How to become a successful blogger. Find interesting moments in everyday things. Twitch, Azubu, YouTube Gaming and similar services

Wordpress If you have it, so much the better for you! Proceed directly to the next step.

Choose a topic that will be of interest to many people. If you are going to create a blog about celebrities, gossip and the like, then this is a good idea. Don't blog about what you did today because most people just don't care. If you're going to blog about what you do, then only write about really amazing things. For example, about how you saw a UFO. If you have a photo to confirm your words, then do not forget to post it. This is one of the most important steps.

Read about search engine optimization. Learn the basics. Find out what keywords your articles should contain (keywords are what people search for on search engines and how they can find your blog). You have to be careful when choosing your keywords, so it's in your best interest to end up choosing ones that are actually searched for frequently.

Now focus all your efforts on your chosen keywords. Choose one big keyword, as well as three or four additional ones. They should all be similar to each other! Then include these keywords in every blog post, but include them in different combinations. Once you do this, your blog's ranking in the top search engines will rise as your blog will be focused on a specific topic.

Do everything you can to get links that point to your page and personal posts. Blog ranking is also calculated based on how many links it takes to get to your site. You can get these links by adding them to directories, using social networks, social bookmarking sites, and buying links (be very careful with these tactics).

Post consistently. Google seems to take kindly to domains that have been around for a while. Remember, Google (and other engines) have a goal of providing the best content to their users. If your blog matches search terms, it will directly affect its ranking.

Stick to one specific topic. If you're blogging about music, don't post about Twilight or anything like that. And if the blog doesn’t have a main topic, then few people will want to read it.

  • Make your messages unique. Try changing your format. Also try to work on organizing your presentation of information. The better your post is organized, the more attractive it will be to visitors. And the more attractive the posts, the better the blog itself.

    • Make sure you always create posts with amazing content. The better your content and more interesting your blog, the more people will visit it. Focus on SEO, but also remember that ultimately your goal is to satisfy your readers.
  • Many active Internet users have thought at least once in their lives about how bloggers make money. A logical question, because people who run their own channel on YouTube or a virtual diary (in LiveJournal, for example) have a really solid income, and everyone is interested in what needs to be done to get it. And that’s why it’s worth discussing this topic.


    Since video blogging is more popular than text blogging, I would like to dwell on it in more detail. Advertising is the main source of income for every owner of a well-known channel. Surely every person who uses YouTube has noticed PR videos. This is advertising. It automatically turns on either just before the start of the video that is open for viewing, or appears in the middle. Sometimes more than one advertising image pops up. It is at their expense that the profit of the channel owner who uploads the videos is made.

    When talking about how bloggers make money, it's worth taking a closer look at this principle. So, there is a certain company engaged in the production of cosmetics. The company needs buyers, and therefore its representatives order advertising from Google Corporation, which owns YouTube. Then, to attract the target audience, specialists identify several of the most popular thematic channels, the owners of which post relevant videos. In this case, we are talking about beauty blogs - video diaries dedicated to the topic of beauty. In almost all cases, they are led by girls. In their videos, they discuss issues related to cosmetics, and also conduct master classes on makeup and hairstyles. Naturally, they have a corresponding audience.

    Then the channel owners are invited to cooperate - an advertisement is played before their video, and the authors are awarded funds. Everyone wins. The blogger gets money, the audience gets information, and the customer gets new clients.

    What is the amount?

    This, of course, is not all there is to know about how bloggers make money. There are specifics in cooperation with advertisers.

    But what is the amount? She is not big. The author of the channel receives only a certain percentage of the funds paid by the advertiser. Let’s say that for every click to his site he offers $1. A blogger can get 30-40 cents from it. This is not much, but many believe that in this way YouTube encourages channel owners to create more interesting and high-quality content - to increase the number of views and, accordingly, potential advertiser clients.

    PR directly

    When talking about whether bloggers make money, one cannot fail to mention the direct advertising method. It is, however, offered to owners of popular channels - those on which the number of subscribers amounts to hundreds of thousands or even millions.

    The point is that the blogger promotes the advertiser’s website/product/service in the video itself, briefly talking about the advantages and merits of what is being offered. Then, as a rule, the phrase follows: “You can see the link to the site in the video description.”

    This method is effective. In this case, users begin to subconsciously become interested in the advertised product, since it is being promoted by a famous blogger whom they trust.

    Income of famous YouTubers

    On a well-known website dedicated to videos, the number of registered channels is in the millions. However, only a few of them are highly rated.

    If we turn to the vastness of the RuNet, we can highlight several channels. Many TOPs are headed by Ivan Rudskoy with his blog called EeOneGuy (renamed “Ivangay” in 2017). The guy is 21 years old, and his estimated income from the YouTube affiliate program is about $300,000 (17,158,500 rubles at the current exchange rate). His channel has almost 11.4 million subscribers and total views of more than 2.5 billion.

    The blog of Maxim Golopolosov, who hosts an entertainment show called “+100500,” is also popular. He has been on YouTube for 7 years, and during this time more than 8 million people have subscribed to the main channel (there is also a second one). According to statistics from the Statsheep portal, Maxim’s income during the entire existence of the channel amounted to about $2.6 million.

    You can give many more examples, but even looking at these, you can understand why many people are interested in how to become a video blogger and make money.

    Showing the product with your face

    There is one more topic that is worth noting when talking about how bloggers make money on YouTube.

    It happens that a product is advertised directly in the video. For example, an online store of cool things with unusual prints can order PR from one or another blogger, inviting him to shoot one of the videos while wearing one of these T-shirts. And at the end of his video, he can say something like: “By the way, this T-shirt was given to me by the guys from the store (the name is indicated). If you want to look stylish, take a look there - I’ll leave the link in the description.”

    Equipment stores, for example, provide cameras to bloggers who are asked to use them to film their next episode. A very convenient method, because viewers can immediately evaluate the quality of the equipment. Girls who run a beauty blog are often asked to show a master class in a video using cosmetics from the brand they want to advertise. And there are many similar examples. To advertise a particular product, there is always a popular channel on the relevant topic.

    Monetization of videos

    Worldwide networks provide their users with enormous earning opportunities. Anyone can work on the Internet and earn a stable income, regardless of their age, gender and educational level.

    To do this, it is enough to share useful information with other users, I publish it on my personal page, which is called a blog. By constantly posting information in the chosen direction on it, you can become popular, successful and financially independent.

    Blogging is the path to financial freedom

    Who are bloggers and what do they do? A person who owns his own blog is called a blogger. He can write articles, shoot videos or take photographs. A blogger does not just describe an event, he expresses his opinion about it.

    It is worth noting that blogs are more popular than websites. This is due to the special mentality of modern Internet users. Not many people are interested in reading bare facts, but they are curious to get acquainted with someone else’s opinion regarding them, agree with it or challenge it. Today, blogging is a prestigious type of business. He can independently decide when, how much and what to write to him. A successful blogger has the opportunity to combine work and leisure. He can carry out his activities from any corner of the world, since it does not limit him in location, which is unacceptable for all office workers. To start it, you only need to have a great desire to share information with people.

    What is a blog

    The more interesting the posts are, the more people will want to read them, leave a comment under the post, or ask a question. A blogger’s income depends directly on the traffic to his page. A novice entrepreneur will be able to receive the first money from his work only after his page begins to be popular.

    The traditional way of doing blogging is to post your own articles on the portal.

    They should briefly describe a phenomenon, event or fact, after which you need to clearly and colorfully express your personal attitude to the described episode. Forecasts, advice or criticism are popular.
    A blogger can shoot his own videos, post them on a YouTube channel and promote them. For some, an account on a video hosting site is enough to earn money, while other Internet entrepreneurs insert videos into their portal, describe them in the text part and publish them. This solution will allow you to increase your earnings, since in fact a person manages two resources.

    A popular mistake made by video bloggers, as a result of which their publications become unnecessary, is posting slideshows on video hosting.

    It is worth noting that the blogger advertises himself, so readers should know him by sight. Faceless publications are most often of no interest to anyone. In any video, at the beginning and at the end of the video, the owner of the resource must be removed, since otherwise, when changing the portal site, promotion will have to start from scratch.

    How to become a blogger, where to start

    Before starting a blogging business, you should evaluate the degree to which your own worldview is formed. Thoughts and views on states of affairs should not be borrowed. It is better if they are the result of rethinking and inference. If their signs are not present in the publication, then it will become uninteresting to readers. It is worth noting that their point of view does not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the blogger. You can enjoy popularity even in the face of criticism.

    You need to answer their questions in a timely manner. You need to respond to both praise and criticism. In the eyes of users, you need to be a real person from whom you can get feedback.

    53 232 2 Hello. In this article we will talk about how to become a blogger and start making money. You will learn all the secrets of bloggers, and also receive a video tip on how to become a blogger and start making money from it.

    Why is it profitable to be a blogger?

    Every year, working on the Internet becomes more popular. It should be taken into account that any citizen can earn money, regardless of age and gender. If previously no one knew who bloggers were, today many people are trying to become successful and popular in this direction.

    To begin with, let's note that:

    blogger is a person who shares useful information with others on his personal page. As a rule, each blogger has his own topic and direction in which he moves and shares his thoughts and advice.

    Nowadays, being a blogger is prestigious. It is this category of citizens:

    • does what he loves and gets paid for it;
    • has complete freedom to choose what to write about;
    • decides how much time to devote to work;
    • combines work and leisure.

    Some office workers are forced to fulfill their duties and only dream about it. A blogger is his own boss. Today, some citizens envy the success and popularity of others, without even realizing that they themselves can become a popular blogger. To start writing your own diary, you only need a great desire.

    The success of a blogger depends on the traffic to his page. The more interesting your posts are, the more people will not only actively view the information, but leave comments and ask questions. Your income will depend on the number of visitors.

    Once the page is popular, the blogger will be able to earn money. The main thing, as already noted, is to have a great desire and not make typical mistakes.

    How to make money with a blog

    Everyone who chooses this direction is interested in one question: How can you make money thanks to your hobby? In fact, there are several simple ways to generate income.

    Let's consider what will allow you to earn good money:

    1. Subscriptions and premium content. This is the most clumsy option that can bring you good profits. The main thing is to understand before starting work whether your activity is worth it or not.
    2. Placing paid links. This method helps you earn money at the initial stage, when you are just creating your own page and have several regular subscribers. The only thing to consider is that the amounts here are small, and the payment will largely depend on the number of views.
    3. Paid posts. This method of earning money is suitable for well-promoted bloggers. In this case, companies themselves can submit an offer to post a post. This is a great way to earn several tens of thousands of rubles.
    4. Banner advertising. This is the most commonplace method that all novice bloggers use. If you choose this option, you can earn a pretty penny for ad views or clicks. This method works well, but does not bring in as much money as we would like.
    5. Direct advertising in a video or subscribing to a channel. Such advertising is ready to bring in the most money today. Before using this type of income, you must responsibly approach the search for an employer and carefully study the reviews.
    6. Earning money with the YouTube affiliate program. Thanks to this method, you can receive less money than in the first case. The main thing is to enter into an agreement with one of the media networks that is connected to this program.

    How and how much do bloggers earn?

    Once you have regular visitors, you will be able to earn money. But how to get money from attendance? In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem. You can earn money on:

    • Selling advertising space

    If you have good traffic, you can sell advertising. All you need to do is find a verified advertiser and place an ad on your page. Today the best option is contextual advertising from Yandex or Google.

    • Selling links

    Every successful blogger knows that to promote your page you need to purchase links in large quantities. Once your page becomes very popular, you can sell links yourself and earn additional income. To purchase a link, just visit a special resource and choose the most suitable offer for yourself.

    • Custom material

    How often do you see crazy information on a good page? Probably quite often. For example, you can find a custom post that tells how water passed through a special miracle filter helps cure all diseases. And, of course, on the blog page they offer to buy a filter at a special price. For such an advertising article, on average, you can earn several thousand rubles per post.

    How much do bloggers earn?

    Many people are interested in the question of how much you can earn if you run your own blog. In fact, you can earn a lot, since it all depends on your desire and ability to work. It's no secret that all blogs are different.

    To answer this question, you need to take into account:

    • traffic;
    • advertising;
    • clicks;
    • likes and stuff.

    The more activity, the more income.

    For some, earning 500 rubles a month is a big achievement, while other bloggers earn millions.

    Where to begin

    If you have decided to become a blogger, you must clearly understand that this is, first of all, a job that requires a lot of time. If you have enough time, then you can start, learn, open up, and strive for your goal. The main thing is that everything must be done in stages.

    Of course, the most important question for any beginner is: where do you need to start to become a blogger and make money? Here are some tips for new bloggers.

    Blog format: advantages and disadvantages

    Before talking about blogging formats, you need to understand what it is. The blog format is what you will write about. This is the very niche that you must decide on before choosing a platform and starting to actively develop.

    The choice is quite large. Some actively share their lives, while others simply post quality photos. Let's look at several main formats that are most popular today.

    1. Private

    This is the most common format when one person starts actively:

    • write your life stories;
    • shares experience;
    • talk about discoveries.

    Concerning benefits , then it is worth noting complete freedom of creativity, since you can post information of absolutely any content.

    From shortcomings It is worth noting the fact that popularity may not come immediately, but after a while. Therefore, you will have to be patient and go towards your goal.

    1. Thematic

    It is not as easy to conduct as a personal one, because in this case you have a narrow direction from which you cannot deviate. But if you have a lot of interesting information, such a blog will not be worth the price. Also, don’t forget about your style, it should be special for you.

    But for good and high-quality work, you can get many subscribers who will recommend your page to friends and acquaintances. High-quality material is highly valued today.

    1. Portfolio

    Recently, this direction is gaining increasing popularity. This is great for those who like to take high-quality photographs and know how to process them.

    To attract a subscriber, you must take amazing and high-quality photographs that will simply mesmerize. And this is extremely difficult. Therefore to shortcomings This can be attributed to the fact that a beginner may not have the appropriate skills, since everything comes with experience.

    Advantage is that many bloggers can get an order to create a portfolio or get a good order for a fashionable glossy magazine.

    If you don’t know how to write, but take high-quality photographs, then this is your direction to which you should dedicate your blog.

    Choosing your niche

    The first thing you need to do is decide on the niche of your block. It is worth taking into account that some are already so crowded that you can only get into them if you have a certain “trick” or large investments.

    It is better for a novice blogger to take a closer look at narrower areas where there is not much competition, and it will be easier to find his reader. When choosing a topic for your future diary, be sure to take into account your knowledge and life experience. You should write about what you are good at.

    Only if you have a good grasp of the information will you be able to share your knowledge with readers, answer their questions and give valuable advice. The topic should completely inspire you and set you up for the creative process.

    As practice shows, bloggers who chose popular but uninteresting topics did not achieve their goals and simply stopped engaging in this type of activity.

    This can be seen in the example of your Instagram subscriptions: someone writes about their celebrity son, someone about their travels, those who understand raising children have found their niche in the market, those who decided to move to another country write about this, etc.

    Platform selection

    Once you decide on a topic, you need to choose a platform. To make the right choice, let's look at what platforms are on the World Wide Web and who they may be suitable for.

    Of course there are many other platforms. We have covered only the most popular ones. Of course, if you are an interesting person, then you can maintain your blog on VK, or better yet, on several social networks at once. So you yourself will understand what is more convenient for you and from what you get more income.

    Designing your blog

    To make a good design, you will need to seek help from a professional. As practice shows, users of the World Wide Web prefer to visit pages with an interesting and unique design.

    If you decide to shoot a video on YouTube, then you will need a header and a high-quality screensaver. As for pages on a social network, in addition to the header, you will need to order the entire group menu and page background.

    With a website, everything is much more complicated and expensive, since you will need your own unique theme. Of course, you shouldn’t turn to professionals, because you can buy a ready-made theme at a low price or use the services of a freelancer.

    Blog content

    In fact, this is the most important part of your job. Your attendance and your income will depend on the quality of the material. You must:

    • convey complex information to your reader in an accessible manner;
    • write only reliable advice;
    • answer all questions;
    • be able to correctly publish an article so that it is convenient for your user to view it.

    When filling out a blog, you must do everything to ensure that the reader likes your page and subscribes to it.

    What makes a blogger popular?

    To become a successful blogger, you need to not only learn a few simple rules, but also strictly follow them. If done correctly, you will become popular and well paid.

    To become popular you need to:

    1. Post only quality content

    High-quality material is the most difficult thing that can happen in the work of a novice blogger. It’s no secret that competent and unique material is quite in demand. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what direction you choose, the main thing is to do your work efficiently and consistently.

    Only thanks to quality content will people be drawn to you, and in a few years you will be able to gather a large audience of subscribers.

    1. Don't be afraid to write about yourself

    Create an “about the author” page and write detailed information about yourself. In this case, we are not talking about residential address and passport information. It's important to share a little about your life to gain trust from your audience. Then people get the impression that he knows you personally, and when you can say “Oh, I know him!” it attracts more people/followers. As they say in the tabloids "everyone likes to dig into other people's dirty laundry."

    In addition to feedback on your page, leave your contacts: Skype, Viber or personal email address. Remember that additional contacts are never superfluous. The popular blogger always actively communicates with his readers and answers all their questions.

    How to write and format posts

    First, let's look at how to write material correctly so that the reader likes it. Here is a step-by-step plan for correctly writing a blog post:

    When the work is completely ready, it is necessary to formalize it correctly. There are small secrets here that are also worth taking into account.

    Basic requirements for correct post formatting:

    • any material must always be divided into paragraphs;
    • important words and key phrases should be highlighted;
    • quotes and statements should be highlighted with a special tag;
    • if the text contains enumerations, then it is better to format them as a list, rather than write them in continuous text separated by commas;
    • Don’t forget about subheadings, this will help the reader quickly find the necessary information;
    • Don’t forget about pictures/emoticons/stickers that will help attract the visitor’s attention.

    How often to post

    As already mentioned, a blog is like a personal journal. Popular bloggers share useful information with their readers every day. If you want to be among the sought-after and popular, then be prepared to constantly update information.

    Do not forget that in most cases information becomes outdated. For example, if you decide to publish news and actively discuss it, you need to take into account that after a few days they may simply lose their uniqueness.

    Or fashion advice may change over time, which cannot be said about advice on facial or body care. This has always been in demand.

    You must understand that if visitors come in and see old information, they may go to another blogger and it will be extremely difficult, or almost impossible, to return them.

    How to become a blogger on YouTube and Instagram

    If you believe the statistics, then these platforms are the most popular. Let's consider what needs to be done to achieve a good result and become a recognizable and sought-after blogger on a social network.

    Interesting, and most importantly unlike other pages, a blog is a lot of work, which implies that its owner has his own taste and style.

    You must be able to both write a good post and post a high-quality photo. Of course, you can be cunning and borrow ideas from others, but this will not lead to anything good: you will be non-unique, banal and uninteresting. Therefore, you will need to constantly listen to yourself and do your work not only efficiently, but also beautifully.

    How to become a blogger on YouTube

    Youtube is a service where every blogger can post their video for everyone to see. This service appeared in 2005. In such a short period of time, it was able to gain the attention of millions of users. Today, several million people actively use the services of this site and are looking for the material they need.

    To become a blogger on YouTube you will need:

    • Come up with an interesting nickname and channel name. As a rule, these two concepts coincide. The choice of nickname should be approached extremely responsibly, since there are many ill-wishers and nationalists on the Internet.
    • Select an address for your channel and register it. It is worth noting that it is completely free, which is good news.
    • Decide on the direction of your channel. You can review the latest news or shoot useful tips.
    • Constantly publish material on a social network. In addition to YouTube, you should post links on your social network page. This will attract as many visitors as possible.
    • Dedicate a lot of time to the quality of the material. You must understand that only high-quality videos will appeal to subscribers, and they will look forward to new products.
    • Buy advertising from popular bloggers. This must be done when your channel already has a sufficient number of videos and funds.

    It turns out that to become a successful blogger on YouTube, you need to shoot high-quality videos. If you can come up with your own “trick,” then success is guaranteed.


    If you have decided to create your own blog on Instagram, you should understand that it is extremely difficult to become popular on this network today. To achieve this will require a lot of hard work.

    To become a blogger you will need:

    • Come up with a name for yourself. This is the most basic thing, so you should not write down your full name. The name should be simple and easy to remember. Maybe you can come up with something unique that will bring you wild popularity in the future.
    • Create an account. Just like on YouTube, you can access Instagram completely free of charge.
    • Post only your unique photos. Today, high-quality photos with animals, nature or food are very popular. Don’t forget about the popular selfie, which attracts most of the visitors to the World Wide Web.
    • Add hashtags. Today hashtags are everything to us. It is thanks to them that users will be able to find the information they need and become a visitor to your page.
    • Communication with subscribers. Constantly uploading photos is, of course, good. But your blog must be alive. Therefore, try to communicate with your visitors as often as possible and take their opinions into account. You can do a short survey and find out what your subscribers want to see.

    You can also subscribe to other interesting bloggers, like them and take into account the opinions of more experienced ones.

    As practice shows, many novice bloggers make mistakes at the initial stage. As a result of several mistakes, many simply give up on their business and forget about the blog and dreams of becoming successful and in demand on the Internet.

    1. You should not start your own blog if you are not ready to invest money in it. . At the same time, it is worth understanding that investments are needed constantly and rather large. Some people think that they can simply create their own page “for the soul” and start immediately making good money. Know that this is absolutely not true.
    2. You should not independently search for information on the Internet that will help you set up a blog. . Apart from a large amount of unnecessary information and “porridge”, there will be no “mess” in your head. It is better to entrust the matter to professionals and undergo training from a specialist. Only after you understand how a blog works can you begin.
    3. Be prepared for the fact that for the first year you will constantly develop your blog and invest all your personal time and money into it. Unfortunately, nothing happens right away. Therefore, if you are ready to work and wait, then you can safely start creating your page.
    4. You shouldn’t believe enthusiastic articles that claim that becoming a blogger is easy. . Know that this is absolutely not true. Every job requires its own effort, and bloggers are no exception. Every day you will encounter haters who will pour a bucket of dirt at you, and if you are going to write about personal abuse, then you need a lot of patience and courage to withstand the attacks. Many bloggers say that before publishing a post, they will take 1000 photos, a bunch of video clips, from which they will choose only 1-2. And writing the post itself can take a whole day. Although, there are those whose words flow like a river.
    5. Always improve . It's no secret that knowledge is power. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to constantly improve and develop. Therefore, even if you achieve your goal, you can always set another goal and move towards it.

    Who are the haters

    Hater is a fairly popular word that can be increasingly found on the Internet. Who is this? Translated from English, this is the usual hatred. It turns out that haters are people who simply hate something or someone. They express their hatred on their blog page.

    In most cases, haters pay attention to:

    • famous athletes;
    • musicians;
    • TV presenters;
    • participants of the real show.

    The more popular a person is, the more haters he has. These are the opposite kind of fans. The thing is that they just want to be the center of attention. Through strong language and criticism, they can attract many visitors to their blog.

    Useful tips from experienced bloggers!

    Good luck in your endeavors and fewer haters to you 😉!

    Useful articles:

    It's the twenty-first century, the information era has swallowed up this world. Today we can no longer imagine life without social networks. There you can quickly find out information of interest, news, chat with friends, find new acquaintances, listen to music, watch movies and just relax. One of these is Instagram. What kind of social network is this and how to become a successful blogger on Instagram?

    Instagram is a social photo network. Users have the opportunity to post their photos, start blogs and subscribe to the accounts of others. Some people simply follow the lives of their friends and share their photos, while others strive to become popular and monetize their account. How to become on Instagram?

    Four simple tips will get you on the right track if you're a beginner, and will help more experienced users get the hang of it. So, how to become a blogger and make money on Instagram?

    This step is very important. Based on the answer to this question, further activity will be formed in the direction of “upgrading” the account, a strategy for success.

    1. You view blogging on Instagram as a job. In this case, you will have to spend significantly more time, effort (including psychological, because blogging involves active communication with users, subscribers, and other bloggers) and money. In addition, it’s a good idea to have a base of certain skills in online promotion, regular marketing or SMM, affiliate programs, and other methods of promotion and making money on your account. Such work requires careful preparation; you must at least become familiar with the specifics of both blogging itself and maintaining a page on social networks, on Instagram.
    2. Instagram and blogging are a hobby for you. If you take this position, then creativity will help you. You can’t be afraid to stick to your line and promote a certain direction and thinking. Well-prepared new information always attracted attention.

    Content planning is one of the basic tips for successful blogging. You need to understand that stability is the key to success, so first learn to post photos regularly.

    How to become Instagram offers many opportunities. To be a successful blogger, you should think about publishing regularly. Don't think that if you post ten photos you can get away from work for a week. For successful promotion, an album must create a mini-story about its owner. It is necessary for subscribers to be interested in watching events unfold. Only then will your content look holistic.

    How do you become a blogger on Instagram? The professional level starts with activating a business account and tracking page metrics. Statistics tracking will need to be connected through a business account, which is created within the social network itself. When you switch from a personal to a business account, you will have two new icons, including “Statistics”.

    In this section, you can get acquainted with information that will allow you to understand how your audience reacts to you, which publications are becoming popular, and what is the best time to add new photos. If you plan to engage in marketing on social networks or blogging professionally, then working with statistics will systematize the information.

    The header is located under the nickname and number of subscribers. It must indicate who you are, what you do, contact information and active links to additional resources (other social networks, personal website).

    Main photography also plays a big role. Looking at it in your feed, a person should become interested in you and go to the page. The avatar should attract attention with its creativity.

    How do you become a blogger on Instagram? To become a successful blogger, you need to be able to gain an audience using photos. True, on Instagram there are accounts without a main photo, which first attracts the main attention. This is a good, concise approach. But it is in photographs that professionalism is expressed.

    It’s not enough to just take a photo and upload it. It is important to carry out at least minimal light correction and apply a couple of filters on top. Advertisers pay attention to this because the response comes when the work is visible.

    How to become a blogger on Instagram? Instagram is a serious platform with a lot of opportunities for you to be seen by a wide audience. But to get something, you need to invest something. This is the rule that should be fundamental when purchasing advertising. Yes, yes, advertising. And don’t be stingy, give an extra hundred for promotion. It's worth it.

    The second option is creating art (creativity). If you know how to draw beautifully, you can send your robots to other bloggers. If some of them publish your work, you can gain your audience. When you reach the professional level, new prospects will open up for you. Working with popular companies will significantly increase your audience.

    So, if everything is more or less clear with the question of how to become a blogger on Instagram, then other problems remain. For example, what content is best to promote?

    In what direction should we develop?

    Not so long ago, Instagram was a creative platform. People came up with their own styles, there was no annoying spam. Today, the social network has also become an advertising platform, where much is based on the mainstream. How to become a blogger on Instagram? If you are a beginner blogger and don’t have a target audience yet, you can try yourself in the mainstream.

    You can look at different accounts, filter a ton of information, look for inspiration from other people. But don't copy celebrities who have achieved success in one field or another. You need to understand:

    • what you do should be to your taste (in other words, you shouldn’t go to fashion if you don’t know anything about styles and wear what’s the first to fall out of your closet);
    • the chosen direction should not complicate your work; if you feel that you cannot cope, it is better not to take it (the chosen topic should be interesting, bring pleasure and at the same time not burden you).

    To summarize, at first it is better to follow modern trends, but always adapt it to suit yourself.

    So, what directions should you choose for development? Some of the most popular destinations are:

    1. Fashion.
    2. Beauty blogging.
    3. Life style.
    4. Discovery.
    5. Food blogging.

    Each topic is quite popular and extensive, so it’s worth dwelling on each separately.


    There is literally no exact answer to the question “What is fashion?” Some say it's art, others say it's style. Since the word “fashion” has become widespread relatively recently, its meaning has not yet been defined. In a general sense, fashion is fashion.

    Fashion has characteristics. The presence of trends is one of them. Many companies and designers are creating new collections, thereby moving trends forward. They change every six months. This is one of the main concepts of this industry.

    If you have a good sense of taste, you can try yourself in this direction.

    Beauty blogging

    “The topic of beauty will always be relevant!” - this is exactly the motto of beauty bloggers. They promote cosmetology to the general public, teach how to use cosmetics, and choose the best personal care products. What is the reason for the popularity of beauty blogging? It is much calmer to look at a person from your circle than at a high-level fashion model.

    How to become a beauty blogger on Instagram? To become a beauty blogger, you need to thoroughly understand the topic of cosmetology and understand the responsibility of your business. You must be confident in certain means to advise it to people.

    Life style

    How to become a popular blogger on Instagram? If you are an open person who wants to talk about yourself and your life, then lifestyle blogging is perfect. This area does not have any narrow specialization. This is a fairly well-known style and one of the easiest, compared to other narrow topics. You simply talk about your life, and the blog becomes a video diary, where different moments are recorded.

    A person who deals with this topic usually makes blogs. You walk down the street and simply comment on everything that happens at the moment. Your news does not concern world problems, you simply enjoy life and film it on camera. A monopod will help you.


    Discovering is one of the subtypes of lifestyle, but due to the widespread popularity of this trend, it can be noted as a separate type. Discovering blog - a blog about travel. This topic is the most expensive. How to become a blogger on Instagram? From time to time you should show where you have been, what you have done, and what difficulties you have encountered.

    If you have the opportunity to travel, then this type of blogging is ideal for you.

    Food blogging

    If your profession is related to cooking or your hobby is preparing different delicious dishes, then food blogging will be an enjoyable and useful activity for you. You can simply write recipes for dishes, but above all, visual contact is important. And Instagram is suitable for this like nothing else.

    For a blog to delight others with incredibly delicious dishes, you need to know the basics of cooking.

    In addition, in all topics of Instagram blogging there is another important factor - equipment. You need to buy a good enough camera so that the photos and videos are of high quality.