Step-by-step instructions: how to calibrate an infrared thermometer. Step-by-step instructions: how to calibrate an infrared thermometer Universal infrared thermometer dt 635

The DT-635 infrared thermometer is a multifunctional device that provides you with the most accurate information in various areas of home life: the device is designed to measure body temperature (in the ear and on the forehead), indoor air, as well as contactless determination of the level of heating of food and other objects . Instantly obtaining the result “with one touch” is especially important when carrying out the procedure with a baby, as it does not give the slightest cause for concern caused by personal discomfort, and for round-the-clock monitoring of the room temperature, just set the “Clock + Room Thermometer” mode and your DT-635 will turn into in stylish and practical watches. The ability to replace the battery guarantees proper and long-lasting service of the device.

I read horror stories about wasting money on an infrared thermometer and was unsure whether it was worth buying. But what decided everything was that the most active opponents were fans of mercury thermometers, which characterizes.
My result after purchasing and testing: simply an excellent device!

I decided to write this review for one simple reason: people, stop using mercury thermometers!
Drop your prejudices. One broken mercury thermometer is a much bigger problem for you and the environment,

than the time you spent learning a new device. Unfortunately, I have to admit that the majority of negative reviews of infrared thermometers stem from the inability to use them and from a lack of understanding of the principle of their operation.

So, what do I want to say about this IR thermometer?
The spread of values ​​in a series of measurements is very small, 0.1-0.2 degrees.
Measures instantly. Overall, very cool.

One of the few disadvantages: the instructions were written by an amateur, “what I see, I sing about,” “the main thing is that it is beautifully designed.” The instructions are unstructured; measuring water temperature is generally written in the description in the watch/home thermometer mode. One important mode is not described at all in the instructions.

My usage notes:
When the thermometer is turned off, a short press turns on the mode for measuring body temperature (the “face” icon on the display), a long press on the thermometer that is turned off, apparently, turns on the measurement of the ambient temperature (the house icon).
The human body and surrounding objects have different emissivity, so do not confuse the modes!
There is no description of this moment in the instructions at all. And this is very bad, because... measurements are carried out by long pressing AFTER turning on, and you can completely accidentally turn on the thermometer with such a long press as usual, “out of habit,” and not notice that it turned on in a different mode.

And if you turn on the thermometer with a long press (i.e., turn on the environment measurement mode), and measure body temperature, then the body temperature readings will be underestimated by about 2C!
To switch from ambient temperature measurement mode to body temperature measurement mode, you need to wait automatic shutdown thermometer and turn it on with a short press.

Also remember that surrounding objects, even of the same temperature, also emit differently (depending on the material), and the table for converting radiation power into degrees for all surrounding objects in the thermometer is the same, so the ability to measure the temperature of surrounding objects with this thermometer is very conditional.

It is also not very clear why you should run a thermometer over your forehead while measuring body temperature (as it is written in the instructions). While moving the thermometer, it is impossible to establish close contact with the skin, therefore, with this method of measurement, the thermometer is lying.
Measure at one point! Yes, the temperature at different points of the body can be different, especially, for example, if it rises. If in doubt, measure the temperature at several points sequentially. Installed at one point - pressed the button - released - took the result.
Installed at another point - pressed - released - took the result. And so on. Instead of one second, spend five, not a big problem. Or you can measure the ear temperature, which a thermometer can also do.

Discrepancies between forehead temperature measurements and ear temperature measurements at normal temperature there is no body. I think the only reason to measure the temperature in the ear is to monitor the readings when rapid change body temperature (chills/fever), because Changes in skin temperature usually occur unevenly.

Because The thermometer sensor is non-contact, treat it like a camera lens. The principle is the same as that of a camera: registration of radiation, only the wavelength of the radiation is different (well, there are fewer “pixels”, only one:). Therefore: do not get dirty, do not scratch, do not get wet; if it gets dirty, wipe it carefully, without leaving scratches. All.

Also note that there is no protection for the sensor input window on the cap. The “window” may become dirty and scratched. I strongly recommend storing the thermometer in a case.

Enjoy using it! Let your thermometer never lie and always show 36.6!;)


It appeared not so long ago, but it managed to gain great popularity. Using it, you can measure the body temperature of adults and children with maximum accuracy. The process proceeds easily, without the unpleasant sensations that contact-type devices cause. Non-contact ones allow you to measure not only the temperature of the human body, but also water, air and other surfaces. But in order to use this type of device correctly, you need to know how to calibrate an infrared thermometer without errors.

Temperature measurement

What is calibration and why do it?

Top 5 models

The description and method of using an IR thermometer cannot help you choose a suitable device. It is imperative to consider the popular models of these devices, their important features and characteristics.

Use in a sleeping child


This model is designed to take body temperature. It works using a non-contact method. To take readings, the device should be brought to the surface of the body at a distance of 5-8 cm.

The main characteristics of GARIN include:

  • work can be carried out in the range from 0 to 118 degrees;
  • data is provided within 2 seconds;
  • can switch itself off after half a minute;
  • for the surface of the body, the permissible error is no more than 0.2 degrees, and for the surface of liquid, air - 0.1 degrees;
  • two types of scale can be used - Celsius and Fahrenheit;
  • memory is capable of storing old indicators;
  • When the measurements are high, the device triggers a sound alarm and backlight.

You can purchase a GARIN thermometer in medical equipment stores or order it in an online store. The cost is low, only 1800 rubles.


A convenient infrared device that takes readings in non-contact mode. It can be used on the body, as well as to check the temperature of the air, baby food, and water.

It has the following qualities:

  • good memory capacity that can hold up to 32 measurements;
  • the maximum error can be no more than 0.2 degrees;
  • if the readings are elevated, a sound or light signal is triggered;
  • Data is received in approximately 1 second;
  • The product turns off after 5 seconds.

The thermometer has a low price. It can be purchased in pharmacies or specialized medical stores for 1,600 rubles.

Digital infrared thermometer DT-635

The infrared digital device DT-635 is a universal thermometer. The device can be used to measure body temperature (on the forehead, in the ear), and is also suitable for other surfaces - liquid, air.

TO good qualities infrared device model DT-635 can be classified as:

  • capable of taking readings in a wide range - from 0 to 50 degrees;
  • indicators are displayed within 1 second;
  • the maximum error can be about 0.1 degrees;
  • the device has a memory that allows you to view the result of the latest measurements;
  • there is a sound alarm that warns of high temperature;
  • the device has a built-in clock and room thermometer;
  • automatic shutdown is provided;
  • The case is made of durable material that can withstand shock when dropped.

A high-quality universal thermometer with a non-contact method of taking temperature has no disadvantages. It has a convenient application in which you can get the most accurate indicators. At the same time, it does not have a high cost - only 1200-1400 rubles.


This is a small infrared thermometer that belongs to portable devices. It has maximum convenience during use. Using this model, you can measure not only body temperature, but also for non-contact determination of the heating state of solid objects and liquids.

The device has a number of positive characteristics:

  • The device is lightweight, only 40 grams. For this reason, you can easily take it with you to work or on trips;
  • high speed of data acquisition during measurement - 1 second;
  • the error is quite small, it is within 0.2 degrees;
  • there is a function automatic shutdown in a quarter of a minute.

However, the device has several disadvantages, for many they will seem quite significant. The device has a minimal set of functions. There is also a high measurement error.

You can purchase a portable product at a pharmacy or medical supply store. On average, the cost of the device is no more than 1000 rubles.


This is a non-contact thermometer that is designed for children, but it can also be used by adults. It allows you to take temperature readings with maximum accuracy, without causing any discomfort.

The positive qualities of the BabyOno model include the following:

  • the device is capable of taking accurate readings at a distance of up to 15 cm on the surface of the forehead or body;
  • the high-frequency device has a small measurement error, which is only 0.1 degrees Celsius;
  • the duration of measurement determination is 3 seconds;
  • there is a memory that allows you to save up to 32 recent measurements;
  • configured in device functionality sound signal, which works at high rates.

A convenient thermometer for non-contact temperature reading has one significant drawback - high cost. On average, it is sold in pharmacies or stores for 5,000 rubles.

Infrared non-contact thermometers are new devices that allow you to quickly and easily take temperature readings. They are convenient to use for small children because they do not cause fear or discomfort in the baby and do not cause inconvenience. But before purchasing, you should carefully consider the features of these devices, their functions and main characteristics.

Electronic infrared thermometer AND DT-635 was purchased by me at a pharmacy for 1,400 rubles with only one purpose: to measure the body temperature of a sick baby. The fact is that my youngest son is categorically against thermometers inserted into the armpits. In order not to traumatize the child’s psyche, I decided to take a thermometer that works quickly, “without noise and dust.”

I was looking for a contactless device, but in my town I found only an electronic infrared thermometer. This is what we will talk about in this review. Looking ahead a little, I want to say right away: this device has both advantages and disadvantages, but first things first.

About the configuration. The thermometer comes with a clear blue case,

with user manual, printed on good coated paper,

power supply (button battery),

All this equipment is in a cardboard box. There is also a warranty card here. By the way, it was never useful to me, because the thermometer worked properly, without breakdowns or complaints.

About methods of use. In general, this device can be called multifunctional, since in addition to measuring body temperature (in two ways), the thermometer can be used as a clock, a room thermometer, or a temperature meter for any objects. True, when we pointed the thermometer at the room heating radiators (in winter), it showed us “Error”. The fact is that the temperature of the measurement objects must be in the range from 0⁰ C to 50⁰ C. That is why the error appeared on the display.

There are two modes for measuring body temperature:

1. Temperature measurement in the ear.

How to do it? You need to remove the light blue cap from the device and wipe the thermometer sensor with medical alcohol.

Press the power button, after which all available symbols are first displayed on the screen, and then the “ear” icon and degrees Celsius remain. Insert the sensor into the ear canal and press the power button on the housing again. After the beep, you can look at the display.

2. Temperature measurement on the forehead.

In this case, there is no need to remove the cap.

First, press the power button of the device to check its functionality. The entire set of symbols appears and a double beep sounds. After this, press the thermometer to your clean forehead. By pressing and holding the power button, we move the sensor across the forehead slowly, not allowing the thermometer to move away, otherwise the data will be distorted. We release the button, hear a single beep and look at the screen.

The thermometer turns off in automatic mode. The explanation of the symbols is indicated in the thermometer’s operating instructions (see above).

About the advantages of the device.

  1. Fast measurement. It takes me a few seconds to run a thermometer across my forehead and find out the result.
  2. The child likes the device. Our torment ended with crying and screaming.
  3. Does not contain mercury. You will laugh, but before purchasing this thermometer, we used mercury thermometers. I always imagined with horror pictures of a broken thermometer and balls of mercury rolling around the apartment.
  4. Accuracy with minimal error. I emphasize that you need to take measurements RIGHT . To do this, I advise you to study the user manual.

About the shortcomings of the device.

  1. It is not very convenient to run a thermometer across your forehead, pressing the sensor tightly. The frontal bone is felt here, and the thermometer strives to “jump” from the forehead. It would be more convenient to take measurements on a softer place.
  2. The accuracy of the results decreases if the measurement is incorrect and the battery charge level is low.

Decide for yourself whether or not to buy such a thermometer. I don't regret this purchase.