the same files on multiple nodes. Using a local connection is incredibly convenient, and I hope you will also appreciate all the advantages and benefits of this approach to storing and using data.

Good day!

Many users, updating the OS to Windows 10 on their PCs/laptops, are often faced with a situation where they then need to configure the Internet (after updating or reinstalling the OS, the network settings are reset and the Internet connection disappears...).

Of course, a lot still depends on what type of connection and equipment is used in your case. In this article, I decided to consider the most popular options: connecting to the Internet via a Wi-Fi network, connecting with a LAN cable directly or using a router (possibly an ADSL modem is also used), and connection using 3G/4G modems.

Well, let's get straight to the topic...

Connecting to a Wi-Fi network (if you have a router installed at home)

Perhaps the most popular method, which is now used everywhere (even many providers “give” a router when you connect). Moreover, what’s interesting is that not only laptops, tablets and smartphones, but also other PCs are now connected via Wi-Fi network...

As for the connection itself: just click on the network icon in the tray (), in the menu that opens, select your Wi-Fi network and click the “Connect” button. See screenshot below.

If the data is entered correctly, you will see that the network icon has become active; when you hover over it, you will see the message “Internet access” (example below).

With Internet access (OK!)

If you see a yellow network icon status exclamation point (without access to the Internet) - then most likely your router is not configured or there is “old” data in the network connection settings. Let's fix this now...

To help! The topic of setting up a router is too extensive, so I recommend one of my previous articles on how to connect and configure a router from scratch. -

Regarding network connections: to configure them, you should open the control panel window, in which they will all be presented. To do this you need:

  1. press the key combination Win+R;
  2. In the "Run" window that appears, enter the command ncpa.cpl;
  3. click OK. See screenshot below.

Opening network connections (universal method)

Then go to the properties of “IP version 4...” (example below), and set the receiving IP address and DNS servers automatically.

Save the settings and check the network operation.

[Instructions to help!]

The laptop does not connect to the Wi-Fi network - there is a red cross on the network icon:

Wi-Fi without Internet access (yellow exclamation mark on the network icon is lit) -

Connecting to the Internet via a LAN cable, Ethernet (directly with an Internet provider cable, via a router, ADSL modem)

Ethernet is the most popular data transmission technology. In Russia, most Internet providers use it, laying regular network LAN cables in users’ apartments. At the same time, the Internet cable can be connected either directly to a computer/laptop or through a router or ADSL modem. In principle (formalities aside), this is the same Internet connection: it’s just that in some cases an additional one is used. equipment.

To set up an Ethernet connection- in most cases, it is enough to connect a LAN cable to the network card of your computer/laptop. The Internet, in principle, should already start working.


1) In some cases, in the network adapter settings you need to specify specific IP addresses and DNS servers (usually this is stated in the agreement you enter into with your Internet provider). Therefore, if you have incorrect IPs “indicated” there, DNS - the Internet will not work (just below we show how to set this up).

2) In addition, for some providers, after connecting the LAN cable, only the local network will work. For the Internet, you need to create a PPPoE connection (more on that in the next paragraph of the article).

By the way, if everything is not in order with your Internet connection and a problem is detected, you will even notice it by the network icon in the tray: a yellow wax light will be lit on it. icon (there is a local network, but without access to the Internet)

In this case, I recommend checking the network adapter settings. You can do this by opening a tab in the Windows Control Panel. To do this, press the Win+R button combination, enter ncpa.cpl in the “open” line, and click OK.

How to open network connections || ncpa.cpl

Then, in the network connections tab that opens, select your adapter [* through which you are connected] and open its properties (usually "Ethernet" or "Local Area Connection").

Next, open the properties of the "IP version 4..." line, and specify the IP addresses, DNS servers, mask, etc. according to the recommended settings of your provider. In the vast majority of cases, it is enough to set the sliders to automatically obtain IP and DNS.

Setting up an Internet connection (PPPoE)

The high-speed PPPoE Internet connection option is one of the most popular in Russia today (which is why I decided to consider it). To connect to the network, the Internet provider (upon concluding an agreement) gives you a login and password. In general, this is all that is required to set up the connection. Comfortable?!


Actually, you have to set up a PPPoE connection in Windows in cases where the cable from the Internet provider is connected directly to the network card of your PC/laptop (for example).

To do this, go to: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center . Then you need to click on the link “Create and configure a new connection or network.” See screenshot below.

How to access the Windows 10 control panel [instructions]-

Then select the option "Connect to the Internet. Set up a broadband or dial-up Internet connection." (see example below).

Then enter your login (username) and password. By the way, I recommend giving permission to other users to use this Internet connection.

If the login and password have been entered correctly, the cable is connected to the PC (and the provider is not carrying out maintenance work) - after a few seconds the computer should connect to the network.

In general, the whole setup goes quite quickly...

Setting up the Internet via a 3G/4G modem

1) First, connect the 3G (4G) modem to your laptop/PC and install the drivers. It is best to download the driver from the official website of the manufacturer of your device (perhaps they were included with your modem (and upon purchase you were given a disc)).

You can also install drivers into the system using special software. utilities for automatically searching and updating them-

2) Next, go to the Windows Control Panel (), open the section "Network and Internet", then "Network and Sharing Center" and follow the link "Creating and setting up a new connection or network". See screenshot below.

3) Then indicate that you want to create an “Internet Connection”, the type of connection is “Dial-up” (see example below).

4) Then indicate the number to dial, username and password (these data should be provided to you by the Internet provider whose services you decide to use).

5) Actually, that's it! The connection is ready and you can use it. To launch it, go to Windows settings (via START or using the key combination Win+i) , open the "Network and Internet/Dialing" section: and you will see the created connection. Just click on it with the mouse and press the connect button.

6) You can also find the created connection by pressing the combination Win+R, entering the command ncpa.cpl and clicking OK. The “Network Connections” window should open, where you will see what we created. To avoid searching for it every time, you can place the shortcut on your desktop.

You might find this article useful about how you can distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop (i.e. create an access point for other devices (smartphone or tablet, for example)) -

That's all, I hope your setup will be easy and quick!

All the best.