Roma Acorn ended up in intensive care after an attack: doctors are fighting for his life (photo, video). Did Roma Acorn fake his own beating? Roma acorn beaten

My acquaintance with this story was accidental. One of my friends wrote about this in passing, threw in these 2 links and left me thinking:
1. - Roma video
2. - his mother’s post about what happened
The video is full of negative comments, something like “Yes, finally” or something worse...
And GoldenNick actually made a disgusting video, which does not characterize him as a person in principle, because a Man would never say something like that:
What do I think about all this?
Let's assume by default that all of this is true. That Acorn really suffered, that this was not the work of makeup artists, not fakes, and not trolling on the part of Roman himself. Let’s put aside the assumptions that this is a PR stunt, that “all for the sake of fame,” and so on.
Because if this is all a setup, everything is very sad and sad, and there is no point in discussing it further.
Roman has always been a Blogger for me. I have never been a fan of him as a guy, boy, man, singer, model, etc. For me, Acorn is a blogger. For me, he was not an ideal, there was something in his actions and thoughts that I liked, something that made me want to slap him on the head. But I followed his activities, because we are birds of a feather - YouTube bloggers. ALL YouTube bloggers are connected. It's like a big family. Even if they don’t communicate with each other, don’t know each other, are aggressive or neutral. Everyone has a common house - UT. It’s like in life: there are close dad and mom, and there are very distant aunts of the thirtieth generation of the great-grandson of the grandniece of the great-grandmother’s cousin. But there is only one kind. So here it is.
Personally, I feel very sorry for Acorn. He didn't deserve this. He did nothing to deprive us of the most important thing in the lives of each of us - health.
I always say that no one ever has the right to judge someone, interfere in someone else’s life and encroach on it.
Who could beat Roman? Only some narrow-minded scum people who themselves have not achieved anything in life are overgrown with envy and don’t know where to use their stupidity (but they could encroach on an equal or use their energy in a peaceful direction, at least go to work or help their parents. ..if they did not abandon such flawed representatives of the human race in infancy).
I feel wild sympathy for Acorn, as a fellow worker. I'm also a blogger, and this is all so unfair! A blogger doesn’t “just mess around with crap,” as “smart” people write here:, a blogger invests time, money, effort into his business, information, brain and other (sometimes incredible) abilities. Even if it's all to get money. You also do not work for an idea. Why is a blogger worse? Blogging is about making money. For pleasure, but to make money. The blogger is WORKING! And it seems to me that only the same blogger or the shooting team, if there is one, will truly understand a blogger.
Roman worked hard. He found himself in right time and in the right place. He stood at the origins of Russian YouTube, and that is the only reason why he is so ahead of other guy bloggers. He managed to become a “classic”, just like Kate Klepp in the female version of blogging. And Roma deserves basic respect and recognition of himself.
My personal opinion, summing up:
1. Roma, your fans, your viewers, your friends, loved ones - they all wish you only the best and brightest. I’ll say one thing on my own behalf - good health to you, guy, you’ll shoot more than one cool vlog.
2. Haters, GoldenNick, Nefed and company, beaters... you can’t be such assholes in life. It will be sad if this comes back to you one day.
Andrey was especially upset. It seems like you look at a person - sometimes he thinks sensibly, has compassion, responds to the problems of others, is an active and interesting blogger, but he acts so dirty and low towards Acorn, as if Roman ruined his and Irina’s whole life and abused them. Andrei slandered Acorn for paid PR, although he himself does not actively promote Sasha Spielberg for free. Well, Andrey, let's throw mud at everyone who pays NOT YOU?!
I’ll finish my thought here for now, thank you for reading to the end.

After mom's messages Roma Zheludya about her son being beaten, his friend, Katerina Ten, added fuel to the fire, calling on the blogger’s fans to pray for him recovered after beating. A serious scandal erupted around the situation; online communities were divided into opponents and fans of Acorn.

While the disputes were going on, there was no confirmation or refutation of information from the “culprit” himself. Finally, a video appeared on the Internet in which Roma Acorn reports that he is alive.

Roma Acorn (Ignat Kerimov) for the first time commented on the information that he was severely beaten in Moscow. In an interview with Lifenews TV channel he said that Brutal beating of Roma Acorn happened near the Dynamo metro station. "It was all very fast. I didn’t have time to realize everything. I still don’t know where my mobile phone. All I can say is that there were about three people. I want to say that this is a normal situation for the streets of our city,” the blogger said.

The singer admitted that passers-by who witnessed the attack helped him, while doctors did not immediately respond to the call. “I only remember passers-by who tried to help me, I think that only thanks to them I found some kind of salvation, because they found my father. The ambulance simply did not arrive at that moment. I remember that I was there alone for a long time.” , - said Acorn.

It's not right to think that Roma Acorn died
Roma Acorn in intensive care
Roma Zhelud died in intensive care
Roma Acorn beaten
Roma Zhelud died
It is completely untrue that Roma Acorn killed
Roma Zhelud died in intensive care
Ignat Karimov
Roma Acorn die
Roma Acorn live

The blogger, among other things, denied earlier rumors that information about his beating got into the media for the sake of self-PR. “What kind of moral monster do you have to be to joke like that? To joke and deceive your fans, your family and close friends, who just don’t know what to do now,” he asked himself.
At the same time, News Media CEO Ashot Gabrelyanov noted on his Twitter that Acorn behaved unusually during the interview. “Roma Acorn refused to be filmed under professional camera lighting. He is wearing glasses and a hood. All this is extremely strange. But you look and decide fake or true,” he wrote.
The night before, his mother reported that Roma Acorn was beaten and ended up in intensive care. The singer's director refused to comment, and in the meantime a hashtag appeared on Twitter #RomaLive.
Roma Acorn became famous thanks to his video channel on YouTube, the total number of views on which exceeded 50 million. In addition, he has accounts on Twitter and VKontakte. Acorn has so far released five singles, after the release of which many began to compare him with Justin Bieber. Last year, the blogger launched his own clothing brand and became a TV presenter.

Published 23.10.13 21:59

Internet star Ignat Kerimov, better known as Roma Acorn, was severely beaten and doctors are currently fighting for his life. By a strange coincidence, in Roma’s latest video “Internet Hero” a scene of his beating was filmed. Later, photos and videos of the beaten Roma Acorn appeared on the Internet.

Roma Acorn in intensive care: video blogger beaten by unknown persons

Internet star Ignat Kerimov, better known as Roma Acorn, was severely beaten, and is currently in the intensive care unit of a Moscow clinic, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reports.

“Guys, Roma was severely beaten, and now he is in intensive care in a very serious condition. Katya Ten is there with him now, but I still need the support of friends, I ask you, pray and spread the information so that it reaches your loved ones intkbbach and ears!” - this message was spread by Roma fans on VKontakte.

His mother also reported the beating of Acorn. “My son is now in a very serious condition. We are in intensive care,” Oksana Kerimova wrote on her page on social network.

So far, the details of the incident have not been reported, and some media outlets have begun to replicate information from the Heat.Ru website that the young man was wounded with a knife by a certain 24-year-old Italian, reports Novaya Gazeta. Whether this information is reliable is unknown.

On Twitter, the hashtag #RomaZhivi, with which the artist’s fans share their emotions and send condolences, took third place in popularity. Fraudsters have already begun to take advantage of this popularity and are distributing messages in which they ask to transfer money to online wallets for the treatment of the artist. The official Roma Acorn group asks you to ignore such messages.

Versions of attack

The media are considering several versions of the attack on Roma Acorn. According to one of them, Kerimov had a conflict with nationalists (Roma Acorn has a pronounced oriental appearance).

In addition, as the publication recalls, from the correspondence hacked and published online between the ex-head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakemenko and the former press secretary of the Nashi movement Kristina Potupchik, it follows that two years ago pro-Kremlin youth figures agreed on a draft action with the participation of Roma Zhelud and... Dmitry Medvedev. The project never came to fruition, but there is no doubt that Roma Acorn, as an extremely mediatized person, was in the crosshairs of a variety of “image” interests, MK concludes.

By the way, by a strange coincidence, in Roma’s latest video “Internet Hero” a scene of his beating was filmed.

Is beating Acorn just a PR stunt?

Meanwhile, it is possible that the whole story with the beating of Roma Acorn is just a PR stunt. The fact is that the police do not confirm the fact of beating Acorn, writes Argumenty Nedeli.

The publication refers to information on social networks, according to which Kerimov was severely beaten in mall"Gallery" on Okhotny Ryad, after which he was taken to the intensive care unit of one of the hospitals. However, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District of the capital reported that the police did not receive any information about illegal actions in the Galereya shopping center or nearby today, AN reports.

The Moscow ambulance service also stated that the “03” brigade did not pick up anyone from Okhotny Ryad Street with serious injuries after the beating.

A video and photo of the beaten Roma Acorn appeared on the Internet

Meanwhile, the friend of the young video blogger Ekaterina Ten