Is it possible to remove internet explorer and how to do it? Complete removal of Internet explorer How to completely remove internet explorer 11

The IE browser, whose logo is a blue letter on the taskbar, is present in every Windows operating system. For some, it represents the only way to access the global network. For other people, this Internet browser is a real irritant.

Many users do not like the default Internet Explorer browser, but it is impossible to completely remove it

Various memes are even created regarding him. It is precisely this group of comrades, who see no point in using this web browser, who want to know how to remove Explorer so that it no longer tests their patience.

However, not every user can complete the task, since various “stumbling blocks” are encountered when performing this action. This article will help you understand all the nuances of eliminating IE. As a result, the user will know whether it is possible to get rid of the browser altogether.

You can also not delete the browser, but erase your browsing history or get rid of pop-ups.

Reasons why IE cannot be uninstalled

To understand how to remove Internet Explorer, you need to use a special software mechanism. In this case, you don’t even need to rely on the standard program uninstallation tool. The process of activating it will lead to nothing.

You will not be able to eliminate the browser even if you send its files to the trash.

Few users use Internet Explorer

You cannot erase the so-called walker for a very simple reason - it is built into the operating system produced by Microsoft. IE is a browser integrated into Windows. This application, just like notepad, calculator, etc., is an integral part of the OS.

So, it will not be possible to completely eliminate IE from a personal computer, if we mean the usual understanding of such a standard operation. However, the user will be able to disable this browser. In this case, it will disappear from visibility and will not annoy the person.

In other words, the default web browser will become a powerless module of the operating system. It will not disappear from the device, but it will not disturb the user.

IE shutdown process

To get rid of the browser you need to do the following:

  • Click the Start menu.
  • Select "Control Panel".
  • Click on the “Uninstall a program” link.

Go to Uninstall programs

  • Open the “Turn on or off components...” item. It is located on the left side of the window that appears among other functions.

Select the line Turn Windows features on or off

  • Uncheck the Internet browser box. To do this, you just need to click on the checkbox with the left mouse button.
  • Confirm your action by clicking the “Yes” button in the window that appears.

Confirm disabling the program by pressing a button

After completing the setup procedure, which will be displayed on the screen, you must click on the “OK” button. Then the user will have to restart the PC.

This will complete the entire process and it will become clear how to completely remove the Explorer browser from your computer. Now you will not be able to use the web browser, since it has been deactivated.

If the user wants to restore IE, then he will have to repeat all the steps described above. However, instead of disabling, a person will need to check the box next to the name of the browser.

IE Updates Uninstall Process

Often the user wants to eliminate the new version of the “adventure game”. To do this, a person will have to carry out the following simple operations, which even a beginner can handle in a matter of minutes:

  • The already familiar “Control Panel” opens through “Start”.
  • This takes you to an option called “Uninstall a program.”
  • In the new window, select “View installed updates”. Here the user will have to wait a bit as the operating system downloads the list.
  • We are looking for updates that specifically affect IE.
  • Each found file is deleted using the corresponding key.

At the end of the entire procedure, Windows is rebooted. After this, the previous version of the browser will be available on your computer.

Internet Explorer browser was installed on every computer and laptop. But nowadays it is no longer so popular and there are very worthy replacements for it. In this regard, many users have a question about how to remove Internet Explorer. There are 2 common methods, which we will consider in this publication.

The first is quite basic - you need to remove shortcuts from the desktop. Just look for the application icon and right-click on it. Click the “delete” option.

Do the same on the taskbar by right-clicking the mouse to bring up options.

How to remove Internet Explorer: deactivating the browser

The next option is to completely disable the browser. Follow this path:

Start/Control Panel/Programs and Features.

Here are all installed utilities on the right, and on the left side are possible actions. We are interested in “Turn Windows components on or off.” A list will open where you look for “Internet Explorer”.

Uncheck the box, after which a notification window will be activated, tap “Yes” to confirm.

How to quickly remove Explorer

The third, almost similar method, but with more efficient entry into the component list. Go to Start. In the search line, enter “inclusion”, options will be given, from which you choose yours.

Go to “turn on and off”, find “Internet Explorer” with other active programs. By unchecking the box, you confirm your consent to deactivation.

It becomes clear that it is impossible to eliminate a pre-installed product, but deactivating it is quite possible. If you need the browser, you can return it. Many users say that problems arise while working with a PC or the Internet - it loads slowly due to several running browsers. When installing or uninstalling software, you must always restart your PC.

Restoring the original version

Many users are not satisfied with Internet Explorer version 11. Now we’ll find out how to remove updates on Windows 7, because with every computer reboot the previous version is activated.

  • Launch Start;
  • In the frame that opens with 2 columns, select the control panel;

  • Select the line “Remove programs”, launch the system control utility;
  • A list of installed software will open, but we are interested in the new one, so click on the item “View installed updates” on the left side;

  • System improvements will begin to load, but you are looking for yours;
  • When everything is found, press the left and then right mouse button so that the delete function appears;

  • The system will ask if you really want this, click “Yes”.

If you no longer want to update something, follow these steps:

Start/Control Panel/Programs and Features/Windows Update/Optional/Internet Explorer.

Right-click to hide and tap “Yes”.

Working with Windows 8, 10

You can remove an unnecessary browser from Windows 8 and 10 in the same way. There is only one difference - you can quickly go to the desired subsection by selecting the gear in the pop-up menu on the right. And the principle is similar:

Control Panel/Uninstall Programs/Turn Features On or Off

Uncheck the browser, confirm the action and perform a system reboot.

It is worth noting some nuances. If you don't have another web browsing application on your computer, then after you get rid of IE:

  • when opening a page on the Internet, an error will pop up;
  • Associations for html objects and other web formats disappear if they interacted with IE.

If you don't know how to remove Internet Explorer, use our instructions. At first glance it may seem difficult to do this, but in fact everything is simple. You can always reinstall it if you wish. Good luck!

Previously, Internet Explorer, the default browser in Windows, was mostly used to download other popular web browsers among users. Today, almost no one needs it, not even Microsoft. The developers advise not to use it. This operating system has another Internet browser on which it has high hopes. This is Microsoft Edge, and it's already in full swing. We expect improved performance, correct display of all websites, decent speed, improved blocking of unwanted content, etc. It is very unlikely that you are using IE on your computer, but it is still installed on the operating system. Based on the fact that it does nothing, you may want to know how to remove Internet Explorer 11 from your operating system correctly.

To do this, you need to use the classic Control Panel tools. The process itself is not complicated and any user can cope with the task, even with minimal PC skills.


Open the familiar Control Panel and go to the “Programs” section. On the right side of the window, click on the “Turn on or off system components” link, which uses administrative rights for its execution.

A window will open with a list of components. Scroll down a little and find “Internet Explorer 11”. There will be a checkmark in its checkbox; uncheck it and confirm the action with the “OK” button.

A warning will appear on the screen stating that deleting your web browser may break it and will ask you to confirm the action. Click “Yes” and wait for the OS to apply the required changes. Next, you will need to reboot for the changes to take effect.

IE 11 is not the default internet browser. He is there because he has always been there. It is part of the Windows operating system. Some websites still only work in this browser, which is why it still ships with the OS. Not a single feature that Microsoft adds to the new Windows 10 assumes that IE will work with it. Use either Cortana or .

Sure, the corporation may eventually shut down this web browser, but it won't happen quickly. Think carefully before making such a decision. It seems to us that the Internet browser does not interfere yet, it can free up a little space on the hard drive, its icon is hidden from the user and prevents accidental launch. But, if you really need it, delete it this way. Thank you for your attention!

Hello everyone, dear blog readers. When installing any operating system, a basic set of integrated programs is automatically installed. As you know, along with Windows OS, Internet Explorer is installed - a slow and unstable browser. That's why I often get asked the question, how to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7?

I once had a situation where I tried to update this browser, but nothing worked. Therefore, it was decided to first remove it and then install it again. After these manipulations, everything went well - a new version of this browser was installed.

What you need to know

With the advent of fast, colorful and individually customizable browsers, IE naturally became unpopular. However, before you decide to remove it, it is worth considering that this browser is installed by default along with Windows; it serves not only to have it, but also to download, for example, another browser or any other program after reinstalling Windows.

Advice: if you simply do not want to use the built-in browser, you do not need to remove it, because you can install another browser to surf the Internet.

There is also a situation when there is a program on the computer that only works with this browser. Before deleting, you need to think about whether you have such programs? This can be explained by the fact that when a program is developed, the developers first check its functionality using the IE browser, because all PCs have it.

If, when updating the Internet Explorer browser, you are unable to install a new version or the functionality of the browser is broken during the update, then the way out of this situation is to uninstall Internet Explorer.

The usual method of uninstalling through the “Control Panel” and the “Add or Remove Programs” menu will not work. In this menu you won’t even see standard OS components; they won’t even be recognized by third-party cleaning programs.

To figure out how to remove Internet Explorer from your computer, you need to do everything according to the instructions that I wrote below.


To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”. In the window that opens, find the menu on the left and click “View installed updates.”

After this you need to wait a little, about 30 seconds. In the list of installed updates, look for “Windows Internet Explorer (version)”;

After selecting an object with the left mouse button, you should look up and find “Delete” in the horizontal menu. Click on the “Delete” button and wait for the program to be removed.

After deleting the browser, restart your PC for the changes to take effect. Windows should ask you to reboot after removing Internet Explorer.

How to disable Internet Explorer

Above I told you how to remove Internet Explorer. But it can also be disabled in Windows 7. To disable Internet Explorer, you need to go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”. In the left menu, click “Turn Windows features on or off.”

In the window that opens, find “Internet Explorer (version)”.

Internet Explorer is the object of user likes and dislikes, the hero of good and evil Internet memes. Someone calls him legendary in the literal sense of the word: they say, one of the first and always under the system, clicked the blue letter “E” and order - here it is the whole Network in front of you. And others put this loud, majestic status (in the sense of legendary) in quotation marks: well, to hell with it, fame and history are a form of mockery of the user, and that’s all.

But we, dear reader, naturally do not encourage you to join the camp of IE admirers or haters. We're just helping. Do you want, but don’t know, how to remove Internet Explorer from your computer? Read this article and the problem will be solved. Here is a method for completely removing the integrated browser and instructions for temporarily disabling it in the OS.

How to remove Internet Explorer?

First, let’s dispel doubts like “Is it possible to remove Internet Explorer, since it’s built into the system?” Yes it is. But, if we are talking about Windows 7, the integration and, in fact, the IE program itself can be removed by removing installed updates - components of the Windows kernel.

So, to completely remove Internet Explorer in the “seven”, follow this procedure:

1. Click on “Start” and go to “Control Panel”.

2. In the “View” line, set the view to “Large icons”.

3. Click “Programs and Features”.

4. In the command column, on the left side of the software list, click “View installed updates.”

5. In the search line located at the top right, enter the name of the web browser - Internet Explorer.

6. To remove Internet Explorer, get rid of all updates found by the system upon request: left-click on the line → command “Delete” (inscription above the table).

After successfully uninstalling Internet Explorer, you need to hide its elements in the list of system updates (so that it does not appear again after the next update):

1. In the Control Panel, click “Windows Update”.

2. In the list on the left, select “Search for updates.”

3. Wait until the search is completed. Click in the "Download and Install..." panel. " link "Optional...".

4. Right-click on the IE line. And then click "Hide Update".

At the end of this procedure, Internet Explorer will disappear completely from the computer.

Temporary shutdown

You don't have to completely remove Internet Explorer from the system, but only deactivate it. After disabling, its components are saved in the directory, but it becomes invisible to the user (its shortcuts disappear). This operation is performed like this:

1. In the Control Panel, open “Uninstall a program” (“Categories” view).

2. Click the last item in the left column - “Enable or disable …”.

3. Wait a moment while Windows generates the list.

Attention! Do not close the window, do not press the “OK” button.

4. Click the left mouse button to clear the checkbox in the browser line.

5. Confirm the action: in the disconnection request, select “Yes”.

6. Click OK.

7. Wait for the system to complete all specified function changes in a few minutes.

After disabling, Windows will offer to remove all IE shortcuts you created. Click the Yes button in the message box to run this command.

Deactivation in Windows 8 and 10 is performed in almost the same way (the only difference in actions is access to the settings panel). Before saying goodbye to Internet Explorer, do not forget to make sure that some other browser is installed on your computer - an alternative to IE.