Is a mobile phone harmful? “If you talk on a cell phone for a long time, its radiation kills brain cells and provokes the development of tumors. Is it possible to talk on a cell phone for a long time?

As children, many of us have probably heard the phrase: "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb!" We didn't understand then why you can't talk while eating without taking seriously the warnings of loved ones. Few people understand that this habit is very dangerous for the human body and can be fatal.

To prevent this, let us consider in detail the mechanism of swallowing. It is complex, so we will burn out specifically about its main aspects:

  • Chewing food thoroughly, we gradually push it to the esophagus with the help of our tongue. During this, a small tongue closes the passage between the cavities of the nose and mouth. Remember, when talking while eating, pieces of it can accidentally move into the nasal cavity.
  • You can choke and get chronic bronchitis.
  • Food can enter directly into the respiratory tract. The human body protects a special epiglottis cartilage that closes the passage to the larynx during meals. Taking a deep breath at this time, or laughing sharply, you can open the hole, opening the way to the windpipe. This case can be fatal. Food trapped in the lungs can cause asphyxiation and suffocation.

Now you will understand why you can't speak while eating or laugh. Death is not a joke.

What dangers lie in wait for us while eating?

In addition to the above, other dangers associated with talking while eating may lie in wait for us. Scientists' studies have proven that a person leading a conversation at the table while eating can face the following problems:

  • Excessive fluid intake. When distracted by conversations, most people consume a lot of fluids with food. Drinking water or soda, subsequently, negatively affects the digestive process.
  • Lack of satiety. This problem often leads to overweight and overeating.
  • Risk of poisoning. When you hang out with friends or work colleagues, you may not notice stale food in public, which increases your risk of food poisoning.

Based on the foregoing, we summarize that talking while eating is completely inappropriate and life-threatening.

Some rules of conduct at the table while eating

In developing the right eating habits, we must learn three main rules of behavior at the table:

  1. we chew food thoroughly (this will improve the digestive process);
  2. while eating, give up talking, reading and watching your favorite TV programs or movies (concentration of attention will help you avoid health-threatening consequences);
  3. do not rush (the meal should take place in a calm atmosphere).

Also, do not forget to teach children to behave correctly at the table. Explain to them in detail that table conversations are very dangerous and can lead to undesirable consequences. If you have any difficulties with this, consult a specialist (dietitian).

It is already difficult to imagine a modern person without a mobile phone. On the street, in transport, we constantly listen to someone's conversations, sometimes lasting for hours. Already today there are about five billion mobile subscribers in the world. And this is from the seven billion inhabitants of the planet! Cell phones have indeed made our lives more comfortable, but their long-term use, as it turned out, is unsafe for health.

“Mobile communication systems appeared in the mid-80s of the last century,” says Professor Yevhen Sidorik, chief researcher at the R. Ye. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - After 15 years, the first results of the effect of radiation from mobile phones on human health were obtained. For example, Swedish oncologists have found that after ten years of using cellular communications, the risk of developing acoustic neuromas and gliomas increases three to five times. Those who talked on a cell phone every day for about an hour for four years, the likelihood of brain tumors increased fivefold.

In May this year, the World Health Organization officially recognized radio frequency electromagnetic radiation used in mobile communication technology as a possible human carcinogen. In France, they immediately reacted to this information, banning the use of mobile phones in educational institutions for children under 14 years old.

For several years now, our institute has been conducting research on how mobile communications radiation affects biological systems. Research is actively supported by the director of the institute, academician of NASU Vasily Chekhun and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. For example, together with the Department of Biophysics of Belotserkovsky National Agrarian University, we conducted an experiment with quail embryos, showing that under the influence of microwave radiation oxidative stress occurs in the tissues of embryos, their normal development slows down, and chromosomal DNA is damaged.

Among other model studies on animals, the experiments of scientists from Lund University (Sweden) deserve special attention. They irradiated young rats with radiation of the GSM standard and found that after 50 days in animals, up to two percent of the neurons of the brain die, and this can, over time, seriously affect the normal functioning of the entire brain.

- How long is it safe for health to talk on a mobile phone?

- Most experts agree: if a person does not use headphones or a speakerphone (and this must be done) and the phone is in close proximity to the brain, you can talk no longer than three minutes, - answers a leading researcher at the Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology Professor Igor Yakimenko. - During the day, you need to use a mobile device no longer than 15-20 minutes. The intensity of brain irradiation can be reduced by a factor of one hundred (!) By using a headset or speakerphone, as well as by moving the phone away from the ear by only ten centimeters.

You should not talk on the phone in an area of ​​poor communication, in a car, as in these cases the radiation is maximally strong. It is better to follow the establishment of connection on the display of the phone, because at the moment of connection the radiation is maximum. When buying a cellular phone, you need to choose the model with the lowest specific absorbed power (SAR). The lower it is, the better. The permissible SAR level is 2 W / kg, but there are phones with SAR 0.3-0.5 W / kg.

It is generally not recommended for children under 15 to use a mobile phone. The fact is that the child's brain has not yet been formed and, due to anatomical features, absorbs radiation more intensively. The consequences of such an impact for a child's body are much more serious than for an adult. It is better if the student uses the phone in the sms mode. We must not forget that we live in a territory contaminated with radionuclides, therefore, for the population of Ukraine, the risk of radiation from mobile phones is aggravated by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

- Is the mobile phone safe in standby mode?

- The phone constantly exchanges radio signals with the base station and emits microwaves, although not as intensely as during a call. However, we do not recommend carrying it in your pocket or on a belt - it is better to keep it in your bag as far from your body as possible. During sleep, the cell should be placed a meter away from the bed.

- How do base stations affect human health?

- It is a constant source of microwave radiation. Of course, there is a risk of their negative effect on health, especially if a person is near the stations. For example, studies conducted in Spain and France revealed that people living at a distance of up to 300 meters from mobile base stations complain of increased fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances, depression, and feel discomfort. And a long-term observation of the inhabitants of the city of Neil in Germany revealed that near the base station (up to 400 meters) the level of cancer in ten years has increased more than three times compared to the level of cancer in residents of other parts of the city.

- Do radiotelephones also emit harmful waves?

- The level of their radiation is usually much less than that of mobile phones, because the base of the phone is located near the handset. But since, as a rule, people talk on a radiotelephone at home or in an office much more often and for longer than on a cell phone, the total dose of radiation to the head tissues can be significant.

Everyone understands that mobile communication has become a part of our life, and it makes no sense to urge people to stop using it. For example, car accidents claim lives every day, but it never occurs to anyone to walk because of this. However, you need to be aware of the risks of using mobile phones and take into account the recommendations that will significantly reduce the harm to health.

Scientists offer other benefits to Russians who have to communicate on their mobile phones for three hours a day at work. And doctors will prescribe temporary isolation from cell phones for many patients. Moreover, for at least two weeks. Such unexpected proposals were voiced at a round table that took place at the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. What other innovations are likely to await the Russians - our conversation with the head of the laboratory of radiobiology and hygiene of non-ionizing radiation of the FMBC named after N.I. A.I.Burnazyan FMBA of Russia Oleg Grigoriev.

Oleg Aleksandrovich, is it true that if you talk on your mobile phone for five minutes, it won't do any harm?

“Studies on volunteers in our laboratory have shown that the human body begins to respond to the electromagnetic field emitted by a cell phone in about 30 seconds. There will be no harm only in one case - if you use "hands free" and do not bring it closer than 50 cm to your head. In general, our experiments have proved that with a single exposure to the electromagnetic field created by a mobile phone, changes occur, after which the body is satisfied easily restored. That is, such an effect cannot be called pathological. Therefore, it is not a one-time influence that is taken into account, but a total one, during the day. For example, if you talk for more than an hour in total, you get an energy load comparable to the radiation dose allowed in the industry (those who work in such industries are under the close supervision of doctors). And if you "hang on the tube" for about 3 hours a day, then you will greatly harm your body. This may not appear immediately, but after six months or, say, 10 months. By this time, the total energy load will accumulate and reach a certain critical threshold.

Therefore, we propose to consider people who call a lot at work as professional mobile phone users and to conduct their in-depth medical examinations at least once a year. This should be legally enshrined. We have now begun to develop a method to adequately measure the energy load on a cell phone user. It will allow you to make accurate calculations - who is entitled to a medical examination and who is not.

- First of all, these are children and adolescents, since their brains are still being formed. In addition, people with diseases of the central nervous system, asthenics should be especially careful. There is also a hidden risk group - allergy sufferers. And, finally, people with increased sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (by the way, there are about 5% of the total population).

- To date, you can determine how much the body of a particular person has suffered from the EMF created by mobile phones?

- We are currently working on the development of such a standard. This is a revolutionary work, as no one else in the world has done it so far. We have started drafting the “Protocol of the procedure for establishing the link between health and electromagnetic exposure when using a cell phone”. In it, we will introduce an account of individual sensitivity to mobile phones. For your information: 10% of the European population is sure that cell phones are harmful to their body. Among them, there are three categories: those with high sensitivity to EMF; people who just talk a lot on their mobile phones; and, finally, those prone to neurasthenia - they only think that something is wrong with them. So this protocol will differentiate all three categories to help them. Thanks to him, it will be easier to determine the degree of damage to the body.

- Do many Russians who have suffered from mobile phones turn to doctors? And how are they being helped today?

- They come to us at FMBA every day. And the methods of recovery and treatment are selected individually, and this is where the protocol will help us. It can be some kind of medication, physiotherapy aimed at improving overall health. But be sure to prescribe isolation from mobile phones. Usually for 3-4 weeks, but sometimes the body needs more.

- What advice would you give for a quick recovery to a person who just had to hang on the tube for half an hour?

- Take as long a break as possible before calling again. Do exercises that improve cerebral circulation.

- Your research has shown that the human body reacts differently to each of the communication standards. Which one is easier to carry?

- There are no unambiguous data. In addition, we carried out all the studies in laboratory conditions, and the mode of operation of the phone in an urban environment is very different from them.

- Are the cellular communication standards existing in Russia too soft?

- I would not say that. Here the American standard makes only one requirement for phone manufacturers - the absence of a thermal effect (say, so that the user's head does not heat up by more than 1 degree). Russian in this sense are more humane - they say that mobile phones should not have a negative impact on the central nervous system.

- Should we restrict the sale and use of mobile phones?

- It is impossible and unnecessary to limit the sale - the phone is dangerous only if it is used excessively. But on each device or box in which it is packed, there should be an inscription - something like "the Ministry of Health warns: it is not recommended to use children under 18 years of age." Almost like cigarette packs. By the way, our Sanpin regulations do contain such an indication, it remains only to oblige manufacturers to remind people about it. We also offer to remind in all public places with the help of posters, signs about moderate use of cell phones. And, of course, you shouldn't be allowed to use mobile phones in schools, in institutions where pregnant women are observed.

- Some believe that after a few decades, the human body will adapt to mobile phones ...

- It has long been proven that a person can normally exist only in natural, natural electromagnetic fields created by the Sun, Earth, etc. It can be assumed that sooner or later it will adapt to artificial fields. But if only 1% of people will suffer due to underestimation of the danger of mobile phones today, then we will talk about millions of patients. And here it is scary to even imagine the consequences for the economy and history.

And if at the dawn of the appearance of cell phones one heard timid statements about the bad effect of these portable devices on a living organism, now such warnings are sounding louder and louder. And today our editors will try to figure it out is a smartphone so harmful as they say about him.


Phone harm

They study quite serious organizations. So, the US National Institute of Oncology has identified three main reasons that make people afraid of "mobile phones".


Yet most scientists consider it dubious that frequent cell phone use leads to cancer. Indeed, during a conversation, when the device is pressed to the ear, the radiation acts in such a way that fabrics close to the phone get hot.

But no direct relationship has been found between such a rise in temperature and cancer. And if a person uses a headset or speaks on a speakerphone, then the radiation has almost no effect on him.


However, there are other factors that do not speak in favor of phones:

In addition, a smartphone is extremely bad for the quality of sleep, which entails a number of other health problems. And the stupid habit of charging your phone next to your bed only adds to the overall harm.


Are phones dangerous? Everyone should answer this question for himself. But while there are discussions about the possible harm of electromagnetic radiation to the human body, we see a very real danger of portable devices. Therefore, mobile phones should be used wisely, without becoming hostage to new technologies.

How often do you use your smartphone?

"Voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from a mobile phone is the largest biological experiment on humans."


Swedish neurosurgeon Professor Layf Salford

Recently, a cell phone was fashionable, but rare, but now almost everyone has one, especially in big cities. New tariff plans provoke people to talk on the phone more and more.

Consequently, the dose of electromagnetic radiation that a person receives per day increases. Since the appearance of mobile phones, the controversy has not subsided: whether their constant use is harmful or not for human health. Opinions differ on this point. Representatives of cellular companies argue that there is no harm and cannot be, and if there is, then no more than from an ordinary household electrical appliance. Proponents of this opinion refer to the absence of any long-term studies on this matter.

Studies of the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on living organisms have been conducted for more than a decade. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even established a special program "Electromagnetic fields and human health." The closest attention is paid to this problem all over the world.

The most sensitive systems of the human body to EMF: nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive, although the whole organism suffers from the EMF of a cell phone. The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term exposure accumulates, as a result, the development of long-term consequences is possible, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, hormonal diseases. Electromagnetic fields can be especially dangerous for children, pregnant women (embryos), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular system, allergy sufferers and people with weakened immune systems.

The most typical manifestations of cell phone exposure, which we ourselves have often felt, are: dizziness, discomfort, a feeling of "warmth" around the ear, nausea, neurological disorders, and increased fatigue. Moreover, the maximum temperature increase was observed at about 30 minutes of exposure, up to 36-39 ° C.

Consider the effect of a cell phone on the human brain. Already from the 15th second of the conversation, the inhibition of the alpha and theta rhythms of the bioelectrical activity of the brain is noted. Further, there is an increase in the temperature of the ear, tympanic membrane and the adjacent area of ​​the brain. Thus, the expression that a cell phone "roasts the brain" is not without foundation. Prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation can damage the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxic proteins to enter the brain tissue. Studies by Swedish scientists in 2003 proved that even a two-minute conversation on a mobile phone can damage the blood-brain barrier, which does not recover even an hour after the end of the call.

In 2006, Italian scientists stated that cell phones, by stimulating the cerebral cortex, could cause an epileptic stroke in people with mild excitability of brain cells. Doctors do not recommend the use of mobile phones for persons suffering from neurological diseases, including neurasthenia, psychopathy, psychoasthenia, neuroses, the clinic of which is characterized by asthenic, obsessive, hysterical disorders, as well as decreased mental and physical performance, memory loss and sleep disorders.

Researchers from the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently discovered that a mobile phone operating in standby mode can shorten and upset the most important phases of nighttime rest - REM and NREM sleep. If you are using your cell phone as an alarm clock, place it away from your head, at least at arm's length.

Mobile phones also negatively affect our vision. As a result of electromagnetic irradiation of the head, the blood circulation of the eyes deteriorates. The lens of the eye is worse washed by blood, which over time leads to its clouding and further destruction. These changes are irreversible. This process is accompanied by pain in the eyes and noise in the head. And yet, according to the latest research, long-term focusing of gaze on small screens of cell phones near the eyes overstrains the eye muscles, which causes irreversible negative changes in the human eye. Also, a cell phone has an effect on the cardiovascular system. For example, in the UK, people with heart problems often complained of pain when they carried their phone in their breast pocket. And David Sheffield of the University of Steffordshit even managed to establish a connection between a cell phone and high blood pressure.

Japanese doctor Hajime Kimata of Unitika Hospital in Kyoto believes that microwaves emitted by mobile phones can "trigger" antigens that trigger allergic reactions such as asthma. A cell phone is also harmful to the reproductive system. Sexual dysfunction is usually associated with a change in its regulation by the nervous and neuroendocrine systems.

Researchers from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, after studying 364 men, concluded that those who used their mobile phones for 4 hours a day or more had lower sperm count. Moreover, the sperm of these people were less mobile and of inferior quality. The reports of researchers from the United States are confirmed by the Hungarian scientist Imre Fejes from the University of Szeged. After examining 221 volunteers over 13 months, he found that a mobile phone can degrade sperm quality by 30%. At the same time, it is not necessary to talk a lot about it, it is enough just to carry it with you - in your trouser pocket or on your belt.

The cell phone also has a negative effect on the reproductive system of women. For example, women who talk on the phone all day are 1.5 times more likely to have miscarriages, and the number of children with congenital defects is 2.5 times more. Therefore, in many countries, from the moment of establishing the fact of pregnancy and throughout the entire period, women are strictly prohibited from using mobile phones. The results of the conducted epidemiological studies allow us to conclude that the presence of women in contact with electromagnetic radiation can lead to premature birth, affect the development of the fetus and, finally, increase the risk of developing congenital malformations.

The WHO medical organization, in its EMR and Human Health program, unequivocally states: “... medical consequences such as cancer, behavioral changes, memory loss, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, sudden death syndrome of an outwardly healthy child and many other conditions, including suicides are the result of exposure to electromagnetic fields. " Thus, the statement about the harmlessness of cellular communication does not correspond to reality.

While "scientists are arguing," Levi's announced that it is preparing to release a new model of "Icon S-Fit" jeans, which will protect their wearer from harmful radiation from a cell phone. Their pockets will be made of impervious "anti-radiation" fabric.

The National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation, as well as the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, recommends to owners of cell phones:

Don't use your cell phone unnecessarily;

Talk continuously for no more than 3-4 minutes;

Do not allow children to use the cell phone;

Limit the use of cell phones by women during pregnancy;

When purchasing, choose a cell phone with a lower maximum radiation power;

In a car, use the MRI in conjunction with a hands-free hands-free system with an external antenna, which is best positioned in the geometric center of the roof;

Limit the use of mobile radios by people with implanted pacemakers (pacemakers).