Who actually invented Facebook? Who created Facebook? History of the social network. History of Facebook


Our goal was not to make a giant social network. Our goal was: to make a site where you could write someone's name and get various information about this person. (Mark Zuckerberg)

Agree, nowadays many Internet users have their own social pages. This means that they are registered on various social networks. Some in one, some in many at once. It all depends on the specific purpose of your communication.

This Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, In the Circle of Friends, the world of communication through short statements (like a micro-blog), Twitter and of course Facebook.

On this moment time, there are many other social services. There we can communicate, exchange information, post our thoughts and look at photographs.

Music lovers can listen to their favorite music and so on. All the advantages cannot be counted. Social networks make us closer to each other, and this is the biggest advantage of these services.

Of course, I am also no exception, and I have my own pages on some social networks that I like. (You can find me there if you click on the buttons for these services at the end of the article.)

I wonder, have you ever thought about which social network appeared first?

Who created Facebook?

Facebook is one of my favorite social networks at the moment.

There I have my own page and many friends who are dear to me and with whom I communicate. By the way, today, on the day the article was published, is the birthday of one of my friends. So happy birthday to him! Respect to him and respect for the help he provides to me and his other friends!

So who created Facebook?

The founder of Facebook is a young man who dropped out of Harvard because of his passion for creating social network Facebook.

Facebook is currently the largest social network in the world.

Mark Zuckerberg - born May 14, 1984, White Plains, New York, USA. Zuckerberg's father worked as a dentist, and his mother worked as a psychiatrist. He is the second child and only boy of four children in the family. He has three sisters - Randi (the eldest), Donna and Ariel.

During his school years, Mark became very interested in computer programming, developed an online version of the game “Risk” and after graduating from school he entered Harvard University to study psychology. At Harvard, Mark additionally took computer programming courses.

While studying at Harvard University, Mark lived in a dorm in the same room with his friends - students Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskowitz (future assistants in the development of Facebook).

The idea of ​​creating Facebook came to young Mark when he was still studying at a prestigious private school in New Hampshire. Every year the school published something like a directory with student contact information.

This directory contained all the information about the person: his photograph, first name, last name and residential address. And this directory was called: The Facebook, which literally means “face book.”

One day, student Mark Zuckerberg decided to take the initiative and came up with a proposal to create a similar resource at the University. But, as you know, the initiative is not always appropriate, and the administration of this institution refused him. They simply said that this violates the student privacy policy.

But this guy was not one of those who gave up his ideas and ideas. And, one day, when he was already in his second year, Mark wrote code for the Internet site “Facemash”. It was a website that featured photographs of young people placed in pairs. The site user simply had to vote for their favorite photo. This happened on October 28, 2003.

This is where his programming knowledge came in handy and Mark calmly hacked into secure sections of the Harvard University computer database in order to copy all the students’ photographs and then post them on the website.

You can’t imagine, but the Facemash website attracted 450 visitors and 22,000 photo views in the first two hours of operation.

It was something incredible!!!

The site gained popularity with enormous speed, but a few days later it was closed by the administration of Harvard University. And Mark Zuckerberg was accused of the following counts: violation of copyright and privacy. For this they threatened to expel him from his studies at the University.

I don’t know what exactly subsequently influenced the administration’s decision, but the charges were soon dropped. And Mark, with renewed vigor, began work on his initial project.

Soon he opened a website where his classmates began to share their thoughts about his project.

In January 2004, Mark Zuckerberg decided to write code for a new website. He was inspired by inspiration and creative flight. There was no stopping Mark. And so, on February 4, 2004, the initial version of the social network Facebook appeared at the address: Thefacebook.

But, a week after the site was launched, three Harvard University students: Cameron Winklevoss, Divya Narendra and Tyler Winklevoss accused Mark Zuckerberg of dishonesty.

They said he deliberately misled them in order to misinform their understanding of what was really going on. Allegedly, he promised to help them create the social network “HarvardConnection.comHar”, but instead he appropriated their idea and built a competing site. An investigation began, and soon a lawsuit was filed against Mark.

Meanwhile, more than half of the University’s students were registered on the social network within the first month. The network gained popularity, and soon Mark Zuckerberg was joined by Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), Eduardo Saverin (CFO), Andrew McCollum (artist) and Chris Hughes to help promote and improve the site.

In March 2004, Facebook users increased even more. Students from Stanford and Columbia University joined this social network. A little later, students of other educational institutions.

Since 2004, Facebook's headquarters have been located in Palo Alto, California. In mid-2004, Facebook registered as a company and Sean Parker became its first president.

Sean Parker finds the first investors for Facebook. Soon the company already receives its first investments. But, in 2005, Parker leaves Facebook, but does not stop taking part in the development of the company and regularly meets with Mark Zuckerberg.

In 2005 the company buys Domain name and now it is facebook.com and since September 26, 2006, access to this social network has been opened for every user over 13 years of age and having an email address.

In 2007, Microsoft acquired a 1.6% stake in Facebook for $240 million and valued the entire company at $15 billion. Microsoft gains rights to post international ads on Facebook.

In October 2008, Facebook's international headquarters opened in Dublin.

In 2010, at the peak of Facebook’s popularity, director David Fincher’s film “The Social Network” was released, which tells the story of the creation of Facebook. Be sure to watch this movie. He will open it for you A New Look at the moments of development and creation of this social network.

On October 4, 2012, a great event took place, which Mark Zuckerberg announced on his page: the social network had its billionth user. This means that according to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of the planet is registered on Facebook.

The only competitors of this most popular social network are Google+ and Twitter, but they are far behind the leader.

Only thanks to this site, Mark Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire in the world at the age of 23.

Do you know that there is very Interesting Facts Mark Zuckerberg's personality?

He is deutanopic (a form of partial color blindness, usually congenital, which occurs in 1% of people and is characterized by decreased sensitivity to certain colors, mainly green) and distinguishes between red and green significantly worse than Facebook's primary color, blue.

In the animated series "The Simpsons", in one of the episodes, Mark Zuckerberg voiced himself.

Interesting fact: in January 2011, an unknown hacker hacked his Facebook page.

Back in college, Mark was noticed by Microsoft employees after he wrote the Synapse program, which allowed the computer to independently compose a sequence of musical hits for its owner.

That's all. You have learned the whole truth about:

Who created Facebook.

I hope you found it not only useful, but also interesting to learn the story about a simple guy, Mark Zuckerberg, who revolutionized our entire understanding of communication via the Internet.

If you liked this article, then you will also be interested in reading the story about a man who we use with great pleasure.

Mark Zuckerberg known throughout the world as the creator of the very first social network Facebook and as a successful entrepreneur whose fortune is estimated at several tens of billions of dollars. Despite his young age - 33 years old, Mark Zuckerberg's biography is already full of interesting events and facts.

The content of the article :


Mark Elliot Zuckerberg ( Mark Elliot Zuckerberg) was born in the small town of White Plains, located near New York, on May 14, 1984 into a Jewish family of doctors. His mother Karen Zuckerberg is a psychiatrist, and his father Edward Zuckerberg is a dentist. In addition to Mark, they have three more children: daughters Ariel, Randy and Donna.

Since school, Zuckerberg began programming, but this was not his only hobby. He also took classes in fencing, mathematics, and several languages. Having finished primary classes, Zuckerberg transferred to an elite school " Phillips Exeter Academy“, where there was an emphasis on programming.

At the age of 12 he created his first program " ZuckNet“, which was a local chat in which members of his family could communicate with each other. And for final work In his last year of school, Mark developed an Internet application " Synapse", which recognized people's musical preferences.

The project was successful, and Microsoft even wanted to buy it for $2 million and hire him, but the graduate refused this offer.

Having entered Harvard University in the Faculty of Psychology in 2002, the future billionaire continued to study various programming languages, and over time, together with a team of other students, which included Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes, he began to develop.

After 12 years, Mark Zuckerberg still received a Harvard diploma

In 2004, Zuckerberg launched the first version of the social network Facebook, which immediately began to be popular among Internet users.

Mark Zuckerberg's wife

Mark Zuckerberg with Priscilla Chan

Zuckerberg married on May 19, 2012 Priscilla Chan, whom I met while studying at Harvard. Interestingly, initially all the guests were invited to a party on the occasion of Priscilla receiving her medical education.

Arriving at the private house where the couple lived, they learned that in fact a wedding ceremony was about to take place. Also, according to Wikipedia, it was on this day that Facebook launched an IPO, and the billionaire sold part of the shares of the social network.

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife do not like to appear in public, spending most of their time in their home. The family also donates a large amount of money to charity.

Last year, Mark and Priscilla founded their own foundation, which funds the development of drugs for various diseases. Until 2026, the organization will allocate a total of approximately $3 billion.

The couple had their first daughter on December 2, 2015, who was named Maxine, and two years later, on August 28, the couple had another daughter - August.

Mark Zuckerberg with his wife

Mark Zuckerberg regularly posts photos on his Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zuck/) of how his family spends time: walking, celebrating holidays, or doing various matters in your private home.

Mark Zuckerberg's net worth

Mark Zuckerberg's net worth is currently estimated to be around at 70 billion dollars. It’s not hard to guess that almost all of his business is based on.

Zuckerberg earned his first capital in the first year of the social network’s existence, when he was able to attract large investors. With the development of his project, Mark simultaneously increased his income.

Already in 2010, a talented programmer became the youngest billionaire on Earth, and Forbes estimated his fortune at $4 billion. That same year the magazine Time awarded Mark Zuckerberg the title " Person of the Year". Since then, over seven years, his capital has increased 17.5 times.

However, despite their large incomes, neither the billionaire nor his wife were ever seen squandering money or spending heavily. On the contrary, the family lives quite modestly in their house in Palo Alto.

Instead of an expensive Mercedes, Mark drives an ordinary Volkswagen Golf, which an ordinary average worker can afford. As mentioned above, Zuckerberg and Chan donate a considerable part of their income to various foundations, and not so long ago the creator of Facebook even stated that during his life he plans to spend 99% of the money he earns on charity.

Zuckerberg currently owns 24% of Facebook and is the company's CEO. This year, Forbes magazine included Mark in the top five richest people planets.

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook launched on February 4, 2004. The creator himself describes the process of working on the social network without much color. According to him, every day, after classes at Harvard, he met with his team of students, and together they wrote program code for the future site. And then they tested the developments.

When the social network was brought into working condition, its first version was launched. Zuckerberg almost immediately began looking for investors who would help develop the project in the future, but for now hewas in search, Facebook was funded from his personal pocket. In order to seriously pursue his brainchild, Mark dropped out of university and invested all the money he had saved for further studies into a social network.

Within a few months, the list of investors included such well-known Internet personalities as Reed Hoffman— creator of a business network Linkedin, Peter Thiel— co-owner PayPal, and Sean Parker- file hosting developer Napster. By the beginning of the next year, the total investment in Facebook was several million dollars.

In 2005, the total number of registered users of the social network reached five million users! This gave Facebook the seventh spot on the list of the most popular sites in America.

Such success of a rapidly developing resource could not help but attract the attention of large IT companies that wished to purchase it. Zuckerberg received several offers, but he refused all of them.

The real turning point year was 2007, when Microsoft acquired a 1.6% stake in the company for $240 million. Thus, the social network began to be valued at $15 billion. This made it possible to sell the assets of the social network for huge amounts of money and receive large investments for the development of the project.

Going out to new level, Zuckerberg opened an office in Dublin and began working on expanding the functionality of the site. In 2009, the company announced its first profit. At the same time, access to the program code was opened on the Facebook website, thanks to which any user can now create an application for a variety of purposes and upload it to the network.

Since then, the social network has been developing rapidly. In 2015, the site became the second most visited site in the world, second only to the search engine. Google. At the moment, the average monthly traffic to the resource is 2 billion people.

In terms of revenue, the company's annual profit is approximately $10.2 billion and its annual turnover is $27.6 billion. Facebook.Inc also owns a service for publishing photos Instagram, as well as messenger whatsapp.

Some interesting facts about Facebook statistics

  1. In August 2015, the service reached one billion visitors per day;
  2. Every day, social network users upload approximately 300 million images to their pages;
  3. The number of daily video views is approximately 9 billion;
  4. During the first seven years of operation of the social network, its various pages have been opened 1 trillion times;
  5. People give 6 billion likes every day;
  6. On March 13, 2010, the social network was visited by more people than search engine Google;
  7. In 2017, Facebook's total stock value reached $500 billion.

In 2017, the company did a large amount of work on Facebook development. Along with Instagram, the social network has added the ability to leave stories that disappear from users’ feeds after a certain period of time. A service has appeared that tracks victims after natural disasters. Perhaps this will save many lives in the future.

Since the beginning of summer, the company has been considering a way to introduce a paid view of news, which will be activated after the user opens it. a certain amount posts Along with the introduction of paid viewing of content, Facebook.Inc also plans to start paying active users for publishing various useful materials.

And the priority at the moment for Zuckerberg and his team is to create artificial intelligence, which will recognize the current mood of users based on the material they view, pages, videos, images and the frequency of use of certain emoticons.

Mark Zuckerberg's rules for success

Many people wonder: what is the secret of Mark Zuckerberg’s success? However, there is most likely no concrete answer. The billionaire himself is in no hurry to reveal any secrets, so one can only guess by analyzing the work he has done over the past 15 years.

  1. Zuckerberg has always been goal-oriented, putting his principles above all else. He tries to make the most of all the opportunities available to him and gain as much knowledge as possible. All this turned him into a purposeful and educated person who thinks sensibly and soberly assesses the situation.
  2. Zuckerberg owes a significant share of his success to the people who have been working on his team all this time. The billionaire is excellent at selecting personnel and motivating employees to bring maximum benefit.
  3. Some of Mark's valuable qualities are modesty and generosity. Zuckerberg never tries to stand out from others or attract attention. And constant donations to various charitable foundations speak of his desire to help people.
  4. Perhaps Mark Zuckerberg is the only billionaire who does not have his own business secret, but simply tries to devote himself fully to his work and not make mistakes.

Film "The Social Network"

In 2009, director David Fincher announced the development of a film based on the period in the life of Mark Zuckerberg and his team, when they were developing the first version of Facebook while studying at university. Responsible for writing the script Aaron Sorkin, and the book “ Billionaires against their will«.

The film was supposed to show the first months of development of the social network and show how Zuckerberg gathered into one team of individuals who laid the foundation for the work of the first version of Facebook. It’s clear that the script contained some assumptions and deviations from the real story to make it more interesting for the viewer to watch the movie.

Several candidates were considered for the role of Zuckerberg, including Andrew Garfield (he still took part in the film and played Eduardo Saverin) And Shia LaBeouf, but in the end I got it Jesse Eisenberg. Also played in “The Social Network” Justin Timberlake, playing the role Sean Parker.

The film was released on October 28, 2010. The film was well received by audiences and, with a budget of 40 million, grossed $225 million. The average critics' rating on Kinopoisk is 7.7 points.

The plot takes viewers back to 2003, when, while still a student at Harvard, Zuckerberg assembled his first team and began work on the future social network Facebook.

Over time, they manage to achieve stunning success, but it turns out that not all of the main characters were ready for the popularity that befell them. The film also tells the story of how Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire on the planet.

  • Three Oscars: for best editing, soundtrack and script;
  • Four Golden Globes: best film, screenplay, soundtrack, director;
  • Three British Academy Awards: Best Editing, Screenplay and Directing;
  • Winning the French Cesar Award for Best Foreign Film.

Mark Zuckerberg himself did not comment on the film in the first months after its release, deliberately ignoring questions from the press. He only said that in the film the story was slightly distorted, and in reality the process creation of Facebook was more boring, without any “plot twists”.

Today, most Internet users have an account on some social network. The most popular social networks in the post-Soviet space are Vk (Vkontakte) and Odnoklassniki. These are powerful networks that have millions of users, not only in the CIS countries.

But today we will talk about the social network – Facebook (FB). Of course, you may be thinking: – “ Who doesn’t know about this social network?” But believe me, quite a lot of people not only don’t use, but also frankly don’t know about Facebook. Even many of my friends who are over 30, naturally know, have accounts in popular networks, instagram, even on Facebook itself, but they don’t use it. But they don’t do this for a number of simple reasons:

  • very complex interface;
  • the idea that this is a foreign network and there is nothing to do there;
  • all the most interesting and convenient things in Vk;
  • Older people have the most interesting things about Ok.

In fact, these are not all the reasons, but it seems to me that they are the main ones.

Facebook is a social network, website and service where users can leave messages and comments, share photos and links to news or other interesting content from the Internet, play games and even go live, filming the most interesting things that happen in your life. Shared content may be available (open) to the public, or may be shared only among a select group of friends or family, or with one person at all.

The history of the creation and growth of Facebook.

The social network Facebook was founded in February 2004, based on a local social network at Harvard University. She was created Mark Zuckerberg together with Edward Saverin who were students there. One of the reasons that has helped the network grow in popularity is its uniqueness and exclusivity. Originally, to join Facebook you had to be a Harvard student and have an email address. Soon, social the network spread beyond Harvard to other universities in Boston, and then conquered all universities Ivy League . Full version released for all universities in September 2005. In October, the network expanded to include UK universities, and in December Facebook became available to students in Australia and New Zealand.

In 2007 Facebook launched the “Facebook Platform,” which allowed developers to create applications on the network. These apps allowed friends to interact with each other even more by giving gifts and playing games.

In 2008“Facebook Connect” was launched – “ Login via Facebook", which allowed users to log into any site using their account. This innovation competed with OpenSocial And Google+ as a universal authentication service.

The success of the network may be due to the fact that it allows not only ordinary people, but also businesses to interact with each other.

In August 2011 the company presented its messenger - Facebook Messenger. This is an instant messaging service and software applications, which provides text and voice communication. Integrated with Facebook web chat. Installed as separate application for smartphones or for Windows.

Main characteristics of Facebook.

It's an obvious fact: to succeed in life, you need a lot of arrogance. The success story of Facebook once again fully confirms this thesis, since initially Mark Zuckerberg borrowed the data and photos of his fellow students without asking and published them online.

A short history of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg in October 2008

So it all started in 2003, when a Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg hacked the database of his student dormitory, after which he posted personal information and photographs online. He published all this stuff in the Facemash program he created. The goal was to entertain users who had to rate the photos and decide which ones were “Wow!” and which ones were “Hot or Not.”

The result caused more outrage than laughter, because Zuckerberg did not ask permission from any of the victims of such a “beauty contest.” The university management was also not happy, and the site was removed from the network.

However, Zuckerberg already felt the promise of this idea and began further development of the project. At the beginning of 2004, Mark launched TheFacebook, which immediately caused a scandal again: three of his fellow students, a few days after TheFacebook appeared on the network, said that Zuckerberg had stolen the idea from them. But the social network, which had begun its path to success, could not be stopped.

Just a few weeks later, scores of Harvard students signed up for TheFacebook. The news about the emergence of a new social network spread very quickly, and soon students at other universities: Yale, Columbia and Stanford were captured by a wave of enthusiasm.

Zuckerberg invited several fellow students into his business and soon moved out of his student dormitory at Harvard. In the summer of 2004, the first office was opened in Palo Alto, and soon the first investor appeared. Former PayPal CEO Peter Thiel supported a start-up company, investing about 450 thousand euros in it.

Former PayPal CEO Peter Thiel backs startup company

In 2006, the launch of Facebook's News Feed set the stage for the ultimate breakthrough, and just four years later, the social network is logging more than a billion page views every month.

Just nine years after its birth in a Harvard dorm, the cost Facebook company amounted to about $5 billion (as of May 2012). Today the resource is worth more than 300 billion euros and provides jobs to approximately 30 thousand employees around the world.

Photo: pxhere.com, wikimedia.com

Facebook is the most popular and largest social network in the world. If you are interested in learning more about Facebook, how to use the network and some of the “tricks” of FB, this material is just for you!

Facebook - what is it

Facebook is not only the largest social network in the world, but also one of the 5 most visited sites in the world. We now know what Facebook is (a social network), but what is the very concept of a social network? To answer this question, let's look at the definition from Wikipedia:

Under formation social interaction you should understand such things as communication, sharing photographs, images, videos, audio files and other content, evaluating and discussing this content, creating thematic groups and public pages.

This is such an immodest statistic! But that’s not all - the most interesting facts about Facebook:

  1. Facebook Inc also owns such well-known social networks as Instagram and WhatsApp.
  2. In 2016, the company earned $10 billion, and revenue amounted to $27.638 billion. Thus, Facebook earns $52,583 per minute (fifty-two thousand five hundred eighty-three thousand dollars)
  3. The most popular people on Facebook are Real Madrid football player Cristiano Ronaldo, Colombian singer Shakira and Hollywood actor Vin Diesel. All of them have more than 100 million likes on their pages.
  4. At one time, the main social network in the world was MySpace, and Facebook was only a copy of it. At that time, MySpace bought FB twice, but twice refused to pay the amounts requested by Zuckerberg - $75 million and $750 million. And in vain - after 2 years, Microsoft bought a 1.5% stake in Facebook for $240 million (thus, the entire social network was worth $15 billion. And now the company is valued at more than 400 billion US dollars! And few people even remember about MySpace now .
  5. The Facebook application is the third most popular in the world and is second only to the browser and email applications.
  6. Every registered FB user knows every other user through 3.57 friends (six handshakes theory)
  7. Mark Zuckerberg, immediately before creating Facebook, worked on a similar site - Facemash, but then the Harvard administration demanded that the project be closed and accused Zuckerberg of violating security and privacy.

The history of the founding of the social network Facebook

Facebook was founded in the winter of 2004 (February 4) by four guys who were roommates at Harvard University. These guys were actually Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes. Then the social network had a slightly different name: Thefacebook. At the first stage of development, registration on the site was available only to Harvard students through their email. After some time, access to Facebook was opened to other higher educational institutions in Boston, and after a while - to all US students and teachers. And only starting in the fall of 2006, all inhabitants of the Earth were able to use the social network - but only if the person was 16 years old and had own email. That is, in fact, for two whole years, FB functioned as a niche intra-university network!

Video: Live broadcasts on the social network Facebook

What is the difference between Facebook and other social networks?

For a long time, Facebook was a monopolist in the world of social networks (and still is in most countries of the world), and there was practically no one to compare it with. Well, maybe - except for MySpace, which FB surpassed at the dawn of its existence. However, recently more and more social networks similar to Facebook have begun to appear, and we can talk more confidently about comparisons. At the global level around the world, the analogues of Facebook are Google Plus ( Google Plus) and Twitter. Also, some countries have their own national analogues - Odnoklassniki in Russia, Orkut in Brazil, Mixi in Japan, QZone and WeChat in China, Draugiem in Latvia.

Since we live in Russia, we can confidently say about the differences between Facebook and VK and Odnoklassniki. And the main ones are:

There are still some differences, but they are more cosmetic than fundamental.

Facebook - registration

Registration on Facebook is absolutely not difficult process and every person can easily cope with this process. To get started, go to home page FB. If you are not registered yet, the system will in any case redirect you to the registration page. You will see the following fields:

Fill out these fields, then confirm your registration by phone or email - and your Facebook profile will be created completely! More details on how to start your own personal account on this social network, read the special material - in 5 minutes! There you will find answers to all questions on this topic!

Facebook - how to listen to music on the social network

Many users are accustomed to not only communicating on the social network, but also listening to music. On Facebook you can listen to music through special applications and add-ons.

Here are some of them:

  1. Spotify
  2. MySpace Music
  3. Deezer
  4. Music in Facebook messenger
  5. Zvooq
  6. Soundcloud

Read more about music on Facebook in this material:

How to create a group or page on Facebook

  • In a Facebook group you can restrict access to materials
  • Facebook page is public by default

There are also some differences between them in the interface, but in general, groups are created for more thematic communication, pages for free communication and presentation of products or services to all network users.

To create a group or page, click on the triangle in the upper right corner and select Create page or Create community (group) from the drop-down menu. Next you will be asked to select the type, topic, and name of the community. After creation, proceed to designing and setting up communities.

How to delete a profile

On the social network Facebook, there are two ways to terminate your page. The first method is to temporarily deactivate, but not delete the profile. In this state, your page will not be visible in searches, but all photos, videos, and your recordings will be saved and you can resume everything after your next login. The second method is the final and irreversible deletion of the profile.

Deactivating a Facebook profile

To deactivate your page, follow the Settings link (triangle icon in the upper right corner of the site), then go to Security (menu on the left) and there you will see the Deactivate account item. Click on the link, then you will need to briefly explain the reason for deactivation, enter your password and verification code to confirm the action. After this, an email will be sent to your email with a link to activate your account. Everything is quite simple as you can see.

Deleting a Facebook account

Deleting a Facebook account

To get started, go to the Help section (via Privacy Settings) and enter a request to delete your account there. In the results, go to the profile deletion page. You should be redirected to this page:


Click on the “Delete my page” button, after which you need to confirm this action - enter your password, verification password and briefly write about the reason for deletion. Click OK. However, this will not be a permanent deletion - your account can still be resumed within 14 days. After these two weeks, the removal will be irreversible.

How to recover access and password to a social network

If you have forgotten your profile password and cannot log into Facebook, no problem, access can be restored!

To get started, follow the “Forgot your password” link on the login page. Then follow the link to restore access and you will be sent an email with special code to renew your account. Enter this password in a special window that will be visible on the FB website. Click the “Continue” button and you will be taken to the next step - creating a new password. Create it by entering it twice and also click on the Continue button. After this, you will be redirected to your profile page - already restored and with a new password. Remember it so you don’t forget next time!

How to search and add friends on Facebook

The most convenient way to invite friends is in the following ways:

  • Enter the first and last name of your friend or acquaintance in the search field and find it among the search results
  • Go to a special section for finding friends - “Find friends” and search by a set of criteria - name, school, city, university, email, mobile number
  • Add at least one of your friends, and if he has an open list of friends, start adding your acquaintances to yourself - you probably have a lot of mutual acquaintances with him.

There are also other search methods - for example, importing from other social networks, but these three are quite enough for a starting addition.