Do-it-yourself repair of smartphones and cell phones

Many of the rules described here are universal and are suitable as a kind of service manual for troubleshooting some problems with communicators, including those running on Android OS.
So, first, let’s clarify that, in principle, breakdowns of any modern device are divided into software and hardware. This is the nature of modern devices: the software filling is embedded in the hardware, and performs management functions, as well as user interaction functions, i.e. user interface.
Therefore any do-it-yourself repair requires minimal knowledge of operating principles of this device, as well as skills in conducting primary diagnostics.
Let's get started. At the very beginning, we will try to determine the nature of the breakdown - this is very important: this, by the way, is what they do in.
As a rule, breakdowns of the hardware (electronic) part are preceded by physical damage: falls from a height, flooding with liquid, impacts, strong magnetic fields, overheating and freezing. Such breakdowns most often have to be repaired in a service workshop, since user knowledge: how to fix the breakdown, or where to buy spare parts for phones, is usually not enough. In any case, you can try to restore the functionality of a phone that suddenly died. To do this, you need to disconnect the battery, remove the SIM card and memory card. After that, connect a new battery and try to turn on the phone again. If the switching on does not happen, we most likely will not need the services of a specialist in repairing complex electronics. If the phone turns on, but starts to freeze when working with a SIM card or memory card, you need to look for the reasons: wipe the SIM with alcohol or replace it, format the memory card or buy a new one.
Software failures most often lead to the fact that the phone stops turning on and working normally. During operation, freezes may occur, the inability to launch this or that application, firmware or operating system may slow down, when the phone is turned on, the backlight may blink, freeze at a certain stage of loading, and more. To fix software problems, it is recommended to reboot the phone. First, do a soft reset; if there is no effect, you will have to reset the settings to factory settings, and all user information will be lost: contacts, notes, addresses. How to do a hard reboot: the sequence of pressing buttons and more can be found on the sites of enthusiasts of a particular brand of phone. Difficulties in this part of the repair most likely will not arise. Significant difficulties may arise if it is impossible to restore the factory firmware of a phone or smartphone. To troubleshoot such a problem, you will need some special knowledge, the presence of a cable (sometimes the original cable included in the package is sufficient), a computer or better laptop, special software and suitable firmware version. But this is a separate and quite extensive topic for another article.
The computer is broken, there is no time to look for a service in Moscow closer to home - a solution has been found!

What happens during electrochemical corrosion?

A little theory...
Metal conductors in the phone lose some of their atoms (they pass into the electrolytic solution in the form of ions), electrons replacing the lost atoms charge the metal with a negative charge, while the electrolyte (electrolyte is a conductive liquid) electricity) has a positive charge. A galvanic couple is formed: the metal is destroyed, gradually all its particles become part of the solution. Accordingly, the solution becomes conductive, which subsequently short-circuits the conductors covered by it.
For the process of electrochemical corrosion, it is not at all necessary to immerse metal conductors in an electrolyte - a thin electrolytic film on its surface is sufficient. Simply put, it is not necessary to drop your phone into water; a damp environment is enough.
In a nutshell: nothing good will happen. The following will occur: either a short circuit of the conductors, or a break in the conductor...

If liquid gets into your phone...

Liquid ingress and mechanical damage (falls, shocks) cause the most severe damage to your cell phone. Therefore, to restore the device in this case, repairs of the highest category of complexity are required. We often encounter a situation where a client brings a wet device with the words: “Please clean the phone, it’s a little wet and now it won’t turn on.” However, not many people realize that any cell phone (even the oldest one, released several years ago) is complex electronic device, the operation of which is controlled by digital and analog processors, RAM and Flash memory chips, and numerous peripheral devices (display controllers, keyboards, audio controllers, etc.). Let's not forget that the most important function of a cell phone is to provide stable and high-quality communication; this task is performed by a separate functional module, or radio unit, which consists of a special processor (or several processors) for processing high-frequency signals and numerous components of the transmitting and receiving path. A malfunction of any of the listed modules can lead to serious disruptions in the operation of the phone, or its complete failure. With any, even minor, ingress of liquid, when only a few drops have leaked inside, electrochemical corrosion rapidly occurs on the components of the system board for several minutes, which stops only when the battery is completely discharged (hereinafter referred to as the battery), or when the liquid evaporates.

What to do if liquid does get into the device?

1) Immediately remove and do not reinsert the battery! This will avoid the most serious damage. Remember, while the battery is removed, electrochemical corrosion processes do not occur, and damage to the phone’s system board will stop. At the same time, you should not try to charge the device if it does not turn on - this will significantly aggravate the current situation.
2) Contact a qualified professional in a timely manner service center(hereinafter – SC) for diagnostics and repair. During this time, the battery must be removed.

If you are sure that very little liquid has entered, or there is no way to contact a service center, try to carefully dry the device. For this purpose, under no circumstances should you use heating devices (hair dryer, heater, etc.), as well as a microwave oven! Dry the device, avoiding heating above the temperatures specified in the instructions and observing the described operating conditions; dry the battery only at room temperature. It is impossible to dry the device well in 5 minutes, or even in 5 hours. It takes more time, no need to rush. After completing the operation, try to turn on the phone, check charging, communication, and all other functions. Everything is working? This means that you are lucky, carefully monitor the behavior of the device for several days, and in case of any problems, immediately contact the service center. If the device does not turn on, or there are any malfunctions, contact the service center immediately.

One of the misconceptions, which undoubtedly reflects national ingenuity, is the assertion that a wet device should be washed with vodka or alcohol. This is absurd. From vodka that gets inside the device, the alcohol will evaporate much faster than water, and the situation will only get worse. Washing with any alcohol-containing liquid, including “pure” alcohol, will not remove or stop the corrosion that has begun.

Let's look at the nature of damage caused by liquid ingress using the example of a device that came to us for repair. Nokia N70.

On photos 1 Oxides and corrosion of the motherboard components are clearly visible in the area of ​​the power controller chip (in the center of the photo). Not only the external elements, which are relatively easily accessible for restoration or replacement, are damaged by water, but also the soldering, which is located directly under the microcircuit - liquid flows inside, and in this case, replacement of the soldering of the microcircuit is required (in the case of extensive liquid ingress - several microcircuits), or replacement the microcircuit itself. So the phrase "clean my phone" is absolutely unacceptable for such an example, since corrosion, in addition to external components, has gotten under the microcircuit. In addition to damage to components and microcircuits, numerous miniature board conductors (the so-called “tracks”) rot; in the photograph they are visible as light green broken lines connecting the elements. The diameter of these conductors varies, but generally they are approximately equal to the thickness of a human hair; the process of searching for breaks and rotten connections is very difficult, and in some cases impossible.

photo 2

On Photos 2 Oxides and corrosion of the motherboard components are clearly visible in the area of ​​the power controller chip (in the center of the photo). Not only the external elements, which are relatively easily accessible for restoration or replacement, are damaged by water, but also the soldering, which is located directly under the microcircuit - liquid flows inside, and in this case, replacement of the soldering of the microcircuit is required (in the case of extensive liquid ingress - several microcircuits), or replacement the microcircuit itself. Thus, the phrase “clean my phone” is absolutely not acceptable for such an example, since corrosion, in addition to external components, has gotten under the microcircuit. In addition to damage to components and microcircuits, numerous miniature board conductors (the so-called “tracks”) rot; in the photograph they are visible as light green broken lines connecting the elements. The diameter of these conductors varies, but generally they are approximately equal to the thickness of a human hair; the process of searching for breaks and rotten connections is very difficult, and in some cases impossible.

photo 3

This Photo 3 illustrates damage in the area of ​​the battery connector (lower left corner) and camera (upper right corner), as well as nearby components.
Severe corrosion leads to damage not only external elements, microcircuits and conductors. The motherboard of any cell phone has a complex multilayer structure; conductors from the outer layers go inside the motherboard to connect electrical circuits in different parts of the board. It is extremely difficult to identify and eliminate on-board breaks caused by rotting conductors, and often completely impossible.
Corrosion leads to oxidation of the solder; the products of this reaction can cause short circuits in various electrical circuits. This is dangerous due to the failure of electronic components, including those not subject to corrosion, as well as the appearance of the so-called “leakage” - a significant increase in energy consumption (sometimes even when turned off), which leads to a rapid discharge of the battery, reducing the operating time of the device.

This photograph also shows numerous damages and signs of extensive corrosion. In this case, the electronic micro-BGA component (it functions as a backlight controller) is severely damaged. This electronic component must be replaced and the area underneath it thoroughly cleaned. Such small micro-BGA components in modern phone there can be a lot.

Thus, restoration of any device after liquid ingress is very labor-intensive and complex process, the success of which is largely due to your correct actions when a malfunction occurs. In general, the repair of any flooded device must be considered strictly individually and it is IMPOSSIBLE to immediately say about the possibility and cost of repair!!! It is imperative to diagnose the device, identify damaged units and/or components, as well as thoroughly check the operation of the device after replacing these components. This type of repair requires the presence of modern equipment and highly qualified engineers in the service center, therefore, Dear Customers, do not repair your phones in unknown and unqualified “workshops”. Remember the old saying: “The miser pays twice!”

Since a mobile phone is a rather complex and expensive electronic device, its repair must be entrusted to a person whose hands grow from the right place. The best option is to contact specialized phone repair shops. But the so-called simplest mechanical repairs can be done independently, without wasting extra time and money. What cell phone breakdowns can be realistically fixed at home and what tools will be needed for this?

Rescue of drowning people

One of the main reasons why a phone fails is when it comes into contact with liquid. Even if the device fell into the snow and not into a puddle, it still needs to be given first aid. And you can do it yourself.
First of all, you should remove the battery, SIM card and flash drive as quickly as possible. In addition, it is necessary to remove the housing and remove all parts that can be quickly removed. Depending on how wet your phone is, you will have to dry it for at least 20 hours. To do this, place the device on a towel and place it on a cool battery. Alternatively, you can dry the phone parts using a hairdryer. Dry rice will also help draw water out of the machine. Leave the phone in a container of rice, covered, overnight. During this time, the rice will absorb all the moisture from the phone and prevent the parts from oxidizing.

Sound problems

Poor sound from the speakers, which does not allow you to hear your interlocutor well, is also a problem that can be solved at home. The reason for the lack of sound may be normal contamination of the hole in the housing. If you clean the holes with a cotton swab or blow it with a hairdryer, the sound will most likely be restored. But these manipulations must be done carefully so as not to damage the speaker itself.
You can also easily cope with replacing the case, display, battery or speaker at home. But in order to disassemble the device, you need to have a certain set of tools, which includes: screwdrivers with replaceable heads, tweezers and a set of tools for opening phone cases.

It is not always possible that independent intervention in the stuffing of a mobile phone can be effective. Curiosity and economy, without the necessary knowledge, are not the best allies in matters of cell phone repair. Therefore, in order not to complicate an already difficult situation, it is better to entrust the repair mobile phones in Moscow to professionals.