The js script file cannot be found. Ways to fix Windows Script Host error. What does Windows Script Host failure mean?

Windows script host error 80070002, how to fix?

    Windows Script Host

    Line: 17


    Dear users! Please tell me, I searched the entire Internet and did not find anything suitable with this error. I found the file itself, downloaded new updates and nothing helps. Windows Win 10 home.

    A lot of people fall into this problem, or more precisely error 80070002, which is the cause of updates for the computer, to fix this problem you will only need a few minutes and you will be able to update your operating system no problem. To do this, you should go to the disk with your operating system and find the folder of temporary files, it will be called SoftwareDistribution and delete all the files that are contained there. At the time of removal, disable Windows Update. You can also see this in the video.

    First, let's look at the cause of error 80070002.

    Error Windows registry is one of the most common reasons Windows Script Host Error 80070002. In this case, it is highly recommended to use the Regcure Pro program to scan your computer, get rid of errors and improve its performance.

    Why Regcure Pro? The program very quickly and effectively solves the tasks assigned to it. The good thing about it is that during the scanning process you can monitor its activity and make (if necessary) adjustments. The program works equally productively in both manual and automatic mode.

    Windows script host error number 80070002 at system startup indicates that an error occurred while downloading updates. To fix this error, you need to find these temporary update files, delete them and restart them. It should be done like this:

    1 First, stop the Update Center service:

    2 We directly delete the necessary (or rather erroneous) files for us:

    3 Now you need to re-enable the Update Center service. We do the same as in the first point, only click Start instead of Stop

    4 We look at installed updates:

    5 Check the system’s readiness to install updates:

    Windows Script Host

    Script:C:UsersLenovoAppDataLocalHost Servicelaunchall.js

    Line: 17

    Error: Cannot find specified file.


    Dear users! Please tell me what to do, I searched the entire Internet and didn’t find anything like that, I tried to roll out an update, deleted the files as described above and nothing helps. The file itself is located in this folder. It costs Win 10 home.

    Windows script host error 80070002 - this error quite common. In order to improve the operation of the computer and eliminate this error, I agree with the previous author that it is worth resorting to the help of the Regcure Pro utility, which will scan the computer - as a result, the error will disappear and the performance of the PC will increase.

    I used the program and from my own experience I can confirm its performance and effectiveness.

    This error is related to Windows Update.

    To get rid of the problem, you need to go to drive C, find the SoftwareDistribution folder. This directory contains a folder in which temporary update files are stored - DataStore. Clean it up.

    First you need to stop the Update Center service, and then reactivate it through the Control Panel (Administration item).

    Notification Windows script host error 80070002 often scares personal computer users.

    This error is usually caused by incorrect downloading of operating system updates.

    I read on one of the forums that the reason could be a driver registered in startup, for example.

    There, a user who had Nvidia_driver in startup (Start - All Programs - Startup) was advised to remove it in this way:

    and press enter.

    or delete manually

    After the user who received the message Windows script host error 80070002 performed one of these operations, the error message no longer appeared for him, which he wrote about on the forum and thanked him for the help.

    When an error occurs Windows updates script host error 80070002, you should take the chain of actions described below.

    If this does not help, there is this popular method.

    There is a possibility that the installation is blocked by the installed antivirus.

Many Windows OS users have noticed that after installing updates, various types of errors often appear. One of the most common is the windows script host error. Often, this error warning can be seen under the number “80070002”. So, on the agenda is the windows script host error, how to fix it.

Reasons for the windows script host error:

As mentioned above, this error in windows system directly related to the update. Occurs in two cases:
1. There were problems downloading updates;
2. Updates are not installed correctly;

Now I will tell you how to fix the error when updating Windows OS in five steps.

Step 1: Update Center

First, we need to pause the System Update Center service. This is done quite simply. Go to the Start menu, open the Control Panel tab. Then in the new window we change the scale of the icons to “small” and find “Administration”. In this window, open the Services item, as indicated in the screenshot.

After which an additional window will appear, in it we find “Update Center” and by clicking on it, select the “Stop” item.

Step 2: Remove faulty components

Go to the Start menu and open Computer, then double-click on the local icon hard drive, on which the system is located, by default this is the C:// drive. Go to the OS folder – Windows, then – Software Distribution. We delete all the files that are in the folder called “Data Store”, and do the same with the “Download” folder.

Step 3: Connecting the Update Service

There is nothing new for you in this step, we do everything the same as in step number “1”, only now we need to connect the service back instead of “Disconnect”.

Step 4: View installed updates

You can find out which updates have been downloaded by going to the Installed updates tab in the Update Center. It is located: Start - Control Panel - Programs and Features, then find View installed updates.

Step 5: Checking the OS is ready to install updates

How to fix windows script host error, if after these steps the warning window does not disappear, you can apply one more step towards the solution. This step is also quite simple. Go to the Update Center and simply run Check for updates, after they are downloaded, agree to the installation, follow the instructions.

I hope you have found the answer to the question of how to fix the windows script host error. After installing the updates, you need to restart your PC and make sure there is no error.

If you see a black screen with a Windows Script Host error message when you start your computer Cannot find script file C:\Windows\run.vbs- I hasten to congratulate you: your antivirus or other program for protecting against malicious software has removed the threat from your computer, but it has not completed everything to the end, which is why you see an error on the screen, and the desktop does not load when you turn on the computer. The problem can occur in Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10 equally. This instruction details how to fix the situation with “the script file run.vbs cannot be found”, as well as another variant of it - “ C:\Windows\run.vbs Line: N. Character: M. The file cannot be found. Source: (null)", which indicates that the virus has not been completely removed, but is also easy to fix.
The first step to make everything else easier is to launch a working Windows table. To do this, press the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys on your keyboard, then launch the task manager, in the menu of which select “File” - “Run new task”.
In the new task window, enter explorer.exe and press Enter or Ok. The standard Windows desktop should launch.

The next step is to make sure that when you turn on your computer or laptop, the error “Cannot find the script file C:\Windows\run.vbs” does not appear, but the normal desktop opens.
To do this, press the Win+R keys on your keyboard ( Win key- Windows logo key) and type regedit, press Enter. The registry editor will open, with sections (folders) on the left side and registry keys or values ​​on the right.

  • Go to section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon
  • On the right side, find the Shell value, double-click on it and enter as the value explorer.exe

    Also note the meaning of the value Userinit, if it is different from what is in the screenshot, change it as well.

    For 64-bit Windows versions also take a look at the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Wow6432Node\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon and similarly correct the values ​​for the Userinit and Shell parameters.
    By doing this, we returned the desktop to launch when the computer is turned on, but the problem may not be resolved yet.

    Removing remnants of run.vbs from the Registry Editor

    In the Registry Editor, select the root key (Computer, top left). After that, select “Edit” - “Search” from the menu. And enter run.vbs in the search field. Click Find Next.

    When you find values ​​containing run.vbs on the right side of the registry editor, right-click on that value - “Delete” and confirm deletion. After that, click on the “Edit” menu - “Find Next”. And so on until the search through the entire registry is completed.
    Ready. Restart your computer and the problem with the C:\Windows\run.vbs script file should be resolved. If it returns, then there is a possibility that the virus is still “living” in your Windows - it makes sense to check it with an antivirus.

System error "Windows Script Host" very familiar Windows users 7/8/10. Its occurrence is most often accompanied by various official updates from company Microsoft. Until recently, everything worked as it should, but then suddenly, when launching applications, a crash may occur or booting Windows A black screen pops up and an error notification appears - "The script file cannot be found"(run.vbs, launchall.js). Sometimes this problem is encountered when Windows installation that it typically manifests itself on official versions from Microsoft too.

Error 80070002 - The specified file cannot be found

What is this error?

Fortunately for users, this script conflict is quite understandable and is associated with incorrect integrated installation files. For various reasons, all the software could not be completely unloaded into the operating system. The fault here is updates And installation disk Windows, pirated assembly. Additional sources of the problem include: antiviruses, any third party utilities on system optimization, user actions on system disk and others.

According to unofficial Windows data Script Host can create up to several hundred similar errors, the most common of which are: 80070002 , 80070003 or 80070483 . Their solutions are almost the same; in many cases it will take no more than 5 minutes to implement them and correct the conflict situation.

Fixing Windows Script Host (Code 80070002)

Stopping update services

Sometimes the OS update process occurs not entirely correct. This may be due to system load, Internet failures, etc. The solutions are simple manipulations that absolutely any user can do. Let's stop the update center.

This method helps to interrupt the computer's constant attempts to obtain new updates, which can cause error 80070002.

Set the time

The "Windows Script Host Script" error appears due to an incorrectly set date on your PC. Time discrepancies with the main Microsoft server very often create conflicts. The installed software strictly respects copyrights and support for various kinds of DirectX, and as you know, they do not last forever.

The simplest solution, but no less effective.

Uninstalling the latest updates

This option will help you solve it manually this situation. You will need to visit the update center and remove all recent changes.

Here is a clear and detailed one Video instruction to correct such an error.

Some of those who use antivirus software may see an unpleasant picture the next time they boot Windows: a black screen, in the middle of which is a dialog box with the message: “Windows Script Host cannot find the specified file code 80070002.” The desktop doesn't even load. It should be noted that this error only appears on Windows 7 and later.

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of error code 80070002, when Windows Script Host is unable to find the specified file, is that the antivirus software is not working correctly. During the next scan, it detected a threat and eliminated it, but did not complete the job.

But there is no need to worry too much about the corresponding error. Removing it will only take 5-10 minutes, if, of course, you follow the instructions consistently and accurately. Previously, I also described a life hack for solving a similar error.

How to fix Windows Script Host error

To fix the error “Widows Script Host cannot find the specified file,” you must first somehow launch a tool through which the OS will be corrected. To do this, open the task manager, which is done as follows:

  1. Executing keyboard shortcuts CTRL+ALT+DEL;
  2. Click on the “Task Manager” item.
  3. Now you need to click “File” in context menu and select “New task”. A small window will open with a text field in which you will need to enter explorer.exe and press Enter. After completing this action, the desktop will launch.

The next step is to perform the Win+R keyboard shortcut and enter regedit in the text field of the window that opens, and then press Enter. After a moment, the Registry Editor will open, in which:

  1. You need to go to the path “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVesion/Winlogon;
  2. Once in the right place, a list of required keys and values ​​will be displayed on the right side of the screen - you will need to select (double-click) Shell;
  3. In the window that opens, you need to specify explorer.exe in the “value” field.
  4. You will also need to check the Userinit value - it should be “C:\\Windows\system32\userinit.exe” - if this is not the case, then it should be changed to the specified one.

If the system is x64 (and this is most likely the case), then you also need to look at the Userinit and Shell values ​​in the section “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Note/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon - if the values ​​differ from the above, then correct them to the required ones .

After performing these steps, when you boot your computer, the desktop will load without additional manipulations.

Now you need to get rid of the remnants of Run.VBS. For this:

  1. You need to select the root registry section, and then in the context menu “Edit” click on the “Search” item;
  2. A window will open in which you will need to enter run.vbs, and then click on the “Find Next” button;
  3. If some values ​​were found on the right side of the screen, you will need to right-click on each of them and click “Delete” (and, of course, confirm the action);
  4. Then click “Find Next” again and repeat the described procedure.

Windows Script Host failed to find the specified file [video]

Now, when you boot your computer, the error “Windows Script Host cannot find the specified file” will no longer appear, the desktop will load normally, and the system itself will continue to work normally.

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