Instructions for using Open Office Draw Prepared by. Drawing frames and lines, curly text How to draw in an open office

Launch OpenOffice Draw from the Start menu/Programs/ Draw.

After starting the program, an empty document is automatically created in which you can immediately begin drawing (Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1 – Empty OpenOffice Draw diagram

By default, it is proposed to place graphic elements on the A4 workspace. Its size is determined in the Format/Page menu and can be set to standard values ​​A0, A1...A6, or non-standard. It should be noted that the size of the workspace is not related to the paper size of the printing device directly connected to the computer on which the drawing is performed.

Using the buttons on the “Drawing” toolbar, select the required shape and place it on the workspace. For example, we use a rounded rectangle as a block for the beginning and end of the algorithm (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2 – Selecting the type of graphic element

Some elements are equipped with means of changing their parameters. In particular, for a “rounded rectangle” the radius of curvature can be changed (Figure 4.3).

Figure 4.3 – Changing specific element parameters

Figure 4.4 – Entering text into an element

Copying blocks can be done via the clipboard - menu Edit/Copy, Paste or CTRL+C, CTRL+V. To add an inscription inside a graphic element, you need to double-click on this element with the left mouse button (Figure 4.4).

Initially, elements should be placed approximately. Precise alignment is done after all elements are placed and connected by lines.

The fill color of graphic elements can be changed using the Style/Fill button in the Line and Fill toolbar area (Figure 4.5).

Figure 4.5 – Selecting the fill color of an element

The connection of elements is ensured using “Connecting lines”. The arrows on the connecting lines can be changed later. The most universal connecting line, which is called the “Connecting Line” (Figure 4.6).

4.1 Connecting lines

Figure 4.6 – Selecting the connector line type

Figure 4.7 – Highlighting the attachment points of the beginning of the connecting line

Having selected the connecting line of the desired type, move the mouse pointer over the source element. Its outline will take on a dotted appearance, and crosshairs will appear in places where connecting lines may be connected. Press the left mouse button on the desired crosshair and, without releasing the key, move to the element with which the connection should be made (Figure 4.7).

Figure 4.8 – Illumination of connection points at the end of the connector line

When you hover your mouse over a subordinate element, its outline also changes and crosshairs appear, similar to the first element. Point at the crosshairs and release the left mouse button (Figure 4.8).

Figure 4.9 – Selecting the connector line type

We connect all the elements in the same way. Change if necessary appearance connecting line, right-click on the corresponding connecting line and select context menu“Line” (Figure 4.9).

In the dialog box that opens, you can select the type of arrows, color and width (Figure

Figure 4.10 – Connector line type selection dialog

Training course - Basics of working in OpenOffice

Text editor - OpenOffice Writer

Drawing frames and lines, curly text

As mentioned above, you can insert various objects into a document, including graphics; - among them are straight lines, rectangles, ovals, polygons, Bezier curves, curves, segments, text (including animated and callout).

These tools (located in the toolbar on the left) are very easy to use. After selecting the object you want to insert into the document, specify the main points. For example, to draw a rectangle, you need to point the opposite corners with the mouse - as you move the mouse, the outlines of the inserted object will be visible on the screen.

By double-clicking the outline of any object, you can paste text inside or next to it.

You can set properties for inserted objects - for example, color, line type, type of arrows at the ends, etc. For this purpose, there is an additional panel that appears when an object is selected and is accessible through the menu Format when selecting an object.

Inserting pictures

OpenOffice Writer allows you to insert pictures (taken from files) into the text and specify their location, as well as whether they will be “flowed” by the text.


1 Date of creation: Nomination: “LEARNING TO WORK WITH OPENOFFICE.ORG” Title: Drawing diagrams in

2 INTRODUCTION Draw allows you to create drawings of varying complexity and export them using several common image formats. You can also insert tables, charts, formulas, and other elements created in programs into your drawings. Vector graphics Objects vector graphics are created in Draw using lines and curves defined using mathematical vectors. Vectors describe lines, ellipses and polygons according to their geometry. Creating 3D objects With Draw, you can create simple 3D objects such as cubes, spheres, and cylinders, and even change the lighting of objects. Grids and Guides Grids and guides help you visually align objects in your drawing. You can also choose to snap an object to a grid line, a guide, or the edge of another object. Linking Objects to Show Relationships Draw objects can be linked with special connecting lines to show relationships between objects. These lines attach to connection points on drawing objects and move with them. Connectors are useful when creating organizational and technical diagrams. Displaying Dimensions Technical diagrams often indicate the dimensions of objects in a drawing. In Draw, dimension lines can be used to calculate and display linear dimensions. Gallery The Gallery contains images, animations, sounds, and other elements that can be inserted into pictures or other programs. Graphics File Formats Draw allows you to export files in a variety of graphic formats, such as BMP, GIF, JPG, and PNG. 2

3 1 BUILDING A FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM OF THE IDEF0 STANDARD First, select landscape orientation pages: Format-Page-Orientation-Landscape. Next, place the required number of functional blocks on the diagram: 1. Using the Rectangle tool on the Drawing panel, draw a functional block of the required size. Set the line thickness (0.05 cm) and fill (White). 2. By checking the Format-Position and Size-Size item (or by pressing F4), we protect the block from changes. 3. Using the Copy-Paste method, place the remaining three or four blocks. 4. Double-click on the block and enter the required function designation. Using the font options (Format-Characters-Size and Scale to Width) we adjust the text to the size of the block (Figure 1). Figure 1 Location of functional blocks 5. Draw external arrows to the blocks (Input/Output/Control/Mechanism) and connection arrows. To do this, select a tool from the Connection line drop-down menu. If more than one arrow must enter from or into a block, add additional connection points (Figure 2). For the outer arrows at the edges of the diagram, draw small rectangles (Figure 3). 3

4 adding an additional connection point Figure 2 - Before Figure 3 Diagram with arrows 6. Using the Curves Object Polygon we create a “curve” of the signature. To do this, perform the following steps: Draw a “lightning bolt” of optimal size (Figure 4a). Using the Change Geometry tool, select two internal anchor points (M and N, Figure 4b) and select the Convert to curve item. Pull it out control points P and S, as shown in Figure 4c and close the Change Geometry tool. Add a point to the end of the resulting curve (Format Line Style Circle). We set the size according to the scale of the diagram (for A4 format 4

5th dimension Width we take 0.15 cm). The resulting element is copied the required number of times. M P N S a) b) c) Figure 4 Construction of a “curve” signature 7. Sign all the arrows using the Text tool (Figure 5). Figure 5 Signed functional diagram 8. Copy the finished diagram onto the second sheet (Insert Duplicate slide) to leave the possibility of making subsequent changes. 9. Remove rectangles from the input arrows. 10.Add arcs at the corners of the arrows. To do this: Convert the connecting line into a contour (Change Convert to contour). By double-clicking on the resulting object, we enter the group. The rest of the scheme should become pale. You can immediately set the thickness of the lines (0.05 cm). 5

6 Select the Reshape Geometry tool and add rounded corners E and F on both sides nodes A,B,C,D(using the Insert nodes button) at a distance from the rounding radius, as shown in Figure 6. While holding , select three nodes (for example A,E,B) and select the Convert to curve item. E A B C D F Figure 6 Adding nodes to rounded corners Figure 7 Rounded corners (arcs). Having selected only the corner node (for example E), delete it with the key . By double-clicking outside the contour, we exit the group. We repeat the above steps for all arrows in the diagram. 11.Select the finished diagram on the second slide, group all the elements (Edit Group) and convert them into curves (Edit Convert to metafile). The resulting scheme can be scaled without fear for its value 6

7 clarity (Figure 8). Figure 8 Ready diagram IDEF0 2 BUILDING A DATA FLOW DIAGRAM To build a DFD diagram, first of all, you need to create templates for the Data Accumulator element. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Draw a rectangle with an aspect ratio of 2:1. Let's give it a line thickness of 0.05 mm and a fill color of White. 2. Convert the object to a Curve, then turn off the closed path using the Modify Geometry panel Close Bezier Curve. 3. Break the shape (Change Break) and delete the right side of the rectangle (Figure 9). 4. Holding draw a vertical line. 5. Set a text block with a title (D1). 6. Group all objects. 7

8 ARCHIVE Figure 9 Construction of a data storage We carry out further constructions according to the standard, using the Basic shapes of a Rounded rectangle to designate the subsystem, and the Basic shapes of a Square to denote the external entity. The data flow is performed using the Connecting Line tool with an arrow at the end (Figure 10). Figure 10 DFD Diagram 8

9 3 BUILDING A STRUCTURAL DIAGRAM We begin creating a structural diagram by constructing a tree of first-level subsystems. To do this, using the Rectangle tool, place one large block and one smaller one on the diagram. Set the line thickness to 0.05 cm and the fill color to White. Copy and place the required number of blocks. For more precise placement, it is recommended to enable the Guide lines when moving an object option from Tools Options Draw View and move blocks by holding . We connect small blocks with large ones using a connecting line. By double-clicking inside the outline, we label the blocks of the system structure (Figure 11). Figure 11 Placement of the first level of the block diagram tree As can be seen from the figure, the text does not fit into the block. To resize all blocks proportionally, select them by holding , and without releasing the last one, stretch the resulting selection beyond the green square (Figure 12). Figure 12 Proportional increase in block size Next, we build the lower levels of the block diagram. We place smaller rectangles in the same way. We connect them to each other on the sides and to the blocks of the first level, as shown in Figure 13. To accurately align the connecting lines, you can drag out a guide (click on the Ruler and drag the guide onto the sheet). After placing the blocks, 9

10 guide can be pushed back onto the ruler. To enlarge or reduce the diagram, duplicate it on a second sheet and, having previously selected all the elements, transform it into a curve (Change Convert To Curve), and then group it. Figure 13 Structural scheme(with an elongated guide) 4 BUILDING DIAGRAMS ACCORDING TO GOST The main problem when constructing this type of diagram in Draw is the inconsistency of the elements taken out from the Schemes menu with the GOST requirements in relation to the proportions of blocks. To comply with the standards, it is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm when drawing: 1. Place the main elements of the diagram on the free field of the work area and set their dimensions (Format Position and size or by clicking): width 3 cm; height -2 cm. For terminators and connecting circles, set the height to 1 cm (Figure 14). Fix the size ratio by checking the Proportional box. 2. Copying the elements, assemble the diagram. Sign the items immediately. The optimal font at the specified sizes is Arial. To create a text leader, type the required text, then use the Polygon tool to draw a square bracket. Connect the bracket to the block with a line using the Thin Stroke style (Figure 15). 4. Group the finished diagram (be sure to remove the color filling of the blocks!!!) and 10

11 copy to a new sheet. Convert the diagram to a metafile and scale to the required size. Figure 14 Blocks of the program diagram according to GOST Figure 15 Drawing a text callout 5 CREATION OF AN A1 FORMAT SHEET WITH A FRAME To create an A1 format sheet, create a new drawing with the following 11

12 parameters (Format-Page): Format A1, Orientation Landscape, Margins of 2 cm on all sides (determined by the plotter parameters) or according to the standard (left 2 cm, the rest 0.5 cm). Enable snapping to grid (View Grid Show Grid and View Grid Snap to Grid). First, in the OpenOffice Draw parameters (Service Draw Options Grid - Resolution), you must set the grid step to 0.5 cm. Figure 16 Frame Draw a rectangle with a line thickness of 0.1 cm and an invisible fill along the contours of the sheet. In the lower right corner, draw a frame using the Line and Rectangle tools (Figure 16). We take the thickness of thick lines as 0.08 cm, thin lines as 0.03 cm. Fill in the text part of the frame. Protect the frame from being changed by selecting Edit Layer Locked. Subsequent construction and filling of the frame is carried out in other layers. 6 BUILDING A NETWORK DIAGRAM To build a network diagram, you must have images of the main elements of computers, hubs, switches, and wireless access points. You can take them from the Gallery, Computers section, or you can draw them yourself. Let's consider building a Fast Ethernet network with five machines based on a five-port twisted-pair switch. Physical network 2D 1. Draw the required elements using the operation Modify - Shapes - Subtract to obtain the ports of the switch. Add connection points to the port holes (see Figure 2). 2. Place the elements on the diagram and connect them (Figure 17). 12

13 Figure 17 - Physical diagram Ethernet networks Physical network 3D Greater effect can be achieved by making devices in 3D. To do this, we perform the following steps step by step: 1. Create a blank for the system unit, placing the required elements of drives, buttons and indicators on its front panel (Figure 18a). We highlight different objects with different colors; 2. Convert our object to 3D (Convert To 3D Object) (Figure 18b); 3. Add depth. To do this, select 3D effects from the drop-down menu (right mouse button), and then double-click on the picture to enter the group (Figure 19); 4. Add depth. By moving through the objects with the key, we will increase the Depth from 1 cm to 5 cm, without touching the fractional part. If you have problems with displaying the components of the system unit, then you need to reduce the Rounded Edges from 10% to 5% or even to 0%. 5. Exit the group (Edit Exit group) and rotate the system unit (Edit Rotate), as shown in the figure. We draw the monitor in the same way. We combine the stand and monitor using the commands (Change Shape - Merge). To take a screenshot of the screen, you need to press a key and save it to a file. 13

14 a) b) Figure 18 Construction of the system unit Figure 19 Let's add depth 14

15 Figure 20 Finished system unit Next, you need to insert the resulting image (Insert Image From File...) and reduce it to the size of the monitor. We carry out further constructions similarly to points 1-5. We leave the thickness of the monitor equal to 1 cm. We place the resulting monitor next to system unit(Figure 21). 15

16 Figure 21 computer with monitor 7. Drawing the switch step by step is shown in Figure 22. Depth of the switch is 4 cm, indicator 4.1 cm, ports 3.71 cm. Figure 22 Drawing switch 8 Finally, we place the connection points in the switch sockets and complete the diagram in a similar way to a flat one (Figure 23). 16

17 Figure 23 Final diagram 17

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1. Writer word processor. Entering and Formatting Text Overview The Writer word processor is by far the best-known application. Like text

Subject: Inserting graphic objects in Open Office. Org. Writer.

Class: 6-a

Duration: 1x40

Lesson type: combined

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the rules for inserting graphic objects in Open Office. Org. Writer.


Educational: to form in students the concept of graphic objects of a word processor, the rules for inserting autoshapes into an Open Office document. Org. Writer and ability to work with autoshapes.

Developmental: develop attentiveness, imagination, your ability. Respect for the work of the designer.

Educational: Aesthetic education. Cultivating a culture of behavior in the classroom, the ability to listen.

Equipment: multimedia projector and screen, marker board, presentation.


IO on the board.

Lesson plan:

1. Org. moment (2 min.)

2. Testing knowledge (testing) (10 min.)

3. Learning new material (10 min.)

4. Summing up (3 min.)

5. Fixing the material (10 min.)

6. Informing about homework (3 min.)

During the classes:

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

1.Org. moment

Hello guys! Sit down. Today I will give you a computer science lesson, my name is Victoria Alekseevna. I am a 4th year student at the computer science department of a pedagogical college, I need to teach you several lessons.

The guys sit down.

2.Updating knowledge

What was the last topic you studied? Today we will take a test on the topics we have studied, “Markers and Tables.”

(I will distribute the test). You have 7–10 minutes to complete the test. Look at the test sheets, each question has answer options. Pay attention to questions 9 and 11. In question 9 you need to make correspondences, for example, 1A 2B. At 11, you need to write in words what the highlighted places in the table are called. We perform the test on the pieces of paper that I gave you. We write the last name, first name, class and subgroup. Let's start doing it. Raise your hand, who doesn't understand?

Test execution

3. Studying new material

(I distribute the supporting notes to everyone on their desks and demonstrate the presentation).

Slide 1. Write down the topic of today's lesson: “Inserting graphic objects in Open Office. Org. Writer".

Slide 2. Open Office. Org. Writer has features such as inserting autoshapes, inserting text effects, and directly inserting pictures from a file. Today we'll look at inserting autoshapes.

Slide 3. In order to start working with autoshapes, you need to move the drawing panel to the work area. To do this, go to “view”, “toolbar” and put a check mark next to “drawing” and the panel will be brought to the work area.

Slide 4. AutoShapes are located in the Drawing panel. The main autoshapes are: when we click on the “basic shapes” button, we have all the basic shapes that exist, for example a circle, a rhombus, etc., then there are figures-symbols, when clicked, we also see all the figures and symbols that are displayed here, then there are block arrows when we click this button we also see all the block arrows that are there, next scheme, also when clicked we see a variety of schemes, then again we see callouts, but here we can choose which callout we need, unlike the first button under this name, then there is a button stars, also when pressed we see a variety of stars. These are the main autoshapes located on the drawing panel.

What are autoshapes used for? What do you guys think? That's right, for creating drawings and diagrams.

Slide 5. Let's take a closer look at the algorithm (sequence of actions) for inserting autoshapes:

1. On the drawing panel we find the shape that we need.

2. Move the cursor to the document and when you press the left mouse button, “stretch” the object.

3. You can also change the color of the shape. Right-click on the pictures and select “ region" and select the color we need, click OK.

Write down the topic of the lesson.

Write down the names of the main autofigures in your notes

To create drawings and diagrams.

Write down the algorithm for inserting autoshapes.

4. Summing up

· What graph objects are there in Open Office. Org. Writer?

· How to show the drawing panel?

· What shapes are there on the panel?

Autoshapes, effective text, insertion of pictures. From file

They answer one by one.

6. Information about homework

At home, repeat what we studied in class.

5. Securing the material

Slide 6. Look at the board. You need to create approximately the same drawing using AutoShapes, supporting outline can be used. The whole job takes 8 minutes, and I'll start checking. We sit down at the computers and start executing.



Subject: Inserting graphic objects in Open Office. Org. Writer.

Class: 6-a

Duration: 1x40

Lesson type: combined

The purpose of the lesson : introduce students to the rules for inserting graphic objects in Open Office. Org. Writer.


Educational:to form in students the concept of graphic objects of a word processor, the rules for inserting autoshapes into an Open Office document. Org. Writer and ability to work with autoshapes.

Developmental: develop attentiveness, imagination, your ability. Respect for the work of the designer.

Educational: Aesthetic education. Cultivating a culture of behavior in the classroom, the ability to listen.

Equipment: multimedia projector and screen, marker board, presentation.


Preliminary teacher preparation: IO on the board.

Lesson plan:

  1. Org. moment (2 min.)
  2. Testing knowledge (testing) (10 min.)
  3. Learning new material (10 min.)
  4. Summing up (3 min.)
  5. Fixing the material (10 min.)
  6. Informing about homework (3 min.)

During the classes:

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

1.Org. moment

Hello guys! Sit down. Today I will give you a computer science lesson, my name is Victoria Alekseevna. I am a 4th year student at the computer science department of a pedagogical college, I need to teach you several lessons.

The guys sit down.

2.Updating knowledge

What was the last topic you studied? Today we will take a test on the topics we have studied, “Markers and Tables.”

(I will distribute the test). You have 7–10 minutes to complete the test. Look at the test sheets, each question has answer options. Pay attention to questions 9 and 11. In question 9 you need to make correspondences, for example, 1A 2B. At 11, you need to write in words what the highlighted places in the table are called. We perform the test on the pieces of paper that I gave you. We write the last name, first name, class and subgroup. Let's start doing it. Raise your hand, who doesn't understand?

Test execution

3. Studying new material

(I distribute the supporting notes to everyone on their desks and demonstrate the presentation).

Slide 1. Write down the topic of today's lesson: “Inserting graphic objects in Open Office. Org. Writer".

Slide 2. Open Office. Org. Writer has features likeinserting autoshapes, inserting text effects and directly inserting pictures from a file. Today we'll look at inserting autoshapes.

Slide 3. In order to start working with autoshapes, you need to move the drawing panel to the work area. To do this, go to “view”, “toolbar” and put a check mark next to “drawing” and the panel will be brought to the work area.

Slide 4. AutoShapes are located in the Drawing panel. The main autoshapes are:line, rectangle, ellipse,polygon, curve object, polyline, text, circular arc, callouts, basic shapes,when we click on the “basic shapes” button, we have all the basic shapes that exist, for example a circle, a rhombus, etc., then there are figures-symbols , when clicked, we also see all the figures and symbols that are displayed here, then there are block arrows when we click this button we also see all the block arrows that are there, next scheme , also when clicked we see a variety of schemes, then again we see callouts , but here we can choose which callout we need, unlike the first button under this name, then there is a button stars , also when pressed we see a variety of stars. These are the main autoshapes located on the drawing panel.

What are autoshapes used for? What do you guys think? That's right, for creating drawings and diagrams.

Slide 5. Let's take a closer look at the algorithm (sequence of actions) for inserting autoshapes:

  1. On the drawing panel we find the shape we need.
  2. Move the cursor to the document and when you press the left mouse button, “stretch” the object.
  3. You can also change the color of the shape. Right-click on the pictures and select “ region" and select the color we need, click OK.

Write down the topic of the lesson.

Write down the names of the main autofigures in your notes

To create drawings and diagrams.

Write down the algorithm for inserting autoshapes.

4. Summing up


  • What graph objects are there in Open Office. Org. Writer?
  • How to show the drawing panel?
  • What shapes are there on the panel?

Autoshapes, effective text, insertion of pictures. From file


They answer one by one.

6. Information about homework

At home, repeat what we studied in class.

5. Securing the material

Slide 6. Look at the board. You need to create approximately the same drawing using autoshapes; you can use the reference outline. The whole job takes 8 minutes, andI'll start checking.We sit down at the computers and start executing.

Subject: Drawing three-dimensional objects in the vector editor OpenOffice Draw

Item: Computer science

Class: 8

Used literature a: Ugrinovich N.D. Workshop on computer science and information technology. Tutorial For educational institutions. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2011.

Keywords : image, graphics editor, tools, computer graphics, three-dimensional objects.

Equipment: computer class with installed program OpenOffice, assignments for the lesson in printed form.

Lesson type : Laboratoryo-practical work.

Forms of work: individual on the computer.

Annotation: The creation of three-dimensional objects and setting their properties are demonstrated on an interactive board, then students perform individually at the computer.

The purpose of the lesson: Learn to create three-dimensional objects in a graphic editor, install various modes their illumination, choose the material from which they are made, and color. Exercise. Draw several three-dimensional objects, set the lighting mode, choose a material and color.


    Forming an idea of ​​​​working in graphic editors;

    Fostering a constructive attitude towards the capabilities of the computer;

    Development of attention and logical thinking, creativity.

    Developing interest in learning computer programs.


Organizational stage. The teacher explains the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Explanation (instruction). The teacher shows how to create three-dimensional objects in the OpenOffice program, setting their properties is demonstrated on the interactive board. It is necessary to show how to set different illumination modes for objects, choose the material from which they are made and the color, then students complete the task individually at the computer.

After students have practiced assigning properties to objects, they are asked to draw an arbitrary composition of three-dimensional objects. The teacher can suggest or demonstrate some examples of such drawings.

Annex 1.

Practical work

in the vector editor OpenOffice Draw

Hardware and software . Computer with operating system Windows system, vector graphics editor OpenOffice Draw , included in the integrated office - application OpenOffice .

Goal of the work. Learn to draw three-dimensional objects, set different lighting modes for them, choose the material from which they are made and the color. Exercise. Draw several three-dimensional objects, set the lighting mode, choose a material and color.

Drawing 3D Objects

    Launch integrated package OpenOffice and select the command [ File-New-Drawing ]. The application window will appear OpenOfficeDraw.

    Activate tear-off panel3 D -objects. To do this, go to the menu View Tools 3 D -objects.

    Select buttons sequentially Ball, Pyramid, Thor, Cone, Parallelepiped And Cylinder and draw these volumetric figures.

Set the lighting mode for objects

Click the buttonIllumination and select a light source.

Set the source color and ambient light color.

By moving the source position using the mouse or scroll bars, the windowView observe changes in illumination of a three-dimensional body.

To assign the set properties, click on the button Apply (button with a green “bird”).

Let’s set the material type (metal, plastic, wood or other) and the color of the object for the selected object.

    Click the buttonMaterial and select the material type, object color and lighting color.

Select the color and intensity for the shine point.

In the windowView observe the result of applying the selected settings to the object.

Click the button Apply.

    Draw an arbitrary composition from various three-dimensional shapes, save the result in a personal folder called3D objects .

Appendix 2. Student works