Automatic call distribution. Creation of employees, departments and call distribution logic Reception and distribution of incoming calls

Accepted definition ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) is that it standard application, traditionally used by directory and information services to organize queues and distribute calls in a system that has one common access number. The system answers a large number of incoming telephone calls and connects or distributes these calls to a specific group of operators or to a specific operator. The modern definition adds that the distribution also takes into account the qualifications of operators and the workload of each group of operators for optimal call routing.

The automatic call distribution system distributes incoming calls according to the script included in the software. Distinctive feature ACD from PBX is the ability to dynamically (on-line) provide information necessary for effective management of the Call Center.

Overall, ACD improves call center efficiency by 30% by creating queues and increasing caller service productivity.

As a result, an ACD call distribution system is not only an effective means of saving money, but also a strategic application that optimizes the exchange of information between a company and its customers.

Initially, ACDs were envisioned as call center applications for large enterprises such as large airlines, TV surveys, and telephone companies with their own data teams. The use of such devices in small organizations began with the expansion of PBX capabilities and the reduction in equipment costs due to the entry of a large number of companies into the market.

Initially, the main components of the ACD system were: telephone channels, an incoming call processor and switch, specialized operator consoles, an administrative station and personal computers, as well as management information needed to generate dynamic reports.

Will all incoming calls be queued and serviced on a first-in, first-out basis, or will they be categorized and routed in a specific manner? Answers to these and similar questions should help you choose the appropriate technology.

First of all, it is necessary to answer specific questions. If the call center serves several departments or companies, then calls will need to be routed to the appropriate specialist. If a company has to do business with a multilingual clientele, then calls will need to be forwarded to an employee with knowledge of the appropriate language. Otherwise, the call center will not operate efficiently enough to justify the investment.

Next, you need to think about how correct setting Call routing can help achieve the goals of a particular business - increasing sales, increasing profits, improving customer relationships, etc. For example, does the company want calls from existing customers to take priority over potential offers, or vice versa? Or perhaps have calls from your most valuable customers routed directly to a specially trained operator?

An ACD system usually has more outside lines than extensions. In other words, it is the opposite of a traditional office telephone system, in which a relatively large number of extensions share access to a small number of telephone lines through a switch.

Large call centers typically use specialized automated call distribution systems from manufacturers such as Rockwell, Aspect, and Telecom Technologies (now part of AVT). As PC-based switching becomes more acceptable, these manufacturers are beginning to offer fully affordable prices specialized systems for small call centers.

On the other hand, many of today's popular traditional telephone systems can be retrofitted to provide ACD functionality, at least for some extensions - nothing better could be asked for if the call center is being built as part of an existing business. Manufacturer upgrades typically involve adding a new processor board and/or replacing system software.

A standard switch can be equipped with ACD functionality through the use of an external PC-based call processing peripheral. Some external ACDs control the telephone system through its OAI port—they communicate with the switch either in its own internal language or using TSAPI, TAPI, CSTA, or another standard switch management protocol. Other products can connect directly to the external leads telephone exchange lines, intercepting and queuing incoming calls and passing them on to the PBX for routing. Third products can be integrated from the station side (as voice mail) and use internal broadcasting to forward traffic.

Full ACD functionality can also be achieved with Centrex through customer premises products from Dees/NICE Systems and other manufacturers. Automatic systems Call distribution for Centrex uses network functions for queuing and network switching to call the operator's telephone.

When organizing a call center, you need to think carefully about which method will be used when implementing ACD, that is, what should be the sequence of processing incoming telephone calls. In addition, it is necessary to count the number of lines, both external and internal.

The ACD system, ideally, should be organized in such a way that a specific client who has already contacted this company or a privileged client will be assigned his own “personal” operator. In this case, the ANI/DNIS (Automatic Number Identification/Dialed Number Identification Service) functions will be used to match the incoming call with the pattern or script; in touch with existing bases data; the presence of an unlimited number of incoming/outgoing templates at the same time.

Let's take a closer look at a feature used in the vast majority of call centers: DNIS. Telephone systems on the basis of which Call centers are built have the ability to request incoming PBX Caller ID information. Along with a call coming to a specific operator, information about the caller's number is also received. This function is used in scenarios where it is not necessary to simply distribute calls cyclically to the first available operator, but to distribute calls taking into account many factors, including the qualifications of the operator, the nature of the request, etc. The implementation of this function is programmed into the automatic call distribution device. Thus, the process of identifying the caller's number is carried out centrally, at the ACD level. In this case, productivity and efficiency are maximized.

Calls from the ACD to a specific operator can be routed based on the calling/called number entered by the customer additional information, time of day/week/year.

In other words, the primary task of ACD systems integrated with CTI is to determine which application or group of operators should service an incoming request, provided that the request must be serviced in any case.

The software that enables the ACD service is usually included with the PBX (for example, the BusinessPhone-250 from Ericsson). When using more powerful PBXs, such as MD110 (Ericsson), ICS (Lucent), Iridium 1 (Nortel), software must be purchased separately (it is not included in the package); its cost usually ranges from 5 to 20% of the station price.

2. Phone conversation in the office

The secretary spends a significant amount of time during the working day on telephone conversations. Thanks to the telephone, the efficiency of decision-making increases, eliminating the need for correspondence, traveling to another organization, etc. The secretary’s responsibilities include receiving telephone calls, answering subscribers, filtering calls and, if necessary, connecting the manager with the subscriber. The secretary's task is to free the manager from challenges that can be decided by a responsible employee of the organization.

It is important to observe etiquette during telephone conversations, because there are a lot of calls and each caller has his own character. If we say that the secretary is the face of the company, then it is necessary to know the rules of etiquette during telephone conversations.

1. Speak only to the point, about the most important things, without unnecessary details, briefly.

2. Be polite: a friendly tone, use of polite forms of communication, and clear diction are required.

3. Be patient: you need to conduct a conversation patiently, without emotions, calmly;

4. You cannot transmit confidential information over the phone.

5. It is unacceptable to use the office telephone to talk about personal matters, especially in the presence of visitors.

Remember that every person who calls you believes that his problem is the most important and that you will listen to him as long as necessary, and that you will be the one who will give him a comprehensive answer. Indifference on your part or lack of time can disappoint him and make him think poorly of you, and therefore of your company. Business partners and clients judge the level of professionalism of the secretary and the company itself based on telephone conversations. An arrogant, irritable tone, vulgar intonations, incorrect pronunciation, baby talk, lack of interest in the interlocutor will forever push a person away from the company. Maintaining a culture of telephone conversations will reduce the time spent on clients.

You should pick up the phone no later than the third ring, and preferably after the first. The secretary is the first to start the conversation, naming the company, in order to eliminate unnecessary questions from the caller. According to the rules of etiquette, the caller must say hello first, but the secretary can also do this after or before naming the company. If they beat you to it, don't forget to return the greeting. Don't make the caller wait, but if there is a good reason for doing so, ask if they have time to wait. If such a pause drags on, be sure to return to the machine and ask if the client can wait a little longer.

After your return greeting, the caller should introduce himself and state the purpose of the call. If he does not do this, the secretary must ask him about it in a polite manner, calmly but firmly. You need to show correct persistence if the caller persists and refuses to identify himself, citing the fact that it is customary in your company or that the manager requires it.

Show maximum attention to the caller so as not to ask again or clarify what he needs. The secretary needs to know the clear distribution of responsibilities of all management employees, so that in case of a caller’s mistake, he can be correctly redirected in accordance with his goals and interests. In the event that the secretary forwards a telephone call to another employee, the subscriber should be informed of the last name, first name, patronymic of this employee, his position and telephone number. Incorrect information from the secretary leads to conflicts in the team and irritation of the caller.

If in order to answer the subscriber there is a need to make inquiries and step away from the phone for a while to search for relevant information, you need to warn the subscriber about this. If it is not possible to find the necessary information, you should call the subscriber exact time when he can call back.

Politely answer all of the caller's questions, but only if they introduce themselves. Do not disclose trade secrets, do not go beyond your competence, do not say unnecessary things. Most people who call the organization are worried, ask again, forget to ask something and call back again. A high-class secretary must be self-possessed, patient, polite, not give vent to feelings, and be able to calm a nervous interlocutor.

1) before starting an important conversation, take a few deep breaths, collect your thoughts and relax at the same time. Remember your past victories in telephone conversations to tune in and enter this pleasant state;

3) sit up straight, straighten your shoulders and raise your chin, which will make your voice clear and calm;

4) as you exhale, the strength of the sound increases - take advantage of this;

5) articulate with the lips with a large amplitude for good pronunciation;

6) keep the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks tight, do not “spread” in the chair. The voice will receive support and “will not go into the stomach.” Then at the end of the day you will not feel overstressed vocal cords, and your voice will remain energetic and sonorous;

7) do not speak quickly, otherwise you will be asked again, and this will take longer than a conversation at a moderate pace;

8) speak complex words separately;

9) formulate questions so that you are answered “Yes” more often than “No”;

10) conduct the conversation on a personal note - a confidential tone is preferable to a dry and formal one;

11) call to action: speak vividly, figuratively, using personal pronouns (“I, you, you and me”), emotional adjectives (“the most effective, successful, best”) and imperative verbs (“Call! Buy! Think! Do not miss your chance");

12) remember: raising the tone of voice at the end of a phrase expresses a question, uncertainty. Lowering the tone at the end of a phrase means a confident statement. Try these two ways to say the phrase: “It’s beautiful weather, isn’t it.” First with a period at the end of the sentence, and then with a question mark;

13) take breaks. They highlight the main thoughts, make it possible to think about and remember the answer, and give special significance to the words;

14) do articulatory gymnastics. In the morning before the start of the working day, you need to do several simple exercises within 5 minutes:

a) stroke yourself on the neck, shoulders, slowly turn your head first in one direction, then in the other direction, back and forth;

b) pull your lips alternately, first on the upper and then on the lower teeth, then show a “grin” - expose your teeth;

c) stretch out your lips with a “proboscis”, then curl your tongue into a “tube” or “sting”, vigorously and sharply touch the inside of your cheeks, tuck your tongue, as if folding it in half, “click” against the upper palate;

d) pinch your ears, massage your earlobes, raise your arms above your head and shake your hands.

All exercises must be done 6 – 8 times. By the way, they also have a cosmetic effect, prevent the formation of wrinkles, improve blood circulation, and, consequently, your appearance. It is advisable to repeat this articulatory exercise throughout the day;

a) do not smoke;

b) do not eat spicy or salty foods;

c) do not talk in the cold;

d) remain silent at home if the ligaments are tired;

d) do not drink fizzy drinks.

It is very important to end the conversation correctly. Human memory best preserves the beginning and end of any conversation. Say something nice at the end of the conversation: “Thank you for calling,” “It was nice talking to you,” “Call us, we are always glad to see you.” Try to leave the best impression of yourself. After finishing the conversation, do not hang up: according to etiquette, the one who called hangs up first.

You need to be able to cut off a conversation with an unwanted interlocutor without offending him or spoiling his opinion of you and your company. You need to interrupt politely and apologize for not being able to help the caller. If you are provoked into a conflict, you can act like this: if you are ready to talk, then take the initiative and offer options for resolving the conflict, announce your decision, do not allow them to manipulate you.

It is unacceptable to hang up, letting the subscriber know that you are busy, so that the subscriber does not call again. This “reception” indicates the secretary’s low culture. The correct answer would be: “Sorry, there is a meeting in progress. Please call in 20 minutes."

If you are not ready for a conversation, then persistently avoid the conversation, agree on a more convenient time for you, and refer to the fact that you cannot talk now. Don't try to collect your thoughts and tune in to win. Perhaps the caller is better prepared than you and has the initiative. A well-mannered person understands that everyone has the right to prepare a comprehensive answer.

What should and should not be said. " The word is not a sparrow, if you catch it, you’ll fly out,” they joke on television. But the secretary should not make mistakes in choosing words. We suggest following the following general rules:

Use effective words. The following advertising words hit the target exactly: you, money, save, profitable, free, new, easy, safe, love, discovery, proven, guarantees, right now, yes.

It is the telephone that allows you to master the art of business communication, because it has a number of advantages:

1) the telephone is the best intermediary for meeting people and starting business relationships;

2) the moral costs of refusal over the phone are less than in personal communication; but the likelihood that the conversation will be interrupted is greater;

3) by phone you get an immediate answer without wasting time on a meeting;

4) shy people find it easier to talk on the phone than in person; This is where you need to start honing your communication skills.

If you observe the etiquette of telephone conversations, then your interlocutors and business partners will observe it.

Features of long-distance telephone conversations

Often it is over the phone that the first contact between future foreign partners occurs. But, strange as it may sound, this is where numerous mistakes are made. Let's consider two situations. In both situations, a telephone conversation takes place without the participation of an interpreter in the absence of a foreign partner’s knowledge of the Russian language.

Situation No. 1. You (the secretary) call the company to set a date and time for negotiations.

Secretary: “Hello. Is this the Black&White company? (An affirmative answer.) The secretary of the company “Rian-M” Tsvetikova is speaking to you. Can I speak to Mr. Black?"

Company: " Mr. Black is currently missing. He'll be there in two hours. His colleague Mr. White is speaking to you. Can you call me back in two hours or do you want me to give him something?”

Secretary: “We would like to arrange a meeting with your delegation at the exhibition in Moscow at our stand regarding the purchase of your equipment. We ask Mr. Black to call us back today at phone no. and confirm the possibility of a meeting or offer another time more convenient for you. Thank you. Goodbye. We are waiting for your call."

This is an example of the correct structure of a telephone conversation.

Situation No. 2. And now an example of incorrect structure of a telephone conversation.

Secretary: “You are calling from the company “Rian-M”. Can I ask Mr. Black?”

Firm: “He is absent now. Who is asking him?"

Secretary: “Where is Mr. Black? When will he come?"

Firm: “He’s on a business trip, he’ll be there in two days. Is there anything I can help you with? Maybe I should give something to Mr. Black?”

Secretary: “I’ll call you back in two days.”

The most common errors encountered during telephone conversations are:

1) reassessment of one’s own knowledge of a foreign language. The conversation begins with a few memorized phrases, and then the knowledge of the language is not enough, an attempt is made to switch to Russian - and the pace of the conversation is lost! Please note that talking on the phone in a foreign language is several times more difficult than in your native Russian, since you cannot see the interlocutor and cannot react to his facial expressions and gestures;

2) often in response to incoming call Our first phrase sounds like this: “I’m listening!”, or “Yes?”, or “Hello!”, or even “Speak!” Better: “Hello! This is Ryan-M. And only then can you find out who is on the other end of the line;

3) when we call a company, our first phrase sometimes sounds like this: “Who’s that on the phone?” It is not polite;

4) Instead of “can I ask Mr. Black to speak?” the phrase sounds: “Is Mr. Black at work?” But it sounds even worse (in the absence of Mr. Black): “Where is he?”;

5) they ask your boss over the phone. The wrong answer is “no.” Correct: “Unfortunately, he is absent now.” (No need to explain what’s wrong with him - he got sick, on a business trip, went home, at a meeting, etc.) “Can I give him something? Can I be of any help to you? If it’s convenient for you, could you call back after such and such a time?” (if you know for sure that the boss will be there at that time).

GENERAL RULES FOR TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS: brevity, clarity of thought, precise choice of words, pre-thought-out text of the message, utmost politeness. During a long-distance telephone call, you need to name the city from which you are calling, then yourself, the position of your manager and the name of the institution.

After mutual introductions, the reason for the need for conversation should be stated. You can start it with the words: “I have been entrusted with ...”, and then state the essence of the issue.

If the conversation must be conducted by the manager, the phone switches to his device.

If you do not understand something, it is better to ask again, clarify, but do not leave any ambiguities!

One more small note: you should not use it for telephone conversations unless absolutely necessary (especially if you have a fairly long conversation ahead of you). mobile communications. The exception is those cases when you really need to contact the subscriber urgently or when your partner himself recommends that you call by mobile phone in any case.

And one last thing. If the connection is lost, the person who called first will call back.

To sum it up: the telephone, being one of the most effective means of saving time, is one of the most common “time sinks” - this is the paradox of the telephone

Whether a phone has this or that property for you depends on how rationally you use it and how successfully you manage to avoid abusing it. In any case, be extremely polite to everyone.

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Rules for reception of telephone calls by the secretary

Let us note the basic rules for conducting telephone conversations that the secretary must adhere to

You need to pick up the phone no later than the fourth ring. This is one of the rules of good manners. Having picked up the phone, you need to greet the caller even before the latter has time to speak, and then name your institution, department and position. When answering a call, you should always introduce yourself. People want to know who they are talking to. The greeting can follow the introduction. Variants of sentences pronounced by the assistant secretary when receiving calls.

« Good morning, Mezhkombank secretariat. At the phone - Galina Ivanovna"

Good morning, says Mr. Nikitin’s secretary. How can I be of help to you?” (“What can I do for you?” or “I’m listening to you.”).

"Good afternoon! ABC Company. Secretary Marina Vorobyova"

"Hello! XYZ company. Svetlana Dymova"

"The Ruslan store is listening. Hello."

There should be interest in your voice. There is no need to give vent to your negative emotions. There should be a smile in your voice (you need to smile to yourself when you pick up the phone). The voice should sound friendly.

The handset is picked up with the left hand so that the transmitted information can be recorded with the right hand. Close to telephone set You should always have a telephone notepad and a pen on hand to write down messages.

Calls addressed to the director are given priority. You cannot leave a client calling the director on the line. It is wrong to tell a client calling the director “Connecting”, and then find out about his absence and say “he is not there.”

The secretary should say: “How should I introduce you to Mr. Petrov?”
Client: “Ivanov Alexander Petrovich”
Secretary: “Just a minute, I’ll connect.”
He must hold the line until the third party picks up. If the wait is prolonged, the secretary needs to return to the caller every 40 seconds.

In the absence of the manager, the assistant secretary records the date and time of the call; last name, first name, patronymic and position of the caller; the essence of the message; what number to call back and when, to which of the deputies the call can be forwarded, and then reports to the manager.

When writing down the phone number of the person dictating, it is advisable to immediately recite the data after him in order to avoid mistakes.

If the manager is absent, when recording information about the caller, the secretary should use phrases such as: « What shall I tell to him?" or “Please dictate, I’ll write it down.”

To organize records of telephone calls, it is advisable for each secretary to prepare a telephone form with criteria that will effectively sort incoming calls.

Telephone form for secretary

1. Why is the subscriber calling?

2. What calls should be forwarded to subordinates or to other units or departments?

3. What topics can the secretary find out directly from the subscriber?

4. At what time do you not want to be disturbed (“quiet hours”)?

5. Which persons do not need to be connected to you at all (possibly using notes)?

6. Which subscribers should you be connected to only during certain hours?

7. Which subscribers should you be connected to at any time?

8. When should you “skip” private conversations? With what faces?

9. What time is the easiest time for you to call?

10. When is the best time to call this or that subscriber?

It is expected that the caller to the Official Institution, upon hearing the answer with a greeting, will introduce himself. (“Good morning,” he says... or “Hello, this is from the department...”) But if he forgot to introduce himself, and the secretary must convey the information to the boss, he will have to ask in a polite manner who called.

In this case, the following phrases are appropriate:

"Introduce youreself!"
“How can I introduce you?”
“How can I convey who is asking?”
"Can I tell you what the issue is?"

In a situation where the manager is absent or busy, you can choose “neutral” apologies, trying not to tell the telephone interlocutor what he is currently doing. Non-binding language may be used, such as:

“... is currently not on site, but we are expecting him by 14:00. Could you call later?"
“...he is very busy at the moment. He has an important conversation. Should I interrupt him?

You can build a dialogue like this

"Good afternoon! Tell me, please, can I talk to Semyon Petrovich?”

"Good afternoon! Semyon Petrovich at the meeting until 13.30. He asked to write down information for him. May I know your name and the purpose of your appeal?”

To save the manager's working time, the assistant secretary should forward telephone calls, if possible, to other employees of the management apparatus. In this case, you should tell the subscriber the last name, first name, patronymic, position and telephone number of the employee to whom the call is forwarded.

There is a very persistent tendency to turn to managers with secondary issues. The assistant secretary needs experience, tact and authority in order to clearly and, most importantly, usefully regulate telephone calls to the manager.

The secretary-assistant by telephone is obliged to provide comprehensive information about reception hours, the presence or absence of the manager at the workplace, and in some cases - about his place of stay and time of return.

Each institution may have a range of information that is not provided over the phone. In this case, the assistant secretary recommends that the subscriber contact the manager in writing or in person.

The style of the telephone conversation should be brief and tactful, and the content should be comprehensive, not allowing for double or misinterpretation.

If the secretary needs to interrupt a call to answer another call, he must ask the other person's permission to do so.

When arranging your next telephone conversation, you should clarify what time is convenient for the interlocutor.

An experienced secretary, in the absence of a person of interest to the caller, will ask after the preface “sorry, but...” or “unfortunately...”), if he can call again, will try to more accurately orient him in time; will offer to convey an order or provide some other assistance. The caller should be made to understand (both verbally and with appropriate intonation) that his business was treated with respect and that he was ready to accommodate. Making you wait by the phone is impolite; It’s better to offer to call back yourself, having written down the phone number in advance.

There is no need to hang up the phone abruptly and do not answer in an irritated voice if someone dialed the organization’s number by mistake. It's better to politely respond with something like: " I'm afraid you dialed the wrong number" or "Sorry, you have the wrong number

If the secretary was asked a question to which he does not know the answer, then the best answer sounds something like this: “ Good question. May I clarify this for you and call you back?”

To avoid speaking too frankly over the phone and not showing your knowledge of the organization’s affairs, you need to answer:

“This issue is not within my competence” or

“You need to talk to the director about this issue,” etc.

If there is a need to make inquiries during a telephone conversation. In this case, it is necessary to warn the subscriber about the duration of the search for the necessary information, and if it is impossible to find it quickly, then you need to apologize and ask the subscriber to call back later, at a time convenient for him or ask him for his phone number and call yourself.

If you need to relieve tension in a conversation, you need to interrupt the interlocutor at an appropriate place and ask: “Can I help you with something?”

Sometimes the assistant secretary during a business dialogue is forced to refuse a telephone interlocutor. This is a very delicate situation. It tests the professionalism of the secretary. Here are the polite refusal formulas:

  • I'm afraid, it is impossible...
  • Unfortunately, this issue has no solution. Circumstances do not allow...
  • I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the facts are that...
  • Today, unfortunately, this is not possible.
  • I would like to please you, but the situation is such that...
  • I'm afraid this is too complicated...
  • Unfortunately, this proposal is at odds with the interests of my manager (option: does not take into account)...
  • Thank you for your attention... but, unfortunately, for objective reasons I will have to...

It must be remembered that the duties of the assistant secretary include not only a polite refusal, but also the requirement to look for and find a way out. If something cannot be done or promised to be done now, then the professional will always tell the communication partner what exactly he will do to find a solution acceptable to both parties. For example, “Unfortunately, there is no way to answer your question now, Mikhail Ivanovich. It will take me 40 minutes to collect the information. Let me call you back?"

From the point of view of telephone etiquette, good manners are considered to be restraint, tact, goodwill, the ability to control your speech and actions, and communicate respectfully with any partner.

A secretary-referent who masters the skill of telephone communication knows that not only the beginning and course of a conversation are of particular importance for maintaining business etiquette, but also its completion. The final phrases uttered by the assistant secretary should leave the communication partner with pleasant feelings, regardless of how the conversation turned out, as well as a desire to interact in the future. In any case, no matter how the conversation develops, a friendly farewell is necessary. The one who called is the first to say goodbye - this is a requirement of business etiquette. ). The conversation can end with these words: « Thank you for calling”, “I was glad to hear from you ", "Good luck to you", etc.

Secretary telephone etiquette is one of the most important characteristics good secretary. Business communication over the telephone begins with the secretary, because it is the secretary who first picks up the phone in the company.

The secretary's task is to receive all calls coming into the office and then distribute these calls to departments or employees. The duties of the secretary may also include initial consultation of clients on prices and services of the company, etc.

The impression the caller gets about the company depends on how well the secretary knows business telephone etiquette, so great attention must be paid to this point.

If you are a secretary, there are several secretarial telephone etiquette rules that you are advised to know.

  • When receiving a phone call, introduce yourself. Depending on the size of the company and the rules adopted in it, you can introduce yourself in different ways, but in any case it is necessary. “NN Company, good afternoon!” or “NN Company, hello!”, or “International Cooperation Department, Ivan Ivanovich!”, or “Marketing Department, Ivan Ivanovich, good afternoon!”. You cannot say: “Hello!”, “Yes!”, “Speak!”.
  • Secretary telephone etiquette dictates that you pick up the phone before the fourth ring. In fact, it is better to pick up the phone after the second call, or at least after the third. After the fifth ring, as a rule, the call is considered lost.
  • Often the secretary has a so-called mini PBX installed, which receives several calls at once. If you receive a second call while on the phone, wait until the speaker finishes his sentence and say, for example, “Could you wait one second?” Pick up the second call only if the first line told you: “Yes.” When you pick up the second call, introduce yourself and ask to wait a little. You can’t just pick up the phone and immediately put the caller on hold. Then return to the first line. If you see that the conversation on the first line will require more time, then take the caller’s phone number and call him back. Depending on the situation, you yourself will decide who is better to take a phone number and call back, and with whom it is better to continue the conversation, but in any case, business telephone etiquette recommends not making the caller wait on the line for too long. Don't keep people waiting if they call from mobile phones. In this case, it is also better to take the number and call back.
  • After you have introduced yourself, you will need to transfer the call to the person the person on the other line called. If he doesn't introduce himself, ask his name. For example, if he asks Ivan Ivanovich, say: “How can I introduce you to Ivan Ivanovich?” It happens that the caller described a situation to you, but another employee in the company is dealing with this issue. A fairly common mistake that many secretaries make on the phone is switching a client to an employee without briefly describing to the other employee the essence of the problem that the client just told you about. As a result, the client is forced to once again talk about what brought him to your company. This creates a rather difficult impression of the company, especially if the next employee switches him somewhere else again, and the client will have to tell his story for the third time, or even the fourth.
  • Leaving your workplace, arrange for another secretary to answer the phone, or, if you are the only secretary in the company, switch the phone to another employee. A phone left unattended creates a very bad impression of the company.
  • Never say “everyone is at lunch” over the phone, even if that’s true. This is extremely unprofessional. Ask who the caller wanted to talk to and say that this moment Ivan Ivanovich at the meeting, and then take the phone number of the caller and say that you will ask Ivan Ivanovich to call him back.
  • The secretary on the phone should not say: “Call back later.” This is a mistake that is unfortunately very common. The client has already called you. As per business telephone etiquette, the call should be returned. Take the phone number of the caller and say that you will ask Ivan Ivanovich to call him back.
  • If you need to find out something while the person calling you is still on the line, never leave the phone alone. Be sure to press the hold button, which will play music for the caller. The most important thing is that he does not hear what you are discussing, especially if it concerns him. Do not hold the microphone with your hand; this will not help.
  • You cannot talk on the phone while you are eating or drinking something. Also avoid phrases such as “I don’t know”, “I can’t help you”, “wait”, “expect”, “you should”, “you need”, “you should”, “it’s better for you” when communicating. You can't rush the caller. You can't argue.
  • It is strictly forbidden to be rude to the caller. If an angry client calls you, who may be emotional, and even inserted a strong word, remain calm. In any case, these emotions do not apply to you personally. You didn't do anything bad to this client. Therefore, you need not to be offended, but to understand that a person needs to speak out, to “let off steam.” You can’t explode and respond in kind. Stay calm. Listen to everything he wants to tell you, and then offer, for example, to connect you with Ivan Ivanovich, who can help him. The most important thing is to let the client understand that they want to help him solve his problem, and not just want to get rid of him like an annoying fly. Briefly explain the essence of the problem to Ivan Ivanovich. Don't force the client to explain everything again.
  • If the conversation ended with you taking the caller's number, or the call was intended for you, before ending the conversation, thank the other person for calling the company. Say, “Thank you for calling, goodbye.”

Secretary of the Department of General Affairs

financial studios for business "Delopolis"

Salnikova Kristina

onlinePBX clients are divided into two parts. Some know what they are doing. Others start: they grab onto everything in a row, solve two or three problems at the same time and forget basic things. These include the distribution of incoming calls to responsible managers.

Intelligent contact manager

ICM or Intelligent Contact Manager distributes incoming calls among users. ICM increases the speed of work of managers - they do not waste time finding out and transferring the client to a responsible colleague. And the client does not have to explain the same thing to different managers. Everyone wins.

Previously, ICM determined from the internal database whether there were incoming/outgoing calls to this number or not. If there were, then the PBX connected the number to the last manager. If not, follow the standard scenario.

What's new

The definition of the person responsible from the CRM system worked and was configured separately. It takes longer to set up and is difficult to explain over the phone, so we built the feature into ICM. You no longer need to copy the link from amoCRM and paste it into your onlinePBX settings. It is enough to connect an intelligent contact manager and include it in the call script.

The old ICM, after identifying a user for transfer, sent the call without returning to the script. Imagine, the extension is offline, forwarding is triggered and the call is transferred to a mobile phone. But an employee is roaming, is sick, or has lost his smartphone - the call will go nowhere. This will happen with all attempts to get through. The client will leave while the employee returns to work.

How to setup

ICM is connected like any other service in Control panels → Settings. It has a standard extension number - 6100.

  1. In field City code specify prefix phone number: 495 for Moscow, 812 for St. Petersburg or 343 for Yekaterinburg. This is for those cases when the operator works with local numbers without a code.
  2. Add extensions to exceptions for which ICM rules will not work. For example, the director had to talk to the client so that when the client calls again they would not be connected - add the director’s number to the exceptions.
  3. Sources are divided into two types: available and active. There can be four of them: the ICM database, contacts from amoCRM, Bitrix24 or Megaplan. Active sources are sorted in order - the top ones are checked first. For example, install amoCRM first, and then ICM, if you want to determine the person responsible from CRM, but if not, check using the internal PBX database.
  4. Check the box to transfer calls to the user and their mobile phones. Clear to dial only internal and transfer the call to a queue or group when the user is offline or busy.
  5. Enter the number default, where calls will be transferred if the responsible manager is not found or is not connected to the PBX.

Write in the comments what you think about updating the intelligent contact manager.