What should be on the contact page. Contact details (telephone numbers) of companies in the Russian Federation Contact information is posted on this

Cap suggests that the number that is written in the middle of the page and large is more noticeable. Do this if you want as many clients as possible to be able to call and talk to company employees.

Give contacts of different departments

For a large company that receives a huge flow of customer requests every day, it makes sense to immediately post the coordinates of the sales department, technical support, human resources and other departments. This way people will be able to get an answer to their question faster.

The website of the international restaurant holding “Ginza Project” contains the telephone numbers of the call center, PR service, HR department and other departments.

On the Tinkoff Bank website, in addition to department contacts, there are also different phone numbers for different categories of clients: owners credit cards, debit cards and depositors.

It is not necessary to post contacts of regional departments in a large list at once. You can display them only by clicking on the name of the desired representative office. For example, as in the contact information section on the Avtolac Refinish website.

The Center for International Exchange has quite a few branches all over the world. Representatives of the company are grouped into sections by country for easy search of their phone numbers and addresses.

Photos of offline store signs on the website of the street clothing brand “BatNorton” will help customers navigate the shopping center and find the right department.

Contacts of Sayner regional offices appear in pop-up windows. This technique will free the contact page from excess information. The user will be able to get acquainted in detail with the phone number and address of only the dealer he needs.

Window Continent has forty-seven representative offices in Moscow. For the convenience of customers, contacts are posted on the website in three forms: in one list, on a city map and on a metro map. In the last two options, contact information appears in a pop-up window when you click on the desired representative office.

Write employee contacts

A person trusts another person more than the impersonal name of a company. Therefore, tell us about your specialists. Show that specific people are responsible for each area of ​​the company's work.

Try to post photos of your employees. Think about which pictures will inspire the most trust among clients? Perhaps these will be photos at the workplace or photos in business suits in a professional studio.

Show directions

A clear directions map saves time on explaining to each client how to get to the company. And ensures that most guests will not get lost.

Nice drawn driving directions. They produce realistic images of buildings, parks and other nearby objects that people will focus on when searching for your office.

However, keep in mind that drawing a travel map is a labor-intensive task. And most likely it will suit companies that have few offices or sales points, one or two.

If a company has many offices or representative offices, then it is easier to use not a hand-drawn one, but standard scheme travel It is easy to create in any map designer. And in order not to clutter the contact page on the website with numerous driving directions, they can be hidden in pop-up windows.

The Mary Truffle website contains hand-drawn directions to two wedding salons.

The rendered map of the route to the Presentstar gift shop shows the smallest details: from a cat under a tree to aliens stealing a Lada.

Contacts of the representative offices of the Center for International Exchange are posted on the website in the form of a list. If you click on the name of the representative office, the location map will open in a pop-up window.

In the section with contact information on the PSKB Bank website, directions to each office are initially hidden. And they appear by clicking on the office name in the drop-down blocks.

On the contact page of the Sony branded online store, the user selects the desired city in a pop-up window. And immediately after that, the page displays the relevant contact information, directions and a text description of how to get there.

On the website of the automobile festival "Unlim 500+" three different schemes are switched - travel to the event site, a map of the driving range and the location of the cafe and stage on the observation deck. You select the desired scheme - the description on the left side of the page and the map on the right side change.

On the Rozovoz website, contact information is posted in one pop-up window. And already inside the window you can switch two information blocks: addresses of flower warehouses and the telephone number of the delivery service.

On the site residential complex“Panorama Skolkovo” allows you to plot a route from an arbitrary point on the map to the sales office.

Use the space in the pop-up window inside the map

Sometimes you need to show the addresses and phone numbers of several retail outlets on the map. But if you post all the contact information at once, the page will be overloaded and it will be difficult to find something specific.

It is convenient to hide contacts in pop-up windows that appear when you click on a particular point on the map. The absence of a large amount of contact information for different stores, representative offices and offices visually simplifies the page and makes it easier to navigate.

However, there are more interesting ways to use a small piece of free space inside a pop-up window on the map!

On the website of the Ginza Project restaurant holding, you can switch four information blocks inside a pop-up window: restaurant address, phone number, opening hours, and the nearest metro station.

On the Leto Bank website, in a pop-up window on the map, you can evaluate the work of the branch on a 5-point scale.

On the website of the flower base “Everything in a Bundle”, in addition to the address, phone number and opening hours, in the pop-up window there are also photographs of each warehouse.

In the pop-up windows on the map of the route to the J&S foreign language learning centers there is an online call button, a link to the VKontakte group and several photographs. And also such a “standard set” as address, phone number and operating hours.

Post a photo of the entrance to the company office

Show what the entrance to the company's office looks like. Especially if you don’t have your own logo sign on the front of the building. It’s easier to show this once in a photograph than to explain it to clients in words every time.

Write how to get to the office

Give several options for describing how people can get to you: on foot, by car, by public transport. Imagine yourself in the place of a person who got out of the last metro car at Kaluzhskaya station and found himself on Profsoyuznaya Street for the first time. Where should he go next? Which side of the street? Where and where should you turn? Tell us about this in as much detail as possible.

Instructions for orienteering can be posted all at once or hidden in information blocks that open with a mouse click.

The Presentstar gift store website has instructions for hikers and motorists.

You can not only come to Gazprom on foot, but also by trolleybus or car. Descriptions of walks and trips to the office are posted on the contacts page.

On the Refinish Avtolac website, descriptions of how to get to the company by car or public transport appear by clicking on the corresponding heading.

On the contact page of the MAMA reproduction clinic there are not only instructions for trolleybus and car users, but also for out-of-town guests traveling from the station or airport. Blocks with different texts are switched by clicking on the icons with a car, bus, train.

Pay attention to the texts

Don't be boring, work on the texts and headings on your contact page. A bright title will stop the eye wandering around the site in the right place.

Rambler says there are many reasons to write to him. But in this place there could be some drab phrase like “List of email addresses.”

The knitted hat brand “Handy Hat” wants to be closer to its customers. Come, he says, to us on VKontakte.

On the contact page of the manufacturer of decorative impregnations “Veres” there is one simple phrase that the products are presented in more than 300 cities of Russia. At this point there could be a standard heading “Our Representatives”. But then no one would know how wide the geography of the company’s activities is.

Place a link to contacts in other sections of the site

“Hidden in the black, black footer, in the farthest corner, among a dozen other links, is the only link on the site to the contact page. So that no one will find it for sure,” is a terrible tale about one company that did not want to hear calls and read people’s letters.

If you want as many clients as possible to get in touch, then make the link to the contacts section as visible as possible. For example, use pictures to design links.

Provide a link to contact information wherever appropriate. For example, you are writing news about an upcoming lecture by a famous business coach in your company. It is logical to supplement the article with a link to contact information so that everyone can sign up for the lecture.

On each page of the website of the flower base “Everything in a Bundle” there is a clearly visible link to the addresses of warehouses.

The contact page is one of the most important elements of the structure of a commercial website. Attractive, and most importantly, a properly designed contact page will not only increase the degree of trust in the site, but also turn it into a full-fledged sales tool.

I have compiled a fairly extensive list of recommendations that you can and even should rely on when creating a page with contact information. Not all, and maybe even all of the listed recommendations can be implemented on a single site - it depends on the specific case.

First of all, make sure that your company is registered in Yandex.Directory. Thus, the address and contact information of your company will be linked to your website and a link to the office location on Yandex.Maps will appear in its snippet. The number of addresses that can be added is unlimited.

Next, you need to check whether you have a separate page on your website with contact information that is accessible from all its pages. So, if everything is in order, then you can start. Let's start splitting contact information into atoms:


In the tag enter the keyword “Contacts” and the company name.</p> <p>Example of use: Golf Shop contacts</p> <h2>Description</h2> <p>The description meta tag must be specified for all pages of the site, including the contact page.</p> <h2>Keywords</h2> <h2>Heading</h2> <p>Between the H1 tags there should be something like “Contacts” or “Contact details”, or you can include the name of the company here so that the user understands what organization we are talking about.</p> <p>Case Study: Golf Shop - Contact Information</p> <h2>Name</h2> <p>Includes the legal form of doing business and the name of the organization</p> <p>For example: LLC "Luzhaika"</p> <h2>Address</h2> <p>We write down the company address in the following order: zip code, city, street, house, floor, office.</p> <p>If there is a metro station nearby, indicate the name of the station and travel time for pedestrians. Sometimes, to enter the office, you are required to take your passport with you, call the checkpoint, or perform another action - do not forget to mention this.</p> <p>Here you can place real photographs of the building in which the company is located.</p> <h2>Working hours</h2> <p>We indicate the company's work schedule by days and hours.</p> <p>Example of use: Daily from 9:00 to 21:00</p> <h2>Telephone</h2> <p>It is customary to write down the telephone number in international format</p> <p>Usage example: +7 (495) XXX-XX-XX</p> <p>If an online store has several services, for example: service department, support, accounting, administration, then it is necessary to list them. Next to the phone number, you can indicate the name of the manager, or even better, place his photo next to it. This approach allows you to visualize communication with store representatives.</p> <h2>Email</h2> <p>We indicate working <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/iz-kakogo-metalla-delayut-pochtovye-yashchiki-sozdaem-pochtovyi/">Mailbox</a>. It is highly desirable that the mail be made on the site domain.</p> <p>Example of use: mail@golfshop.ru</p> <p>Here you can indicate other methods of communication, if any. For example: skype, icq, social networks</p> <h2>Map</h2> <p>We add the driving directions not with a picture or animation, but using the Yandex.Maps service. It is not recommended to create a hand-drawn driving map, since the scale of the real distance is distorted.</p> <h2>Driving directions</h2> <p>If getting to your office is not so easy, add photos of turns and landmarks. Add to this a text description of the route. Perhaps there should be two route maps - both for motorists and for pedestrians. Very relevant for online stores, in particular for pick-up points/warehouses.</p> <h2>Requisites</h2> <p>An important point that everyone somehow forgets about is indicating the company details. TIN, checkpoint, etc.</p> <h2>Form</h2> <p>This could be an online application form or <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/kak-pozvonit-operatoru-mts-posle-22-00-svyaz-s-zhivym-operatorom-mts/">feedback</a>. It is important that it is simple and contains a minimum of fields to fill out. At this step, the main thing is not to scare off the visitor. First of all, this concerns captcha.</p> <h2>print version</h2> <p>Place the print button in a visible place. The print version should cut off all unnecessary information and contain at least the name, address, directions and phone numbers of the company.</p> <h2>Additional Information</h2> <p>QR code with travel information, coordinates for GPS navigator</p> <h2>Schema.org</h2> <p>Use markup when creating your contact information page. This is necessary so that search engines automatically recognize your address, phone number, opening hours, etc.</p> <h2>Google</h2> <p>An interesting fact is that contact information on a website does not affect ranking in search engines. <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/mobail-frendli-test-algoritm-mobile-friendly-poiskovoi-sistemy-google/">Google system</a>. The presence or absence of this information is not a ranking factor in Google organic results.</p> <p>According to John Mueller, the absence of contact information on a site certainly has a negative impact on the user experience, as it deprives the visitor of the opportunity to contact the site owner or webmaster.</p> <p>In addition, the contact information on the site can be useful if Google decides to contact you to make recommendations on how to improve the site. Of course, this happens very rarely. But if suddenly they pay attention to you, but cannot write to you because there is no contact information, it will be very disappointing.</p> <p>So purely for pragmatic reasons, it’s worth adding it to the site.</p> <p><i><b>From the author:</b> <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/zakazam-kak-sdelat-oformlenie-zakaza-oformlenie-zakaza-v-vashem-internet/">good page</a> Contact is very important to maintain relationships with your visitors. Whether we're talking about e-commerce, magazines, personal websites, online services - users usually look for a contact page as the first means of communicating with you. Strangely, many web designers neglect the humble contact page, even considering it one of the least <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/sergei-dolya-livejournal-sergei-dolya-vazhnye-aspekty-pravilnogo/">important aspects</a> website. Let's fix this.</i></p> <h3>The Importance of a Good Contact Page</h3> <p>The contact page is often overlooked. How many websites have you visited wanting to get in touch to complain about a product or service, or ask a question? And how often have you had to struggle with a contact form?</p> <p>A good contact page is beneficial to any type of business. She is able to increase customer satisfaction by helping solve their problems. It can also help improve your products and services by providing a clear avenue for valuable feedback.</p> <p>When it comes to direct user feedback, other channels may be limited. Television, radio, magazines, newspapers... they are all forms of one-way communication. Online communication should be a two-way street; dialogue between business and visitor. Both parties benefit from this, which is why a good contact page is so important.</p> <h3>Location</h3> <p>First step: where to place your contact information. There's no point in having the best contact page in the world if your visitors can't find it. You can help them if you adhere to some design traditions.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/themes/web4my/images/ads/premium/5.jpg' height="145" width="161" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Modern trends and approaches in web development</p> <p>Learn the algorithm for rapid growth from scratch in website building</p> <p>In general, contact information can be found in two places:</p> <p><b>Main navigation</b>– an ideal place to link to the contact page. Visitors typically look for the contact page on the right because it appears to be a secondary element. Therefore, you will simply see a link to the contact page as one of the last elements of the site's navigation.</p> <p>We can also look at the smaller sub-navigation in the top right corner of the screen. This is also a valuable position for a contact page. By the way, it is better to avoid placing the contact page in the drop-down menu, as it is easy to miss there.</p> <p><b>footer</b> is also a popular place for contact information. It may contain a link to a contact page:</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/1.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>...or the most important contact information:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/2.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>It's difficult to predict the flow of traffic to your contact page, so placing links in at least two of the mentioned places will give you good insurance.</p> <h3>The most important thing in the contact page</h3> <p>Now you have peace of mind that your visitors will be able to find their way to the contact page, it's time to think about the actual content. Let's start with the basics and consider the information that should be presented.</p> <p><b>Address <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/kak-zashchitit-rekvizity-na-karte-kak-otpravit-fail-po/">Email</a>/ contact form</b></p> <p>An email address is the easiest way to communicate online in business. Alternatively, you can use a contact form that sends an email. Using a form you get more control over the content (required fields) and this way you can prevent spam. We will talk about contact forms in this article below.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/3.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Address</b></p> <p>A business with a brick-and-mortar store should not forget to mention its address. If you have many stores, it is best to create an individual page for each one. Fill it out with specific contact information for that store, opening hours, directions, etc. Not only is this useful for visitors, but it can also help your site in local searches.</p> <p><b>Telephone</b></p> <p>Displaying a phone number creates a sense of trust. This is often seen as a sign of a real company, and really helps online retailers.</p> <p>Many websites have started adding social media buttons to their contact page. While this may not benefit all sites, it has added value for some visitors. Especially since more and more companies offer customer support via Twitter (sometimes even 24/7).</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/4.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Additionally</b></p> <p>Does not exist <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/problema-pri-izvlechenii-usb-ne-poyavlyaetsya-soobshchenie-o-vozmozhnosti-bezopasnogo/">universal solution</a> for a good contact page. Any website or business requires certain elements that may be unnecessary on other sites.</p> <p>There is a lot of additional information or properties that you will find useful on the contact page. For traditional stores <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/itak-pochemu-mobilnye-prilozheniya-1s-eto-horoshaya-ideya-vybiraem/">good idea</a>– mention, say, opening hours. Large companies could use a link to their Live Chat, and e-commerce sites could build trust with users by displaying their VAT number.</p> <h3>Convenient information</h3> <p>Ease of use of information will protect your visitors from disappointment with the contact page. <br>Instead of images, include your information as HTML text. <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/kak-izmenit-cvet-teksta-html-i-css-zadaem-cvet-teksta-atribut/">HTML text</a> can be copied and pasted, making it easier for the visitor to save your contact details.</p> <p>The email address must use the mailto link. This gives the visitor the opportunity to click on it and send a message without having to copy the shipping address and open <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/gde-hranit-pisma-pochtovyi-klient-the-bat-perenos-pochty-iz-the-bat-v-outlook/">mail client</a>. A problem with this technique, however, can be spambots that collect email addresses associated with the mailto: link. So you might decide to confuse them first by using a service like mailtoencoder.com.</p> <p>Side note: Phone numbers should also be clickable. Last year we posted a little tip on how to make a phone number click sensitive. Thanks to a small piece of code, smartphones recognize phone numbers and make it possible to call them. It's really convenient <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/mobilnyi-telefon-instrukciya-polzovatelya-kak-pravilno-ispolzovat-telefony/">mobile users</a>.</p> <p>Businesses that rely heavily on their brick-and-mortar stores often benefit greatly from an interactive map, allowing the user to quickly find their way to <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/top-200-aptechnyh-setei-marketmedia-izuchil-kakie-aptechnye-seti-rossii-voshli-v/">retail outlets</a>. Showing the store address is good, but adding <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/rtrs-rf-karta-pokrytiya-interaktivnaya-karta-cetv-chto-delat-esli-propali/">interactive map</a> better.</p> <p>Thanks to <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/kml-otkryt-delaem-svoyu-kartu-dlya-google-maps-kml-iz-xls-geodezicheskie/">Google Maps</a> paste this <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/useful-properties-of-apple-cider-vinegar-apple-vinegar/">useful property</a> as easy as pie. Simply enter your address into Google Maps and click on the link icon in the sidebar. There is an embed code for you there.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/5.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Did you know that you can adapt the map to suit you? You can edit map colors, add custom map markers, and create a legend. You can read more about this at developers.google.com. You might also consider using alternative services, such as the rather attractive Mapbox.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/6.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>Don't forget about search engine optimization</h3> <p>As a visitor, you will instantly recognize the address on the contact page. Search engines, however, need a little help recognizing different elements.</p> <p>That's all regarding the company address. However, microdata can also be used to <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/velkom-na-kakie-cifry-nachinaetsya-kody-mts-belarus-c-kakih-cifr/">telephone numbers</a> and email addresses:</p> <table class="crayon-table"><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show"> </td> <td class="crayon-code"><p>Tel: & & lt; span itemprop =& amp ; & quot ; telephone & & & amp; gt ; 850 - 648 - 4200 & amp; lt ; / span & amp ; gt ;</p><p>Email: & & lt; a href =& & mailto: info@finedesign. com & & itemprop =& amp ; & email & amp; & & gt ; info@finedesign. com & amp; lt ; /a& amp ; gt ;</p> </td> </tr></table><p>Thanks to this markup, search engines know that this is the address, phone number and email of the Fine Design company. This <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/kak-skryt-znachki-v-menyu-telefona-soni-prilozheniya-kotorye-pomogut-skryt/">hidden information</a>– visitors cannot see it – but it is very useful for search engines.</p> <h3>Contact forms</h3> <p>Most websites use a contact form on their page. However, some forms are unnecessarily complicated and user-unfriendly.</p> <p>No matter how simple a contact form may seem, it is actually a combination of several components. They all need to work together to ensure the best possible user experience.</p> <p><b>Input fields</b></p> <p>Input fields, such as text fields, option buttons (radio buttons), checkboxes, etc., allow the user to enter the necessary information.</p> <p>Website visitors are more likely to fill out short forms because they require less effort. The number of input fields is a balancing act between user experience and business needs. Hubspot analyzed over 40,000 forms and looked at the effect of increasing the number of input fields. Their research suggests that you should use as few form fields as possible and be especially careful with complex text areas and drop-down lists.</p> <p>Help your visitors fill out the fields with the correct format. Telephone numbers and dates can be a pitfall, especially for international visitors. The HTML5 placeholder attribute will help you.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/7.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Next, make sure to select the required fields (they are traditionally marked with an asterisk *). It is safest to clearly indicate the required and optional fields. <br>Finally, it's useful to highlight the active field. It can be indicated barely or very brightly - as you wish.</p> <p>Below is an example of a contact form from Jim Nielsen's tutorial. It uses a red star for required fields, gives advice on formats, and highlights the active field.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/8.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Form Validation</b></p> <p>Internal validation can also prevent some contact form diseases. Having to submit and resubmit a form because you entered incorrect data or data in the wrong format is very annoying. As mentioned here, it is best to assist visitors by showing the required format (eg date, phone number...).</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/9.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Buttons</b></p> <p>There is no contact form without a submit button. It should be at the very end. For button text, use “send message” instead of “submit” to remind customers what they are doing. <br>The usual standard from last year is to include a "reset" or "clear form" button. Do not do that. It will be accidentally clicked. There's nothing worse than typing out a thoughtful, detailed message and having it lost because of the reset button.</p> <p><b>Response</b></p> <p>The visitor entered his contact information, wrote a message and clicked the “send” button. Now what? Did the message arrive or not?</p> <p>Reassure your visitors that the message was sent successfully by displaying a corresponding message. A confirmation email is also a good idea.</p> <p>The same advice applies to mistakes. Showing an error when a message fails to be sent is a necessity that can prevent many future disputes. The error message should be friendly, so avoid showing alarming error codes.</p> <h3>Contact page design</h3> <p>Many technical requirements apply to the design of a contact page, but let’s not forget one of <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/kak-nastroit-pod-sebya-velosiped-vazhnye-momenty-po-nastroike-velosipeda/">the most important moments</a>: visual styles.</p> <p>If you use a contact form, make the fields large, friendly, and inviting to fill out. White space and padding will serve you well. <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/chto-takoe-cat-sredstva-cat-instrumenty-novye-tehnologii-na-sluzhbe-perevodchika/">good service</a>.</p> <p>Website visitors follow an F-shaped pattern when viewing a web page, so keep this in mind when creating your markup. For contact forms, it is best to arrange all the fields vertically instead of placing them next to each other. This reduces the number of necessary eye movements of the visitor when filling out the form.</p> <p>The contact page should be consistent with the visual features of the site. Consistency is the key to excellence. For example, look at this contact page designed to look like a postcard.</p> <p>And, as with most web design related tasks; creativity pays off big time. Neil Patel created his contact page as an infographic, tripling the number of contact requests.</p> <h3>Examples of contact forms</h3> <p>Speaking of good contact forms, let's look at these examples for inspiration (click on the image to visit the corresponding site):</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/10.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/11.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/12.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/13.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/webformyself.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/39/14.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>Conclusion</h3> <p>Before you design your contact page, make sure your visitors can find it. Link to it from your main navigation or footer. Remember that most people look for contact information on the right side of the screen.</p> <p>Consider what information you need to include. The ability to send a message via email or contact form is essential. An address and telephone number may also be helpful. <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/bezlim-za-granicu-vodafon-vodafon-bezlimit-za-granicu-dopolnitelnaya/">Additional Information</a>, such as links to profiles in <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/kogda-poyavilas-soc-set-pervye-socialnye-seti-pochemu-socialnye/">in social networks</a> and opening hours for some types of business are also needed.</p> <p>Interactivity is important. Apply the mailto attribute for email addresses and the tel: attribute for phone numbers (very useful for visitors with <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/originalnyi-xiaomi-mi4-m4-xiaomi-mi4i-kratkii-obzor-smartfona-i/">mobile devices</a>). You can insert an interactive map such as Google Maps, but consider the performance implications.</p> <p>Contact form usability can make or break a contact page. Ask for only the most necessary information. You can avoid headaches by showing the correct format of input fields and using internal validation. Don't forget to display the successful submission of messages when submitting the form.</p> <p>On the portal CHESTBUSINESS in company cards, in the block “ <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/kak-primenyat-spravochnik-vidy-kontaktnoi-informacii-kak/">Contact Information</a>» presents official telephone numbers of organizations and other contact information (location address of the organization, e-mail)</p> <p>The source of obtaining the company’s contact information is indicated immediately after the telephone number, location address, email of the PJSC (OJSC), JSC (CJSC), etc.</p> <p>Attention: the functionality for obtaining company contact information (telephone numbers) is available only to registered Users. Registration on the portal is free.</p> <br><p>On the CHESTNYBUSINESS portal, you can obtain free contact information (contact telephone number, location address, e-mail) of the company you are interested in. <br></p><p>To obtain the contacts (telephone number) of the organization, in the Counterparty card, you must click on the “Contact Information” line. <br></p><p>To find the company you need, use the search bar:</p> <p><b>Draw your attention to:</b><br>You can obtain company contact information from official sources for free. The CHESTNYBUSINESS portal publishes official telephone numbers and location addresses of LLC, PJSC (OJSC), JSC (CJSC). The telephone database of Russian enterprises and other contact information is presented. *</p> <p>Contacts of companies can be used by the User only in compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation: <br>. to contact the company; <br>. to create a customer database; <br>. for the formation of free reference books.</p> <p><i>We wish you a fruitful <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/50-programm-dlya-mac-os-poleznye-programmy-dlya-komfortnoi-raboty-v-mac-os/">comfortable work</a> on the portal using contact details of Russian companies! Your HONEST BUSINESS.RF.</i></p> <p>* The CHESTBUSINESS portal is not responsible for the accuracy of contact information of companies presented in official sources. The source of the data is indicated directly after the telephone numbers of the organizations.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class='yarpp-related'><div class="yarpp-related-title">Similar articles</div><div class="yarpp-thumbnails-horizontal"> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='https://jeraff.ru/en/sborka-pechatnyh-plat-v-kitae-zakaz-pechatnyh-plat-v-kitae-tehnologicheskie-osobennosti-processa/' title='Ordering printed circuit boards in China'> <img width="120" height="120" src="/uploads/5e850a8dd953e25010ce5defb8bd46fe.jpg" class="attachment-yarpp-thumbnail size-yarpp-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Ordering printed circuit boards in China" / loading=lazy loading=lazy><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">Ordering printed circuit boards in China</span></a> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='https://jeraff.ru/en/delaem-sami-usb-scsi-perehodnik-vneshnii-nakopitel-svoimi-rukami-usb/' title='DIY external drive'> <img width="120" height="120" src="/uploads/b9ea716bacbca438ea861ac3bbd812b0.jpg" class="attachment-yarpp-thumbnail size-yarpp-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="DIY external drive" / loading=lazy loading=lazy><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">DIY external drive</span></a> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='https://jeraff.ru/en/kak-sozdat-bat-fail-sozdanie-bat-failov-napisat-bat-fail-dlya-zapuska-programmy/' title='Creating BAT files Write a bat file to run the program'> <img width="120" height="120" src="/uploads/35ab38188494e8b376e081e57fc2a6ff.jpg" class="attachment-yarpp-thumbnail size-yarpp-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Creating BAT files Write a bat file to run the program" / loading=lazy loading=lazy><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">Creating BAT files Write a bat file to run the program</span></a> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='https://jeraff.ru/en/yungianskii-orakul-psihologiya-i-gadaniya-v-odnom-prilozhenii-vvedenie-arhetipy/' title='Introduction Archetypes of Jung's theory of psychoanalysis'> <img width="120" height="120" src="/uploads/5076ef280b301108bd154fd087a8276e.jpg" class="attachment-yarpp-thumbnail size-yarpp-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Introduction Archetypes of Jung's theory of psychoanalysis" / loading=lazy loading=lazy><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">Introduction Archetypes of Jung's theory of psychoanalysis</span></a> </div></div> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="categories-menu"> <ul> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/category/food/" >Nutrition</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/category/household-appliances/" >Appliances</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/category/multimedia/" >Multimedia</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/category/measurements/" >Measurements</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/category/office-equipment/" >Office equipment</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/category/audio-engineering/" >Audio equipment</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/category/repair-of-electronic-equipment/" >REA repair</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/category/schemes-and-repairs/" >Schemes and repairs</a></div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="sidebar-ad2" style="text-align:center;"> </div> </div> </div><a href="#" class="back-to-top"><i class="back-to-top-icon"></i></a> <div id="footer"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="copyright"> <p>© 2024 jeraff.ru.</p> <p>Technology reviews, smartphones and cryptocurrency</p> </div> <div class="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="" >About the site</a></li> <li><a href="https://jeraff.ru/en/feedback/" >Contacts</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <link rel='stylesheet' id='fvm-footer-0-css' href='//jeraff.ru/wp-content/uploads/fvm/cache/footer-b7b91b94-1515032323.min.css' type='text/css' media='all' /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//jeraff.ru/wp-content/uploads/fvm/cache/footer-e76513d9-1515032323.min.js" defer></script> </body></html>