How long does it take to charge an iPad mini? How long should you charge your iPad for the first time? Battery usage rules

Details Category: Settings, instructions on iPad. Published: 07/24/2013 09:17 iPad make serious mistakes by charging the tablet incorrectly or allowing it to completely discharge. This instruction will be equally useful to both owners iPad, and the owners iPhone

. If you take care of your device's battery with care and attention, it will please you much longer.

Key points for properly charging and discharging a battery:

Do not completely discharge the battery! Why is it important? You've probably noticed that when the discharge reaches 20%, a special alert pops up. And it warns you again at a 10 percent discharge. IN Apple

It was not in vain that they did this, because they know what a complete discharge entails for lithium-ion batteries.

Discard old stereotypes and do not try to completely discharge the battery several times immediately after purchase. This way you are more likely to make things worse. Why is it important? You've probably noticed that when the discharge reaches 20%, a special alert pops up. And it warns you again at a 10 percent discharge. IN Use only original chargers from , do not try to save money by buying dubious analogues. I practically “killed” him this way once new battery phone LG

by purchasing a non-original charger.

Make sure your charger matches your device model. For example, charger from iPhone will be equally useful to both owners it will take you a long time to charge yours, and all because it is not intended for a tablet. Although iPad mini according to Apple

, you can charge. Use an iPad in the provisions provided for it temperature conditions

. The operating temperature range is from 0 to 35 degrees.

Don't let your tablet sit idle for long periods of time. If you still plan not to use it for a long time, then check it at least monthly and recharge it. from By the way, there is one more small nuance that was revealed practically. A friend of mine once complained to me about a problem. He charged his 100%, but despite this, the charge dropped catastrophically. I advised him to pay attention to this nuance. When i

-the device is charging, we see the charging icon in the upper right corner and percentages. will be equally useful to both owners fully and correctly charged. If there is a battery icon next to the percentage, as in the screenshot above, then you should wait. Only when the battery icon looks like the one in the screenshot below (with a “socket” symbol) is your device fully charged.

After my friend charged his from According to this scheme, his problem completely disappeared. And so far he has not had the problem of rapid discharge. Of course, if you use 100%, but despite this, the charge dropped catastrophically. I advised him to pay attention to this nuance. When -device in merciless mode, turning on the brightness to its fullest, using 3 G - Internet, etc., then the battery will not last long.

In the next review we will tell you how

If you are the happy owner of an iPad, then sooner or later you will definitely be faced with the question of how to properly use and charge the battery on your tablet.

Let's try to figure out together how to prolong the work of your device's heart.

Battery usage rules

iPad battery - how to properly use and charge your iPad

In order to extend the battery life, you don’t need a lot of knowledge, you just need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not use or store iPad at temperatures below 0 or above +35 degrees. The optimal temperature for operating and storing the device is from 0 to 30 degrees.
  2. Do not leave your iPad without a charge for a long period of time (1-2 weeks), otherwise it may not turn on.
  3. Be sure to use your tablet, do not let it sit idle for a long time with a full charge, this way you can preserve the battery capacity.
  4. Discharge and charge your iPad completely, at least once a month.
  5. Charge your device properly.

These are the five basic rules that you should consider when using your tablet.

How to charge an iPad

The tablet can be charged using an adapter that connects to a 220 W outlet (usually included with the device) or from a computer via a USB cable.

Charge iPad via adapter. In this case, everything is simple, connect the iPad to the adapter, then plug it into a power outlet and wait for the device to be fully charged. This usually takes about 6 hours.

How to charge an iPad - charging an iPad using a 220W adapter

How to charge iPad from a computer. Everything is just as simple, but there is one “but”, you can charge the iPad via USB 2.0 only in standby mode (i.e., off) since USB port does not have enough power. Charging using this method can take up to 12 hours, and your computer must be turned on.

How to charge iPad - charging iPad from computer

How to charge ipad correctly

According to experts Li-ion batteries, it is better to charge the battery until it is completely discharged. The remaining charge can be like 10% , so 40% , but try not to allow a smaller discharge. My words can be confirmed by a message on the iPad at a time when the charge remains less than 20%.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is a rumor that overcharging the battery has an extremely negative effect on its condition, but this is not entirely true. All famous manufacturers For a long time now, a special circuit has been built into the battery to protect it from overcharging.

Also earlier, in metal hydride batteries, the effect was observed "memory" incomplete charging, but in current generation batteries this effect is very insignificant.

iPad battery capacity

  • On iPad 3 contains two batteries connected to each other with a common capacity 24.8 Wh., which is approximately 6,613 mAh. The operating time of a tablet with such a battery is approximately 10 hours.
  • On iPad 4 this capacity has been increased by almost 2 times and thus equal 42 Wh, which corresponds to 11,666 mAh. Despite the large battery capacity, its operating time is about 10 hours, and all due to the fact that the insides of the device consume much more energy.

How to save iPad battery power and extend its life?

Let's take a point-by-point look at how you can save battery power when using a tablet.

Display. This is the most voracious element that consumes the device’s charge the most. By using brightness settings you can reduce this consumption. The brighter the display, the greater the charge consumption; the dimmer, the less. Thus, your task is to adjust this parameter to suit your eye. To do this you need to go to “Settings” - “Brightness”. A slider will appear in front of you, by moving which you can change the value of this parameter.

Stay tuned for firmware updates. Try to update the firmware as it comes out new version, since the company is constantly working to improve certain functions that in one way or another can affect charge consumption.

Turn off the 3G adapter. Turn off this adapter when you don’t need it at all or there is an alternative to wi-fi. It (3G) consumes too many resources.

Turn off the Wi-Fi adapter. This will allow you to save some of the charge. To turn off Wi-Fi, go to “Settings” - “Wi-Fi” and change the switch position to "Off" (“Off”)

Turn on Airplane Mode. If you are out of range 3G or Wi-Fi signals , then use the function "Air mode"– this will allow you to increase your battery usage savings. Go to "Settings", in the left menu, the very first item in the list will be "Airplane mode", change the switch to "On" (“On”).

Turn off "Notifications". Over time, the iPad becomes overgrown with applications, some of which constantly send notifications to your screen. By turning them off, you can extend the battery life of your iPad. Let's go to “Settings” - “Notifications” and turn off everything we don't need.

Disable Location Services. Pay attention to those programs that are constantly interested in your location. Disable some of them that do not need this function at all. Let's go to “Settings” - “Location services”.

Turn off Bluetooth. “Settings” - “General” - “Bluetooth” - “Off”.

Turn on auto-lock mode. Be sure to enable this mode. Set the values ​​to the minimum interval of “2 minutes.” “Settings” – “General” – “Auto-Lock” – “Auto-Lock”. This way we will force the iPad to turn itself off when we stop using it.

Turn off unnecessary sounds. For example, the sounds of the keyboard, turning the device on and off. Let's go to “Settings” - “General” - “Sounds” - “Sounds” and turn off everything unnecessary.

Remove automatic check mail and delete mailboxes that you don't use. “Settings” – “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” – “Fetch New Data”, here we change the position "Push" on "Off" (“Off”) and set the boot option "Manual".

If you have questions, comments or additions, leave them in the comments.

Tricky question. How many hours does your iPad charge?

Modern tablets have both a number of advantages and disadvantages. This also applies to Apple tablets, whose users are faced with a certain problem - the iPad charges slowly. Some people still think (from old memory) that the device must be brought to full discharge two or three times in a row. This practice was acceptable for devices with nickel batteries. Tablets with lithium batteries are not recommended to be brought to a charge level of less than 10%.


The main factors that influence how long an iPad takes to charge are the following:

  • charging from PC via USB;
  • uncertified charger;
  • using an uncertified USB cable;
  • inappropriate charger model or unsuitable cable;
  • prolonged inactivity of the tablet;
  • using an adapter for the “American” input to the “European” one.

Solutions to the problem

If you're tired of your iPad taking a long time to charge, follow certain recommendations for saving energy on your device. In this case, it is worth paying attention to:

If, after following the above tips, the user still wonders why the iPad is charging slowly, it is better to contact the official page of the Apple company, the “Support” section. Here we recommend following a certain procedure:

  • First of all, you should check if there is any damage to the cable and USB adapter.
  • If you're charging your iPad from a simple wall outlet, you'll need to make sure the charging cable and USB adapter are plugged into the outlet correctly.
  • Try changing the outlet.
  • Clean the charging port at the bottom of the device from dirt, then firmly insert the charging cable into the outlet.
  • Let the tablet charge for 30 minutes. If after this the iPad still does not respond, you need to force restart it (press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home keys simultaneously for 10 seconds until the company logo appears).

If all these manipulations do not help, you need to take the iPad, adapter and cable either to an Apple company service center or to an Apple retail store.

Use at least some of these tips and you can significantly save your battery life.

iPad won't charge via USB: Video

iPad charging instructions

It is important to remember a few extremely useful facts about how to carry out such a procedure so as not to harm the battery. Unfortunately, it is very easy to spoil it, because there are a lot of misconceptions about this. It is worth debunking some of the most harmful myths.

Many owners of Apple gadgets believe that they should not charge their device before it is completely discharged. This is the most terrible myth that should never be adhered to. The fact is that when the device is completely discharged, it will consume one battery cycle. Each battery contains a certain amount of such charge/discharge cycles. Therefore, if you discharge your device to zero and then charge it to 100%, a full cycle will be used up. So it is highly recommended not to leave your device with less than 30% charge. Only immediately after purchase should you discharge the device to zero and then charge it to 100% to calibrate the counter. It is also recommended to do a similar procedure once a month, for the sake of the same calibration. But not more often.

It is also noteworthy that some are still terribly afraid of the “memory effect” that existed in the old nickel batteries that were inserted into the very first mobile phones. There is no need to be afraid of this! Modern lithium-ion batteries do not have such an error. That is, if a smartphone or tablet now has 50% charge, and it is put on charge, the nickel battery would “remember” this value and lose the remaining 50% of the charge. But lithium-ion is not capable of this. And it will remain the same capacity.

Following. Unfortunately, it is now believed that neither the iPhone nor the iPad can be charged using a non-original charger or even a cable to it. In part, this myth is true. But it applies only to the cheapest Chinese copies, whose manufacturers did not bother to figure out exactly how charging for the iPad works. This restriction does not apply to more modern and “thought-out” models. Therefore, if the charger suddenly breaks down, you can safely look for a non-original, but high-quality cord that is made according to all the rules.

It is also important to remember that you should not turn off your device in order to save its battery charge. Because it is when you turn on the device that it is consumed the most. Sometimes it gets to the point where 6-10% of the battery charge can disappear immediately from just one startup of the tablet. If you need it, but not all the time, just turn off GPS, WiFi and the Internet. Or better yet, send it offline. This way it will save energy much longer.

What happens if the iPad is not charged correctly?

If you do not follow the recommendations proposed in this material, nothing bad will happen right away. The phone will not explode immediately after the first incorrect charge cycle and will not stop functioning instantly. It will take quite a long time for the consequences to appear. But they will be truly destructive not only for the device itself, but also for the nerves of its owner. For starters, the device will begin to seriously glitch and work much less than out of the box. In the future, it will turn off when it reaches a certain percentage of the battery. Or completely discharge in a matter of hours. And in the end it won't turn on at all. And replacing the battery on Apple devices is very difficult - because they are not removable.

Special cables for charging iPad

Very often, standard cords simply fail, and proper care of them does not even help. But you can’t always buy original ones - to purchase it, you need to find a certified distributor and pay a significant markup for the brand. However, you can always get by with a cheaper option that is good enough to be used with an iPad. These are regular cables from third party manufacturers like Remax or Belkin.

What types of USB cables are there?

There are many varieties of such accessories for iPad. Their appearance will depend on several important factors:

  1. Tablet model.
  2. USB cable price.
  3. Manufacturer of the accessory.
  4. Braid material.

It's worth figuring out what all this means. First, you should pay attention to the tablet model. The most modern models use a unified Lightning connector, created by Apple specifically for its devices. But it is used exclusively in models younger than 2012. All that were released earlier have a 30-pin cable connector. It looks much wider.

Next is the price of the USB cable. You shouldn't even look at the cheapest models - they are made so poorly that they will ruin not only the charger, but also the device itself. You should only choose stores that sell quality goods. Naturally, the higher the price, the better the USB cable will look and work.

The manufacturer of the accessory also puts its stamp on it appearance. For example, the spring-shaped cord created by Belkin is well known. Or bright wires from Remax, which not only charge the device efficiently, but also do it beautifully.

The braid material can be very different. Leather wires look quite aesthetically pleasing, but are very expensive. The prices in the catalog may be quite high. At the same time, such a wiring can live very long and happily. And fabric braids look unusual and bright, especially if they are made in different colors. They are much stronger than any other and do not allow the cable to deteriorate or bend. Plastic is the cheapest material. Therefore, there are many more such cords than all others. But they also break more often.

How to choose a cable for your tablet?

It follows that choosing such an accessory for charging the iPad should be strictly individual. By purchasing it, you take responsibility. First, check out the connector on your device. The safest thing to do would be to take the damaged lace with you to the store and compare it. But if you decide to order a cable from an online store, then just Google it or read the instructions.

Then decide what content you want to see every day when you charge your tablet. Hint: if you often carry your charger with you in a twisted state, if it rubs or often bends, then it is better to take a leather or fabric braid. Because it is more resistant to bending or twisting. Well, if the iPad charger sits quietly at home and only works in the evenings, a plastic one will suffice. Here you can also choose the color of the future accessory. For example, bright yellow, green, and red shades are available that will diversify the life of any person. Or noble multi-colored fabric braids.

If you want a branded accessory that will become not just a charger, but also an additional reason to brag - the best solution brands will be Just, Belkin or Remax. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

It is important to choose only a quality store. You must be sure that he sells truly high-quality products. In the catalog of our online store Monkeyshop you can find only truly safe and convenient cords for charging your iPad or any other gadget. Choosing from the sale is very simple - you just need to know what you want.

What to do if the iPad does not see the USB cable?

It often happens that a newly purchased cable simply does not work with the tablet. Apple manufacturers in their new version operating system iOS 7 has made it so that uncertified cables are now recognized separately, and the power is cut off from them. In this case, very often the cable is replaced with the original one. But this is not at all necessary! All you have to do is use simple instructions that will allow you to use absolutely any, even the cheapest Chinese USB cable:

  1. First, plug the adapter and cable into an outlet with the appropriate voltage.
  2. Then you need to connect the connector to the corresponding connector on the iPad. A message should appear that says “the cable or accessory is not certified.”
  3. You need to click on the “Close” button on the window that appears.
  4. Then lock and unlock your iPad.
  5. A warning window will appear again indicating that the cable is not certified. You need to close it again. After this, DO NOT lock the tablet or turn off its screen!
  6. You need to quickly unplug the cable from the connector on the device and reconnect it. It is important to be in time before the device’s screen goes dark and the device itself is blocked.
  7. Once again a warning will appear that must be closed again.

After completing this simple procedure, you can enjoy watching the device charge from any available cable.

iPad battery not working - what to do?

But if you realize it too late, and the battery has already begun to deteriorate or is completely broken, you need qualified help that will be able to literally resurrect the device after improper use. There are several ways to spice up your favorite tablet.

The first is a simple battery replacement. The most common option, since it is almost impossible to repair an already damaged battery, because it tends to wear out. It is impossible to restore charge-discharge cycles, and it is important to understand this. Any thing has its own resource of use.

Secondly, you can try to restore the charge-discharge counter, which in extremely rare cases helps. This is done using a special procedure that requires experience and special skills. In this case, there is a chance to return a certain percentage of the resource iPad battery. But it will still be impossible to completely restore it.

It is important to seek qualified help that can really help, and not just use your gullibility. Service centers for the most part may not have special skills. But if you decide to find quality repairs and maintenance, you can look into our Monkeyshop. In our service center you will find only the highest quality and qualified assistance from real professionals. They can not only restore life to your iPad, which is exhausted from improper charging. But also repair many other breakdowns. For example, select a high-quality module to replace a broken screen and replace it so that it will not even be noticeable that it is not the original.

Remember that you shouldn’t mock your device yourself. Unfortunately, Apple really doesn’t like it when inexperienced users reach out to their devices in order to tinker and take something apart. Therefore, to even remove the back cover, you will need some skills and special tools. This is not easy because there is a high risk of damaging your device. All parts, including the battery, are held on by fragile cables that are not so easy to disconnect, but very easy to break. This is why you need the hands of a real master, which you can easily find in Monkeyshop. Professionals will repair your accessory very quickly and efficiently. And the new battery will work for a long time and please the owner iPad new possibilities for using the gadget on long trips.

So you took your iPad out of the box.
And one of the first questions you asked was probably: " How long does it take to charge an iPad for the first time?"

This article is dedicated to precisely this topic.
Taught by charging experience mobile phones, supposedly requiring not just the first few full charge-discharge cycles for the first time, but also extended charging (supposedly this will extend the life of the battery, which, in my opinion, is one of the myths), we are trying to transfer this scheme to the iPad. With an iPad, it turns out, everything is much simpler - you don’t need to do any extended cycles. By the way, brand new, just out of the box, iPad already has a charge that will allow it to last up to several hours.

how to charge iPad for the first time...

1. The very first time When you take your iPad out of the box, use it normal mode and wait until it is completely discharged and then charge it to 100%. ( .)
All. I repeat once again that you don’t need to keep it charged for almost a day. If this were important, then it would have been written about on the Apple website in an article specifically devoted to tips for working with the battery and increasing its lifespan (lifespan).
However, nowhere is it said about such a procedure. All the following recommendations are also from this article.
2. Try to do Full cycle of charging and discharging your iPad at least once a month.
Charge your iPad to 100% and then drain it completely. This will increase the battery life. That is, in principle, the iPad was developed for conditions in the “work” - “recharge” mode. But once a month it is advisable to do a full charge and discharge.
3. 22 degrees Celsius is the optimal temperature for an iPad battery.
iPad was designed to operate in a temperature range of 0 to 35 degrees. However, it is preferable to stick to room temperature.
4. Keep iPad out of sun and heat.
This instruction is given the greatest importance in Apple's recommendations for working with the iPad battery. It turns out that heat is the most severe factor in reducing battery life. You should also not leave your iPad in an overheated car.
5. Update your software.
I think that iOS is updated regularly as soon as possible. But it turns out that this also increases the life of the battery due to the use of new algorithms for working with it at the software level.
6. Optimize your settings.
Here are the factors that can cause your battery to drain quickly:
- brightness,
- using wifi and 3g (it’s better to turn it off when not needed. You can turn on airplane mode.
- geolocation,
- use of some programs (which in turn use geolocation or do not turn off the screen, etc.),
- push notifications (in email accounts and applications),
- the more mail accounts is checked automatically, the longer the battery drains. The fastest way to charge the iPad is with the standard 10-watt charger included in the package. Charging will be slower when connected to a high-power USB port (like the latest Macs) or through an iPhone adapter. If you connect your iPad to a standard USB port, like on regular computers or older Macs, it will only charge while in sleep mode. The computer itself should not be in sleep or hibernation mode, otherwise the charging process will not occur.

How long does the iPad hold a charge?

iPad developers claim that The iPad holds a charge for up to 10 hours when surfing the network via Wi-Fi, watching videos, listening to music. If you surf the network via 3G, then operating time is reduced to 9 hours.

How many charging cycles can an iPad allow?

If you follow the rules for using the iPad battery (see above), it is designed to 1000 full charge and discharge cycles until the battery's ability to hold its charge is reduced to 80% of its original value.
Some iPad cases have poor heat dissipation. Because of this, the iPad overheats when charging. If this is the case, then you should remove the iPad from the case, because heat is the strongest factor that degrades battery performance.