How to limit the time you use your smartphone. Installing parental controls on an Android phone or tablet. Parental controls on a computer or laptop

Nowadays, many parents buy smartphones for their children. Whether this is the right step or not is up to everyone to decide. We want to talk about something else - about parental control. Parental control allows you to control the device. What does it mean? For example, you can set the time during which a child will use a certain application, limit the list available applications etc. Without the parents' knowledge, the child simply will not be able to fully use a smartphone or tablet. We'll tell you how to set up parental controls on your Android phone or tablet.

Parental controls in Play Market

Let's start with Google Play Market— the application has built-in parental controls that allow you to limit the capabilities of the application.

Go to the Play Market, swipe from the left frame to the right so that a menu appears. Select “Settings” from the menu.

In the settings, find the “Parental Controls” item.

Enable parental controls by moving the slider to the appropriate position.

As you understand, a child without a PIN code will not be able to disable parental controls.

Third Party Applications

To create parental controls, you must install the appropriate application. Some firmwares already have a parental control application, but in most cases you will have to turn to the Play Market for help. There are a lot of similar applications; we will show an example using the “Parental Control” application (Kids Place) from kiddoware, which can be used even without root rights.

Immediately after installation and launch, the application will require you to set a PIN code. Install it and be sure to remember it.

Now select a section. If you select "Block" HOME button", you will be taken to the settings section.

There you can also customize the interface, add application permissions, set a timer, etc.

In general, there are a lot of settings for every taste.

In the applications section, you can select those applications that will be displayed on the desktop for your child.

To disable the application, you need to enter the set PIN code.

As you understand, this application Just an example, it shows how parental controls work.

For modern children, figuring out how to use the Internet and a smartphone is simple and quick. Fortunately, it’s also not difficult to protect your child from “18+” materials, of which there is by no means a small amount on the Internet. Operators have services for setting up the use of gadgets by children. We will look at their capabilities using the example of the MTS Internet Control service.

Closing access to sites

“He will climb anywhere” is the main fear of a parent whose child uses the network. There is only one way out - content filtering. "" has five safety modes for each age. Options are available from the strictest “Under 7 years”, with access to a very limited list of children’s sites and safe search, to “Adult”, where the list of allowed sites is significantly expanded, but sites of dangerous categories are still blocked. In “Personal” mode, you can independently “close” different categories of sites, enable safe search mode in Yandex, Google and YouTube. If you want to allow the use of a resource blocked by the system, create your own “white” list.

Security Modes

Site groups

Setting a schedule

Setting up an access schedule will help you avoid “just five more minutes, please” and resolve the issue of school breaks without leaving the screen. In the MTS service, you can select days of the week and times when access to the Internet will be completely prohibited. During “X” hours and days, for example, on weekdays, the child will not be able to access the network at all; at other times, for example, on weekend evenings, he will use it in accordance with the configured filtering type.

Access Schedule

Let's start a magazine

“Internet Control” allows you to view detailed statistics on your child’s Internet use. According to the selected schedule, reports can be sent to your e-mail with information about when, what sites and how many times the child visited. To do this, you will need to establish an extended link between the number of the child and the parent, which we will discuss in detail below.


Date and time of visits

Another feature of the service is to disable downloading files to your smartphone or select allowed categories - images, audio files, video files or documents.

How to set this up?

You can secure your child's smartphone in a couple of minutes. To do this, you will need yourself (the device, not the child), your phone and a computer.

1. The easiest option is to dial the command on your phone *111*1116*1# In response, you will receive an SMS about connection to the “Internet Control” service number. Parent". There are two types of connections possible between the numbers of the parent and the child:

  • a basic bundle that allows you to manage the settings of your child’s device. To install, you need confirmation via a service SMS message;
  • In addition to managing settings, the extended link allows you to view the history of sites viewed and blocked as part of the service. The numbers of the parent and child must be registered to the same personal account or to the same subscriber (verification using the passport data of the number owner). Verification takes up to three days.

2. Now head to Personal Area MTS to send a request to connect the service to your child. Select the “Service Management” section, “Internet” and follow the “ ” link. The window for adding a child’s number is hard to miss. If it is registered to you, select “Advanced communication” and get the opportunity not only to set rules for using the Internet, but also to view statistics of visits and downloads.

Select a service

Selecting a bundle type

An SMS message will be sent to your son or daughter’s number asking you to confirm your consent to the linking of numbers. After sending a response with the text “Yes”, you can proceed to setting up the rules.

Almost every child between the ages of seven and fourteen has a device that allows them to freely “travel” around the world. World Wide Web. And their first contact with a laptop occurs at an early age.

Parents understand that the Internet is not only a way to quickly get the necessary information or an opportunity to communicate with people on another continent. The Internet is full of content that is not suitable for children. But how can you limit your children's access to the Internet so that they can still study? There are several ways to block inappropriate content on different devices.

How to restrict children's access to the Internet?

First, parents need to understand what the essence of parental restrictions on access to the Internet and applications is. This protective measure is a control over the impact of the Network and personal computer per child. Parental controls are activated either using software built into the operating system or using third-party applications.

To understand how to restrict children's access to the Internet, you need to understand the types of parental controls. Access restriction can be divided into two main subtypes:

  • Active parental controls.
  • Passive parental control.

Active control consists of total monitoring of all the child’s actions. Software sends the parent a list of sites visited by the child. An adult can also impose a ban on loading sites containing objectionable content.

Passive parental control allows you to introduce a time limit for using a personal computer or smartphone. The parent can also prohibit the downloading, installation or launch of certain applications, for example, games. Children can only have access to a certain list of sites, and so on. It’s easy to figure out how to restrict children’s access to the Internet. No special skills or knowledge required. The menu of specialized applications is intuitive.

Parental controls on a computer or laptop

Many parents wonder how to limit their child's access to the computer. Setting up in the operating room Windows system doesn't take much time.

First you need to go through the following path: “Start” - “Settings” - “Accounts” - “Family”. Next, you need to create a new profile by clicking on the “Add family member” button. The system will then prompt you to “Add account child." After entering the basic data, you must indicate the age of the child. If you enter a date indicating that it is less than eight years old, the operating system will automatically set the maximum security level.

Parental controls in action

After installing parental controls, questions about how to restrict your child’s access to the Internet do not arise. Windows will automatically block unwanted content. But parents themselves can make some changes.

For example, a parent can set a timer. Having asked exact time operation of the device, adults can be sure that the child will not spend the whole day playing games. Parental controls allow you to block certain applications. The program also allows you to track how much time your child spent on specific applications.

In addition, every week the parent will receive complete information about the activity of the child who used this device.

Setting up Internet access restrictions on a smartphone or tablet

There are several options for limiting your child's Internet access. Android devices allow you not only to use the built-in functions, but also to download a special children's launcher from the Play Market.

"PlayPad Children's Launcher" after a simple installation will allow parents to strictly limit the list of applications that can be launched. The program will also ensure that the child does not wander into online stores and make purchases. In addition, the exit from " child mode» will be available only to parents.

The launcher gives parents the ability to control the device remotely, set time limits for using the gadget, and will also help track the child’s location.

Devices running Android version 5.0 and below have a built-in Pin to Screen feature that allows you to limit access to one pinned program. In order to configure this function, you need to go to “Settings” - “Security” - “Attach to Screen”. In the window that opens, you need to select one of the proposed programs and secure it. The child will not be able to exit the application without the parent's permission.

Unfortunately, children do not appreciate the care that their parents give them - and therefore sometimes they do not even bother to warn them that they are late in school or in the sports section. In such a situation, parents have to bite their nails and worry that nothing will happen to their child.

However, there is a way to avoid such worries: just use one of the applications for tracking children, available in huge numbers both in Google Play, and in the AppStore.

Price: Free

The name of this application perfectly describes the essence of its work. With this program you can monitor the whereabouts of your child. Whether he stayed late visiting his friends, whether he is still in the section - you will definitely still be there before your son or daughter calls. In a special section it is possible to outline geofences. If your child goes beyond their limits, a Push notification will be sent to your smartphone. The developers also have a bot in Telegram, which also notifies about such events - you just need to remember to subscribe to it.

With KidControl, you can use not only the GPS chip built into your child’s smartphone. This application even allows you to monitor your battery status. If a child declares that his smartphone is good for nothing, running out of charge in three hours, then you can always check his words remotely. Another important function is the SOS signal. If you click on the appropriate button, all parents and relatives connected to the service will receive a signal for help. At the same time, it immediately becomes clear where exactly the person who gave the alarm is located - his location is displayed on the map.

The program can be downloaded on both Android and iOS. It is very convenient, because with its help you can monitor not only children, but also all other family members - for example, elderly relatives. If only a person has a smartphone on which the service client is installed.

"Where are My Children"

Price: Free

Program " Where are my children» takes control not only of the child’s location, but also the battery level of his smartphone - as soon as the battery charge is low, the parent will receive an alert about this.

What else can the application do? Where are my children»?

  • Wiretapping. This is a unique feature that no other similar programs. The app allows a parent to listen to and record the sound around a child's phone - without the child's knowledge. The function is especially important for those users whose children are in troubled adolescence.
  • Setting up movement zones. This feature is not unique, but that does not reduce its value. The parent defines an area within which the child can move freely. As soon as the child leaves the area, the parent is notified.
  • Saving movement history. The program stores information about where the baby has been over the last 2 days and provides it to the parent upon request. After analyzing this information, the parent can conclude where the child prefers to “hang out” and with whom he spends most of his time.

Application " Where are my children" has two modes - " Parent" And " Child", so the user should not have a question about how to configure the program. Parental mode allows you to monitor your baby through the phone, “ Child” is necessary only to confirm the observation.

Price: Free

The "" application cannot boast of innovation, but it perfectly performs the very function for which it was installed - control over the child's movements. In addition, the program is able to ensure that the baby does not leave the geofences defined by the parent, and stores data about all the baby’s movements for a month.

The "" application has a number of advantages over its analogues:

  • Cross-platform. The program can be downloaded not only to an iPhone or a gadget running Android, but also to a mobile device running Windows OS.
  • Simplicity. It won’t take much time to understand the interface - it is perfectly Russified.
  • Economical. The application is completely free, and in addition, consumes Internet traffic to a minimum. This means that its use will definitely not lead to waste of money from your mobile phone account.

Regarding the installation of the tracker, there is important point: Different applications must be downloaded to the parent's and child's phones. The parent should set "" and the child should set " Mom knows: GPS beacon" The applications form a bundle, as a result of which the parent’s phone will receive information about the child’s location in real time.


Price: Free +

Like "", application " Lighthouse» will not surprise the user with functional delights, but will delight the user with the brilliant execution of the design idea. Among all the programs designed to monitor the location of children, this one has perhaps the most beautiful (and at the same time laconic) interface.

Application functionality " Lighthouse» allows parents:

  • Be sure that their child has arrived at the designated place (school, sports section).
  • Instantly receive information about the baby's current location.
  • Monitor the charge level on your child’s smartphone.
  • Analyze the history of the baby's movements.
  • Receive alarm calls - the child just needs to press the " Anxiety”, and a message about possible danger and an address where the baby can be found will appear on the screen of the parent’s smartphone.

At the application " Lighthouse"There is a significant disadvantage: it is free only for 2 weeks. To continue using it after this period, you need to pay from 169 to 229 rubles - depending on operating system gadget.

Life360 – “Family Locator”

Price: Free

Creator Life360 Chris Hulls doesn't like it when his brainchild is called a tracking app - the entrepreneur insists that he developed social network for communication within the family. Family members using Life360, can learn about each other's location, but only with mutual approval.

In terms of functionality, the application Life360 has gone far ahead of all competitors and at the same time continues to improve. Here's what the program can do now:

  • Thanks to the " Already home» Life360 warns that one of the family members is approaching the house. A user who is waiting for his wife to come home from work will have a few minutes to do a little cleaning and prepare a light dinner.
  • Built-in group chat Family Channel allows family members to communicate with each other completely free of charge and successfully replaces the SMS service and popular instant messengers.
  • Application Life360 includes the function " Panic" - analogue panic button. If you use this function, the entire family will be notified within a few seconds that one of its members has a problem. The important thing is that the functionality of the function " Panic“does not depend on the state of the mobile balance - you can “raise the alarm” even with zero in your account.
  • The program is able to quickly inform users about the nearest places where they can get help with emergency situations– hospitals, police stations. Actually, it was precisely this function that the developers intended as the main one - when Hulls “and his comrades” wanted to provide victims of Hurricane Katrina with a more effective platform for communication than that offered by the US Government.

Application Life360 is shareware – full version can be purchased for $5 per month. However, domestic users have no need to do this: most of the paid functions Life360 works only in the USA.

How to monitor children on the phone using operator services?

If a parent does not have a smartphone and cannot install one of the applications described above, they should resort to an alternative - connect a mobile option for remote child care. Top 4 operators offer the following options:

  • “Child under supervision” (MTS). The service allows you to find out about the approximate location of the baby through SMS requests. The service costs 100 rubles per month - plus 5 rubles will be charged per request if one subscriber controls more than 3 people.
  • "Radar +" (Megafon). The option allows the parent to track the child’s movements and also informs him when the child leaves the specified geofence. Price " Radar +"- 7 rubles per day.
  • "Coordinates" (Beeline). The Beeline service gives the user the opportunity to find out the location of another subscriber - who has previously agreed to be controlled. Option " Coordinates“Quite cheap, and in the first week it’s completely free. After the test period, the subscriber will have to pay 1.7 rubles per day.
  • "Geosearch" (Tele2). The option allows you to monitor the location and movements of another subscriber around the clock - of course, if this subscriber approves the “surveillance”. Connection " Geosearch» free, subscription fee for using the service is 2 rubles per day.

Locator services are offered by all operators, but smartphone users are still advised to abandon these options in favor of third-party ones mobile applications. There are a number of reasons for this: Firstly, the data provided by operators is very, very approximate (because it depends on network coverage), Secondly, the providers’ services are paid (while, for example, the “” application does not require money at all), Thirdly For tracking to be feasible, both phones (parent and child) must be connected to the same operator - and this is not always convenient.


Muscovites should not be faced with questions about how to track a child by phone and which application to use for this - residents of the capital should definitely prefer Kid Radar. This program gives parents the opportunity to stay informed not only of their baby’s movements, but also of their academic progress – thanks to the innovative “ Electronic diary».

The provincial user is recommended to track the child through the phone using the application " Where are my children", which has very extensive functionality. Among other things, the program allows listen, what is happening around the child, and even record sound remotely. However, abuse this The function is still not worth it: if peers find out that their classmate is carrying a “bug” with him, they will simply stop communicating with him.

Almost every child has their own smartphone or tablet, which is a window into a huge, attractive and inviting, but far from harmless, virtual world. Parental control tools will help protect minors from harmful information, as well as limit the time they spend on the Internet and playing games. Today they are being developed not only for desktop computers, and for mobile devices based on Android.

I suggest you get acquainted with several programs that allow you to filter and block unwanted content, and also have other functions useful for parents.

Google Play Features

The simplest parental control tool is present in Android by default - this is one of Google features Play. With its help, you can prevent the installation of applications that are not suitable for the child’s age.

For this:

The “Content filtering settings” list has 3 sections: “Applications and games”, “Movies” and “Music”. As for music with explicit lyrics, access to it can be either completely allowed or prohibited.

In the other two sections there is a gradation by age (rating) - from 0 to 18 years. Choose something that is age appropriate for your child.

Unfortunately, the Russian version of Google Play parental controls does not filter all the content that is in the store. For example, it will not prevent a child from downloading a comic or book that contains non-childish information. In addition, this option is ineffective if the child knows how to use a browser, so parents of children over 7-8 years old are better off installing a separate security application - one of those that I will talk about later.

Parental controls from antivirus vendors

Parental control on Android can be organized using an antivirus, which may already be installed on your child’s phone or tablet. Such products include, for example, F-Secure SAFE and Quick Heal Total Security.

There are also separate programs of this class from antivirus manufacturers. They can be used either as a supplement to the main product or on their own. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Safe Kids is available in paid and free versions.

Among its functions:

  • Web content filtering.
  • Search filtering (allows you to exclude search results sites with inappropriate content).
  • Lock the device at a set time (except for calls).
  • Determining geographic location (the parent can find out where the child is).
  • Monitor device usage and send reports to your phone or email parent.

The app is easy to set up and easy to use. All the main ways to protect children's safety are present in it. It is suitable for monitoring both teenagers and young children. But you can use it only by mutual agreement, since it does not have protection against uninstallation: if the child objects to the restrictions, he will delete the program without any problems.

Norton Family parental control (Symantec)

Norton Family has almost the same set of features as the Kaspersky product. And it is also available in paid and free versions.

IN free version available:

  • Function for monitoring website visits (logging).
  • Web content filtering.
  • Immediate warning of parents about unwanted actions of the child.

The paid version additionally includes the ability to selectively control access to applications, create a report on device usage for 90 days, and receive weekly or monthly summaries by email about the time your child spends on the device and the activities on it.

Unlike SafeKids, Norton Family has deletion protection, but some particularly cunning teenagers still manage to disable it.

The range of possibilities is somewhat wider. Available in the free version:

Additional functionality is more suitable for parents of primary schoolchildren who are away from home for a long time.

Standalone parental control apps

Perhaps one of the most functional and flexible parental control tools, but paid (from $5.95 per quarter).

Among its features:

  • Safe search in all popular browsers.
  • Individual settings for blocking sites (black and white lists).
  • Limit web surfing by time (you can create a schedule for every day of the week).
  • Remote control of settings and rules (from an adult’s smartphone).
  • Limiting the time you can use the device.
  • Reports on the child’s online activity (time and content of sites visited, search queries).
  • The ability to allow or deny a child access to certain content in real time.
  • Hiding applications not intended for use by children (customizable).
  • Blocking applications based on operating time.

Despite the abundance of features, SafeKiddo is quite simple to use. In addition, it can be used to control several children, using separate rules for each.

Kids Zone Parental Controls

Kids Zone Parental Controls are useful for creating separate profiles for children on a device used by an adult. The program is intended mainly for children. Available in free and paid versions.

With Kids Zone you can:

  • Create an individual profile on your phone or tablet for each child, set their personal wallpaper on their desktop. Children's profiles will only display apps that you allow.
  • Protect program settings from changes using a PIN code.
  • Limit the time you use the device.
  • Block outgoing calls and SMS.
  • Deny Internet access.
  • Prohibit downloading and installation of programs from Google Play and other sources.
  • Block access to device settings and personal data of the parent's account.
  • Monitor children's use of the device.
  • Remove the lock by pressing one button (when you need to answer a call).

The only inconvenience of Kids Zone is that it is not translated into Russian. But in all other respects it is quite good.