Musical pedagogy and trends in its further development. Abstract: Information technologies in music Information systems, their classification

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education


Faculty of General Economics

Abstract on the topic:

Information technology in music

St. Petersburg 2009


1. New technologies and music

2. Sound recording

3. Prospects for the development of information technology in music



One of the main characteristics of the post-industrial period should be considered the rapid development of electronic technologies, which contributed to the automation of information storage and processing using computers.

The emergence of sufficiently powerful computers and new computer technologies had a huge impact on the formation of modern musical culture. The capabilities of modern computers are increasing every day in parallel with advances in the scientific and technical field and developments in the field of programming.

The time has come for mature constructive relationships, the time for the construction of a common building, where both parties will feel an increasing need for mutually enriching projects. Over the last decades of the past century, such diverse and once seemingly distant spheres of human intellectual activity have not only become imbued with mutual respect, but we can already safely predict the brilliant fruitful development of their cooperation.

The obviousness of the fundamentally new opportunities provided by a music computer in the development of a musician’s professional thinking in all areas of musical creativity will inevitably lead to the increasing introduction of music-computer technologies, which will significantly supplement and even change the very nature of the work of a composer, musicologist, performer and teacher.

Numerous experiments with electronic (and other) machines capable of producing sound have led to the emergence of different ways of writing music, and hence to the emergence of various styles and directions. A new sound, unusual and unusual to the ear, became an innovation in music. Many famous modern composers, for example, K. Stockhausen, O. Messiaen, A. Schnittke, despite the complexity of working with technology, created works using new electronic instruments or only on them.

The development of electronic computing technology itself led to its “invasion” into music at an early stage. Already in the 50s, using the very first computers, scientists made attempts to synthesize music: compose a melody or arrange it with artificial timbres. This is how algorithmic music appeared, the principle of which was proposed back in 1206 by Guido Marzano, and later applied by V.A. Mozart to automate the composition of minuets - writing music according to random numbers. The creation of algorithmic compositions was carried out by K. Shannon, R. Zaripov, J. Xenakis and others. In the 80s, composers had the opportunity to use computers equipped with special programs that could store, play and edit music, and also allowed them to create new timbres and print scores of their own creations. It has become possible to use a computer in concert practice.

So, today the computer is a multitimbral instrument and an integral part of any recording studio. Undoubtedly, the very word “studio” is associated by many people with the concept of “mass culture” or “third layer,” that is, with manifestations of pop culture and modern show business. Perhaps this is one of the main factors that attracts applicants when enrolling in sound engineering or any other faculties, one way or another, related to music and computer technologies. The question arises: what role does the introduction of computers play in the education of future music teachers?

It is quite possible that a certain timbre-rhythmic code of computer music will help treat some diseases. The availability of computer equipment and the convenience of software will create unprecedented conditions for musical creativity (musical “handicrafts”), comparable in part to the current avalanche-like spread of amateur music-making in pop and rock styles. Expressions: “my music”, “my home studio”, “my CDs”, “my video clips”, “my music site” (everywhere “my” - meaning “created by me”) will also become familiar mass concepts. Everyone will be able to try themselves as a composer, arranger, sound engineer, creator of new timbres and sound effects.

Against the backdrop of such a mass hobby, the prestige and quality of music education will increase many times over, the content of which, thanks to the computer, will change significantly, will become more high-tech and intensive, flexibly customized to any specific tasks. Every music teacher in a special lyceum or a general school (it makes no difference) will be fluent in music and computer technologies. Of course, he will be able to teach his subject in an interesting and exciting way; it will not be at all difficult for him to compose a song or dance, make full-sounding arrangements, create a bright school concert, record it in high quality on a digital disk and then give such a recording to his students as a memory of the wonderful time of childhood and youth .

Pedagogy and trends in its further development Music pedagogy is currently discovering new areas of research, including: 1. Research related to information technology in music: · the use of multimedia in projects; · issues of computer analysis of musical works; · informational approach to the content of music; 2. Study the role...

Cultural and historical resources of the external environment, material and technical resources, new information technologies are skillfully and effectively used in managing the process of transforming people's needs for satisfaction in terms of providing them with information, aesthetic, creative, intellectual, mental, physical comfort and pleasure through animation services. One way or another...

Used in the world, it must fully meet the internal communications needs for various telecommunications networks. Chapter 2. The use of modern information technologies in various fields of journalism The information society requires high culture and access to new high technologies. Speaking about the relationship between the information society and new media...

Cycle, along with the use of books, TV, VCR. A computer is a means of communication between a student and a teacher, laboratory assistant, and other students. The issue of using information technology in history lessons is particularly relevant, since historical science, including the description of the past and present, operates with precise concepts, dates, numbers and artistic images. Analysis of the historical process...


A modern music lesson is a lesson during which modern pedagogical technologies, computer technologies, and electronic musical instruments are used. A music lesson is characterized by the creation of a creative environment, since the content of music lessons consists of emotions and their subjective experience. Such specific content determines the choice of various techniques, types of work and new multimedia tools.

The computer provides ample opportunities in the creative process of teaching music, both at the professional level and at the amateur level.

Music computer technologies have opened a fundamentally new stage in the technical reproduction of musical products: in music printing, in genres of applied music, in sound recording media, in the high-quality capabilities of sound-reproducing equipment, in theatrical and concert activities, in sound design and music broadcasting (including broadcasting over the Internet) .

One of the leading trends in the field of music pedagogy of the 21st century is introducing students to information and computer technologies. Mastering information and computer technologies is objectively necessary:

· firstly, for the professional training of composers and performers,

· secondly, for use as a source of auxiliary educational material (reference, training, editing, sound recording, sound reproduction, etc.).

In some Russian universities, electronic technologies related to musical creativity are studied as a subject of the curriculum. In such educational institutions, sound “dictionaries” are developed on the basis of computer systems, musical compositions are created using light and color special effects, film and video sequences, and acting pantomime.

Computer programs are also used in teaching how to play instruments, in developing an ear for music, in listening to musical works, in selecting melodies, in arranging, improvising, typing and editing music text. Computer programs make it possible to determine the range of the instrument, the performer’s fluency in passages, the execution of strokes and dynamic shades, articulation, etc. In addition, the computer allows you to learn pieces with an “orchestra”. It can also act as a conducting “simulator” (using television equipment). Computer programs allow for musical and auditory analysis of melodies (themes) of works in the course of music history. For many musical disciplines, the computer is a valuable source of bibliographic and encyclopedic information.

Widespread design tasks with computer presentations that allow you to more clearly present or illustrative material.

3.1 Music teaching software

There are many programs for working with music on a computer. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following groups:

· music players,

· programs for singing karaoke,

· musical constructors,

· music encyclopedias,

· training programs,

· programs for improvisation, group music playing, music composition.

The first group of programs includes programs such as Windows Media Player, WinAmp, etc.

They allow you to play music files, create a list of melodies, and record them in various formats. This range of programs is widely known to all users of the Windows operating system.

To teach singing, it is advisable to use programs such as VocalJam. You can compose your own composition using the KarMaker program. These programs are built on the same principle - a “minus” is played, and the words of the song are displayed on the screen.

Musical encyclopedias provide great assistance in musical literature and music lessons. For example, « Encyclopedia of Popular Music of Cyril and Methodius» , which contains information about almost all modern groups and performers, music albums. With the help of this encyclopedia, you can learn about the history of the development of a group, about the formation of rock, jazz, pop music in different countries, listen to a recording or watch a video clip. To test your knowledge, the encyclopedia has a special section called “Quiz,” consisting of various questions and musical fragments.

In a programme "Masterpieces of Music" Review materials have been collected on different styles of music, the material covers the period from the Baroque era to modern music. In addition, the program contains biographical information about composers and describes the history of the creation of famous works. The works are accompanied by comments, audio and video fragments. The program is equipped with a dictionary of various terms and musical instruments, which greatly facilitates the work.

Program "Music class" , allows you to practice both music and solfeggio. This program is educational in nature. It is adapted for primary school students.

The program also has a section "Music Theory" , in which the user independently selects a lesson, listens to it and performs exercises to test knowledge acquisition. The disadvantage of the program is the fast pace of playing music materials.

The program also provides music game modes, for example, "Tic Tac Toe", "Musical cubes". The essence of the games is to determine instruments, ensembles and note durations. These games allow you to compose a musical dictation using cubes.

Such a section of the program as "History of Musical Instruments" contains information about groups of musical instruments, their types and history of creation. And this section of the program harmoniously complements the operating mode “ Electronic piano" It gives you the opportunity to perform a piece on any of the proposed 10 instruments. This combination is very effective, since along with theory, practice is also carried out: users not only theoretically study musical instruments, but also virtually play them.

In addition, the program "Music class" equipped with " Cybersynthesizer" This function makes it possible to create your own work in the style chosen by the user. This unique “musical constructor” is easy to use; the user does not need special knowledge.

Thus, programs like the Music Masterpieces program are a good means of involving students in the creative process of creating their own music. This is also a way to develop their sustainable motivation and interest in studying this discipline.

Programs such as Cubase, FL Studio, Dance eJay will also help you create your own piece of music. These programs are quite difficult to use and require detailed study, skills and abilities from the user.

An example of a program for writing and editing music text is the Final program. It also makes it possible to compose melodies and arrange them.

Using a computer and a synthesizer at the same time in lessons is attractive for students. They can listen to a piece performed by a teacher, or independently perform the piece in different timbres.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

GBOU SPO (SSUZ) Chelyabinsk Pedagogical College No. 1

V.A. Kulieva

The use of information technology in music education

Methodological manual for teachers college students and music teachers

Chelyabinsk 2014

Kulieva V.A. The use of information technology in music education. Methodological manual for students of pedagogical college and music teachers. Chelyabinsk, 2014, ChPK No. 1. – 16 s.

This textbook examines the problems of prevention in this activity, identifies the most significant shortcomings in the area under consideration, formulates and offers recommendations for improving music education to specialists working with students of a pedagogical college.

1.1. The concept of information technology…………………………….….3

1.2. Possibilities of information technologies in education...................5

1.3. Multimedia presentation. Kinds. Classification……………….7

1.5. Using multimedia presentations in music lessons.....11


The use of information technology in music education.

1.1.The concept of information technology.

The concept of “technology” used to refer to the field of industrial production and denoted a system of interconnected methods of processing various materials and methods of manufacturing one or another type of product. In relation to information processes, taking into account their specifics, we can say that information technology is a system of methods and methods for collecting, transmitting, accumulating, processing, storing, presenting and using information based on the use of modern computer and other technical means.

The ancient Greeks believed that technology (techne - skill + logos - teaching) is the skill (art) of doing things. This concept acquired a more comprehensive definition in the process of industrialization of society. Technology is a body of knowledge about the methods and means of carrying out production processes in which a qualitative change in the objects being processed occurs.

Information technology is a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware tools combined into a technological chain that ensures the collection, processing, storage, distribution and display of information in order to capture the complexity of the processes of using an information resource, as well as increasing their reliability and efficiency.

Information technology in some cases is understood as a method and means of collecting, processing and transmitting information to obtain new information about the object being studied, in others a body of knowledge about methods and means of working with information resources. It should be noted that in a sense, information technologies (understood as the methods indicated above) are informational, since the educational process is impossible without the exchange of information between the teacher and the student.

Information technologies are characterized by the following basic properties:

1. The subject (object) of processing (process) is data, and the goal of the process is to obtain information;

2. The means for carrying out the process are software, hardware and software-hardware computing systems;

3. Data processing processes are divided into operations in accordance with the underlying subject area;

4. The criteria for optimizing the process are timely delivery of information to the user, its reliability, authenticity, and completeness.

Three technological advances form the basis of information technology:

1. The emergence of new means of storing information on machine-readable media (magnetic tapes, films, magnetic and laser disks);

2. Development of communication means that ensure the delivery of information to almost any point on the globe without significant restrictions in time and distance, wide coverage of the population by means of communication (radio broadcasting, television, data networks, satellite communications, telephone network, etc.);

3. Possibility of automated processing of information using a computer according to specified algorithms (sorting, classification, presentation in the required form, etc.);

Information technologies are divided into three groups: saving, rationalizing and creating. Savers save labor, time, and material resources. Rationalizers improve automatic systems for searching, ordering, etc. Creative information technologies include a person in the system of processing and using information. The important role of information technology in the development of society is to accelerate the processes of obtaining, disseminating and using new knowledge by society. By increasing the quality of society's intellectual resources, information technologies improve the quality of life.

1.2. Possibilities of information technologies in education.

In the modern understanding, educational information technology is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video equipment, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information. And the meaning of informatization of education is to create favorable conditions for both teachers and students for free access to cultural, educational and scientific information. The term “computer education technology”, taking into account the wide capabilities of modern computer networks, is often used in the same sense as “simulation technologies” and “educational games”. At the same time, the concepts of “computer technology” and “information technology” cannot be identified. In information technology there may be a computer as one of the possible means. Therefore, the term “computer technology” is rather unfortunate, but it is quite legitimate to talk about computer teaching aids and computer programs. Systematic research into the use of information technology in education has been conducted for about sixty years. Software products for the educational process most often represented electronic versions of the following educational and methodological materials: computer presentations of an illustrative nature; electronic dictionaries, reference books and textbooks; laboratory workshops with the ability to simulate real processes; training programs; test programs; electronic textbooks. The education system today has accumulated many different computer programs for educational purposes, created in educational institutions and centers of Russia. A considerable number of them are distinguished by their originality, high scientific and methodological level. In the field of education today, especially with the use of the Windows operating system, new opportunities have appeared. First of all, this is interactive communication in so-called interactive programs. In addition, it became possible to widely use graphics (drawings, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, maps). Graphic illustrations in educational computer systems make it possible to more clearly convey information to the student and make it easier to understand. Educational software products that use graphics contribute to the development of intuition and imaginative thinking. The increased productivity of personal computers has made it possible to widely use multimedia technologies, which allow the use of text, graphics, video and animation in an interactive mode and thereby expand the scope of the use of computers in the educational process.

In addition to multimedia lectures, there are many other electronic products for educational purposes, such as educational electronic resources, electronic publications, electronic textbooks, electronic teaching aids. The possibility of creating an electronic product for educational purposes is the use of modern hypertext technology. Modern information technologies have significantly expanded the interpretation of the concept of hypertext. Hypertext connections can be established not only between text fragments. The nodes of a hypertext network are various elements of presentation of educational material. The following can be connected to each other: a text and an experimental model, a visual aid and a network database, a graph of some dependence and a video element. Hypertext technology provides ample opportunities for creating high-quality textbooks. A modern electronic textbook is distinguished by “a convenient learning environment in which it is easy to find the necessary information and return to the material already covered.” When designing such a textbook, you can lay out hyperlinks, relying on the individual characteristics of human thinking in linking information and organizing appropriate access to it based on an associative series. The use of hypertext technologies in the creation of textbooks provides a number of undeniable advantages and is recommended as a means of increasing the efficiency of the educational process.

1.3. Multimedia presentations. Kinds. Classification.

Multimedia presentation - a set of slides and special effects (slide show), text content of the presentation, speaker notes, as well as handouts for the audience, stored in one file.

Multimedia presentation is an effective way to support the explanation of new material, allowing you to focus on:

Main, essential;

New concepts, formulas, etc.;

Illustrative samples;

Material classifications.

It is advisable to use presentations in training forms to consolidate the studied material. An example would be performing independent work according to an algorithm, when a sequence of operations is displayed on the screen in a certain time mode.

Types of presentations.

Type of presentation Purpose

Presentation-lecture. Demonstration of slides containing illustrations, abstracts, videos or sound to explain new material, generalize, systematize.

Presentation-electronic textbook. Didactic material for students to independently study new material and carry out initial consolidation.

Presentation-task. Contains the formulation of the task, with the help of animation a step-by-step solution to the task and answer is organized.

Presentation test with animation. Contains the wording of the task and answer options; with the help of animation, the correct answer is marked or incorrect ones are discarded.

Presentation test with hyperlinks. Contains the wording of the task and answer options; using a hyperlink, a transition to a slide with information about the correct choice of answer is organized. If the choice is correct, you move on to the next question; if the answer is incorrect, the same question is returned.

Presentation model. With the help of animation, a model of a process, phenomenon, or a visual solution to a problem is created.

Presentation-control. To organize self-tests, mutual checks of homework or assignments for initial consolidation, you can use a text presentation and indicate the criteria for evaluating the work at the end.

Slide show. Demonstration of illustrations with a minimum amount of text, with the overlay of music, with automatic slide changing, sometimes with cyclic repetition of slides.

Presentation-speech (report). To accompany the speech, contains illustrations and main points; It is not recommended to place a lot of text on slides; it must be converted into diagrams and charts.

Classification of presentations.

Targeting a specific audience:

For working in a classroom with projection on a large screen;

For independent work on a PC.

By functional use:






According to the nature of the presentation:


Audio Video;



On structure and management:

Linear with a rigid sequence of frames;

Linear with animation effect;


In the form of an Internet page;

With hidden slide effects.

To create a high-quality presentation, you must adhere to four principles of construction:

1. Why?

2. What?

3. How?

Why do teachers and students need this presentation?

What to put on the slides?

How to present information on slides?

General structure of the presentation:



List of references to the topic;

A set of slides revealing the content of the topic;

Conclusion to the topic.

Rules for the design of structural elements of a presentation.


The background of the slide is different from the main background of the presentation;

The topic title is required;

Possible artistic addition;

The text is aligned primarily to the center;

The font size and color must be readable, no less than 24 and no more than 30.


Must be in a generally accepted graphic form;

Points of the plan are separated by a semicolon, and a period must be placed at the end;

Should contain no more than 3-7 points;


To be added if necessary;

Purpose – for independent work of students;

Font no less than 20.

Set of slides:

The number of slides is calculated individually;

Slides are arranged according to plan;

Any slide can contain:


A period can only be placed between sentences;

Headings should be short;

Font size from 24 to 30;

Main text:

The text on the slide should contain only key phrases;

Font sizes 20-24;

The number of lines on one slide should not exceed 7-8;

Keywords within the text are highlighted using a different color, italics.


Occupies no more than 60% of the slide size;

The number of images on one slide is no more than 10-20% of the slide size.


The title of the diagram is required;

The diagram takes up all the space on the slide;

Lines and signatures must be clearly visible.


The table name is required;

The table is filled with a color different from the background color;

The design of the table header should differ from the design of the table content.

1.5. Using multimedia presentations in music lessons.

The Microsoft package provides teachers with great assistance in preparing and conducting lessons, which includes, in addition to the well-known Word text editor, also electronic Power Point presentations.

Using the capabilities of the Power Point program, you can provide clarity in the presentation of any educational information. These are presentations. You can make it visual not only a lesson dedicated to explaining theoretical material, but also a simulator, tests, and use presentations of various information blocks in students’ written work (abstract).

Multimedia presentations - electronic filmstrips, including animation, audio and video fragments, elements of interactivity - the most common type of presentation of demonstration materials. It is advisable to use multimedia presentations both using a computer and a multimedia projection screen.

The use of such information technology makes it possible to more effectively develop all types of perception in students: visual, auditory, sensory. Use all types of memory in class: visual, auditory, figurative, associative, etc.

Preparing presentations is a serious creative process, each element of which must be thought out and meaningful from the point of view of children’s perception.

Using the capabilities of the Power Point program, you can develop and use presentations for all subjects of the music theory cycle.

Much attention must be paid to preparing information. Anyone who knows the technology for arranging a package of slides in Power Point will probably be surprised by this. However, these are not just blanks. All types of information can be called this way. Such materials are independent didactic resources. And working on them, at first in a spontaneous manner, in a random selection of genres and types, is a full-fledged methodological work on the introduction of ICT. Essentially, any computer illustrations in the classroom, even without any design, are already electronic teaching resources.

The need for the initial stage - the stage of accumulation and creation of electronic information - is quite understandable. It is advisable to collect and accumulate materials, understanding that these are both current developments and at the same time the procurement of future solid resources. Of course, without them it is impossible to complete a presentation. But individual blanks have a completely independent meaning and value.

The presentation uses graphic materials, text, video and photographs, including those organized in the form of slide shows, animated inserts, elements of three-dimensional graphics, and, of course, sound, including background music and narration.

Among the most striking differences between a multimedia presentation and other methods of presenting information are high information richness and high interactivity. A presentation can very flexibly adapt to the reaction of listeners, for example, changing the pace of presentation of information, if such an opportunity is included during creation.

As part of the educational process, the main goals of conducting a computer presentation can be identified: mastering new material, consolidating the learned material, and monitoring knowledge.

A presentation can not only present educational material in the classroom, but also serve all didactic forms. Explanation, control and creative types of tasks in a “monitor” format are accompanied by the arrangement of multimedia information objects for display on the screen. In musical disciplines, such display, of course, includes sound. Theoretical information - headings, wording, descriptions - are combined on a monitor and stationary screen not only with visual information, but also with sound (voice and music), as well as video with accompaniment. There are a great many options for arranging materials, so-called algorithms, and they primarily depend on the degree of creative imagination of the teacher.

For example, one of these schemes is a more traditional option:

1. Theoretical text with facts, general characteristics, analysis.

2. Sound illustrations and musical examples for analysis.

3. Viewing video clips (listening to entire numbers or scenes).

4. Visual materials (can be added as “inlays” into the theoretical text).

When creating a computer presentation - a specific lesson development based on previously collected materials, you can choose a more dynamic option - open the presentation, for example, not with the name of the topic, but with a video illustration, the sound of music, a poetic epigraph. The topic itself can be discussed later, the main thing is to aestheticize the presentation of educational material and theoretical ideas as much as possible.

As for the presentation of theoretical information, there are also many opportunities here. The visual form of presenting information, of course, contributes to its better memorization: this form arouses curiosity. Purely text fragments will be boring, so it is better to use combined pages - with visual objects and the simultaneous sound of music.

The sound of music and the display of video materials as elements of a computer presentation can greatly increase the visibility in the presentation of musical knowledge and save a lot of organizational effort.

The greatest effect of clarity of learning with a computer in the field of computer presentation of musical material is achieved by simultaneous broadcast of sound and visual overview of the musical text. Presentation of notes using a computer is just an effective modern form of visualization of educational information. The musical text on the screen (after an oral explanation, presentation of theoretical fragments on the screen) is convenient for visual review. Thus, the screen (monitor) becomes a primitive electronic board. The methodological technique of “listening to music with notes” is not the only one in the arsenal of presenting a musical text with electronic support for lessons. “Cutting” of the necessary lines, as well as notes that need to be made in the musical text when explaining in the field of the theory of musical language, means of expression, and analytical analysis.

Creating slides allows you to influence perception in a multi-channel way. The teacher’s word and verbal formulations and notes displayed on the screen, combined with sound and video illustrations, create a complex of knowledge that is emotionally charged and precisely oriented.

A visual anthology is also possible - very useful and necessary for musical training. It is completed with reproductions and photographs of any materials: portraits of composers and performers, musical instruments, scenery for performances, documents, and so on. Similarly, you can imagine a video anthology made up of concerts, films, interesting video facts, and the like.

A teacher can turn a presentation into a fun way to engage students in learning activities. The visual richness of the educational material makes the lesson bright and convincing, which helps to increase the efficiency of perception and memorization of educational material. It should also be noted that the presentation allows the teacher to show creativity, individuality, and avoid a formal approach to conducting lessons.


Thus, information and communication technologies (ICT) have taken a strong place in education; great hopes are placed on them; the use of ICT and multimedia technologies in education can radically change the existing education system.

The use of multimedia, as a rule, makes it possible to provide students with more opportunities for independent and independent work, as well as to flexibly vary their study schedules. There are undoubtedly new teaching methods, new pedagogies, new tools and new resources available to the teacher.

Multimedia can be used to improve the quality of education in individual subject areas and disciplines at the intersection of several subject areas.

Multimedia products and Internet services provide the greatest opportunities to increase the effectiveness of the learning process:

Multimedia is an extremely useful and fruitful educational technology due to its inherent qualities of interactivity, flexibility, and integration of various types of visual educational information, as well as its ability to take into account the individual characteristics of students and help increase their motivation.

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Internet technologies in music teaching

Today there is another, important and relevant direction in teaching music - the use of Internet technology.

The goal of this educational trend is to optimize traditional methods of teaching music using modern information technology. Modern computer telecommunications provide a variety of educational information, simplify its search, make it more accessible, and also present it in an original form. This is what distinguishes modern computer technologies from traditional teaching aids. Modern computer technologies, including Internet technologies, require the development and implementation of fundamentally new methodological approaches to the education system as a whole.

When using Internet technologies, the form of presentation of the material is determined mainly by the specific type of lesson, the content of the course, as well as the role of the teacher.

Music theoretical disciplines are an important component in teaching music. The objects of study in such subjects as “Analysis of Musical Forms” and “History of Music” are works of world musical art. Mastering this kind of discipline entails mastering a large amount of information, affecting both the work itself and information about the composer, era, musical phenomena, and other areas of musical culture. Obviously, preparation for classes of this kind involves the selection of material, which can take a lot of time.

Based on the foregoing, we can talk about a trend towards the formation of new teaching methods. These methods involve student interaction with educational musical resources. The teacher's participation in this case is minimal. The materials of new teaching methods are the so-called multimedia educational resources. This type of resource includes electronic libraries, encyclopedias, music archives, music anthologies, virtual museums (including museums of musical instruments), catalogs of educational music programs, electronic manuals developed in the form of a training course with test tasks attached to it. These resources can either complement the teacher’s lectures or serve as the basis for independent mastery of a course in musical historical and theoretical disciplines. In the latter case, the material must be correctly structured and organized. The teacher acts as both a consultant and a controller of acquired knowledge.

The importance of information and educational resources, and in this case Internet technologies, is due to a number of opportunities provided to the learner. For example:

· obtaining information about the content of the course, topics of classes necessary for studying the discipline;

· obtaining additional information on the discipline from this resource or from other Internet resources, for example, music libraries, anthologies;

· self-testing of knowledge (in the form of test tasks);

· consultations with the teacher through personal communication or participation in seminars;

Information and educational resources based on Internet technologies differ in the forms of providing materials, monitoring and testing knowledge, and interaction between the teacher and the student. Let's list some of them:

· accompaniment with musical notes and audio examples;

· use of additional materials (articles, educational publications published on the Internet, etc.);

· use of resources from music libraries and music anthologies on the Internet;

· assignment on the topic in the form of a test, analysis of works, abstract work;

· forums (seminars) organized on given topics by the teacher.

The development and implementation of such information resources, including Internet resources, into the educational process significantly expands the boundaries of learning, making it more effective and diverse. This is equally possible for both full-time and distance learning.

Musical pedagogy and trends in its further development

Music pedagogy is currently opening up new areas of research, including:

1. Research related to information technology in music:

· use of multimedia in projects;

· issues of computer analysis of musical works;

· informational approach to the content of music;

2. Studying the role of information technologies in musical creativity, their importance in actualizing creative potential.

3. Research on the direct implementation of information technology in music education:

· practical mastery of computer music, music editors;

· use of music-computer technologies and electric musical instruments in the modern educational process;

4. Study of problems related to the information culture of a music teacher:

· optimal software for professional activities;

· information technologies in the self-education of musicians.

Information technologies in music education.

Currently, modern music pedagogy is experiencing significant transformations, which are associated with the introduction into teaching practice of new pedagogical methods, techniques and forms of working with students. At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, there has been a proliferation of information technologies in almost all spheres of human activity, including education. Information technologies are increasingly used in the study of most academic disciplines, and the education sector is being computerized.

As a result of this transformation, the quality, efficiency and accessibility of education increases. New learning technologies based on information and communication make the educational process more intense, increase the speed of perception, understanding and, importantly, the depth of assimilation of a large amount of knowledge.

In pedagogy there is the concept of educational information technology. This concept characterizes the process of preparing and transmitting information to the learner. The means for carrying out this process are computer equipment and software. In educational information technologies, there are two components that serve to transmit educational information:

    technical means: computer equipment and communications;

    software that can be used for various purposes.

The pedagogical goals of using information technologies are:

    in the development of personality (in the development of thinking, aesthetic education), the formation of information culture;

    in the implementation of general information training for the user (so-called “computer literacy”);

    in the intensification of the educational process, which involves increasing the efficiency and quality of education, providing motives for cognitive activity.

Currently, there are a large number of different classifications of pedagogical software. According to the methodological purpose, pedagogical software tools can be:

    computer textbooks (lessons);

    training programs (tutors);

    control (tests);

    information and reference (encyclopedias);



    demonstration films (slide or video films);

    educational games;

    leisure (computer games: role-playing, logical, sports and other types).

The use of new information technologies in music education makes it possible to optimize the means, forms and methods of teaching, find rational solutions to certain educational problems, choose appropriate ways to improve the educational process, and help to overcome a number of difficulties that arise in the traditional form of teaching. There are the following types of computer educational programs:

    electronic music encyclopedia;

    library information retrieval systems (music archives);

    computer programs for knowledge control.

Musical computer programs contribute to the development of a musician’s artistic thinking; development of musical abilities; studying basic concepts and terms; formation of practical skills; creative activity of students.

Today, music computer programs are developed in the following main areas of music education:programs that provide theoretical knowledge; programs aimed at developing hearing; music literature programs; programs that provide knowledge and skills in the specialty; programs that develop creativity; combined programs.

    Programs that provide theoretical knowledge. Aimed at students mastering the patterns and rules of constructing musical works and basic theoretical concepts. Programs, as a rule, contain gaming and educational sections that explain many musical terms, elements of musical literacy and music theory, test tasks for determining notes, chords, etc.

    Programs aimed at developing hearing, They include various trainings for developing purity of intonation, harmonic, melodic hearing, etc. They contain varieties of auditory dictation, which allows you to train in identifying notes, intervals, scales, etc. and exercises with graphic fixation of pitch to control the purity of intonation .

    Music Literature Programs . These can be books, encyclopedias, small illustrated reference books on various musical works, containing a set of musical works in the form of MIDI files, short biographies of composers and musicians. The texts of programs on the history of music and musical literature are illustrated with slides and reproductions, fragments from musical works, video clips, and may contain a narration text accompanied by a slide show of selected musical and artistic works and articles. With the help of such programs, you can get acquainted with the work of composers from different countries and eras, learn their biographies, get information about the music they created, learn about various genres of musical art, famous singers and musicians, and musical instruments.

    Programs that provide knowledge and skills in the specialty . They ensure mastery of any musical instrument - piano, guitar, etc. (naturally, up to a certain level).

    Programs that develop creativity. As a rule, these are game-based educational programs for general development. With their help, children learn to compose or, for example, compose simple melodies using cubes, play with different variations of rhythm and instruments, and create their own compositions.

    Combined programs . Contains knowledge of history, music theory, and the basics of composition. They include lectures, exercises, games, and develop creative abilities.

New information technologies are increasingly being used in modern musical practice. New varieties of electronic musical instruments (synthesizers, music computers) are appearing. The use of multimedia systems in music education makes it possible to use music encyclopedias, books, reference books, and various anthologies recorded on laser CDs for educational purposes. A modern music lesson is a lesson during which modern pedagogical technologies, computer technologies, and electronic musical instruments are used. Music computer technologies are also widely used in extracurricular and concert activities.

One of the leading trends in the field of music pedagogy of the 21st century is introducing students to information and computer technologies. Mastering information and computer technologies is objectively necessary both for the professional training of performers and for use as a source of auxiliary educational material (reference, training, editing, sound recording, sound reproduction, etc.).

In addition, the introduction of information educational resources into the pedagogical process requires teachers-musicians to have media competence, the ability to handle special computer programs, have user skills in working with information, and helps to improve the qualifications of the teacher himself.

Computer programs are also used in teaching how to play instruments, in developing an ear for music, in listening to musical works, in selecting melodies, in arranging, improvising, typing and editing music text. Computer programs make it possible to determine the performer’s fluency in passages, the execution of strokes and dynamic shades, articulation, etc. In addition, the computer allows you to learn pieces with an “orchestra” and allow you to conduct a musical and auditory analysis of the melodies (themes) of works in the course of music history. For many musical disciplines, the computer is a valuable source of bibliographic and encyclopedic information.

Thus, information technology is an integral component of the process of teaching music and related subjects. The capabilities of information technology make it possible to increase the efficiency of learning in teaching music disciplines. The development of computer technologies in music is promising, relevant and objectively necessary. Competent and systematic use of information technology gives students and teachers the opportunity to more effectively allocate time to realize their creative potential.

The introduction of new information technologies into the practice of music education helps to improve established forms and methods of teaching. New modern teaching methods are designed to implement the ideas of personality-oriented and developmental education, to increase the efficiency and quality of the educational process.

Modern technologies have a positive pedagogical impact on the education of students’ musical culture, the development of visual and figurative thinking, musical knowledge, abilities and skills, and also have a beneficial effect on the development of students’ creative and intellectual potential, and contribute to increased learning motivation.