Samsung Galaxy app has stopped: how to resolve the issue without resetting the settings. “System graphical interface” error occurred Android what to do The system interface is not responding

If you use any of the mobile products of the Samsung Galaxy family, then you are probably familiar with the whole range of bright and lively emotions that arise when a message suddenly appears on the device’s screen that something has stopped in the Galaxy. Here, as they say, we have arrived.

In general, they like to stop Samsung Galaxy, and everything in a row: either some application is stopped, then a process is stopped, or the system interface is stopped.

But we won’t talk about sad things, but rather, we’ll talk about what to do in the event of such sudden stops. So

“The application has stopped” - what does this mean?

Of course, when a user sees such a notification on the screen of his Samsung Galaxy, he at least guesses that one of the active programs is malfunctioning.

And that means that it would be necessary to restart it, because it is in this simple way that such problems, as a rule, are solved.

But what to do if the system writes that not just the application has stopped, but “ Samsung Galaxy app has stopped", and besides, after a normal restart, the ill-fated sign appears again, and again, and again...

"Samsung Galaxy app has stopped" message

In fact, “Samsung Galaxy app has stopped” in this case is given purely as an example, since, as we already said, Galaxy stops everything. Plus, judging by the number of comments on the forums, various Galaxy have recently begun to “delight” their owners more often with just such a message. However, in most cases, using the method below, you can deal with this and other similar “stops”.

First, we note that the message “Samsung Galaxy application has stopped” (or simply some application has stopped) not only indicates the fact that a software error has occurred, but also, most often, implies a complete reset of the smartphone (or tablet). It is clear that after such a radical impact the problem will disappear, but with it the same settings will inevitably disappear, as well as a lot of important data, backup copies of which were not created. In other words, by solving one problem, we get a bunch of others.

But you can go the other way, and instead of resetting the settings completely, you can try deleting and reinstalling only the problematic application and/or clearing the cache. This often helps resolve these types of problems.

Now briefly about how to clear the cache of a problematic application in Android OS:

STEP 1. Open the settings menu and find “ Application Manager"(if you do not have a Galaxy, but another Android smartphone, then in " Settings» open « Applications«);

STEP 2. Tap the tab " ALL» at the top of the screen and find the problematic application in the list (in our case, “Samsung Galaxy”);

STEP 4. We reboot the smartphone and remember the procedure in case the Galaxy stops something again.

The “Application has stopped” error can occur for various reasons, but whether you can get rid of it depends not only on you, but also on the developer. This problem may be due to an error in application development.

If the app you're having problems with installed from Play Market, and on your device no viruses, then you can move on to solving it. Depending on the reason for the error, you will need to follow several steps. If possible, check for errors after each action performed.

How to get rid of the “Application has stopped” error

1) Reboot device;

2) go to "Settings" devices. Select "Application Manager". Select the application (with which you are having problems) and find the “Memory” section, where you need to press the button "Clear data"(this should also delete the cache).

3) Try it remove and reinstall application from Play Market;

4) return to "Application Manager" and find disabled applications. Turn on all disabled applications (the error may occur because the application is linked or refers to another that is disabled). To do this, select the applications one by one and click “Enable”.

Software errors in the Android operating system occur quite often; most users find unpleasant moments in use. Today’s article is devoted to the problem of the operating system in which the message “ system graphical interface error". Over the course of the article, we will look at possible problems, and then we will give advice on how to eliminate this problem.

After collecting information from various Internet resources, we identified common causes of the error.

  1. There is a conflict between the system and any of the installed applications, games and other software; what to do in this case, read in the paragraph below;
  2. The problem appeared after the virus, and the files necessary for the full functioning of the system were damaged or deleted. The virus can “eat” such files. For what? Either they interfere with it, threaten its detection, and then they need to be overwritten, deleted, or simply to harm users;
  3. The system's graphical interface cache is clogged. It's rare, but it does happen;
  4. If you have “Launcher” installed (the launcher is a system shell. Everything you see on the screen when using your smartphone is displayed by the launcher). It may be damaged or also damaged by a virus;

How to fix GUI errors

Now that we’ve sorted out the reasons, let’s talk about ways to resolve the conflict. Try to remember whether the error appeared after installing an application or whether it popped up “suddenly”.
If the message appears after installing the software, we recommend the following operations:

When a GUI crash is caused by a virus, the situation becomes more complicated; everywhere they immediately advise general reset to factory settings - this helped few people and here's why.

Master reset when problem solved

Master reset - will return the smartphone configuration to factory settings. In other words, all third-party programs and information will be deleted. The theme, language and account settings will be reset. When malware penetrates the device, it deletes some files embedded in the system, system files. By performing a master reset, you will roll back the settings, but the deleted files will not be restored.

Flashing a smartphone

Reflashing is a 100% proven way to combat this problem. Mentally come to terms with the fact that you will have to delete all your data; first save your contacts, photos, and music.

Do not “backup applications”, the virus will remain in the infected files.

Applications and games can be easily downloaded in a couple of hours from the Play Market.
If you have recovery installed on your phone, flash it from there. To get into recovery with the phone turned off, you need to hold down the “volume +” and power button. When the menu opens, use the volume keys to select and activate the item “ Wipe data/Factory Setting«.
If the words recovery and firmware are not familiar to you, there is a lot of information on the Internet for any phone; flashing should be done with caution so as not to turn the phone into a brick. If you don’t have the time or knowledge to dig, entrust this matter to professionals or a service center.
I hope you have figured out the reasons why the system’s graphical interface application crashes and know how to fix the situation. If you know proven ways to resolve this conflict, write in the comments, we will definitely add them to our article, ask questions.
A short video on troubleshooting for 5 versions of Android firmware, test for your system:

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Discussion: 11 comments

    I can't see the icon indicating the problem. I can't perform any function on the tablet.


    System interface. I'm trying to clear the cache, the command is not executed. What could be the reason?


    1. Does it give an error or just nothing happens?


    I take a screenshot, it turns out to be a photo with an error message, the screen goes dark and flashes to the “initial stage” of the lock screen.


    1. Let's see what we can find on this matter. Is the problem still relevant?