Word background image. How to make a background with a picture. Making a background behind the text

As a rule, text documents are created on a plain white background. But, sometimes there is a need to add some unusual background to the document. This may be needed if, for example, you are creating a poster, booklet, brochure or advertisement.

Fortunately, the developers of the Word text editor foresaw a similar situation and built in the corresponding function. In this material we will talk about how to make any picture, image or photograph as a background in Word.

In order to set a picture as a background in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, you need to go to the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Page Color” button there and select the “Fill Methods” option.

If you are using Word 2003, then to do this you need to open the menu “Format - Background - Fill Methods”.

After this, the “Fill Methods” window will open with page background settings. In this window, you need to go to the “Picture” tab, click on the “Picture” button there and in the window that appears, select the picture that you want to make the background of the document.

After the desired image appears in the “Fill Methods” window, you need to close it using the “Ok” button.

As a result, the picture you select will be used as the background of your Word document.

Other page background design options

In addition to a picture, you can use a gradient, texture or pattern as a background for a document. In order to use the background as a gradient, you need to open the “Fill Method” window as described above, go to the “Gradient” tab and select the appropriate gradient settings there. For a gradient, you can use one or two colors, or you can use one of the ready-made gradients.

In order to use a texture as a background, you need to go to the “Texture” tab and select one of the proposed textures. You can also upload your own texture. To do this, use the “Other texture” button.

To create a background using a pattern, you need to go to the “Pattern” tab, select one of the proposed patterns, and also set the color of the pattern and the color of the main background of the page.

You can also use a uniform fill of one color as the background of the page. To do this, you just need to click on the “Page Color” button on the “Page Layout” tab and select one of the suggested colors.

And in order to remove any page background, you need to click on the “Page Color” button and select “No color”.

It is no secret that the templates available in Microsoft PowerPoint for creating presentations do not always correspond to the request. In this regard, it is worth figuring out how to make your own background in a PowerPoint presentation from a drawing yourself, spending a minimum of time on it. In this case, by drawings we mean a variety of pictures created with the help of editors, online, as well as photographs.

Inserting a picture into the background by adjusting the presentation template.

First of all, let's look at the not-so-fastest way to change the background when preparing a presentation template. However, it is more correct if you need to reuse the result as a template, rather than just make a one-time presentation.

With this redesign, you will be able to see how the new background is displayed on all template layout options. The main advantage of this approach is the ability to timely change the arrangement of parts of each slide if they do not fit well with the picture.

We use PowerPoint 2010 to demonstrate. The whole process is generally similar in other versions of the Power Point program - from 2007 to 2016.

1. Sample slides

Select the VIEW tab, then in the SAMPLE MODES group click on the SLIDE SAMPLE button.

2. Background format

Right-click on the first slide of the presentation and select a background format.

3. Filling

In the BACKGROUND FORMAT tab that opens, in FILL mode, select PATTERN OR TEXTURE. You will notice that the slide background in the template will automatically change to the default texture.

4. Textures

If we want to insert a background from an existing PowerPoint texture, then use the TEXTURE button to select a background pattern from those offered.

5. Inserting a picture

There are several options for inserting a picture - from a file, from the clipboard, from the organizer (picture)

    • From file. Click on FILE and select the desired picture on your own computer.
    • From the clipboard. This option is most convenient if you are looking for backgrounds for presentations on the Internet. Let's look at how you can do this. Launch images.yandex.ru and enter “background for presentation” into the search bar. The number of backgrounds offered is simply enormous. You can immediately copy the image to paste the background, but it is too compressed and the quality of such a background will not be very high.

For a higher quality background, you need to go to the image and then simply copy it using the right-click menu. You can also download the image to your computer and then insert it via FILE.

Return to the PowerPoint presentation you are creating and click CLIPBOARD. The copied image is pasted and the background for your presentation is created.

  • A good resource for creating a background from a drawing is PowerPoint's own organizer. So, click the PICTURE button and look for a suitable one, including the Microsoft website.

You can save a template with a new presentation background by selecting "PowerPoint Template" as the FILE TYPE when saving.

Have you noticed that when working with the first slide, the background of the entire presentation changes. If you need to change the background of a separate slide, then all these actions must be performed with it. Then all other slides in the PowerPoint presentation will remain unchanged. So you can, if you wish, make your own background for each.

A quick way to add your own background picture

The second option to make a background from an image is simpler, faster and in most cases sufficient. For completeness, we will work with Microsoft PowerPoint 2013.

How to Change the Transparency of a Background, Picture, or Drawing in PowerPoint

It happens that the pattern you choose is too bright. This can negatively affect the perception of information on the slides and the presentation itself as a whole. This means it is necessary to reduce the saturation of the pictures.

Right-click on the object, then through the same BACKGROUND FORMAT, if the picture has previously filled the entire space. Or FIGURE FORMAT, if to create a background it is enough to simply insert a picture in some part of the presentation slide without changing the background.

Then FILL - DRAWING AND TEXTURE. Find the TRANSPARENCY slider and move it to the right. This will make a picture, drawing, or slide background more transparent in PowerPoint.

Changes are visible as you move the slider or change the opacity percentage numbers on the right.

To find out where you can download backgrounds for presentations for free, read the article about free sources.

Welcome to my blog. Let's continue to learn the basics of html. This tutorial will be so simple and interesting that I hope you will want to learn more about programming languages. In just a couple of minutes you will learn how to make a picture as a background in HTML and achieve excellent results.

I will also talk about some nuances that will make the background as smooth and beautiful as possible. Well, shall we begin?

Selecting a picture

I would like to start by choosing an image. So that you look more even and beautiful on the page, and you don’t have to bother with sizes and alignment. I suggest immediately looking for seamless textures. What it is?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to stretch an image in html to fill the entire screen. The photo is used in actual size. If the picture is small, then it will cover the entire area, as in the screenshot below. To stretch the image you will have to create an additional CSS document, without this it will not work.

Although, you have the opportunity to bypass the system. To do this, use Photoshop and pictures up to the width of the screen (1280x720). Although in this case, when scrolling down, the picture will replace another.

A much better option if you don't want to use css is to use seamless textures. They don't have any visible joints. They are like wallpaper or modern tiles in design. One replaces the other and no joints are visible.

If you are interested in the absence of legal consequences for their use, then I recommend searching the website Pixabay.com .


Now let's work with the code. I should note right away that we are now working with html, that is, we are changing the image not for the entire site, but only for one specific page for which the code is being written. If you are interested in changing the entire resource, then you need to code using css, But more on that later.

So, you can work in notepad, I prefer NotePad++. It’s much more convenient to work in it: the code is completed for you, the tags are highlighted. The program is free and weighs about 3 MB. I highly recommend it, especially if you are a beginner.

So, to the tag body you need to add attribute background and indicate a link to the image where the picture will be taken from. This is what it looks like in the program.

You can just open notepad and copy this code. In quotes, put a link to the picture you like.

<html > <head > <title > Background-image</title> </head> <body background = "https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2015/05/05/09/59/triangle-753534_960_720.png"> </body> </html>


I would like to note for beginners, this is the point. If you take an image from Pixabay, then you need to paste the link not on the page with the image, but open the image in the next tab.

Copy this exact URL.

Save the document. Don't forget that if you use notepad, you need to use the extension .html . Just name the document, for example, back.html . Otherwise, it will be saved as a text document and the browser simply will not understand what it needs to do.

Done, the page is filled with a different color.

If you want to learn more about html, I suggest you download free course by Evgeniy Popov . From it you will learn more tags, language capabilities, try some new techniques and know more.

I won’t say that Evgeniy Popov’s courses are wildly popular. Many experts scold him, and if you have come across such statements, then here is my opinion. These lessons are provided free of charge and despite this they do an excellent job of their main task - to show the beginner the basics and bring him up to date.

Just as every writer has his own view of how to write, so programmers have their own style. You can spend your whole life learning how to create websites, but you need to start somewhere. From books? Not this. Yes, they contain more reliable information, up-to-date information, but they are so difficult to master.

Don't agree with me? I can offer an alternative. Book by Elizabeth and Erica Freeman Learning HTML, XHTML and CSS " Not a very boring bestseller and was published not so long ago, in 2016. The information has not yet become outdated.


If you need the background to be repeated on all pages of your site, then CSS is a must. Of course, you can specify the path each time, as in the previous chapter. But imagine if over time you need to replace it: the link becomes outdated or you simply want to change the design. Go to every page and change the code? This will not work.

CSS helps solve this problem. You need to create a file with css extension and enter the following code:

Let's talk a little about the code itself. In parentheses, after url you can enter a link to a picture from a third-party source, or simply the name of the document if the picture is in the same folder as this file.

For those who want to know better

With css you can stretch background image, make sure it doesn’t repeat itself, add GIF animation and much more.

You can’t write everything in one article. And I didn’t set such a task for myself. There are a lot of subtleties, and if they promise to tell you everything in one article, then this is nothing more than a deception.

Do you want to learn how to write websites correctly? I recommend that you learn programming languages. I can recommend Andrey Bernatsky’s course “ HTML5 and CSS3 from Zero to Pro " I really like this author. I did not take this particular course; several years ago there was something similar, but less modern.

The author talks very nicely, everything is easy and understandable. The highlight of this course is that you don’t just study, you create a specific website together with the teacher. As a result, you will get a business card, a blog and even an online store. Very cool. You can watch the first three theoretical lessons on HTML5 from this course right here and now.

By the way, along with this course you get 7 bonuses: the basics of html and css by Andrei Bernatsky, layout for beginners, creating a landing page in an evening and much more. Before you commit to serious training, try out the free course " Practice HTML5 and CSS3 ».

Well, that's basically all. Subscribe to the newsletter to learn more. Very soon I will tell you a little more about adaptive layout, increasing earnings from any blog, and give a lot of useful tips on simplifying your work. See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

When setting up any website, in addition to functionality, design is very important. This is what sets the own style and design of a particular company or person for whom the website is being created. Customizing the background color and image is easy by following the instructions in this article.

Open your HTML file using Notepad or any other text editor you are used to.

For example, let’s take a primitive website page with a minimum of text. You can open your file using any browser.
First, change the color of your background, as people with a slow Internet connection will not be able to immediately see the background image of the site. For a while, while the image is loading, they will only be able to see the color of your site. Enter in tag

parameter bgcolor=”*****”, where ***** is the color code. You can find out the colors for HTML in any graphic editor by selecting the “for web” option or on the website https://colorscheme.ru/color-names

You just need to select a color in the circle palette and assign its intensity within the square. On the right you will see two codes for html. Copy them and paste them into notepad.

Having selected a color and inserted it into the code, see if you did everything correctly by viewing the resulting web page from a browser.

Now you can start inserting your background image. Place the desired image in the code folder for greater convenience. Give him a name in Latin letters.

Now find out the location of the file by right-clicking on it, selecting “Open with” and clicking on any browser installed on your computer.

Now in the tag enter the line:
  • style=”background-image: url(‘file:///C:/Users/FILE_PATH.jpg’)”

Save your file.

Check your web page. You will see that the background has been substituted for your text.

Please note that for users with a higher screen resolution, your image will be duplicated down and to the right. It won't look good if the picture is not monochromatic. There are special commands to correct this parameter.

  • background-repeat : “Value.” Options for your value could be: “repeat-x” – repeats your background image both horizontally and vertically. “repeat-y” – repetition only vertically. “no-repeat” – the image is frozen in place and does not repeat. “space” – the entire page will be filled with the maximum number of copies of the image, the outermost ones will be cropped. “round” – the same option, but the edges of the image will be carefully scaled;
  • background-attachment: “Value.” If you substitute the “scroll” tag instead of the word Value, the image will scroll along with the site. “fixed” – the background remains unchanged when scrolling;
  • background-size: Value Value2. Here the values ​​must take a value in pixels. For example: 100px 200px. In addition to pixels, percentage values ​​are accepted. This is an option to fill the page with an image. In addition to numbers, you can enter two parameters: “contain” – fills the page with an image along the long side and “cover” – fills the page with an image along the width.

Once you know the basics of filling a page with background in HTML, you are ready to create your first website.

Microsoft Word offers enormous possibilities for editing and designing texts. With this program you can create beautiful booklets and posters. In this article we will tell you how to make a background in Word.

1. Open Word and go to the “Page Layout” tab. Here we find the “Page Color” item, when selected, a color palette appears and we can select any color.

If you want to “create” a color yourself, then click “More Colors” and select the color you want.

Select the desired color and click "OK"

If you click on “Page Color” again and select “Fill Methods” at the very bottom, you will find many options for changing the background of the page. Existing filling methods: gradient, texture, pattern, drawing. Each section has many settings.

1. Gradient fill allows you to make a transition between colors.

2. In the “Texture” section, you can select a texture or specify your own by clicking on “Other texture”.

3. In the “Pattern” tab we can choose any pattern we like and use any colors.