Installing Radmin on your home or office computer. Radmin - remote administration and management of Windows PCs How to install radmin server on a remote computer

There are no special requirements for computer hardware. Radmin Viewer installs and runs even on a 486 computer with 8MB of RAM and runs under the Windows 98 operating system and higher.

Radmin Viewer

Works under operating systems Windows 7/2008/Vista/2003 Server/XP/2000/NT/ME/9x.

Radmin Server

Works under 32-bit operating systems Windwows 7/2008/Vista/2003 Server/XP/2000.

Radmin will work even if the remote computer does not have a monitor, keyboard and mouse. However, some computers may require a keyboard to be connected to boot Windows successfully.

For all operating systems (Windows 7/2008/Vista/2003 Server/XP/2000/NT/ME/9x):
The system must have TCP/IP (the most commonly used network protocol) installed.

Windows NT:
Requires Service pack 6 or higher installed.

Windows 7/2008/Vista/2003 Server/XP/2000:
Administrator rights or elevated privileges are required to install Radmin Server.

Before installation

Both computers must be connected via TCP/IP via a local network, modem connection or the Internet.

Radmin Server must be installed on a remote computer.

Radmin Viewer must be installed on your local computer.

You must uninstall all previous versions of Radmin Server before installing the new version.

You can install and run Radmin Server 3.4 simultaneously with Radmin Server 2.2, provided that Radmin Server 3.4 uses .

Installation of Radmin

After installation, the folder Start -> Programs will contain two folders – ‘Radmin Viewer 3′ and ‘Radmin Server 3′. They, in turn, contain the following shortcuts:

  • Reference

    Launching Radmin Help.

  • Radmin Viewer 3

    Launch Radmin Viewer.

  • Radmin Server Settings

    Opens the Radmin Server settings dialog box.

  • Launch Radmin Server

    Starting Radmin Server.

  • Stop Radmin Server

    Stopping Radmin Server.

  • Delete

    Removing Radmin Server or Radmin Viewer from your computer.

Radmin Licensing

After the 30-day trial period has expired, Radmin Server requires a license key to continue operating. When purchasing a license, you will receive an activation key that will allow you to register your copy of Radmin and continue using it. For details, please refer to the ‘ ‘ section. To purchase an activation key, please visit our website.

Removing Radmin

Radmin can be removed via the Control Panel component Installation and removal of programms, or by launching the delete shortcut in the menu Start.

Radmin (often called “radmin” among Russian-speaking users) is a program for remote access to a computer. Sometimes it happens that this application is installed on your computer without your participation as a spyware. In this case, its removal does not occur in the usual ways.

You will need

  • - Dr.Web Cure IT utility.


  • Open Control Panel and go to the Add/Remove Programs menu. Find Radmin among the list of installed ones and click on uninstall, after which a program will appear offering removal options. It is best not to leave any data associated with this program on your computer. Please note that before running the uninstaller, the program and all its components must be closed and not in use by other applications.
  • Open the list of programs installed on your computer using the Start menu and find the Radmin directory. Run its uninstaller after finishing work with it. If necessary, restart your computer when the process is complete.
  • Delete all data associated with using this program from your computer. To do this, go to its directory in Programm Files and clear the contents of the corresponding folders. After that, check "My Documents" and the hidden Application Data folder in Computer Users.
  • If “invisible” Radmin was installed on your computer as a spyware, enable the display of hidden files and directories in the folder properties and check for documents on your computer that indicate the presence of Radmin. Open the Sistem 32 folder in Windows and delete the r_server.exe directory. Remove it from the list of installed programs in Control Panel.
  • Perform a registry cleanup. To do this, open it using the Run utility in the Start menu. Type regedit in the line and look in the directories on the left for entries containing Radmin. Remove them all. Download the Dr Web Cure It utility and scan your computer for viruses and spyware. Be sure to restart your computer first. Be careful with your security settings and do not trust strangers with your computer.
  • Before installation

    Radmin 3 consists of two modules:

    The server module (Radmin Server) must be installed on remote computer (for example, on an office PC), which you want to access.

    The client module (Radmin Viewer) must be installed on local computer (for example, on a home PC or laptop), which you want to use to access the remote computer.

    Both computers must be connected to each other via TCP/IP protocol on a local network, via a modem or via the Internet.

    Installing and configuring Radmin Server 3

    Step 1:

    To install Radmin Server download and run the file rserv34ru.exe on the computer, to which you are going to connect remotely. Follow the instructions on the screen. During installation, the necessary files will be copied to the default system directory (C:\WINDOWS\system32\rserver30\). Previous versions of Radmin Server 3 installed on your computer will be automatically replaced by the new version (with all settings retained).

    Step 2:

    Configure access rights to Radmin Server. Follow the instructions below.

    Select "Access rights..." from the menu.

    Select a security mode. The Radmin security system is most convenient when connected via the Internet and has more flexible access rights settings. Windows NT security is primarily used in internal corporate networks.

    You need to add the user to the security system. If no user has been created, access to the Radmin Server is impossible under any circumstances.

    Add a new user to the system. It is advisable to enter the username and password in Latin characters. The minimum password length is 6 characters.

    Now you can set access rights for the created user. If no option is checked, access to the Radmin Server is impossible.

    To provide an additional level of security, you can change the general settings of Radmin Server. If you use Radmin only for a technician to connect to you and solve your problems remotely (when you are at the computer), you can configure confirmation of incoming connections (reject or allow connections manually and by timer). In addition, you can change the default port through which a technician or administrator connects to you. If you have changed the default port, write it down or tell your administrator that this port number will be needed to configure Radmin Viewer.

    Step 3:

    Write down the IP address of your computer; to do this, hover your mouse over the Radmin Server icon.

    You can also see your external IP address. If you do not have a dedicated external IP address, contact your network administrator to configure the router.

    Step 4:

    Now you can connect to Radmin Server using the free Radmin Viewer program (see installation and configuration instructions below).

    You can use the full-featured version of Radmin Server for free for 30 days. After the 30-day period, you will not be able to connect to Radmin Server until the license key is entered. To continue working with the program, do not forget to purchase and activate recently installed copies of Radmin Server 3.

    Installing and configuring Radmin Viewer 3

    Step 1:

    To install Radmin Viewer download and run the file rview34ru.exe on the computer, from which You are about to connect remotely. Follow the instructions on the screen. During installation, the necessary files will be copied to the default directory (C:\Program Files\Radmin Viewer 3\). Previous versions of Radmin Viewer 3 installed on your computer will be automatically replaced by the new version (with all settings retained). The installation process for Radmin Viewer 3 is similar to the installation process for Radmin Server 3.

    Step 2:

    Launch Radmin Viewer and create a new connection.

    Specify the IP address of the computer on which Radmin Server is installed and configured and to which you are going to connect. Please also provide a friendly name for the connection.

    If necessary, you can change the default connection settings to save network traffic or to increase the speed of work with a slow Internet connection (for example, via GPRS).

    Step 3:

    Check the accessibility of the remote computer by scanning with the built-in scanner. If the connection icon is checked after scanning, Radmin Server is installed on the remote computer and is ready for connection.

    Enter the username and password previously specified in the Radmin Server settings on the remote computer.

    Now you can enjoy fast and secure remote control of your computer!

    Write down the IP address of your computer. Select your connection type for further configuration:

    A: You are connecting to a computer inside the local network or the remote computer has an external IP (see more details)

    B: You connect to a computer on another local network and have access to the router settings (see more details)

    To configure port forwarding on your router, please follow the instructions below:

    Briefly about setting up port forwarding:

    1. Open a browser window and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar. The default address is
    2. In the window that appears, enter your username and password to access the settings of your router. Usually this is: login admin, no password.
    3. In your router's settings window, select Advanced (Configuration), and then Virtual Server (Port Redirection).
    4. In the Virtual Server settings, please select the following:
      use Virtual Server(Port Redirection) - yes (Enabled)
      Protocol type: Both
      Private port: 4899
      Public port: 4899
      Local IP Address: here enter the IP address of the machine on which Radmin Server is installed.
    5. To connect to Radmin, you will need to enter the external IP address of the server computer, you can view it.

    C: You are connected to a computer on another local network, you do not have access to the router (see more details)

    1. Please download Radmin VPN from here: Radmin VPN.

    2. Install Radmin VPN on your local computer.

    Launch Radmin VPN and create a network by clicking on the "Create network" button.

    Specify the desired network name and set a password.

    Click the "Create" button.

    The new network will appear in the main Radmin VPN window.

    3. Download and install Radmin VPN on the remote computer.

    4. Launch the program and click the "Join network" button.

    Enter the network name and password in the window that opens.

    Click the "Join" button.

    The previously created network and its participants will be displayed in the Radmin VPN working window.

    The connection between the computers has been established.

    Controlling a remote computer via the Internet.

    1. Download and install Radmin Server on a remote computer.

    2. In the Radmin Server settings, create a user and set access rights.

    3.Download and install Radmin Viewer on your local computer.

    4.Connect the local and remote computers using the Radmin VPN IP address.

    5.Select: "Radmin-->Management" from the context menu of the remote computer.

    6.Enter the username and password specified in the Radmin Server settings.

    and join an existing Network, enter your name and password to connect to the created network. Then, if you hover your mouse over the Radmin Server icon, you will see two or more IP addresses. You have finished installing the virtual network.

    Program Radmin does not apply to spyware. This is a tool for remote computer control. It allows you to remotely see everything that happens on the monitor screen.
    Not all users are and are not always satisfied with such monitoring, since it does not allow them to work confidentially at the computer.
    We decided to publish these instructions for protecting against monitoring and removing Radmin modules because our users contacted us with a similar request.

    How to determine whether a computer is being monitored and block access to it without removing Radmin components.

    After launching the COVERT masker, you need to view the list of programs that have access to the network from your computer in the “ Network Monitor" With active monitoring, the program that provides it will be immediately visible. If it is in standby mode, then you should click on the field called “Application” at the top of the network monitor or select “Connection” from the context menu. All active and waiting processes will appear.

    Application rserver3.exe belongs to the Radmin program. It should be added to " Threat database“, and it will be blocked upon entering the COVERT cloaker protection platform. Now you can perform any actions in the platform without fear that someone can see them on a remote computer. If you check the list of applications in Network Monitor again, in active network connections, there will be no process transferring data from your computer. But as soon as you exit the COVERT security platform, the hidden connection block from Radmin will be lifted and access to your computer will be restored. To an outside observer, it will appear that your computer has been turned off.

    If you select internal protection mode No. 1 in the platform, you can see which applications launched themselves independently, without the user’s knowledge. In this protection mode they are highlighted in yellow or red if the applications are already included in the " Threat database" The screenshot below shows the process Famltrfc.exe from Radmin is highlighted in red.
    In the second internal protection mode, all processes that run independently will be blocked. In this case, the masker will sound a signal indicating that such an attempt is blocked.

    How to stop or remove Radmin.

    In the window " System services» you can open the context menu and stop the service Rserver3.exe. Monitoring will be stopped until it is restarted. If you need to enable this service, use the context menu in the “ section All services" You can also delete through the context menu Rserver3.exe.

    To completely remove Radmin program components from the system, two more drivers must be removed. Open the window " Driver monitor"and remove the driver via the context menu rminiv3.sys And raddrvv3.sys. After completing this operation, restart your computer and check again that the remote monitoring program components are missing.

    Check if you are being monitored using the remote administration program Radmin.