Where to find a twin. Like two peas in a pod: similar people. Why are people similar? Geneticist Nikolai Degtyarev believes that meeting your own double does not always bring good things. Sometimes people experience inexplicable fear from such proximity

This article will tell you how to find your double from a photograph. Everyone knows that every person has a person who is very similar to him (a double).
There is such a version that every person on the planet has up to 9 doubles.

How to find your double from a photograph

What do we need to do to find our double? To do this, we need a computer or phone with Internet access. In order for the search to end successfully, for this we need to go online. We choose a good, high-quality photograph; it is advisable that the photograph has a plain background and you look straight ahead straight ahead, and it is desirable that the eyes are at the same level. The more professional the photo is, the more exact search is waiting for you.

We have chosen a photo, now we will figure out what sites there are for such a search. Let's look at the most popular sites.
The most popular site today is Twin Stranqers (unfamiliar twins). This site was created by three young people from Dublin to prove the theory that every person on earth has up to 9 doubles. The good thing about the site is that you don’t need to register here.

We go to the website: Twin Stranqers and first upload a full-face photo of ourselves, then select the features of our face. After all the proposed manipulations, the site offers you photographs of people similar to you, after which you can, if you wish, contact this person, who may even be on the other side of the earth. On this site, the search can take up to a month.

The next site is PicTriev.com. Like the previous site, it does not require registration and also offers to upload your photo, this site works very quickly and produces results within ten seconds, it also offers to determine how much you resemble celebrities. Let's say you want to look like a certain person, do your hair and makeup like that person, upload a photo to the site and it displays the result as a percentage.

Play-analogia.com Before you get to this site, you will be asked to register. After registration, you need to upload a photo in the same way as on previous sites, mark the center of your eyes with dots, then the search for doubles begins. Next, the site gives you three photos of celebrities similar to you for free, without SMS.

Almost every person on this board is on social networks, such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, etc. And many people wonder whether it is possible to find a person similar to themselves through social networks. Now I’ll tell you in detail how this can be done. First register in any of social network, then look for an application that selects people similar to you based on photos. You open this application and, just like on websites, upload your photo, then the application searches for your doubles and displays the photos on the screen. Also, in any of the social networks there are groups (doubles, people similar to you, etc.), join this group and look for people similar to you, also do not forget to share your opinion, participate in discussions, offer your news.

How to find a doppelganger through a search engine

You can also find your double through search engines such as

; .
Here, too, everything is very simple; this option is considered the most promising, because it gives the most accurate results.
❶ First of all, open the search, then look for the caption of the picture, click on it and a search by pictures will open.
❷ The next step is to press the button on the camera, then everything is the same as on sites for finding a double, upload your photo and press search. After which the text (upload file) will appear on the computer screen, it will be shown where to drag the file, drag, download and open.
❸ You have received photographs of people who are very similar to you, and the people may be from different countries.

It has also become very fashionable to look for doubles at international festivals. What it is? Various TV channels hold competitions for parodies of famous people, and many come to such a competition and participate, and the jury selects the winners.

Let's now sum it up: finding a person who is very similar to you is not at all difficult, you just need to enter a search engine, social networks or specialized sites, take a high-quality photo of yourself and upload it to the search, after which the program will give you search results with the whole world, you will even be able to communicate with your double in the future.

ATTENTION: cases of fraud via the Internet have become more frequent. You go to the site, you are asked to register, after which you are asked to enter your phone number, then you receive an SMS with a code or you are asked to reply to this SMS, under no circumstances send reply SMS because Subsequently, all your money will be debited from your account. Look for people similar to you through trusted sites and search engines.

Hi all. Today we are going to have a little fun with you. More precisely, I will show you how to find a double from a photo for free online from a computer via SMS or long registrations. Yes, thanks to our friend the Internet, we can find people who resemble us in some facial features. And today I will show you a couple of interesting online services, and at the same time we will find out which one is better in this matter.


Before you begin, prepare a clear photograph of yourself where your face is fully visible, and from the front. Try to ensure that the photo is without tilts or blurs. If there is none, then take a photo of yourself on your phone and. Or you can, so as not to bother at all.

Twin Finders

This online service is for online search of its counterparts is the best in my opinion. That's why I'll start with it. The site is in English, but there is nothing complicated about it. Moreover, I will tell you everything step by step.

Now let's see what I found there.

Haha. This small version of the program is most similar to me. But there is certainly some similarity with this child.

Of course, there are characters who do bear some resemblance to me.

My God, this is some kind of girl. Is she my twin too? My world will never be the same.

Two-Face from Batman? Seriously? How did he get here?

I look like you

The name of the service is literally translated as "I look like you" and it will also help us find our twin or double. But to be honest, I like him less. But this is my personal opinion. Yours may differ.

  1. We go to the site ilooklikeyou.com and click on the “Find your match” button in the upper right corner.
  2. Next, select a photo from your computer. And try to choose a straight image, as shown in the example.
  3. Now click on your image and be sure to check the box where I showed in the screenshot. After that, click on “Confirm selected face”.
  4. And now comes the most useless and routine part. You will need to fill in all the required information in the fields provided. But it is not necessary to fill out truthfully, even by email. As in the previous case, you will not have to confirm anything.
  5. And then there will be a search for matches in the database. But in my case it was a bummer. The service did not find a single match for my photo.
  6. Let's try a photo of the left guy from the Internet. Look. And I found a match for him. Either a smile or a standard face. Unclear. Anyway.

Looking for a famous double from a photo online

Or maybe you want to find a photo double among celebrities? This is also possible, and absolutely free and without registration and online. The cool and simple Pictriev service will help us with this.

Here we only have to take a couple of steps and without any data collection. You just need to go to the site pictriev.com and click on the “Upload image” button. Now just find the photo on your computer or laptop.

Now that the service has identified the face, look at the result. So, I was identified as 100% male, and that’s already great. But they added three years to my age. Damn, I thought I looked a little younger. Anyway. Go ahead. Below we see a list of celebrities in order of decreasing percentage of matches. The greatest coincidence I have is with a certain Billy Corgan. By clicking on it I can find out that it is a rock musician. Well, in principle, there is a certain similarity, in some features. But the rest don’t look very similar anymore. True, their percentage of coincidence is already very low.


Well, just for fun, let’s consider another service. I didn't particularly like him. Or rather, I didn’t like the images he found for me. Perhaps you will have better luck.

The service found what it believed to be my double, with a 76 percent match. To be honest, I didn’t find anything in common between myself and this Englishman. Even those faces that the second reviewed service found for me were much more similar to me, and the percentage given was much lower.

But, as I already said, you can try this service for yourself. You may be better able to find your twin.

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to try to find your double using a photo online, and it’s completely free. Another thing is how this person will look like you. You can see for yourself how they worked in my photo. In any case, try it and maybe you yourself will be surprised by the result.

Well, I’ll wrap it up here. I hope you liked my article. Be sure to subscribe to my blog and social networks. I look forward to seeing you again on my website. Good luck and bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Each person is inimitable and special, but still, in 95% of cases, doubles are found in everyone.

The factor lies in an identical set of genes, and this happens even if people are not related and live in different countries of the world.

A doppelgänger is a person who is very similar in appearance to another person, but is not related to him.

There are a large number of options for searching for doubles, but, alas, high-quality results are not obtained everywhere.

Therefore, it is better to use proven services with good reviews.

Fake sites that promise to find a double require you to send an SMS (usually the site doesn’t even notify you that it will charge a fee, but simply under the guise of checking) - and as a result, instead of a found double, you see a message that the search was completed, the double was not found, and from your phone money was debited from the account.

Table: brief description of services

Read also: Search by image in Google (Google) - How to use it correctly?



no registration required
shows the percentage of similarity

searches for twins only among stars


no registration required

looks for doubles only among the stars
weak identification system

Shows similarity as a percentage


the search is ongoing both among the stars and among ordinary people

registration is required
finds only 5 similar photos


capacious base


you can specify the specifics of the person for a more accurate search

registration required with payment for search
the search is carried out only among users registered on the resource

There is special application and communities for searching for doubles

search only among registered users

Search engines

huge base
no registration required

the double is selected manually

What you need to search

Read also: How to reduce photo size without losing quality: 4 programs online and for PC

  • Computer with internet connection
  • A photo of the person for whom you want to find doubles. It is desirable that this is a standard photo without any processing graphic editors. It is important that the person in the photograph is looking straight ahead and that his head is not turned to the sides. These factors influence the reliability of the search.
  • You also need the background color of the image to be something neutral (white, gray, etc.). A full-length photo is not required, one face is enough.

On certain Internet resources, which will be discussed in this article, a search is carried out for people who are similar to each other using an uploaded photo.

You can see if you are similar in appearance to some public or ordinary person.

Internet services that will help you find your double using photography.

Method No. 1: Celebslike me

Read also: Create a collage from photos online - TOP 15 services

Finding twins among stars is quite an interesting and popular process.

People like to be similar to famous people.

Before the advent of the Internet, this was very problematic, but after the advent of sites like celebslike.me, it became quite easy to do.

This service searches which famous people you are similar to.

For a test search, you can use a photo you like from those publicly available on the portal: scroll the feed to the right and left, slow down on the desired photo and click “Use this photo” under it.

To upload your own photo, click “Use your own photo” below and specify a photo from your computer.

It is not necessary to register here.

The program shows a list of celebrities similar to you with a photograph, at the bottom of each is written the similarity coefficient, first and last name, link in search engine Bing, where you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with information about the star personality.

For example, we took a photo of Putin and the program accurately identified him.

Other celebrities found, with a lower similarity coefficient, are also similar in appearance to the original.

  • The service is free
  • Own engine for searching photos on the Internet
  • Doppelgangers are not always alike

Method No. 2: Pictriev

Read also: Reducing the size of an image in JPG format: TOP 5 Simple ways

The site uses facial recognition to figure out which celebrity you are most like.

You can upload a photo from your computer or provide a link to it.

Start your search.

For the original image, there will be people similar to you.

The site also determines a person’s gender and how old he is.

In comparison with the previous Сelebslike.me, Pictriev performed a worse task - he did not identify who is in the photo, and the photographs he offered do not exactly look like doubles.

Here is another resource for finding similar people from photographs - http://www.ilooklikeyou.com.

Here you can search simultaneously among celebrities and ordinary people who added their photos to the site.

To start searching, click on the “Find your match” layout that opens.

It is suggested to upload a photo from your computer or from your Facebook page.

The resource will select from its extensive database the five users most similar in appearance to you and indicate the percentage of similarity.

Our check showed that someone had already used Putin’s photo. Among the “non-stars” there was one person.

Judge the similarity for yourself.

A “double” was found

  • The service is absolutely free
  • Searches only registered users

Method #4: FindFace

In this regard, the opportunity to find your double there is much greater.

Let's look at how to find your twin from a photo on a social network using the VKontakte database, which has the ability to search for the FindFace service.

The service requests access to your VKontakte account, you upload your starting photo and the action begins.

The resource will display a list of profiles of users similar to you.

They can be sorted by age and place of residence.

Then you will need to select a twin manually: by opening each account and personally comparing external data.

Based on our photograph, we found one 65-year-old man from Moscow. His name is Vladimir.

  • Searches using a unique technology, finding truly similar people
  • Free only 20 checks

Let's say you have some kind of image (drawing, picture, photograph), and you want to find the same (duplicate) or similar one on the Internet. This can be done using special tools Google search engines and Yandex, the TinEye service, as well as the amazing PhotoTracker Lite browser extension, which combines all these methods. Let's look at each of them.

Search by photo in Google

  1. Provide a link to the image on the Internet
  2. Uploading a file from a computer

As a result we get full list similar pictures from the image that was chosen as a sample:

There is one more good way, working in Chrome browser. While on the page with the image you are interested in, move the mouse cursor to it, right-click and in the tooltip that opens, select “Find image (Google)”:

You will be immediately taken to the search results page!

Search by images in Yandex

With Yandex, everything is no less simple than with Google :) Follow the link https://yandex.by/images/ and click the camera icon in the upper right corner:

Enter the address of the image on the Internet or upload it from your computer (you can simply drag it to a special area at the top of the browser window):

The search result looks like this:

You instantly have access to the following information:

  • What are the online dimensions of the image you uploaded as a sample for searching?
  • List of sites where it appears
  • Similar pictures (modified based on the original one or based on which the algorithm decided on their semantic similarity)

Many people have probably already heard about online service TinEye, which Russian-speaking users often call Tinai. It is developed by experts in the field of machine learning and object recognition. As a consequence of all this, Tinay is great not only for finding similar pictures and photographs, but their components.

TinEye's indexed image database contains more than 10 billion items, and is the largest in the entire Internet. “Everything can be found here” - this phrase perfectly characterizes the service.

There is another way to search in one click. By default, the “Show icon” item is activated in the application settings. quick search" When you point at a photo or picture, a round green icon pops up, clicking on which starts a search for similar images - search results for Google, Yandex, Tinay and Bing will automatically open in new tabs.

The extension was created by our compatriot, whose hobbies are closely related to photography. He originally created this tool to quickly find his photos on other people's sites.

When you might need it

  • You are a photographer, you post your photos on the Internet and want to see on which sites they are used and where your copyrights may be violated.
  • You are a blogger or copywriter, write articles and want to choose an “unhackneyed” image for your material.
  • What if someone uses your photo from your VKontakte or Facebook profile as an avatar on a forum or a fake one? account on any social network? But this is more than possible!
  • You found a photo of an actor you know and want to remember his name.

In fact, there are a huge number of cases when searching by photo can be useful. You can give another example...

How to find the original of a given image

For example, you have some kind of photograph, perhaps cropped or photoshopped, and you want to find its original, or a better quality version. How to do it? Conduct a search in Yandex and Google, as described above, or using PhotoTracker Lite and get a list of all images found. Next, follow the following:

  1. The original image is usually larger in size and best quality compared to the modified copy resulting from cropping. Of course, you can set a picture to any size in Photoshop, but when you enlarge it relative to the original, artifacts will always be observed. They can be easily noticed even with a cursory visual inspection.
  2. Original photographs often have watermarks indicating the author of the photo (last name, website address, company name, etc.). Of course, anyone can add a watermark to absolutely any image, but in this case, you can look for a sample photo on the website or by the author’s last name, he probably posts his portfolio online somewhere.
  3. And finally, a very simple sign. If your sample photo is black and white (sepia, etc.), and you find the same, but full-color photo, then you obviously do not have the original. much more difficult than converting a color photo to black and white :)

From Masterweb

29.04.2017 06:33

There is a theory according to which every person in the world has up to 6 doubles. Surely many of you, if you have not encountered such a phenomenon, have at least heard about it. There are even special portals on the Internet that help you find your twins. With their help, many of the heroes of our today's history met. One of these portals is

All you need to do is register on the site and upload your photo. Searching for doubles takes up to 28 days.

If famous people have doubles, then ordinary people probably have them too...

Geography among twins can truly surprise: for example, a resident of the Faroe Islands can find his “brother” in Russia, and an American can find his “brother” in Ireland.

Some scientists consider such unusual similarity a sign of a “secret relationship.” I wonder where the thread between Yulia Kovalchuk and Sarah Jessica Parker got lost?

But the most surprising thing is different. History knows many examples when the destinies and circumstances of the lives of doubles were repeated in a mystical way...

Geneticist Nikolai Degtyarev believes that meeting your own double does not always bring good things. Sometimes people experience inexplicable fear from such proximity.

And sometimes it happens that after meeting with a “clone” one of them dies. The question of why this happens remains open. Some attribute this to the realm of the mysterious, others believe that in this way nature carries out a kind of “culling”, allowing a stronger individual to survive.

But this obviously doesn’t scare people, since sites for finding doubles are in such demand.

Amazing, isn't it? One of these girls is native Irish, the other is a resident of Sweden. Wonders of nature, no less!

Or maybe horror stories Are geneticists just fairy tales and superstitions? I don’t know about you, but I would be interested in meeting my “clone”... I’m off to register!