Problems with encoding. Incorrect display of fonts. Solution for incorrect display of the Cyrillic alphabet in old programs under Windows 7 Why Cyrillic alphabet is not supported in c

One of possible errors that users may encounter field Windows installations 10, are krakozyabry. They appear in the program interface instead of Russian letters and can be found in documents. Often the Cyrillic alphabet is displayed incorrectly in natively English-language versions and not fully licensed versions of the OS, but there are exceptions.

In this manual, we will look at various ways to correct hieroglyphs (krakozyabry), or more precisely, the display of Cyrillic alphabet in Windows 10.

Attention! We are not responsible for your actions. Seek help from professionals in service center, like ours.

Using Windows 10 regional standards and language settings to correct the display of Cyrillic

The simplest and most effective way to remove hieroglyphs and return Russian letters to Windows 10 is to correct certain incorrect settings in the system parameters.

To do this you need to follow these steps. In the instructions we will provide the names of the necessary items and English language. The need to correct the Cyrillic alphabet may arise in English versions, without the need to change the interface language.

After the reboot process, you need to check whether the issue with the display of Russian letters in the interface of documents and programs is resolved. Usually after data simple actions Crazy bugs will be corrected.

Changing code pages to correct hieroglyphs in Windows 10

Code pages are tables in which certain characters are mapped to certain bytes, and the display of Cyrillic as krakozyabry in Windows 10 is due to the default setting of the wrong code page. This is being fixed different ways, which will be useful when you need not to change the system language in the parameters.

Registry Editor

The first method is to use the Registry Editor. This will be the most gentle method for the system, however, it is better to create a restore point before starting work.

This often fixes problems with letters not appearing correctly in Russian. A variation of the method using the registry editor (less preferable) is to find out the current value of the ACP parameter (often 1252 for an initially installed English-language system). Then in this section you need to find the value of parameter 1252 and replace it from c_1252.nls with this c_1251.nls.

Change to c_1251.nls code page file

This method is suitable for those users who consider the option of editing the registry to be quite dangerous or complicated. Here you need to replace the code page file along the path C:\Windows\System32. In this case, it is assumed that the code page of the Western European version is used - 1252. You can find out what the current code page is using the ACP parameter in the registry, similar to the previous method.

Good evening and another time of day! I repeatedly receive questions in my email and in comments on the site, such as “Why is the Russian font not displayed on the site” or “I wrote Russian text in the html file, but it is displayed in clutter. What should I do?” Therefore, I decided to devote a lesson to this topic. In this lesson I will tell you what to do if the Russian Cyrillic font is not displayed on your website or is displayed, but clumsily (with unclear characters).

I’ll say right away that all these problems are primarily related to the coding of the site itself. I will teach you what I know and how I do it (because every web developer comes to a solution to a problem differently and regarding encoding, in particular, everyone has their own opinion on this matter). So, let's begin!

P.S. If you seriously decide to engage in web development, I advise you to install html editor Notepad, register for now the simplest and cheapest shared hosting (I recommend ihc) and read a lot of documentation on html and css.

If you do not see the Russian Cyrillic font on the site 1. Open the html file in Notepad, press Ctrl-A (select all the code) 2. Go to “Encodings” and select “Encode in Utf-8”

3. Save the file and now we can write in Russian and everything will be displayed normally. If you downloaded ready template

If you downloaded a ready-made template and third-party fonts are connected there, then most likely they will not be displayed if you replaced Latin letters with Cyrillic, since the attached font files do not have a Russian Cyrillic layout (I'm talking about English templates). In order for the Russian font to be displayed in these templates (usually not standard font happens in the headers and menu of the site) you need to do the following:

1. Repeat everything that I described above! 2. Remove all plug-in fonts. 3. Replace in in body, h1, h2 and so on in a classic web font, such as: font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

4. You can connect non-standard fonts

You can also connect non-standard (but always support Russian Cyrillic) fonts. Here's a great one From time to time it happens that in the operating room Windows environment

Instead of Cyrillic symbols, we see complete gibberish: a jumble of hieroglyphs and incomprehensible icons, devoid of any meaning. There may be several reasons for this: starting from the wrong choice of locale (parameters) in the regional settings to incorrect installation of the Russian language package to support the Cyrillic alphabet in the English-speaking environment. Be that as it may, this problem is completely solvable, and in this article we will tell you how to overcome it.

The most likely reason for the problem, why we see krakozyabry instead of Russian letters in Windows 10, is incorrect locale settings (in other words, regional settings). As a result of this, when the system tries to display Cyrillic fonts on the screen, we see complete confusion and chaos, and this is not observed with all Russian characters. As far as you can see from the screenshot below, not all symbols are displayed incorrectly. So, the names of programs and shortcuts on the desktop are written completely correctly, but when we try to call the installer with a description in Russian, our problem immediately comes to the fore, and we see crappy words instead of Russian letters. In addition to incorrect locale installation, this may be caused by the fact that you initially installed the English version of the Windows distribution, “tailored” to the Latin alphabet. In this case, all we need to do is to Russian version

. But we will assume that you want to work specifically with an English-language environment, in which all Russian characters should be displayed correctly and without errors, regardless of what programs you use, English or Russian. How to make sure that krakozyabrs are not displayed instead of Russian letters in Windows 10 - read on.

In the control panel window that opens, select the “Clock, language and region” section. This is where all regional settings are concentrated: time zone selection, fractional and integer separators for floating point numbers, currency designations, grouping large numbers according to specified characteristics. Select the section indicated above.

Having entered the previously described category, we give preference to the “Regional Standards” sector.

In addition to the locale, here you can also set settings for the number of decimal places, the measurement system (metric or American), and the format for numbers less than zero. But we are primarily interested in the regional locale for the correct representation of Cyrillic characters in the environment, so that krakozyabrs are not displayed instead of Russian letters in Windows 10. To set its parameters, let’s go to the “Advanced” tab.

In the category where the language of applications that do not support Unicode by default is set, click on the “Change system language” button. As a result, we will be taken to a form for customizing the operating environment locale, which is what we actually need.

In the mini-window that appears on the display, select “Russian (Russia)” as the current system language, thereby indicating that the default language used in the operating environment will be Russian, thereby explicitly setting the appropriate regional settings mode.

Next, the system will display a warning that regional settings environment, changes have been made that will require a system reboot to take effect. We agree with this, reboot, and check the results. As a result, krakozyabry instead of Russian letters in Windows 10 should no longer be displayed, which can be checked by once again running the same, previously problematic distribution kit for installation, or any other one, with the display of which there were previously problems.

As you can see, the difficulties that arose were successfully resolved, and now all fonts should be displayed correctly. The solution presented to your attention is suitable in most situations when krakozyabrs are displayed on the screen instead of Russian letters in Windows 10.

Another way to solve the described problem is to perform certain manipulations with the registry. But due to possible incorrect operation systems as a result of their use, we will not present this method in our material, since in the event of any errors on the user side this may result in the need for a complete reinstallation operating system, and this is unacceptable for us.

So, we hope that the algorithm presented above will allow you to bypass all the pitfalls in solving the question of how to remove gibberish in Windows 10 when working in an environment with an English-language shell, and will also save you from the headache associated with displaying Russian-language fonts in the OS.

In Windows 7, some programs may display fonts incorrectly ( new font). For example, question marks instead of letters or other symbols. This is due to the fact that the Windows appearance settings are set to a theme that uses non-standard fonts or the language and regional standards are different from Russian.

An effective method that corrects encoding in Windows 7 in particularly severe cases - use it when nothing helps at all. Go to the Control Panel, select Regional and Language Options. On the Formats tab, change the format to English (USA). Then go to the Advanced tab, click the Change system language button, and also select English (USA). After this, restart the computer. Now that the computer has rebooted, we return the language settings to Russian (Russia). The encoding should be corrected.

If it doesn’t help, then edit the registry branches:

Launch the registry editor (Start - Run -> regedit).

When performing the following actions, be extremely careful - careless work with the Windows registry can lead to dire consequences!

It is necessary to change the values ​​of parameters from “1250” to “1255” - set the value for each of these parameters “c_1251.nls” - in the following keys:




Fixing encoding in Windows XP

To avoid getting your hands into Windows registry, try the following:

Create a file in Notepad by copying the text below into it, save it with the extension “reg” with any name, in English letters, for example 1251.reg, and run it. In 90% of cases with “krakozyabry” XP helps.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







Or correct it in the registry branch responsible for displaying Cyrillic fonts.

changing to the following parameters:

1251 REG_SZ c_1251.nls

1252 REG_SZ c_1251.nls

1253 REG_SZ c_1251.nls

If it doesn’t help, then additionally change:

1254 REG_SZ c_1251.nls

Sometimes, due to one reason or another, something happens to Windows OS users that leads to encoding failures. Some again installed program completely refuses to reproduce the Cyrillic text, instead producing incomprehensible characters or: "????? ???????? ???????????????"

Solving encoding problems in Windows XP:
1. First you need to make sure that the Russian language is installed for programs that do not support Unicode.
Open " Control Panel" Go to the tab " Additionally».
After this, find item 20880 in the list located on the same tab and check the box next to it:

2. It is possible that encoding problems are caused by a violation system settings fonts.
To restore font settings, download this archive and run the file located in it, ignoring all system warnings:

this archive

Solving problems with encoding in Windows Vista/7: 1. As in the case of Windows XP, first make sure that for programs that do not support Unicode, the language is set to Russian.
Open " Control Panel" and double-click on the icon " language and regional standards" Go to the tab " Additionally" and set the Russian language as " Language of programs that do not support Unicode»:
Save the changes and restart your computer. If the problem persists, go to step 2.
2. To restore font settings, download this archive and run the file located in it, ignoring all system warnings:
Restart the system. If the problem persists, go to step 3.
3. The next stage is changing the registry keys that are responsible for encodings. It is advisable to make these changes only as a last resort and only if all the previous points have led nowhere.
To make these changes, download this archive and run the file located in it. As in the previous paragraph, system warnings will appear.
After these changes you will also need to restart the system.
4. If all of the above does not help, you need to change the names following files code pages in the folder C:\Windows\System32:
File " c_1252.nls" on " c_1252.nls.bak»
File " c_1253.nls" on " c_1253.nls.bak»
File " c_1254.nls" on " c_1254.nls.bak»
File " c_1255.nls" on " c_1255.nls.bak»
Since these files are protected from modification, it is advisable to use the wonderful Unlocker program to perform this operation. After installing it, you need to right-click on the required file , and select “Unlocker”. In the window that opens, select “ Rename " Change the file name and click the "»:

OK c_1251.nls" to some other folder (or copy to clipboard) and then rename it to " c_1252.nls" Re-paste (copy) the file " c_1251.nls» to folder C:\Windows\System32 and rename it to " c_1253.nls" and then repeat this two more times, renaming it to " c_1254.nls" And " c_1255.nls».
As a result of executing this step, the files " c_1252.nls», « c_1253.nls», « c_1254.nls», « c_1255.nls" will be replaced by the file " c_1251.nls" Don't forget to also return the file " c_1251.nls»:
The reason for this publication was the PsvRSV program (The PsvRSV program is intended for preparing reporting information submitted to the Pension Fund (forms RSV-1, RSV-2, RV-3, SZV-6-4, SZV-6-1, SZV-6-2, SZV-6-3, SPV-1, ADV-6-1, ADV-6-2, ADV-6-3, ADV-6-4, ADV-6-5, ADV-1, ADV-2, ADV- 3, DSV-1 and DSV-3), which I almost broke my head on.