Is it possible to send original documents by mail? How to send legal documents by mail. What is a letter

There are no documents that expand a person’s capabilities, but after losing important papers you feel like a limited person, without rights and liberties...

Simply sending documents is easy, but sending them securely is not an easy task. However, document flow between companies, departments, and employees must be carried out. Computers and faxes have not solved the problem of exchanging documentation, since many structures only require the original, with a stamp or apostille. In such cases, it is better to use sending documents by mail - as in ancient times, sending a messenger on horseback with good news to a distant branch of the company.

Advantages of sending documents by mail

So that you don’t have to present your “whiskers, paws and tail” to the tax authorities instead necessary documents, it is better not to use regular minibuses, private cabs and other “miracles” of the modern world. Sometimes it is worth giving preference to something banal, for example Russian Post express delivery. What does this give to the company? Let's take a closer look:

  • Envelope or parcel officially sent you have a “stub” indicating the transfer of an important document and it is not in the interests of the post office to lose the parcel;
  • Insurance. How much do you value a passport or annual report? Any document can be insure for a certain amount, even if it is 5-10 times higher than the cost of restoring the “piece of paper”" Now it will be in your best interest if something happens to her;
  • The addressee will not hide from Russian Post. She even manages to hand over summonses to conscripts, so you can safely trust couriers who will deliver important documents to the right person;
  • Sending documents by Russian Post takes place in strict confidentiality. Envelopes are never opened, all information is kept in the strictest confidence;
  • "Cheap and cheerful" . For only 25-30 rubles (when sending, for example, by registered mail in Russia) your document will travel to distant lands. Hiring a private courier service will be ten times more expensive and unsafe.

Distributing documents, especially in large volumes, takes a lot of time for each company; sometimes it is necessary to hire an accountant or even several people to solve this task. Since they all want to eat, monthly expenses will be much more than 10-20 thousand rubles.

Postal agent or accountant - which is more profitable?

It will be more profitable for you to use a contractor who will receive and deliver “waste paper” and provide detailed reports. Our company will provide you with such assistance and professionally send and receive documentation:

  • fast turnaround time - large staff and modern equipment;
  • diligence and responsibility, we work under a contract and only on the client’s terms;
  • professionalism and solid experience of cooperation with large companies;
  • competitive prices, discounts for regular and wholesale customers.

Your document flow will work like clockwork (Swiss, not Chinese Rollex), you will pay attention to solving strategically important tasks of the company, and not to paperwork.

When deciding legal issues, people are often faced with the need to notify government bodies, organizations or citizens of their intention to decide conflict situation. There are several ways to convey information to the addressee:

Sending documents by simple letter
This shipping method is the easiest and cheapest. It should be used when sending a letter is not urgent and the letter itself is not of particular value. To send such a letter you only need a postal envelope. In this case, the letter sent to the addressee is not handed over to him against receipt, but is simply dropped into the mailbox.
- sending documents by registered mail with notification;
Sending a letter this way is more functional. Notification means the detachable part of the letter, which is given to you after the letter is delivered to the addressee. The notice is marked with the date of delivery of the letter to the addressee, as well as his personal signature.
This way, you will know exactly whether the letter arrived and exactly when it happened.

Sending documents by valuable letter with a list of attachments
This method of sending letters is the most expensive and is necessary when sending documents to government agencies, settling any dispute in pre-trial order and sending documents to an organization and when sending documents to court. The list of all sent documents is reflected in a special “inventory”. An example of such an inventory can be downloaded on the Internet or you can pick up a ready-made form at the post office. The inventory is compiled in two copies, one of which is certified by the postal seal and remains with you. Thus, you receive an official document confirming the sending of specific documents to a specific recipient.

Sending documents via courier service
This method of sending documentation should be used if you need to urgently transfer documents to the recipient. Currently, there are many services providing courier services (DHL, Pony Express, EMS Russian Post and so on). Courier services guarantee delivery of documents to the addressee within 1-2 days. The person receiving the documents signs a special form, which is returned to you after delivery.

Thus, depending on your goals and objectives, you can choose the most optimal way to send documentation. However, we recommend that you send any correspondence by registered mail with a list of attachments and return receipt requested. The cost of sending such a letter is not high; if necessary, you can present the returned notification as evidence to police officers and other persons, and an inventory of the attachment will confirm the fact that a specific list of documents was sent.

To send such a letter, you will need to come to the nearest Russian Post office and purchase an envelope. Notification of delivery of the letter and an inventory of the attachment is issued at any post office free of charge.
Afterwards, you will need to fill out the envelope, receipt receipt and inventory and hand them over to the postal operator. Purchase stamps not necessarily, the postal employee himself will determine the cost of the letter, in accordance with the established tariffs, and then issue you a check for the resulting amount. The check, in addition to the amount and date of sending the letter, will indicate its identification number, consisting of 14 digits. On the Russian Post website, using this number you can track the movement of the letter and obtain information about whether or not it was received by the addressee.

Sometimes there is a need to convey important information or documents to another person. You can send by registered mail, it is safe and fast. It is guaranteed to reach the addressee, will be handed over personally against signature, and the sender will be left with a receipt. Let's consider the following questions: how to send What is needed for this and how to do it correctly?

Types of postal items

There are several types of postal items. The first is open type letters, the easiest way, but not very reliable.

Any employee can see the information. They are sent without an envelope, simply folded, which is why they got that name (they are also called “postcards”).

The second is regular letters. The most famous and common type of shipment for many people, they are placed in an envelope and sent. But the guarantee of data safety during transmission is also small.

The third type is registered letters. They are prepared for sending personally by the author at any post office. They are delivered to the address and handed directly into the recipient’s hands, or he will be invited to the post office to receive the order. This type of sending is the most reliable, convenient and safe. If you don’t know how to send a registered letter, you can contact specialists at the department who will help you fill it out correctly.

Specified Requirements

It is important to know the requirements for a registered letter. The maximum weight should be no more than 100 grams, dimensions - from 110*220 mm to 229*324 mm. If the investment is light in weight (for example, 50 grams), then a regular format envelope will do.

If the weight or size is greater, you should contact the specialists of the communications department. Our staff will help you choose the appropriate envelope and tell you in detail how to send a registered letter. Delivery must be carried out tightly sealed and correctly

The certified letter is accompanied by a return receipt, which requires completion and is attached to the back of the envelope. All size and weight requirements must be met. If they do not comply with the standards, then it will be impossible to send by mail; the letter will simply be returned to the sender. The procedure itself is simple; you can immediately understand how to quickly send a registered letter. No special skill is required for this.


Common type postal item are registered letters with notification. It's reliable and safe. You need to go to the post office and buy the required envelope and stamps.

Then it’s time to start signing it. You must provide your full address and full name. addressee (recipient). On the lines reserved for the addressee's (sender's) data, the relevant details are entered. The envelope is carefully sealed. A note is also made indicating that the letter is issued with a notification. It comes in several types: simple or valuable, or custom.

The next step is to fill out the notification itself. On the one hand, the address and name of the addressee are indicated, on the other - the addressee. The Post Office staff will then carefully attach the notice to the envelope so that all details are visible. The main thing is to know how to send a registered letter correctly, because the initial result will depend on this. When it reaches the specified recipient, the notice will be sent back (this should be retained as it is a supporting document).

How to send a registered letter so that it accurately finds the addressee? A stamp is affixed to the designated area on the envelope and given to a specialist for weighing. After the procedure, you will be told how much to pay for the services. Be sure to wait for the receipt, as it contains complete shipping information. The type, date and time of sending, weight of the letter and the name of the employee, address and full name are indicated. recipient, letter barcode.

Tracking the path of registered mail

If you have a question about how to find a sent registered letter, note that it is now easy to track its movement. After paying for the service, the person who sent it receives a fourteen-digit number. Then you need to find the Russian Post website, it describes in detail how to track the path of your registered letter using a barcode. Of course, you will need to wait some time for the notification to arrive. The delivery process can be reduced in time by using air or first class shipping.

If something becomes unclear during the process, the employees working in the department will help you figure out how to send a registered letter.

Probably every person in his life has more than once encountered the need to send a document by mail. This is not a problem now. Today there are courier and postal services in every city. They work under different conditions and provide a whole range of services that can greatly make our lives easier. However, many people still prefer to use the services of Russian Post, since it is at least cheaper.
And secondly, as practice shows, for some reason the courts trust exclusively the state postal service.
This article contains information on how to send a document by mail (Russian Post), while guaranteeing and speeding up the delivery of written mail as much as possible.

How to guarantee delivery?

When sending a document by simple letter in a regular envelope (putting it in the blue box of the Russian Post), you should remember that if the letter is lost, the post office will not be responsible for this. Such letters are not registered. Although the likelihood of a letter being lost during the sorting process at post offices and sorting centers and during transportation is practically zero, however, if the address or addressee's index is filled in incorrectly, the likelihood that the letter will be lost is significantly higher. In addition, such letters are often lost outside the area of ​​responsibility of the postal department (for example, in a mailbox at the recipient's entrance), therefore, in such cases, the post office does not accept claims.

To send a document by mail with a guarantee of its delivery to the addressee, you can use registered items: registered and valuable letters. To hand them over to the post office, you will have to stand in line, but if the need arises, you can track each letter right up to its delivery to the addressee.
Their delivery costs are higher, but each shipment is assigned unique number, which is indicated in the receipt issued to the sender, by which you can control the passage of the letter along the delivery route.

What type of shipment should I choose?

Simple letters are postal items accepted without issuing receipts to senders and delivered to recipients without a receipt. Such items include private correspondence, Greeting Cards, various types of notices, etc. The letter is simply sealed in an envelope, the address is written on the envelope, stamps are affixed, after which the letter is sent to the mailbox. It’s bad that it’s almost impossible to track the further fate of the letter. It will most likely reach the recipient, but if it disappears, no one will look for it. Therefore, documents are sent by simple letters, the loss of which does not threaten catastrophe, and which, if necessary, can be restored.

If you need to send a document that requires guaranteed delivery, it is sent by registered mail. Valuable documents (diplomas, certificates, journals, securities, etc.) are sent by letters of value (letters with declared value). In this case, the sender is given a receipt, and a receipt is taken from the addressee.

Registered mail can be sent with a return receipt (ordinary or registered) and with a description of the contents. They are also registered, like custom ones. The peculiarity is that when sending these letters a special coupon is attached. On one side of the coupon the sender's address will be written, on the other - the address, surname of the recipient and a short description of the contents of the envelope. A few days later, this coupon will be returned with the signature of the addressee and will be serious proof that the letter was delivered.
Registered correspondence is presented to the post office operator before dispatch. In some cases, a number of additional services, such as filling out the address and drawing up an inventory of the attachment.

How to speed up delivery?

If you want your letter to reach the recipient faster, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Always indicate the recipient's postal code. An integral part of address data is the postal code. The destination index is filled with ink of any color, with the exception of red, yellow and green. Letters are sorted using machines that read the index. If there is no index, the letter is postponed and sorted manually, and this takes a lot of time.
  2. It is also advisable to send simple letters from the post office, and not from remote street mailboxes. Removal of correspondence from boxes can be carried out 1-2 times a day. That is, there is a high probability that the letter will lie there until the next day.
  3. Sending letters from the Main Post Office is always more profitable (in terms of delivery time), since in any case all letters from district post offices go to the Main Post Office for subsequent sorting (with the exception of forwarding within the department area).

How can I track a sent document?

When sending a registered or valuable letter by hand, a receipt (in the form of a check) is issued. The check issued upon receipt of a postal item contains a number, for example, like this: 3000002201123 8 , where 300000 is the post office index, 22 is the service number, 01123 is the receipt number, 8 is the control number. At each stage of shipment information mail ID entered into unified system accounting and control, making it possible to track the passage of your mail via the Internet.

So, how to send a document by mail is up to you!
Good luck!

GARANTPOST provides express delivery of items throughout Russia. Courier services in Russia are provided on a door-to-door basis. No matter how far the recipient is from you, your shipment will be delivered to him personally.

Cooperation with GARANTPOST is profitable and convenient: a wide network of representative offices of our company allows us to deliver shipments anywhere in Russia.

You can use express courier services on a one-time basis or enter into a long-term agreement with us for ongoing cooperation. Our customers trust us with their most valuable shipments, knowing that they will be delivered on time!

If you want the recipient to pay for the delivery of your shipment, you can use our special services:

  • Payment for attachments based on the principle of delivery of items by cash on delivery.

It must be remembered that

Shipments may contain any documents and goods, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation, according to which it is prohibited to send: weapons, explosives and flammable substances, narcotic substances and drugs, Russian and foreign currency, as well as items that may cause damage to other items and employees. If necessary, you can familiarize yourself with the List of items prohibited for shipment.

Items weighing up to 31.5 kg and with maximum dimensions not exceeding 1.50 m for one of the measurements, or 3 m for the sum of the length and the largest circumference taken in a direction other than the length, are charged and delivered as express mail items . You can get acquainted with the tariffs for the delivery of express items in Russia.

Special tariff "500"

Used in the cities of: Barnaul, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Ufa, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk for express delivery of items to the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The weight of one item is up to 500 g, the tariff is 500 rubles. (without VAT).