How to use KeePass - Automatic insertion of login and password. KeePass is a complex password manager and generator, as well as the best program for storing and conveniently using passwords Keepass autofill

  • After installation, launch Keepass2Android. Now you can open existing base passwords. The program supports database files created using the Windows version of KeePass 2. If you don't have a database yet, click Create new base data."
  • First, specify the location of the password file. You can customize the path suggested by the application through "Change Location". In addition to local storage, for example on a smartphone's SD card, the application offers various cloud services to choose from. If you have a Dropbox or OneDrive account, you can put the file there as well. You will need to enter your credentials. Locally or in the cloud - either way, you still have to select the target directory and assign a file name.
  • Now comes a very important step: you save your password file using your master password. This combination should be quite long and complex and kept secret by you. If you know the master password, you have access to all KeePass2Android passwords. Therefore, use at least eight characters and a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Once you have entered the Master Password twice, click “Create Database.”

Password management and use

Once you've created or opened a database, you can enter new passwords and easily transfer them into login fields on websites or other applications.

  • For better structuring, all access data is organized into groups. To create a new new password entry, first switch to one of the predefined groups. Or create new group. Click the plus sign in the lower right corner and then click on the folder. Enter a name and confirm with “Ok”.
  • Switch to the appropriate group by clicking the group name. Then select the plus sign and key in sequence to enter New Password. Depending on the input type, different templates are available. For example, there are custom forms for addresses Email, credit cards or Wi-Fi networks. For a regular username and password entry, use the "default entry".
  • Enter at least a username and password. For websites, it is also recommended to include a URL. Save the recording by clicking on the floppy disk icon at the top of the window.
  • If you now want to use the saved password, then the username and password must be pasted one after the other via the clipboard into the corresponding login form. Open the required entry in Keepass2Android. Then tap the three dots after the username and select Copy to Clipboard. Go to the application where you need to enter the details and paste the username from the clipboard into the correct field. Then go back to password management and repeat the procedure for the password.
  • Important. The clipboard is cleared at regular intervals by Keepass2Android for security reasons. This prevents other processes from using the cached data. Additionally, the application is blocked if it has not been used for a certain period of time. You can adjust the time periods yourself. To do this, go to the “Keepass2Android” settings menu and go to the “Security” section. Here you can set values ​​for clipboard lock and app shutdown time.

In order to manage your passwords on your PC, you will need a version

Everyone who has to deal with the Internet, whether for work or entertainment, sooner or later comes to the need in some way store passwords for websites. In this case, all stages of storage are passed through. In the beginning, passwords are stored as separate files without a specific location. Then, after losing several of them, the passwords are stored in one file, usually a text file. And when the number of passwords exceeds several dozen and they become more and more important, the understanding comes that they cannot be stored in this form and it’s time to look for a program for storing passwords. But you don’t have to do this - such a program has already been found, and it’s called KeePass

Description of KeyPass

KeePass (full name - KeePass Password Safe) - free program for storing passwords, developed by Dominik Reichl for the operating room Windows systems. KeePass supports Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, Rijndael) and Twofish algorithms to encrypt its database passwords. It is possible to export the database to TXT, HTML, XML and CSV formats, as well as import it from many different formats.
As you can see, Kipass has a lot of advantages - free, open source, high degree of data protection and portability. KeePass can be carried on a flash drive and you can use your passwords in a wide variety of places. And Advanced Encryption Standard password encryption algorithms are the most reliable in the world - banks use them in their work. So you don’t have to worry about the safety of your data. Among other things, the KeePass project is actively developing, which guarantees the release of new versions.
Let's quickly download KeePass and begin a closer acquaintance with this wonderful program. An overview of all its capabilities is not included in the scope of this article, but we will learn how to configure and work with it.


At the time of writing, there are two versions of the program: 1.17 and 2.10. They differ from each other - 2.10 is more advanced in terms of features and amenities. For me, for example, the ability to synchronize data in this version is very important, since I have 3 copies of Kipass: at home, at work and on a flash drive. It is clear that the data on them should be the same, and when changing (adding) the password, I do not need to go into each of the programs - I use synchronization and that’s it last changes automatically transferred to another copy of the program. Great, you agree. But for version 2.10, the Microsoft library must be installed on your computer. NET Framework higher than version 2.0.

Version 1.17 is also working and supported, it just has fewer features. It does not require additional libraries to operate and is guaranteed to run on any computer. Appearance The two versions are no different.

Since the Microsoft .NET Framework is free and installed by default in Vista, we will download the portable version 2.10.

You can download the program from the official website; the Russian language module will have to be downloaded separately. Let's go to the KeePass website. Click on the link “Portable KeePass 2.10 (ZIP Package)” and on the next page wait for the download to begin. If it doesn’t start, click the “direct link” and download the archive.

Regardless of the download option, we will receive an archive that needs to be unpacked. Since this is a portable version of KeePass, the installation is complete. The folder with the program itself can be placed on any drive except the system drive (usually drive “C”). Thus, if the system crashes and then reinstalls Windows passwords will remain untouched.


Download the Russian translation file for your version of the program in the section, unpack it and throw the file with the extension “.lngx” into root folder programs.

We work with KeePass

Let's start work. Click KeePass.exe to launch KeePass. Now we need to activate our installed Russian language module. Go to View->Change language and change the language to Russian.

The program will close and then start again with the Russian interface. The next step is to create a new database file in which our passwords will be stored. Click on the leaf icon and in the window that opens, indicate the name and location of the file. Choose the name yourself, but you need to place the file in the same folder as the program itself.

After specifying the storage location for the database file, a window will open in which you need to enter a password to access the database.

We come up with and enter a password. The longer it is, the more secure the database will be. Find a compromise that is long enough, contains at least letters and numbers, and is still easy to remember. Click OK and you will be taken to the next window where you don’t need to do anything. Its tabs have settings, but they are quite adequate for the job. After clicking OK, a new database will be created. It already contains some data that can be used for work.

Now let’s go to the “Tools->Settings” menu.

In the “Advanced” tab, check the “Automatically save when closing/locking the password database” checkbox. Now the database itself will be saved when the program is closed. Before creating new entries with passwords in the database, close the program and, launching it again, check the login. A password entry window will appear at the entrance.

Enter our password. By clicking on the square with three dots we will make the password visible - a very convenient thing. Then click OK and find yourself in a fully configured and ready-to-use program with an open database.

By clicking “Cancel” we will also open the program, but without opening the database.

How to add a new login and password to KeePass

Easily. To do this, select the group in which they will be located and add it through the “Edit->Add Entry” menu.

In our case, the entry will be added to the “General” group.
We will have to work frequently in the “Add Entry” window that opens, so let’s look at it in more detail.

There are no special problems when working with it - everything is clear from the names of the fields. In the “Name” field, enter a logical name for the entry. I usually name it by the site address without using “http” in the name. As a result, the entries are in alphabetical order, which is very convenient. In “Name” we enter your login to enter the site, in “Password” - the password. In this case, the bar under this field will display the strength of the password. When creating a new entry, the program itself generates a password that you can use. We will enter yours, remembering to click on the button with three dots when entering it. We repeat the password.

We will now move to the Comments field. It is not necessary to fill out, but in practice it is difficult to do without it - there will always be information that can be entered into it. When working with a plastic card, I keep all its details in it - from the number and CVV code, to secret question, addresses and passport details. This way, all data is at your fingertips. Click OK and the entry we created will appear in the “General” section.

Features of working in KeePass

The program is quite convenient to work with. The basis for the work is a string with a record. As we can see, it consists of the values ​​of the fields we entered: title, name, link password and comment.

On each of them, by clicking the mouse twice, we will get the result. Clicking on the title will open a window for editing the entry. Double-clicking on the rest (except for the field with a link) will copy the contents into memory for 12 seconds, after which the memory will be cleared. This way, you don’t have to worry that an important password will hang in your computer’s memory after you close KeePass.

Let's see what the entrance to the site will look like. Click on the area with the link - the site opens. We click on the area of ​​the line with the name - the login is copied into memory. Go to the site and paste it. Returning to Kipass, click on the area with the password, which will be copied into memory. Going back to the site, paste it into the appropriate field. That's all.

As already mentioned, records are easier to find when they are arranged in alphabetical order. To do this, in the drop-down menu you need to go to “Order” and select “Sort by user name”.

How to synchronize KeePass databases

If you have more than one copy of the program, then you need to somehow synchronize the data in them. You can’t go through each record and check it with the record of another copy, right. Luckily, KeePass makes this process very easy. Go to the menu “File->Synchronization->Synchronize with file” and in the window that opens, specify the database file of another instance of the program. By double-clicking on it, or clicking the “Open” button, we synchronize both databases - after this process, the databases will become identical. At the same time, the novelty of the database is not determined by its time last update, but for each specific record.

Of course, most of the KeePass settings are not covered in this short tutorial. But, believe me, the small changes that we made in conjunction with the default settings are quite suitable for work. If you have an irresistible desire to delve into other settings of the program - good for you. Just remember to do this backup copy program by copying its entire folder to a safe place.

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Hi all! Surely many people have forgotten their password from a website or social account. networks, or even electronic wallet. This is the nature of our brain and memory - gradually everything is forgotten, both unimportant and very important. Some write down all their passwords in a notepad, others use computer text editors, and some even created one single password for all their online accounts (highly not recommended). However, all these methods are very ineffective and have a number of disadvantages.

Password Manager KeePass

In this article I will talk about one wonderful program - KeepPass, which allows you to store all your passwords, and you can open it by entering one single password (master password). After saving the password for your account or login page in the database, you will no longer have to re-enter your login and password - it will be inserted automatically. There is no need to worry about the security of the utility - AES (256-bit) and Rijndael encryption algorithms are used, which cannot be hacked.

Important: the KeePass program is free, supports Russian, and in addition to it there are 40 other languages. It is possible to install a portable version, which can be conveniently stored on a flash drive, thus further increasing security. The utility supports various formats export of passwords, so it can be combined with other password stores.

How to download KeePass

In this chapter, we will look at how to download KeePass from the official website in Russian. I recommend downloading all programs related to the security of your computer or the data stored on it exclusively from official developer sites. By using torrents or third-party storage, you risk not only getting a virus on your PC, but even worse, leaking all your passwords to attackers.

So, Download program you can from their website absolutely free. Just copy the address and paste it into the search bar in your browser.

In the window that opens, click on Downloads in the menu on the left, the following window appears:

In it we select a more recent version, in this case 2.38. On the left there are shortcuts for installing the program, on the right – for downloading portable version. Let's consider the second download option. Click on the download icon.

Save the archive file:

Unpack it to a suitable location on your computer or flash drive. Now you can launch the program and use it, if, of course, you speak excellent English. If not, you need to do it Russification of KeePass.

Russification of KeePass

To Russify KeePass again goes to home page official website and in the left column of the menu select Translation.

In the list that appears, select the language we need and download the crack from the second column (since we have the latest version of the program).

Unzip the file Russian.lngx and put this file in the Languages ​​folder of our program.

Now launch KeePass and select View from the menu Change Language

In the window that appears, click on Russian (Russian), after which our KeePass program will start working in Russian.

Setting up the program

Before you start working with the KeePass program, you must first configure it correctly to increase security and make use more efficient and comfortable.


Open Service – Options, and on the Security tab, check the following items.

In the future, after using the program a little, you will be able to understand which functions are best changed or adjusted to suit your needs.


In this options tab, you can disable all unnecessary features. For example, if you do not print data from KeePass, then the corresponding checkbox can be unchecked. The fewer functions you have allowed, the more secure the program will be.


Here we leave it practically as it was by default, with the exception of the Remember item and automatically open the latest password database on startup. For security reasons, it is better to uncheck this item.

Considering that KeePass is responsible for storing all your passwords and keys, you must use this program very carefully, following some rules and recommendations:

  • You must use a complex password to access KeePass passwords.
  • The master password should not be used among the passwords stored in the program.
  • Make at least two copies of the KeePass program with password files so that your data is not lost forever if your computer breaks down or your flash drive is lost.
  • Never keep the KeePass file on your desktop. If it is stored on your computer, then hide it as far as possible, just be careful not to delete this file and the entire folder.
  • KeePass passwords should not be left open for long periods of time.

How to use KeePass

So, we looked at setting up the KeePass program. Now let's figure out how use passwords with KeePass. So, first we need to create shared key file. All our created passwords will be stored in it, and this file can be transferred to any medium.

Next, we come up with and introduce a reliable master key, repeat the input. This key can be written down somewhere so as not to forget or lose it.

You don’t have to change anything in the database parameters for now, but later you can configure it at your discretion.

Next, select the category for which we will create a key, in this case Internet. Click on Add entry - icon at the top.

In the entry, enter its name (you can just use the website address), our account login and password twice (from the website, not the master key). In the URL link we indicate the site address. Click on OK.

That's it, now the login and password for the site are saved in the key file. To extract it, you can simply copy the data and paste it into the login window on the site. But I prefer a simpler method - by opening the site, go to KeePass and select required file, I click on Run autodial. The data will be automatically entered into the login and password field, and you will be logged into the site.

I hope that everything is presented in a clear and accessible way, and you will be able to use KeePass without any problems, which will significantly simplify your work with your computer, in particular on the Internet.

Keepass is a free password manager. It will be useful primarily for those users who are forced to create separate passwords for each service. At the same time, it is worth understanding that storing passwords and logins in the browser’s memory or somewhere on a sheet is unreliable, since they can be accidentally lost and/or stolen by attackers.

Using Keepass to Store Passwords

The program interface is in English by default, but it can be translated into Russian by downloading and installing the Russian language. The program also has several convenient tools for working with passwords. Let's look at the process of interacting with it in more detail.

Download and installation

It is recommended to download the program from the official website of the developer, since the manager has an open source, therefore, on resources with bad reputation a version with built-in spy code may be distributed.

On the website you can find three versions of the program:

  • Classic Edition is a standard version of the program that has reduced requirements for hardware and software components of the computer. For example, for it to work it is not necessary to have installed package Microsoft.NET;
  • Professional Edition - it weighs more compared to previous version, and also requires the installed Microsoft.NET package for its operation. At the same time, the user has access to some improved tools and capabilities;
  • Portable – portable version, downloadable in a ZIP archive. It can even be launched from a flash drive. The main advantage is that it does not leave any records of its work on the computer, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your personal information.

The installation process for the first two versions is almost the same. You check or uncheck certain items, accept license agreement, wait for the installation to complete and use it.

In the case of the portable version, instead of installing, you only need to unpack the ZIP archive wherever it is convenient for you. You can install this version of the program on a USB flash drive or even virtual disk and store your passwords there. Also the portable version works fine on others operating systems eg Android, Linux Ubuntu etc.

In terms of working with programs, there are practically no differences.

Translation of the interface into Russian

If you are not satisfied with the English-language interface of the program, then you can change it by adding a special file to the main directory of the program and selecting Russian in the settings. The Russifier file has the following name - "Russian.Ingx". On the official website, it is advisable to select a file that is compatible with your current version.

To download and install the Russian language for your version of Keepass, do the following:

Creating a Password Database

In Keepass, you can create several files that will serve as password databases. This is convenient in cases where several people use the computer and everyone needs their passwords to be saved, but not in one common file to which all users will have access. The created file can be protected from unauthorized access and saved on any medium. However, in the case of the Classic Edition and Professional Edition there may be some restrictions.

The process of creating a password database file might look like this:

Working with the database

Once the creation of the database file is complete, it will be opened in the main program window. By default, it will already contain some information for informational purposes. You can change or delete them.

To create your own posts, use these instructions:

Login to your account

After creating a record with a password and login in the database, try logging into your account on a particular site. To do this, open the login form, place the cursor in one of the fields and press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+A. If everything is configured correctly, you should be able to login to your account. It is worth understanding that depending on the settings set above, the login process may take some time.

Keepass is an excellent program for saving passwords and logins, but those who are not well versed in computers may have a question about how to use this program. An example of using the program, as well as its main functionality, was reviewed.

This article will not contain long discussions on the topic of where and why to store passwords, which password manager to choose, etc. and so on. If you came to my site from a search engine (and according to statistics, this is my main audience), then you already understand the importance, as well as the convenience, of storing passwords in specialized programs. And your choice, just like mine, is the KeePass program. Now you are faced with the task of figuring out how to use KeePass, how to set it up and how to work with it effectively.

Well, you've come to the right place! KeePass is truly one of the best, reliable and also free password managers. And the video tutorial below tells you almost everything about this program. You could even say that this is a step-by-step video instruction for KeePass.

In his video tutorial, the author tried to reveal all the subtleties that both beginners and advanced users need to know in order to effectively use this password manager. The entire work process is described - from downloading and installing the program to autodialing and connecting plugins. I have never seen such a detailed video tutorial on the KeePass program on the Internet.

See the contents of the lesson for yourself:
(if you can't wait, go straight to the video)

  • Where to download and how to Russify KeePass
  • How to create and configure a new password database
  • How to create a key for additional protection bases
  • Overview of the program interface and menu sections
  • Learn more about the capabilities of the password generator
  • Overview of the KeePass section - “Settings”
  • How to create and edit groups (categories)
  • How to add records to a database
  • How AutoDial Works
  • Installing a plugin for automatic Reserve copy password databases.