How to find out your phone number? On MTS, Beeline and Megafon (general instructions). How to find out your personal MTS phone number using a special command How to find your old phone number

Hi all! Today's post is dedicated to telecom operators. Or more precisely, how and what queries you need to specify in order to find out everything about your phone, from the tariff to the balance.

I didn’t make different instructions, but combined everything into one whole. And below there is a more detailed text description of each command. So, the most important thing to start with is to find out what cellular operator you have.

Instructions on how to find out your number

At first glance, it seems quite simple to find out your mobile phone number. And once they come to their senses (they urgently need to tell someone their number), they realize that they don’t know and don’t remember it. In fact, there is nothing supernatural about this - people never call themselves. And it often happens that a person is simply not inclined to memorize a set of several numbers.

Or, what also happens, a SIM card that has been “lost” for a long time or put in a secluded place is suddenly accidentally discovered, for example, on a shelf in a sideboard, or lying in the dust under the sofa. And the number of this SIM card, of course, you can’t remember on your own and there’s no one to ask.

And it also happens that the SIM card is worn almost to holes, due to frequent replacement of old phone models with a new model. Companies that produce these devices (cellular) try to update the “line” of each model almost monthly.
At the same time, without bothering about the reliability of the cellular device, the main thing here is the company’s profit, and not concern for consumers. The newer the model is stuffed with all sorts of “bells and whistles”, the faster it will fail and the client will buy a more “improved” model.

Or you just desperately need a new SIM card.

It’s good if you need to restore it (SIM card), while keeping your “favorite” number. Sometimes another situation arises: you urgently need to travel to another city or country. This is when the need arises to memorize a new number, which is often very difficult to retain in memory. But you need to tell your friends and relatives. And naturally a question that is vitally important for you arises - how can you ultimately find out your “mysterious” number?

But this is not a problem at all!

How to find out your phone number? All methods:

There are several ways to find out your number, which you can learn about below in this article.

The most convenient and easiest way is to call one of your relatives or friends, and your number will appear on their display. In this case, just ask them to dictate it to you. And thus you will find out your phone number.

Call your parents and your phone will appear on their display. Hurry up to write it down!

But it happens that there are no friends nearby, and there is nowhere to call to finally find out your number. And calling a friend when you are in another country just to want to know your number is generally inconvenient.
For such cases, there is another way to find out your phone number, which is to directly contact the mobile operator from whom you purchased the SIM card. For such cases, mobile operators have various combinations of symbols, by typing which you will immediately recognize your number without any problems.

If you urgently need to find out your own number, then the “Find out your number” service, which is available in many tariff plans of most mobile operators, will help you with this. This service will allow you not to keep your own mobile number in your head - you can request such information from your telecom operator and receive a response within a short time.

How to find out your MTS number?

Method 1.

Send a USSD request from your phone *111*0887# - And
Your phone number will be indicated in the response message.

Method 2.

Or call from your cell phone to the number 0887 - and the autoinformer will read out your number by numbers.
To be safe, activate the on-screen keyboard of your mobile phone - if suddenly you do not have time to write down the digits of the number, you can listen to this message again if you press the number “2”.

How to find out your BEELINE number?

Method 1.

Send a USSD request from your cell phone *110*10#
and then press the call key. Your phone number will be sent in a reply message.
If this command does not work, you can do it differently: send the command *110*9# -
This is a request for a login and password from the online service “My Beeline”. In this case, the login that you will receive in response is, in fact, your forgotten phone number.

Method 2.

Next option.
Use the Beeline SIM menu - the location of which depends on the model of your cell phone.
In the menu itself, go: “My Beeline” - “My data” - “My phone number”.
In response, you will receive an SMS with your phone number.

Method 3.

Or call the number 0674 . Next, using the electronic operator’s prompts, go to the section
“Information required to pay for services” - “Telephone number that should be indicated when making a payment.” An SMS will be sent to your request.

How to find out your phone number on MEGAFON?

Method 1.

If you are a Megafon subscriber, you need to dial a USSD request *127# and press the call key, after which you will be told your cell phone number (yours, of course) via a reply message.

Method 2.

You can also try to find out the forgotten Megafon phone number using a special command for this operator *111# . Thus, a menu for managing information and other services will become available to you.
Where you just need to select the line “Remember tariff/number”. After a short period of time, you will receive a response by SMS message, which will contain your number with this operator (Megafon), in addition to the current tariff. And what is very commendable is that the service is provided absolutely free.

Method 3.

Another way to find out your number from the Megafon operator for free is by typing the command *127# . Particular attention should be paid to the fact that depending on your current tariff, the command needed to determine the forgotten number may be different or completely absent.

That's probably all. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. And I hope you made it through.

And if you have any questions, ask below in the comments. They will help you! There is another way - remember your 10 digits. It's not as difficult as it seems))

A . This is also typical for landline phones. Finding out information about new contacts is quite difficult, and in some cases impossible, with the exception of landline phone numbers.

You will need

  • - reference book;
  • - Internet access.


If you find out that your cell phone number has changed, contact your cellular network operator for new contacts. Please note that the provision of such information occurs only in cases strictly stipulated by the company's rules, therefore, it is quite possible that your request will be denied. Also, if your request was approved and the conditions were considered acceptable for informing you about the changed number phone, the disadvantage of this method is that the person you are interested in could use the services of another operator when connecting a new one numbers mobile phone.

In this case, you will have to contact the offices of other companies to obtain subscriber data, which may also not be provided to you depending on the operator’s rules. Also note that you need to know the exact passport details of the person you are interested in.

Look through the pages on social networks of the subscriber you are interested in, quite possibly his new number phone indicated in the contact information. Also, having contacts on the Internet, you can ask him about the new number directly. You can also send him an email or contact one of the people on his friends list. The Internet provides much more opportunities here.

If you want to know the changed landline number phone, having only information about the old contact, call the help desk of the telephone company that serves you, the number of which you can find on its official website. Tell the employee the available data and try to find out the subscriber’s first and last name. Also, if you have other information about the user, use the resource database if you have access to the Internet.

Wanting to see information O user any site, you can find out all the data you need with a few clicks of the mouse. Please note that only the information that the user has left open for public viewing will be available to you.


Before you can view information about any user, you need to log in to the site. To do this, you need to open the resource page where the user you are interested in is registered. If you do not have an account on this site, you will also need to complete the registration procedure. If you are already registered on the resource, log in to it using your username and password (this data must be entered into the special user authorization form provided on the main page of the site). After you log in to the site, you can view information O user.

Find the user you need using the site search. To do this, you need to enter his nickname in the search form, and then click the “Search” button. You will be offered many answers to your request, among which you can find a link containing the phrase “User Profile”. Click on this link. You will be redirected to the personal page of the user you are interested in. Here you can find everything you are interested in information.

You can also look information O user in a slightly different way. Once logged into the site, find the text link “Users” on the main page. Click on this link. On the page that opens you will be provided with the entire list of people registered on the resource. Sort the list by name, and then find the nickname of the user you are interested in. By clicking on the nickname, you can get acquainted with the information you are interested in user.

Helpful advice

Have helpline numbers with you.

What usually does a person who is tired of calls from collectors demanding the return of borrowed funds usually do? There are several options for the development of events:

1) he diligently pays off the entire debt and happily forgets about this period of his life;
2) humbly listens to all the threats and insults of the collectors, hoping that somehow everything will resolve itself;
3) writes complaints to the relevant authorities or files a lawsuit;
4) buys a new SIM card and thinks that this will end all the suffering.

However, a short period of time passes and the calls resume with renewed vigor. How do debt collectors find out phone numbers? Why are I receiving SMS messages with threats from debt collectors again on my new number? There are accessible ways for collectors to find out phone numbers and then successfully continue their “dirty” business in relation to the debtor.

Registering and creating an account on social networks is a popular way of communication for people of all ages. This is also one of the sources from where collectors find out debtors’ phone numbers. Sometimes they can create a fake page on one of the social networks, putting a photo of a girl on the avatar and thus find out all the secret information from the debtor himself or from his friends indicated on the page. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when dealing with strangers on the Internet in order to avoid the following question later: “I bought a new SIM card - collectors are calling!” How did they find me? Moreover, there is no law that would prohibit collectors from collecting information in this way. You should protect yourself from such developments by closing your page for visiting strangers and not indicating your real last name and first name in your profile.

Method No. 2. New loan from a bank

The debtor, who decided to change his phone number, applied to another bank for a new loan and was refused. But after a while, even though he bought a SIM card, the collectors called. How to explain this? When applying for a new loan, the borrower left his contact information and it somehow leaked to the collectors. Such actions on the part of the bank are regarded as illegal, but it is difficult to prove that the information was obtained from them. Therefore, it is better for the debtor to refrain from trying to get a new loan until the statute of limitations on the first, problematic loan has expired.

Method number 3. IMEI code

This international mobile telephone identifier is assigned to each mobile phone and remains unique. Simply changing the number to an old mobile device will not help, because identifying a person by IMEI is not difficult. Moreover, if the mobile phone was purchased in installments and its IMEI was recorded by the store employees. The borrower stops paying the loan installments, the bank sells the debt to collectors, they find out the IMEI code from the store and use it to calculate the debtor’s new number. Therefore, if the debtor decides to change his phone number, he will also have to change his mobile phone.

Method No. 4. Collecting information from colleagues and neighbors

Collection services sometimes act like detectives. If the debtor is hiding and trying to “cover up” his tracks, they may begin door-to-door visits to neighbors, relatives, or pay visits to the borrower’s place of work. The “bank trace” left behind, in the form of phone numbers of contact third parties when applying for a loan, explains how collectors find out the phone numbers of acquaintances. They, in turn, can indicate to the collectors the current number of the debtor in order to get rid of their calls. If the debtor's friends or acquaintances remain loyal to him, they will not give out any information. But situations are different. Perhaps neighbors or acquaintances harbor some kind of grudge against the debtor and, by disclosing information about him, want to take revenge. Managers or colleagues simply do not want unnecessary problems and will easily open the required information. As a result, the debtor is left with a new SIM card, on which the collectors write SMS messages with threats, as before.

Calls regarding someone else's debt

There are situations when a citizen who does not owe the bank anything complains: “I bought a SIM card - collectors call and demand some money on the loan! What to do?". The new number purchased will not necessarily be “clean”. There are only a few such numbers on the market, and the rest are secondary, which already have a history. Sometimes, in service centers, mobile operators warn about such consequences. A person who finds himself in such a situation needs to contact the bank with a statement that he is the new official owner of the card and has no obligations to the institution. The application must be considered by the bank's special services. If no action has taken place on their part and the calls continue, the victim can safely file a claim based on the provisions of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and having previously attached audio, photo and video materials on the case.

All these methods are not the only ones. The possibilities for collectors to collect the necessary information are quite wide and are not always legal.

Some advice for people who find themselves in this situation:

Do not communicate with debt collectors by phone, do not agree to personal meetings, do not respond to emails or SMS messages. If communication does occur, it is necessary to record all conversations or record the meeting on a video camera.
If a person does not owe the bank anything, but they continue to terrorize him with calls, he can safely sue under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Extortion”.
You should not pay the entire debt to collectors - all negotiations should be conducted with the bank.
You can use the services of an anti-collector lawyer. As a rule, when collectors find out about this, they abandon the debtor’s case as unpromising.

Being in debt is always unpleasant. Being under constant psychological pressure and nervous tension due to the actions of debt collectors is doubly unpleasant. When neighbors, colleagues, and relatives are added to the debtor/collector relationship and are tired of calls from collectors, they begin to reprimand the debtor about their claims. As a result, the borrower's reputation will be damaged for a very long time. In order not to bring the situation to such an unpleasant ending, you should resolve issues with debts on time and not hide from creditors. We need to conduct an active dialogue with them and together look for a way out of the current situation.

Veronica Weinrauch

How to find out a friend's phone number in Moscow by address?

According to official data from MGTS, the old telephone number 379-xx-xx published earlier in the question has not changed.
Since 2004, the Moscow City Telephone Network has carried out a massive reconstruction of automatic telephone exchanges.

In this regard, previously code 095 was replaced by 495.
Subsequently, code 499 was assigned to numbers that began with the number 6.
Today Moscow telephone numbers consist of 11 digits when dialed.

When dialing a number from Moscow, the first digit is 8, then the code is 495, the subscriber number is 379-xx-xx.
When dialing from a mobile phone from Russian cities, the Moscow code in international format is +7.

For telephone communication between any cities in Russia, use the dialing rule for long-distance calls.

If your friend has not moved anywhere and lives at an address known to you, dial:
8 – beep - 495 – seven-digit Moscow telephone number of the subscriber, you know it.


The answer is not relevant to the question. The question is how to find a phone number by address, and you write what a well-known old Moscow number might look like in the new format.

The answer relates to a question that you have not yet edited. And you, Sergei Alexandrovich, know this well. The 7-digit number that was indicated in the Author’s unique question before editing was indicated as a phone number...Now it is NOT there! This 7-digit number has NOT changed, only the dialing has changed with the addition of a new code, and telephone numbers in Moscow have become 11-digit, not 7-digit, as before. Why suggest the author of the question to look for the phone number again? If the phone number is working, but only the dialing has changed)))))) Since you have halved the question so much, try to edit it so that the meaning of the question is NOT lost. And the way you edited it, forgive me, of course... But the author of the question did not ask about this.

How to find out a phone number for an address in Moscow. There is nothing simpler; this can be done without violating Russian legislation.

Address and telephone directories with the function of searching for a phone number by address and first and last name are publicly available on the Internet.
You can find such a directory through any search engine or on our website.
Then everything is extremely simple: enter the contact information of the desired subscriber (full name, address) into the search column and get results. You need to understand that the system will give you the phone you are looking for if it is actually registered at the specified address. Perhaps your friend does not have a landline phone installed at all. Having the address, you can visit her and find out her mobile number, as well as settle all matters personally.

Free online telephone directory “Addresses and telephone numbers of Moscow residents”: .
The site's consultants offer many options for Moscow telephone directories on the Internet.

Address and telephone directory of Moscow: mskphone ru.

Where can I find free information about a person in Moscow?: .


And in this formulation, the question has already been repeatedly asked and discussed on the site. By the way, all databases posted on the Internet are unofficial, illegal and often long outdated. MGTS does not make public telephone numbers of citizens - only telephone numbers of organizations. And he doesn’t publish apartment numbers in the phone book either. Precisely for the purpose of protecting personal data.

If the question was trashed, why did another moderator answer it? I provided only those links to Moscow telephone directories that are indicated in the answers to the Moscow-FAQ. If the answers exist, then they do not contradict the site rules.

Cellular operator subscribers often change their A. This is also typical for landline phones. Finding out information about new contacts is quite difficult, and in some cases impossible, with the exception of landline phone numbers.

You will need

  • - reference book;
  • - Internet access.


If you find out that your cell phone number has changed, contact your cellular network operator for new contacts. Please note that the provision of such information occurs only in cases strictly stipulated by the company's rules, therefore, it is quite possible that your request will be denied. Also, if your request was approved and the conditions were considered acceptable for informing you about the changed number phone, the disadvantage of this method is that the person you are interested in could use the services of another operator when connecting a new one numbers mobile phone.

In this case, you will have to contact the offices of other companies to obtain subscriber data, which may also not be provided to you depending on the operator’s rules. Also note that you need to know the exact passport details of the person you are interested in.

Look through the pages on social networks of the subscriber you are interested in, quite possibly his new number phone indicated in the contact information. Also, having contacts on the Internet, you can ask him about the new number directly. You can also send him an email or contact one of the people on his friends list. The Internet provides much more opportunities here.

If you want to know the changed landline number phone, having only information about the old contact, call the help desk of the telephone company that serves you, the number of which you can find on its official website. Tell the employee the available data and try to find out the subscriber’s first and last name. Also, if you have other information about the user, use the resource database if you have access to the Internet.

Wanting to see information O user any site, you can find out all the data you need with a few clicks of the mouse. Please note that only the information that the user has left open for public viewing will be available to you.


Before you can view information about any user, you need to log in to the site. To do this, you need to open the resource page where the user you are interested in is registered. If you do not have an account on this site, you will also need to complete the registration procedure. If you are already registered on the resource, log in to it using your username and password (this data must be entered into the special user authorization form provided on the main page of the site). After you log in to the site, you can view information O user.

Find the user you need using the site search. To do this, you need to enter his nickname in the search form, and then click the “Search” button. You will be offered many answers to your request, among which you can find a link containing the phrase “User Profile”. Click on this link. You will be redirected to the personal page of the user you are interested in. Here you can find everything you are interested in information.

You can also look information O user in a slightly different way. Once logged into the site, find the text link “Users” on the main page. Click on this link. On the page that opens you will be provided with the entire list of people registered on the resource. Sort the list by name, and then find the nickname of the user you are interested in. By clicking on the nickname, you can get acquainted with the information you are interested in user.

Helpful advice

Have helpline numbers with you.

Attention, TODAY only!

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