What is icq in registration. What is an ICQ number? Number and other settings

If you need to create an ICQ number, and you don’t know how to do it correctly, then after reading this article, you will get a choice of three methods (one of which is this moment is inactive, but may become available in the near future) with which you can perform this simple procedure.

Firstly, a small disclaimer - if you are offered to pay for registration in ICQ, you can safely turn around and leave. You can get an ICQ number completely free of charge, so everyone who is trying to make money from this is an ordinary scammer.

There are only three main places on the Internet where you can quickly register.

You can easily create a new ICQ number on the official website www.icq.com.

Another place where you can get an ICQ number -

If you have downloaded ICQ client, then you can register directly in it; this option is also available to users.

Now let’s move on directly to the procedure itself for each of the options mentioned.

The first on the list is registration on the official website. There are no particular difficulties expected here, but make sure that you have the display of pictures turned on, otherwise nothing will work.

By visiting the website at icq.com/register, you will immediately be taken to the registration page, several fields will appear in front of you, those marked with an asterisk are required.

1. Nickname, filled in with a nickname or nickname. It will be shown to everyone who adds you to their contact list.

2. First/Last Name - the field in which you must enter your First and Last Name. You can enter real or fictitious data, no one will check them.

3. Email - your existing address, all information related to your new account will be sent to it. And also from it you will need to confirm that new number ICQ was created by you.

4. Gender, optional field, if you want to indicate your gender, please indicate. If you don't want to, leave it blank.

5. Age - age of the person registering. Here you can give free space to your imagination, or specify the dry ones as you like. Again, no one will check.

6. Password - Password. I advise you to come up with a password more complex than “12345678” or the boring “qwerty”. Options like "fqcbr.123" will be much more reliable.

7. Secret question/answer. Select a question and indicate the answer. If for some reason you lose your password, use security questions and answers it will be possible to restore it.

8. Now you need to enter the number displayed in the picture - this measure was introduced to exclude registration in automatic mode without human presence.

Now that all the fields are filled in, check each one carefully, then click the Submit button. In case of any errors, go back and correct them; if on the next page you see your new number (UIN), it means that you entered everything correctly, the registration was completed successfully, for which we congratulate you.

The second method - registering on the website rambler.ru - will allow you to get an ICQ number a little easier than on the official website. Everything here is in Russian, there are tips for not very experienced users, but there are also inconveniences. So, for example, email can only be used from the mailer of the same name. But by registering with Rambler, you can simultaneously register and ICQ number. Just follow the instructions on the registration page, and you shouldn't have any problems filling out the form.

And now we have reached the last - the third method of registration. Registration via ICQ client. Unfortunately, this method is currently disabled for reasons that are not entirely clear. So it is not possible to get an ICQ number by registering from a client. But there is hope that soon these restrictions will be lifted and, as before, you will be able to receive an ICQ number by downloading the client program of this popular messenger to your computer.

Communication on the Internet has long been in demand. Such actions are carried out using special programs. The first utility that pleasantly surprised users all over the world was ICQ. This service provides virtual communication. The program copes equally well with all the functions assigned to it.

ICQ is a program that allows users to correspond and call each other. These functions are performed through an Internet connection. The application is ideal for communicating with a large number of users at the same time. The software allows you to create chats.

The utility is used to communicate with relatives, and you can also negotiate. The service is designed for high-quality online communication. ICQ is distributed completely free of charge. The application is undemanding of system resources.

Communication with ICQ

The utility protects conversations and controls privacy. The service works in real time. The ICQ application does not use third-party servers during its operation. After registering for the program, users can add new friends. If necessary, some of them can be moved to the blacklist. It is very convenient that users can send any files. Security from spam and bots is guaranteed.

The concept of number and account in ICQ

Users of the program are assigned an individual number. It is unique for everyone. If this secret information is shared with other users or lost, then recovery is an impossible procedure. So you shouldn’t be careless about your password.

Users need to come up with the most complex options passwords when registering in ICQ. It must contain at least 6 characters. It is especially important to create complex passwords if multiple users are using the device. In this case, it is better not to use the automatic data storage function.

If found in your contact list unfamiliar numbers without the user's knowledge, then it is worth deleting them. You also cannot open links sent by unknown users. These could be viruses or any malicious software. It's best to avoid using personal number on other people's computers.

Now let's look at the concept of an account. All users have
own Accounts, which contains the following data:
user status; email;
main photo; a little information about the program user;
available contacts.

Extensive service functionality

Users can share text messages. This is done through an Internet connection. So exchanging text messages and other files via chat is very easy.
Users need to enter text and then send it to a friend. Among the advantages of ICQ chat: message transmission speed, significant traffic savings. You can use any emoticons in correspondence.

Another feature of this program is the possibility of correspondence using social network In contact with. Designed for this special application, thanks to which users will be able to send messages to ICQ. So all you need to do is install the software, enter your ICQ login and password into it, and then communicate with your friends from VKontakte.

It is also important to note that this program is updated automatically. Users don't need to find updates because when they sign out new version A corresponding notification will immediately appear on the screen. Therefore, the user can accept or reject the offer.

1. What is ICQ (ICQ)? ICQ, or more simply ICQ, is one of the means for communication in world wide web . This communication is carried out using instant messaging. This communication occurs through special program , which is called icq client. This software exists for different devices , so you can find ICQ for a computer, PDA, mobile phone

  • . To use it, you must first install it on your device.
  • 2. What is UIN?
  • UIN, which stands for User Identification Number, translated means an individual icq user number.
3. How to get an ICQ number You can get an icq number in several ways. But the easiest and safest way to do this is in three ways. The first is registration directly on the official website icq.com. The second is registration on the rambler.ru server; all users who register on the service are assigned an icq number. The third is registration directly from the client itself (programs for using icq), each client has a form for obtaining a number, all that is needed is the program itself and a valid connection to the Internet. You should pay your attention to Bayan ICQ and QIP PDA. 6. Which icq client is better? ICQ client 6.5 and higher is suitable, provided that the user does not hate advertising. For those whose machine is not very powerful, it is better to choose QIP 2005, but for those who want to communicate not only using the icq protocol, but also others, the multi-protocol clients QIP Infium and QIP 2010 are more suitable. But all this is very individual, and before that How to make the final choice, it is advisable to test at least three different clients yourself. When installing the program, you are asked to select an operating mode. At All the clients listed in the previous paragraph are worthy of being used. They operate relatively stably and meet the latest safety requirements. Holders of powerful and modern computers private mode work, all correspondence is saved, as well as the password. In this mode, you can enter the program as a guest, then the password and correspondence are not saved, but it is possible to manually save correspondence. Session activity is unlimited and ends either by manually exiting the program or by restricting access to the Internet.

15. What is public mode?

In public mode, correspondence and password are not saved. The session ends after 15 minutes of inactivity. To resume work again, you must log into the program again.

16. How to change the operating mode? The ICQ protocol (which is named so not by chance - from the English I seek you - I'm looking for you) appeared a very long time ago. So long ago that many modern netizens did not even know about the existence open access in Internet. But the messenger was already gaining momentum in popularity. They predicted oblivion and closure for him, as someone who has nothing to do in the modern world. However, everything happened completely differently. The popularity remains, and what a popularity it is! And why? All because of the three main advantages of the program -.

Judge for yourself: to use other programs you may need additional devices (for example, for Skype - a camera and microphone), for others - good resources computer. What is needed in order to? Nothing at all: a minimum of hard drive space and a list of contacts with whom you can communicate.

No special setup procedure, no additional gadgets. In ICQ, everything is simple - you do your business, visit different sites (read) and at the same time correspond with a dozen or more contacts. After it passes ICQ registration, you will have your own user's own number, under which other users can identify you. But let's consider everything in order.

How to install ICQ on a computer

Of course, first of all you need to download the program from the official website icq.com .

You can also use third-party resources, but there will be no guarantee of the security of the downloaded program. happens as follows:

Installation on Android

Of course, many users, due to the compactness of the program and its undemanding system capabilities, want to install ICQ for Android. How to install ICQ on Android? This is done even easier than on a computer:

By and large, there is no difference in the program settings for both computers and mobile devices. Everywhere you need to enter your data, come up with a password, and get a user number. Therefore, let's combine the ICQ settings into one whole.

How to get a number and start using ICQ?

After the program is installed on the media, you need to register in it. ICQ is one of the simplest clients, so registration is carried out in several steps.

On home page When the application opens, you need to select the button "Register". A registration window will appear in front of you, in which you need to fill out all the fields provided. You need to enter the bare minimum of data - last name, first name, gender, date of birth, address email box and password.

In this case, you need to remember one important nuance: the password must contain at least 6 characters, and they cannot be repeated more than three times (in other words, the password 122221 and the like will not work - read). After you have registered, you need to go to the specified Mailbox in order to verify your page. Find the letter, click on the link and follow it.

To find out your ICQ number, which was automatically assigned to you by the system, you just need to click on the “Menu” button in the window that opens (bottom right) and select the “My profile” item.

As a result, you will be taken to your account on the ICQ website, where your nine-digit ICQ number will appear in the upper right corner.

ICQ setup

So, you have opened ICQ and can already use its capabilities. But first you need to import contacts or, in other words, add other contacts to your friends list. In the search, you can clarify who exactly you are looking for - indicate gender, age or country of residence.

Of course, it will be much easier if you know the user number. By the way, regarding the number. Many people wonder what is an ICQ number? This is your online identifier, thanks to which you can log into the program or find you in the system.

This is a kind of id address, like in any social network. How to recognize it was written just above. And it is advisable to save your own number somewhere on your computer or mobile device. Now you remember it, but a couple of days will pass and you will have to go through the registration procedure again.

By clicking on the “Menu” button and selecting “My Profile”, you can set a picture for your account. You can take a photo from your webcam or simply upload an image from any device. If this is not possible, ICQ can offer you many animated avatars.

There are a huge number of different settings (you can get to them by clicking the “Menu” button at the bottom and selecting "Settings", but let's focus only on the most important. The “File Transfer” item provides for setting the default directory for saving downloaded resources. Just change it to the one that is most convenient for your use.

And finally, it remains to consider the case when the password for your account is lost. How it happens in ICQ password recovery? Fortunately, you can recover your password very quickly. Click on the “Forgot your password” button (located directly below the line for entering the password), after which you need to indicate your web ICQ number or the phone number you used to register.

There is another option: go to the official ICQ website and select the item in the “Support” section. You will be prompted to enter the same data. Afterwards, you can go to your e-mail and find a letter that will contain a link to change your password.

In this way you can recover your password for accessing ICQ. By the way, . Therefore, let us remind you once again: save it and try not to lose it.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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We'll talk about what is ICQ, or as people also say “ICQ”, since its pronunciation sounds like “ay-si-q”. It is also an Internet pager.

ICQ is one of the largest networks through which millions of people can exchange instant messages on the Internet. ICQ stands for I seek You, which translated from English means “I’m looking for you.” IN given time ICQ is owned by the Russian investment fund Mail.ru Group.

Now that you already understand, what is ICQ, let's look at all the possible points.

ICQ is a centralized instant messaging service that uses the OSCAR protocol. The service user corresponds using a client program whose work includes an Internet connection. The program connects via the Internet to a server through which searches and communication with other users are carried out. Messages can be exchanged with or without the participation of the server itself. As in other major network systems, which serve a large number of client requests, this server not the only one and some are server clusters.
The first version of the ICQ 0.5 program was released in November 1996 and became one of the very first Internet chats.

ICQ was developed by four young programmers from Israel in Tel Aviv: Sefi Vigiser, Arik Vardi, Yair Goldfinger and Amnon Amir. They created their own company and called it Mirabilis (translated from Latin as wonderful, amazing).

The service is commercial, but you can use it for free. Manages the ICQ Inc. service. At the time of creation, the service belonged to its creator, that is, the Mirabilis company. After some time (1998), it was sold to the American company AOL, after which in April 2010 it was taken over by the Russian investment fund Digital Sky Technologies (DST). After the reorganization of DST (September 2010), ICQ joined Mail.Ru Group. In addition to ensuring the server is operational, ICQ Inc. develops various client programs and maintains an additional website.

Since its inception, ICQ has released many clients and has undergone many changes. In December 2011, the total monthly audience of ICQ was calculated. In Russia – 15.7 million, and around the world – 27 million. Most websites of organizations, enterprises, and companies use their ASEC numbers (UIN) as communications. ICQ is also used as a fast technical support.


In order to use ICQ you need to create an account, i.e. account. possible, both using the client program and on the official website. Instead of a client identifier, the service uses the so-called UIN, which stands for Universal Identification Number, which is translated from English as Universal Identification Number. UIN is a number that consists of 5-9 Arabic digits and is unique for each account. This number is created when registering in the system, after which you can log in using UIN and password. IN latest version for mobile phones that support J2ME, they made it possible to log in using a mobile phone number, which automatically becomes the UIN for the new account.

Autumn 2011. ICQ has been updated and an important change has been made: from now on it supports multiple connections using only one account.

For each account, the system stores the following data:

Nickname (login) - the name that is displayed in the system, i.e. fictitious pseudonym. The difference from UIN is that it can be changed to a new one, and which may not be unique, that is, different accounts may have the same nickname;

Email – address email, with which you can restore access to your account if you lose your password, and can also be used to log in instead of a difficult-to-remember number;

Information available to everyone, which is entered by the user himself. It may include your first name, last name, what you are interested in, where you live, knowledge of languages, your text description, etc.;

One avatar that can be in BMP formats, JPEG or GIF;

The list of your contacts is a list of UIN numbers of other users (interlocutors) with whom you can quickly contact and see their presence status in the contacts window. This list is compiled by the user himself;

Presence status;

There is also an additional information status that the user enters.

The correspondence history will not be saved on the servers. It is accessible through the program interface and can be viewed locally only through the program installed on the user’s device.

You can call up the history of messages with your interlocutor and add him to your contact list only by knowing his number. To search for other UIN numbers, an internal search function is built into the client interface, with which you can get a list of users according to the information entered in the search: match by name, email address, UIN number, gender, age, country and presence status.

You cannot remove your UIN number from the system. This possibility existed until 2002.

Presence status

Each account has a presence status, which indicates whether the user is connected to the network and whether he is ready to respond to messages at that moment. The user's status is also shown in the chat window and in the contact list. The main status of the user is a green flower icon, which serves as an indicator of his presence near the device and whether he is ready to respond to messages. There are a number of basic statuses.

When a user is not in the system, that is, not authorized, he automatically receives the “Offline” status, that is, offline, in the form of a red flower.

There are also other intermediate statuses.

The “Away” status means that the user has not been active for 5 minutes (did not control the mouse or press any keys on the keyboard). The status becomes automatic or manual. This gives a signal that the user was not at the computer. Has an icon -

“Busy” status – indicates that the user switched to the “Away” status and from that time on he continued to be in an inactive state. Just like the “Away” status, this status can be set either automatically or manually. The status gives a signal that the user has been away from the device for a long time. Has an icon -

You can also disable automatic transition to these statuses “Away” and “Busy” in the program settings.

Previously, there were also “Free to talk” and “Do not disturb” statuses. Starting with ICQ4 they were removed, but you can see them among other users who use versions of ICQ 2003b and lower, as well as among the majority alternative programs. With the release of the 6th version of ICQ, they returned the ability to set the “Busy” status, but removed the “Free to talk” status. Also in the 6th version, the “Do not disturb” and “Busy” statuses are perceived the same, that is, only “Busy”.

In addition to these statuses, the user can set a special mode for the account, the invisible mode – “Invisible”. Icon – In this mode, other users will see the presence status as “offline”, and only users whose accounts have been added to the user’s visibility list can be notified of its activity and see its real status.

There are also extended statuses. There are many more of them than the main statuses.

These statuses show what you are currently doing and where you are. Examples. I want to communicate - At work - I write - I play - On the Internet at home And others.

Additional information status

With the advent of ICQ 5, a small addition was made to the ICQ protocol, which allowed users to have two statuses at the same time - main and additional. Users were able to write in the “What’s new?” box. your text statuses. In this case, this status is displayed in the contact list and in the chat window.

Contact list

After successfully connecting to your account, the client program downloads the user’s contact list from the server. Contacts in the list can be divided into groups and names (their number can be changed by the user).

When adding a contact, authorization is required, that is, you can see his presence status and you can send files. For such contacts, an authorization request is made. After which a request comes to the user who wants to add an account in the form of a system message. The authorization request can be answered with consent or refusal, and if desired, you can add a text message to your decision.

You can add a maximum of 1000 contacts.

Private lists

In order to provide ourselves with the necessary level of confidentiality, ICQ has included several lists that perform the necessary functions. The lists are managed by the user himself, who can enter the necessary accounts without their notification.

There are 3 lists in total:

The list of ignored ones - from those who find themselves in this list no messages are received, they are not shown presence status other than “Offline”. When a contact is added to this list, the user's UIN is automatically removed from the contact list; when removed from this list, it is automatically added. If the contact is not authorized, you will have to make a request again.

Seeing list – those on this list will always see your real status, even if you turn on the invisibility mode.

List of blind people - those who are on this list will always show the status “Offline”.

Also limited in these lists maximum amount contacts.

Message exchange

Personal correspondence can be carried out with each of the contacts. If you do not disable the option, the interlocutor will receive information that I am entering a message. The number of characters in a message is also limited.

If at the time of writing the message the interlocutor is not online, the message will be saved by the service and will be delivered as soon as he connects to the network

ICQ has a built-in ability to format sent messages, that is, select the font, font size, change the font color, you can enable the function of writing in italics, bold and underlined, write text from left to right and vice versa from right to left. Also insert emoticons and special Zlango icons and messages into messages.

Sending files

ICQ also has a built-in file transfer feature that works using Peer-to-peer technology, that is, transfer is carried out when two computers are connected without the participation of a server. You can transfer files only when the recipient's presence status is “Online”. This method transmission can be dangerous, since the sender finds out the recipient's IP address (and vice versa) and can send a file containing viruses. With the advent of ICQ 5, they introduced the ability to send files through the server itself. This will be needed if the ICQ client determines that a P2P connection cannot be established.


ICQ is limited by compatibility with a similar AIM service. AIM users have the option to add ICQ users to their contact list, and vice versa.

Autumn, 2011. ICQ included compatibility with the equally popular instant messaging service in Russia, Mail.Ru Agent.

Since its inception, ICQ has been developed and presented to users by the founders free program client. Currently it is presented in two versions ICQ Lite and ICQ 7M. The program contains banner advertising. Look source client is not allowed.

The ICQ program was founded by Mirabilis. It was given the name ICQ, and all other office clients (except Compad) were named the same.

The name of official clients always began with “ICQ” (with the exception of the failed Compad project). Later clients included additional features: sending SMS, video call, IP telephony, multichat, games and much more

In addition, localized clients have been created and are supported by local IT companies. These clients in most cases have a difference from the base name, where the name of the corresponding company is entered. The company presents relevant for strange banner advertisements, which will allow you to associate service accounts with your services (for example, mail).

Terms of Use

The conversation via ICQ is not personal, i.e. confidential, even if there are two active interlocutors. As stated in the terms of use of the service, the rights to all information transmitted with the participation of the service are transferred to AOL Inc., this list also includes the rights to publish and distribute at its own discretion. Using the service means accepting these terms.

If you have accepted the rules, then you, as a user, transfer to ICQ Inc. your copyrights to information that was published using the ICQ service.

You agree that by transferring any document, file or information within ICQ Services you give copyright and property rights to the added information. In the future, you agree that ICQ Inc. the right to use this information in any form and for any purpose is granted, without being limited to the publication and distribution of this material.


ICQ is also used to send advertising and spam. By registering a new account, the user receives a UIN number, which is a random number from a certain range (previously the numbers were received in ascending order). This greatly facilitates the work of compiling a list of numbers of existing addresses for spam and reduces it to a simple search of a certain range. For most clients, plugins have been created that block messages from bots, i.e. robots. Plugins that ask questions that require a meaningful answer. This is designed to prevent automatically sent messages from reaching the interlocutor.

We have come up with several methods for stealing short and beautiful (easy to remember) UIN numbers using some crackers that search for passwords. Another method is hijacking by a Trojan virus with the goal of future resale of the number or extorting money from the previous owner of the UIN. Once upon a time (1996-1997) they created accounts with six-digit numbers, but now you can only register eight or nine-digit ICQ numbers. Currently, six-digit and other numbers can be purchased in online stores, with prices ranging from 5 to a couple thousand dollars, depending on the number.

A little history

1996 Four high school students from Israel (Tel Aviv), namely Amnon Amir, Yair Goldfinger, Sefi Vigiser and Arik Vardi, created an Internet pager and called it ICQ. Then they created their own company, Mirabilis.

Unlike similar ones, the client program was distributed for free.

The number of users increased very quickly. Mirabilis offered IM not only to private users, but also to corporate clients.
1988 The company was purchased by the American corporation AOL for approximately $407 million and became part of Time Warner's ICQ, Incorporated division.

Microsoft tried to lure ICQ users.

First I tried to create an IM protocol that would be more attractive than ICQ

I tried to buy out the company, but the answer was negative.

Attempts were made to make the protocols compatible (this would allow ICQ users to correspond with Windows users Messenger). But it was not possible to do this, since the owner of ICQ specified different protocols each time.

As a result, Microsoft decided to abandon its idea.

April 2010 The DST Investment Fund (co-owner Alisher Usmanov) entered into an agreement with AOL to purchase the ICQ Internet pager. As a result, this transaction cost about 187.5 million US dollars.

September 2010 Digital Sky Technologies reorganized and ICQ became part of the Mail.Ru Group.

Burglar attacks

August, 16 (2010). The attackers, using a bot that can communicate, began sending out a document containing a virus, the purpose of which is to change the password for the UIN number and distribute the same virus throughout the contact list.


There were cases when the media reported about server failures. As a result, the service became unavailable for some time.

The logo and symbol of ICQ is a flower.

ICQ and its logo are one of the well-known, popular and recognizable brands. The logo is a stylized drawing of a daisy flower with a yellow disk in the middle and eight petals. Seven petals are green and one is red.

This picture is used both in the service logo and in the program itself for the visual process of connecting a client to the server, as well as as a presence status icon.

In Russia, any ICQ client is assigned the slang name ICQ. The name is a common noun, and, naturally, it is written with a small letter. Depending on the context, this word means, for example, the same account - “ ”, or UIN - “six-digit asya”.

Currently, July 29, 12, ICQ is prohibited for use in China, but users have the opportunity to use Chinese equivalent-QQ


According to the data provided by Mail.ru Group, the monthly ICQ audience around the world from December (2009) to December (2010) decreased by 35% (17.6 million people) and amounted to 33.5 million people. In Russia, by December 2010, the audience amounted to 16.4 million people (decreased by 9% over the year). Mail.ru Group believes that such a sharp drop is due to the intensification of the fight against spam bots, but other representatives of the IT industry do not agree with this. This is also due to the fact that more and more Internet audiences prefer to use social networks for communication.