How to protect details on the card. How to send a file by email Sending details

Requisites bank card- this is classified information. If it falls into the wrong hands, you could lose money.

In Russia, 68% of fraudulent transactions are carried out using bank details (Central Bank report for 2014). This is the most common way to steal money from a card. The fraudster only needs the numbers that are written directly on the card - and he can already rob you.


What are the details?

Details are everything that is written on the card: a 16-digit number (sometimes 18), the owner’s first and last name, expiration date and a three-digit security code on the back. For convenience, we will include among the details the SMS code that the bank sends you when you pay online or transfer money.

According to the rules of payment systems, details cannot be disclosed to outsiders. If the bank finds out that your details have fallen into the wrong hands, it will immediately block the card. However, it is still possible to report something. In short, things go like this:

16 digit number


First and last name
Can be forwarded, dictated to friends and acquaintances

Security code on the back
Do not tell or forward to anyone

Code from SMS
Do not inform anyone under any circumstances

Card number of 16 digits. You can forward or dictate to friends and acquaintances.
First and last name in Latin. That's possible too.
Validity. Do not tell or forward to anyone.

Three-digit security code. Do not tell or forward to anyone

Code from SMS. Do not inform anyone under any circumstances.

What can you do if you know your card details?

Using your card details, you can pay online or make a card-to-card transfer. The person who knows your details has full access to money.

What details does a thief need to steal my money?

Usually the card number, expiration date, security code and code from SMS. But there are stores that conduct transactions with fewer details.

The more details a fraudster knows, the more opportunities he has to steal money.

What can a fraudster who has captured your details do?

Card number

Card number
First and last name

Almost nothing

Card number
First and last name

Pay on some sites

Card number
First and last name
Security code

Book a hotel or car, link your card to Google Play, pay on Litres

Card number
First and last name
Security code
Code from SMS

Pay anywhere on the Internet, make any payment or transfer

What happens if I tell someone my card number and owner's name?

If someone has your card number, they won't be able to steal your money. But he can use this knowledge for phishing: pretend to be a bank and extract other information from you.

The card number and owner's name should be protected in the same way as you protect your passport data.

The scammer only needs your card number, expiration date and your name to steal your money.

In life

I forgot my card in a cafe and came back for it 15 minutes later. Should it be reissued?

Better to re-release. If you are unlucky, the waiter will write down the details in a notepad or simply take a photo of the card. He won’t spend all the money, but just quietly buy something on the Internet in a month or two.

If you do not have an SMS bank connected, you may not even notice that money is missing from your card. And if the client did not sound the alarm, then the bank will not notice anything. You will never know that the money was stolen.

The waiter took the card away to make payment at the checkout. This is bad?

Yes. For a whole minute he can do whatever he wants with your card. If you are completely unlucky, the waiter will also turn out to be a skimmer: he will pass the card through a special reader, then sell the data to Thailand through an anonymous forum. The guys there cash out a lot at once.

To prevent this from happening, ask the waiter to bring the terminal. Now in all decent establishments the terminal is brought to the table. But if this is not possible, go to the checkout with the waiter.

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The hotel employee wants me to send a scan of my card by email. Is this even legal?

Oddly enough, this is a common practice.

When you book a room, the hotel may put a hold on the money in advance to check your creditworthiness. But not all hotels can accept payments via the Internet. Therefore, the employee may ask you to send full card details via e-mail or dictate them over the phone.

Then he will enter the details by hand into a regular payment terminal. The money on your card will be blocked. They are usually returned back to the card within a month.

There is still a risk. Typically, hotels pay close attention to the personal data of clients: if a leak or fraud is discovered, payment system will block payment acceptance. But the hotel employee is an ordinary person. If his mail is taken away, the fraudster will also take possession of your details. Therefore, for booking it is better to have separate card, and credit. But let's talk about this.

A friend calls and wants to return the debt to my card. What can you say and what can’t you say?

You can dictate the card number. Nothing else is needed to transfer to your card.

A colleague wants to take a photo of my card on his iPhone to get a refund for lunch. Allow?

No. If a colleague's phone is stolen, the scammers will also have a photo of your card. Let him translate by number.

Mom asks for card details to pay for something online. What to do?

Most safe way help your mom - ask her for a link to the online store and pay for the purchase yourself. In all other cases, you are taking a risk. Mom will write down the details on a piece of paper and forget it at work.

I want to show off my new card on Instagram. Can?

Yes, if you blur out all the details in Photoshop or choose an angle that won’t allow you to read anything.

Did your details fall into the wrong hands? Re-release

How to protect your details

Maybe erase the security code from the card? Or cover it with something?

It's possible, but it's better not to. From the point of view of payment systems, a security code is a necessary detail of a bank card. When you pay offline, the seller will have every right do not accept such a card for payment. This often happens, especially abroad.

How to protect then?

You can open up to five additional cards - this is free at Tinkoff Bank. Like this:

On the main card we set limits on online purchases:

Pay everywhere with an additional, and the main one.

Should I connect SMS banking?

Necessarily. If you have the Tinkoff app, you can enable push notifications: they work the same way as SMS banking.


  1. You can only share your card number and only with trusted people.
  2. First name, last name, expiration date and security code cannot be disclosed.
  3. The SMS code must never be shared with anyone.
  4. If you left the card unattended, reissue it.
  5. Get a card for offline with online payments disabled.

How to send a document by email for dummies, three easy ways.

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With development World Wide Web More ways to communicate between people at a distance have appeared. Now you can not only call someone without leaving your home, but also send an email.

At the same time, using e-mail, you can send letters with attachments in the form of various text documents, presentations, photos, videos and more. Of course the whole shipping process email with attachment is quite simple.

However, it is sometimes difficult for novice users to cope with this task without outside help. This article will take a closer look at sending emails with attachments.

How to send a document by email

Despite the many different services that provide the ability to send letters to in electronic format via the Internet (Yandex.Mail, Gmail,, Yahoo, Rambler and others), they all work according to the same algorithm.

Only attaching a file on such services may vary slightly. But in general, to send an email with an attachment, you can follow the following procedure:

  • First, you need to log into your account on the service and click on “Write” or another button provided by the mail service for writing a letter electronically.
  • Then indicate in the “To” line email address addressee's mail.
  • If necessary, you can specify the subject of your letter in the “Subject” field.
  • Next, in addition to plain text, if you need to send a document or other file from a computer, you need to find the tool that is responsible for this on the service you use and click on it. For example, if you use Yandex.Mail, Gmail or Yahoo for these purposes, then you need to click on the icon in the form of a paper clip, and on and Rambler there is an “Attach file” button.
  • After you find the document you want to send, click on it with the mouse to select it and click on the “Open” button.
  • After uploading the files to the mail service, check that the letter is formatted correctly (to whom you are sending it and what exactly). If there are more documents than you need or you have chosen the wrong thing, then next to it, as a rule, a trash icon appears on the right side, clicking on which deletes it unnecessary file. To add a document, again click either on the paperclip or on “Attach file”.
  • To send an email to the recipient, click on the “Send” button.

It is also worth noting that when using mobile version mailboxes, the algorithm of actions is similar to the extended one. That is, if you are on the road, and the necessary document is on your phone or tablet, then if you have mobile application, it can also be sent by e-mail.

In this case, also fill out all the required fields, and then click on the paperclip or “Attach file”, thus adding the document and sending. As you can see, everything is quite simple and convenient.

Send link

If your document is stored on cloud services, such as Google Drive, Yandex Drive, and others, or you created a document in Google Doc, then you can send a link to the document.

To do this, open the document, click on access settings and copy the link, which can be sent in an email. If these are documents stored on Drive, then you can download them to your computer; if this is a document in Google Docs, then you can jointly edit it, make amendments, comments, and so on.


If you use the Word program to create and edit documents, you can set up the email sending function once and then use it.


pay attention to top panel, namely on the tab - mailings. A new icon should appear there, with the name you gave it.

Now, after creating or editing a document, click on this icon. You only need to indicate the recipient's email, and the document will be sent to the specified address.

How to send a document by email, summary

I showed you three ways to send a document by email, choose the one that is most convenient for you. Once you send a letter, you will understand that there is nothing complicated in this process.

The main thing to understand is that you do not send the paper document, it remains with you. you send it electronic copy, and the recipient will print it himself if necessary.

But to send the paper original of any document, you should use our regular, all-usual mail and send the document by registered mail.

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Each business entity must, when concluding an agreement, provide the counterparty with all the necessary information for execution of the agreement and its subsequent execution. What information should be transferred to the counterparty and how to formalize it is a question that occupies many entrepreneurs at the beginning of their activities.

The article suggests finding out what the details of an individual entrepreneur are and considering a sample letter with the details.

What are the details of an individual entrepreneur?

Entrepreneur details, as well as legal entity- organizations are information characterizing an individual entrepreneur (legal entity) as a subject of economic activity. The first thing business partners ask for when there is a verbal agreement to conclude a deal is a letter with details. What they contain and how they can be used.

An expanded, but not maximum, list of individual entrepreneur details contains the following information:

  • Full name of the entrepreneur,
  • IP registration address,
  • OKVED,
  • OKPO,
  • Bank details,
  • contact number,
  • Email.

This list can be expanded both at the request of the entrepreneur and at the request of his business partners.

Please note: The list of required details for a legal entity includes . This detail is the registration code. Some organizations may be registered not once, but several times. Each time an organization is registered, an additional checkpoint will be assigned. An individual entrepreneur is registered only once, so a checkpoint is not assigned to him at all.

Such a letter is provided both in paper and electronic form. It may have a round seal and signature of the entrepreneur and his chief accountant. For the convenience of filling out documents, it is advisable to provide the business partner with details in one of the text document formats, .doc, .rtf for example. This will make it easier for him to fill out invoices and contracts, and when filling out a payment order to the bank, he will definitely not make a mistake in filling out the details.

Please note: Along with the letter containing the details of the entrepreneur (organization), as a rule, copies of documents confirming the information contained in the letter are provided. Copies of certificates, extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, etc.

Individual entrepreneur details in the contract sample design

One of the main documents for which details may be required is an agreement. As a rule, they are indicated in the contract in one article (section). Individual entrepreneur details in the contract are a necessary element; without it, both the draft contract itself and the transaction itself cannot be executed.

It looks like this:

Please note: Since individual entrepreneurs and legal entities have some differences in status, the details that correspond to each other and are indicated in the contract may differ. corresponds to the OGRN of a legal entity. Entrepreneur TIN ( individual), has 12 numbers, the TIN of a legal entity is only 10, and it is supplemented by a checkpoint.

Individual entrepreneur bank details

Banking details are usually separated into a separate subtype of details. They are intended to ensure that the other party to the contract makes the necessary payment as payment for goods, work or services. The information contained in the bank details is transferred to the payment order and the buyer's bank makes a payment using them.

Another purpose of the details is the ability to seize the accounts of an unscrupulous counterparty, seller or performer who, having taken the funds, did not fulfill the obligations under the contract. In this case, the interested party can apply in court for interim measures in the form of seizure of a bank account. When the current account number and the bank in which such an account is opened are known to the applicant, then, accordingly, this procedure is simplified.

Bank details include:

  • (name “r/s” and 20 digits of number),
  • the bank where the account is opened,
  • location of the bank,
  • bank correspondent account number (name “c/s” and 20 digits of the number),
  • bank identification number (BIC) containing nine characters,
  • TIN and KPP of the bank (optional).

Please note: The last three digits of the BIC and the correspondent account must match. If this is not the case, then there is an error in the details provided. In addition, in banking institutions the correctness of the current account number is checked automatically by the value of the control key present in the number.

It is worth considering that an entrepreneur is not required to open a bank account. Therefore, the implementation of its activities can occur without opening a bank account. This usually happens in cases where the scale of the entrepreneur’s activities is insignificant, and the entrepreneur himself works alone without hiring employees. All financial transactions take place using cash, and even taxes are paid through the bank's cash desk. In such a situation, the entrepreneur naturally does not indicate information about the bank account in his details.

Application of individual entrepreneur details

In addition to the use of details in contractual documents and documents accompanying the fulfillment of the terms of transactions (acts, invoices, bills and invoices), various details are used in other cases. So, for example, a sign at the place of business of an entrepreneur (cafe, store, other retail location, etc.) must contain his TIN. This is necessary to more fully inform the consumer about who offers certain services and goods.

In this article you can find out how to find an individual entrepreneur, knowing his TIN:

For the same purpose, the TIN and full name of the entrepreneur are present on the cash register and issued when making a purchase or sale or providing services. Tax returns, statistical reports, internal documents are also compiled using the details. In general, the scope of application of the details of an individual entrepreneur is quite wide, and an individual entrepreneur must not only know his details, but also always have a template information letter that can be provided to counterparties at any time.