2 mailboxes on Yandex at the same time. Yandex mail - registration, login and creating a mailbox, your Inbox page and setting up free mail for the domain. Three ways to create a new Yandex e-mail

With any free email service you can create an unlimited number of emails. boxes. Yandex Mail is no exception. To create second Mailbox on Yandex and use two accounts at the same time, use two browsers.


In the first browser, which you use most often, log in to Yandex.Mail using your main account. In the second browser, for example, Internet Explorer, set by default to Windows system, create new account in Yandex.Mail. To do this, to the Yandex mail server located at the link: http://mail.yandex.ru/. Click on the “Create mail” button. The registration window and its first step will appear on the screen. Enter your first name, last name and desired login in the appropriate fields. If the login is free, click the “Next” button.

In the next step, create a password, enter it in the special field and duplicate the confirmation field. Next select Secret Question and write the answer to it. After this, for account security or in case you lose your password, you can indicate your main e-mail and/or number mobile phone to recover your email password. The last thing you need to do is enter the captcha - the symbols from the picture at the bottom of the page. , check the box next to the line “I accept the terms of the user agreement” and click the “Register” button. You have registered a second mailbox on Yandex.Mail. Now you can use two boxes in different browsers, so as not to log out of your account each time and enter a login-password pair.

You can also collect letters from the second mailbox to the first and from the first to the second. In other words, you can create a redirection of letters from one e-mail to another. To do this, in the account you use most often, follow the “Settings” link in the mail window. Select “Collect mail from other mailboxes” in the settings window, then enter the e-mail address and password for the mailbox from which you want to forward email to your account, then click the “Enable collector” button.

Greetings, dear readers! Do you want to quickly send letters and files over the Internet? Then let's take a closer look at how to create mail on Yandex from the very beginning. This will take very little time.

What do you need to prepare before registering a mailbox?

Before creating it on Yandex, it is advisable to prepare the following data:

  • login;
  • password;
  • phone number.

Login is a nickname (fictitious name, pseudonym). It must consist of Latin letters and numbers. The use of periods and hyphens is also permitted. A couple of examples - vasya1967, angel-web1. There is complete scope for your imagination; you can choose any name you like. The only thing is that each login must be unique. Let's see how to check it further.

Each created email on Yandex is password protected. It must be at least 6 characters long, consist of Latin letters and may contain numbers and special characters.

Entering a mobile phone number to open a new mail is not required. There is an alternative - indicate the answer to the security question. I'll show you in the picture later.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an email

Have you already got your first ideas for a beautiful login? Then let's get started. You can register for free on Yandex in the ru zone quite quickly. Open your browser - this is the program through which you view different sites.

Open the Yandex search engine and click on the inscription “create a mailbox”, as shown in the illustration above.

In the form that opens, enter your first name, last name, and phone number. It is better to enter real data, so that if you lose access to email address no problems with . The phone number will need to be confirmed so that the system knows that you did not make a mistake when entering and the mobile phone is in your hands. Now let's check the previously invented logins.

As you can see, it will not be possible to create an email using the first login, because it is simply busy with another person. What can you come up with here? You can add or remove letters and numbers to make your nickname unique.

There are no difficulties with the second “name”, it is free, you can continue registration. Go ahead.

It is better to choose a complex password for your mailbox so that it cannot be hacked. For example, “yavasya” is too simple, but “Ya1vasYa#18” is already normal. To avoid mistakes, you will need to re-enter the password in the field below.

What to do if you don’t want to enter your mobile number? You just need to click on the inscription, as in the illustration above. An alternative option will appear.

Choose from the list or create your own Security Question. Try not to guess the answer. If for sure, then the answer may be a meaningless set of letters, but it's up to you to decide. Next, click “create mail”. If all fields are filled out correctly, registration is completed. Otherwise, you need to look at the errors that will be indicated and correct them.

It's not difficult at all, is it? I hope that I answered your question about how to create a step-by-step and free new mail in the Yandex search engine.

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How to log in to the mail?

To open your mail on your computer you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open the browser if it is closed;
  2. Login to Yandex;
  3. Enter your username and password and click on the “login” button.

See how simple it is? Actually it's not the only way authorization. Content email box can be viewed using special . They will be discussed in the following articles.

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It is now possible to easily and quickly switch between them, without having to log out of one account to log into another.

Well, now working with different boxes has become much more practical, without unnecessary movements. :)

So, in order for us to switch between several accounts in one tab, we will need to link them together. On this moment You can add 5 accounts to the list.

You can do this from any Yandex mailbox by clicking on your avatar in the upper right corner. And then select the first item in the drop-down list – “Add user”.

To do this, click on the avatar on the right again, and in the drop-down list we see our associated box. Actually, by clicking on it, we will immediately get inside.

We add other accounts in the same way.

If you later need to delete an account, then while you are in it, in the same drop-down list, click on “Exit”. This mail will disappear from the list, and you will switch to the previous one.

This is how convenient it is!

The function is quite new now, I think it will be further developed. It is not yet possible to open different boxes at the same time separate tabs, since when opening we exit the previous mail in both tabs.

Also, if we log in from a different browser, then the emails need to be linked in a new way.

In addition, switching is not available on other Yandex services (Metrica, Webmaster, Direct, etc.). That is, we log in to them in the account in which we currently have mail open.

Yes, if you work with your accounts from someone else’s computer, do not forget to log out of them afterwards. home page Yandex. And refuse when the browser asks you to remember your password.

When you log out of your account on the main page or in search results, everything is previously linked accounts will be removed from the list and you will need to log in again.

Well, if you forgot to log out of your mailbox on someone else’s computer, then go to “Passport” (drop-down menu when you click on the avatar). And there click “Log out on all computers”.

Material from Insales Wiki

general information

Some Internet services that provide email services allow you to use an email address on the user's domain, that is, an address like mymail@mydomain. Of course, this can also be implemented using your own mail server.

If the store has its own domain registered, it is advisable to use this opportunity. Setting up your own mail server will not be described here; we will focus only on the most well-known services that provide email services on the Internet. In addition to the service settings at the mail service provider, you also need to change some DNS settings at the domain name registrar.

If the domain was registered through Insales, then to carry out this operation, send a letter to technical support with the necessary information (received from the mail service provider) and everything will be set up for you.

If you registered the domain yourself, then do not forget to do required settings, as a rule, this is editing the MX zone on the DNS server. MX records point to your domain's email address.

To configure mail for your domain, you must be able to edit the MX zone on the DNS server that is used for the domain.

Setting up mail in your domain on Yandex

You can create up to 100 email accounts in one domain - this is enough for a small company. Owners of such mailboxes will be able to enjoy endless space for letters. You can work with mail both through the web interface on the page http://mail.yandex.ru/for/mydomain, and through mail clients - The Bat, Thunderbird and others using the POP3/IMAP and SMTP protocols.

You need to set up a CNAME record for the domain from the mail subdomain to the address domain.mail.yandex.net. You need to specify the following settings:

  • Subdomain name – mail
  • Record type – CNAME
  • Data – domain.mail.yandex.net.

It will take some time for the settings to take effect (from several hours to two days).

Setting up email programs

You can use Yandex.Mail for a domain not only through the web interface, but through various email clients (for example, Outlook Express, The Bat, Thunderbird and others)

Job mail clients configured in exactly the same way as for regular Yandex.Mail, except that the full e-mail must be specified as the user name (login) (for example, [email protected]).

Please note that to work with mail by IMAP protocol support for it must be enabled on the “Settings” page in the “Email Clients” section.

Setting up GMail mail in your domain

Google Apps allows you to use GMail mail on your domain, and you can use the GMail interface to access it. The protocols POP3, SMTP, IMAP also work. GMail provides more than 2 GB of disk quota for each account, and 7 GB in total (free basic service - up to five accounts), you can create up to 50 mail records in each account. GMail has a spam filter. You can be sure that your mail will not be viewed; no authorities will be able to obtain copies of your letters. Mail is accessed via the HTTPS protocol. The service is free. All you need is a domain name.

Creating an account on Google Apps

If you don't have an account yet, follow this link Registration in Google Apps. and click on "Start here".

Fill in the required fields to register

Enter your username (Your address will look like [email protected], where user is the user name), password and code from the picture

The account has been created.

Activating login pages and confirming domain rights

Here's how to enable a login page for your domain's email accounts and verify that you are the owner of the domain associated with your account Google Apps. Log in to the control panel using your administrator account https://www.google.com/a/cpanel/example.ru/Dashboard. (here example.ru is your domain name)

Choose a method that is convenient for you to confirm your rights.

Follow the instructions provided to download HTML file to your website or other means.

After completing all the steps, click “Confirm”.

Creating user accounts

  1. Log in to the control panel through your administrator account https://www.google.ru/a/example.ru (if you are not logged in yet).
  2. In the "Users and Groups" section top menu click "Create a new user account"

3.Enter your first name, last name and username.

4.You can choose a password of your choice by clicking "Change Password".

5.Click "Add a new user account". Account information can be sent to the user by email or printed. 6.Repeat these steps for each user in your domain.

Attention! If you registered a domain through InSales, then in order to register MX and CNAME records, contact our technical support!

Setting up a WEB interface for accessing mail

Let's set up access to the mail interface at http://mail.example.ru. The procedure is simple, we log into the mail through the proposed standard Google form: https://www.google.ru/a/example.ru, click on the “Domain Management” link in the upper right corner. We go to the domain control panel and select "Service Settings" in the main menu - " Email". Well, then - set the URL in the field "Web address Your users can view mail on the page." We apply and, if your domain has a CNAME record mail.mydom.com for ghs.google.com, then the mail will open in browser at http://mail.example.ru.

Setting up email clients

You can receive and send mail using email clients TheBat, Thunderbird and others. In most cases, they use the POP3 protocol to receive mail and SMTP to send mail.

For POP3 to work you need turn on in mail settings Google account POP3. For this:

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account.
  2. Click the Settings link at the top of any Gmail page.
  3. Click the Forward and POP link in the orange Mail Setup box.

Then, in the settings (profile) of the client program, you need to configure ports and protocols:

Login: [email protected](full address)

Cancel changes made

If for any reason you want to stop using a third-party email service for your domain, this operation is easy to cancel. All you need to do is change the MX record to mydomain. (the period at the end is required!). However, remember that each change to MX records takes 24-72 hours to take effect.