How to put a password on a folder in different ways. How to protect your data from prying eyes Password protect a folder in Windows 7 without archiving

In cases where several people have access to a computer, it may become useful opportunity hide some data stored on it from viewing by third-party users, as well as protect it from theft and subsequent use. Encrypting folders or files, as well as setting a password for access to confidential information.

Methods of protection

Actually, you can protect your files from access by others by setting a password and/or encrypting the contents. Another thing is that the presence of similar objects on the disk that exist, but cannot be accessed, may cause additional interest in what is stored in them and why all this is needed at all.

If, in addition to password-protecting the data, you also make it invisible (hidden) from prying eyes, then you can protect yourself from unnecessary questions about what kind of secrets are stored there.

We will tell you about several methods of protection. We would only like to warn you in advance that all passwords that will be used to restrict access to data should not be primitive. Passwords like “12345”, “qwerty” and others like them (by the way, you can find ratings of the most frequently used combinations on the Internet) have long been no secret to anyone. The password must be a sequence of letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers and special characters with a length of at least 8 characters, and preferably more.

The password must be kept in a secure place and known only to you. A piece of paper with a password glued to the monitor or a text file with it on the disk nullifies all the tricks. And, of course, there is no need to lose your password. With it, you can lose your data forever. Even contacting a computer repair shop in Balashikha or another area, wherever you are, will not help.

To protect your information, you can use standard OS capabilities, create a password-protected archive, or use third party programs, of which there are many. We will describe only a few:

  • AnvideLockFolder
  • DirLock
  • Flash Crypt
  • Folder Lock Lite
  • Folder Protector
  • Hide Folders
  • LocK-A-FoLdeR.

Using Windows 7 Tools

The simplest option to limit access to folders and files on a disk is to set individual access rights for each user, but this is not always possible, since joint work with data may be required.

Another option is to use EFS, which is a built-in additional file system that encrypts data and provides access via a specially created key file with the pfs extension. It is convenient to store this file separately on a flash drive, removable disk etc. Without it, access to data is impossible.

In order to protect your information from prying eyes, you need to:

Now access to this folder is possible only if you provide a pfx file.

We use archiving programs

Common and frequently used archivers, such as WinRar, 7-zip and the like, allow you to create password-protected archives. Let us describe the process of creating such an archive.



After this, the selected folder will be archived and password protected. When finished, remember to delete the original folder.


The actions are largely similar to the previous archiver. When opening the program window, you need to select a folder, click the “Add” button, specify the archive parameters and in the “Encryption” section enter the password twice. After clicking the “Ok” button, the folder will be archived. All that remains is to delete the original one.

We use third-party programs

Before starting work, it is advisable to scan and remove viruses, clean the system from possible keyboard interceptor programs, spyware, etc. If your actions are recorded, then there is little point in them.


A small free program that does not require installation on the system, i.e. it can be launched from a disk, flash drive, etc.

  1. When you first start it, you should set a password for the program itself, to do this, click on the button with the wrench symbol and enter the password.
  2. By clicking on the “+” button, or dragging the folder into the program window, add the desired folder.
  3. By clicking on the button with the picture of a closed lock, we open a window in which you need to enter the access password, and then click “Close access”.

Now the folder will be hidden, and access can only be done through this program.


This small program must be installed on the system, after which the “Lock/Unlock” item will appear in the context menu. To block access to a folder, you need to:

Now, any unauthorized attempt to open this folder will display a message warning that you do not have rights to use it.

To unlock the folder, you must again use the item context menu“Lock/Unlock”, after which a window for entering a password will appear, the folder will be unlocked and you can work with it. After completing all actions, you must lock the folder again.


This program uses the AES algorithm and a 256-bit key for encryption. The program is installed on the system and adds an item to the context menu. Protected folders are not hidden, but access is provided only with a password.

In order to password protect a folder, you need to:

Folder Lock Lite

Paid program, the cost of which is this moment is $25.95. There is a 30-day trial period. It works a lot like AnvideLockFolder. A master password is used, folders are hidden from visibility by other users, and work with them is possible only from the program itself.

Folder Protector

The program does not require installation and can be launched from any media. The program is paid, but there is free option, in which the encryption function is not available.

To protect a folder, you need to launch the program, select the desired object on the disk, enter a password and click the “Protect” button. All files will become invisible.


Paid program with a 30-day trial period. Allows you to set 4 types of protection:

  • Hiding files.
  • Access blocking.
  • Hiding files and blocking access.
  • The files are read-only.

How to use the program:

Protecting network folders

Placing folders and files on a network resource allows for their sharing by different users. All of them can be divided into groups, and each can have its own access rights. To block access to a network folder, you need to set a password on it. To do this you need:

  1. Click “Start”, then “My Computer”, select “Tools” from the menu and click on “Folder Options”.
  2. Select the “View” tab and uncheck the “Use simple” general access to files”, click “Ok”.

After this, for each user group you need to set a login password:

  1. Click “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “User Accounts”.
  2. Select a group and specify a password for it.
  3. On the "Advanced" tab you can set your own passwords for local groups users and specifically for each user.

After this, access to network resources will provide a password, and the level of rights to use them will be determined by the users’ group membership.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to hide from strangers what you want to hide. Which option to choose - to use external programs or tools built into the system - is up to you. The most important thing is not to hide it from yourself by forgetting the password, losing the key file, etc.

Unfortunately, in order to put a password on a folder in Windows 7, you have to resort to using external software that specializes in information security.

The system itself only makes it possible to open or close access to files and folders to certain users, as well as other users on the network.

But not everything is so bad; a huge amount of paid and free software has long been developed, with which you can ruin not only any folder in Windows 7, but also an archive.

Built-in Windows 7 Features

Although it would be wrong to speak so poorly of Windows 7, it still provides security features for accessing files in addition to those mentioned above.

We are talking about data protection on physical level thanks to the built-in file system EFS.

In this case, access to data is carried out through a specially created key file with the pfx extension.

For example, you called it doc.pfx.

What does he look like.

It can be stored on your flash drive or in another place known only to you. Without this key, no computer user will be able to access the information, and the password here becomes of secondary importance.

To use this feature, right-click on the selected folder.

Go to the “properties” - “general” section and click the “other” button.

If another user wants to use the encrypted data, he will need this key and a password for it. It is very IMPORTANT here not to lose the key.

Disadvantage this method is that:

  1. The Windows 7 file system must be NTFS;
  2. For many users this method may seem very difficult.

Of course, there are other ways to protect your information. Let's talk about them.


Known to many this program, but not many people know all its capabilities. By creating an archive with important data, you can easily put complex password and protect yourself from access to information of other users.

WinRaR is distributed free of charge and can be easily found on the Internet in the public domain.

After installing the program, activate the desired folder by left-clicking on it.

In the future, when you right-click, you will call up an additional menu.

In the menu that appears, find the WinRaR program and hover your mouse over it.

Such actions will call up an additional menu with which you can call up various program actions.

Fill out two fields by entering the desired password. If necessary, you can enable visualization of character input and encrypt file names.

If you don't want to change anything else, click OK, then OK again. If you want to change the compression level, go to the “General” section and select the compression method.

Click OK.

After archiving a folder, when you try to open a document located there, WinRaR will ask you to enter a password.


Also quite a popular free archiver.

We perform the same actions as in the previous case.

Click “Add to archive” and call up the archiving management section.

Having set the necessary settings, enter the password in two special areas. Click OK. The folder will be archived and password protected.

The Hide Folders program for Windows 7 is shareware. Developed by FSPro Labs. Time free work 30 days.

But as you understand, you can also find a fully working version on the Internet.

The main purpose of the program is complete hiding necessary files and folders from other computer users.

There are 4 protection methods: Hide and block access, hide, read only, block access.

The program weighs just over 3 MB and can be installed in two clicks.

After starting the program, this window appears.

Click “Add”, select desired mode protection. And then we specify the path to the file or folder.

For example, you clicked “Block”.

To prevent another user from removing the protection using the same program, the program launch is blocked using a password.

Now only you can work with Hide Folders.

Unlike the previous program, this one is completely free. The installation file weighs only 2.6 MB. Installation takes 5 seconds.

After installation is complete, the program immediately prompts you to start working.

The operating principle is somewhat similar to Hide program Folders, only less functionality.

It only blocks access to files and folders by hiding them with a password.

After launching Anvide Lock Folder, this window appears.

The program provides the following settings.

By clicking plus we add the file or folder that needs to be added. You can add multiple files and folders at once.

Once you select the folder, press F5 or the padlock as shown below.

The folder will be hidden and access to it will not be possible.

You can also use a hint for the created password.

In order to deny other users access to the program, you must set a password.

Everything is simple and effective, and most importantly free.

This is a shareware program that can work with all drives, despite the fact that the word “USB” is written in the software name.

The program developer is Password Protect Software.

After 30 days you will be asked to buy it for $39.95. During this period, you can protect data of no more than 50 MB.

But don’t be upset if you like the program, there are a lot of free working versions on the Internet.

The program “weighs” only 1 MB, can be installed in 2 clicks, and after installation and launch it will immediately offer to buy it or use the trial version for 30 days.

After starting the program, the following window will appear.

Click “Lock folders” and select a folder. But you can do it differently.

Immediately select the desired folder and right-click. In the window that appears, select the program, and then select the folder again.

Click “Lock folders”.

The folder will be archived to the extension “.___ppp”.

To remove protection, you need to double-click on the folder, the program will automatically launch, and this window will open.

You need to enter a password in the field and click “Unlock folders”.

Bottom line

If there are many users working on your computer who have different password-protected access, then in order to put a password on folders in Windows 7, it would be advisable not to buy or download separate software, but to use the built-in capabilities of the system.

This is completely blocking access to files and folders to other users, or limiting their access.

Or try using data encryption via EFS.

In other cases, the software described above is quite suitable for quickly protecting your information; this will be the easiest option to put a password on folders in Windows 7.

If there are other suggestions on this topic, we will be glad to read them in the comments. Good luck.

A folder protected with a complex password on a computer or laptop that can be accessed by several people - reliable way save important information. The secret word code will protect digital data from viewing and editing, and will also protect it from deletion. Let's find out how you can put a password on a folder in Windows 10? Are there alternative methods of protection?

Setting a password using standard Windows tools

The Windows 10 operating system does not have built-in functionality that can be used to protect a specific folder. There is an easy way to restrict access to account user by placing a code word at the input (thereby blocking access to any file). There is also a more complicated one - use the built-in BitLocker disk encryption function (it will be impossible to open it without entering the cipher word). The problem with using the BitLocker service is that if the system crashes or the user forgets the password, emergency measures will have to be taken to recover the files.

And the operating systems of the Windows family have one unique functionality that allows you to make an object invisible to users. Using it, there is no need to come up with a complex cipher for opening, which can be forgotten over time.
To hide a folder proceed as follows:
Important! Both protection methods are valid for all versions of the Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Home, Vista OS family.

An alternative way to protect folders

A large percentage of users use the program instead of the built-in Explorer in Windows 10 Total Commander or file managers with similar functionality: Free, Double, Troll, Midnight Commander or other products. With their help it is very easy to set a password on an object. This can be done after standard installation any file manager. The procedure is as follows:

Important! After the procedure, opening files will be available only after entering secret code. If the user needs to hide an object and encrypt it, this can be done in Commander. You need to go through the procedure of hiding a folder through the “Properties” menu (described above), and then:

The object is now protected and invisible. You can use separate archiver programs WinRar and 7-Zip, but if you have a file manager on your PC or laptop, installing them is impractical.

Setting a password using third-party resources

There are many software products that can improve the security of storing personal data - Flash Crypt, dirLock, Secure Folder, WinMend Folder Hidden, Wise Folder Hider, My Lockbox, Easy File Locker, Anvide Seal Folder and many others. Most of the utilities are free, equipped with a multilingual interface and functional. The Wise Folder Hider software product from the reliable and proven developer WiseCleaner is suitable for all Windows OS families and for those new to folder encryption

You can download Wise Folder Hider for free online. Its installation is standard and fast ( free version on the network with the Portable prefix). The only condition is a password to open the utility. You can put any one. Then proceed like this:

After completing the procedure, the object will disappear from the list of folders on the disk (hidden) and will be accessible only through the application. Another small and easy to use utility is Secure Folders. It has a little more functionality and an English-language interface. But it does not complicate the work, since the software offers a minimum number of operations. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the code word is set to open the program itself - that is, you need to enter and come up with one code, which is easier to remember. After adding a folder to the Secure Folders application, it is impossible to open it without opening the program itself.

Use the software like this:

Important! To access an object, you need to temporarily remove it from the application by clicking the red cross on the right side of the line. Once the document work is completed, the object is added back to the application.

If you need something more functional software, which will allow you to encrypt any PC objects, it is better to download the Hide Folder utility. Its interface is Russian, the installation is standard. After installation, proceed as follows:

Access to the facility is limited. Built-in capabilities operating system Windows 10 is quite sufficient to protect files and documents. The main security secret is a competent and complex password. If one is installed, then it will be virtually impossible to break it, regardless of what program was used for encryption.

Often users find themselves in a situation where they need to hide the contents of a folder or file from prying eyes, so the question arises of how to put a password on a folder.

Unfortunately, the developers of the Windows operating system did not provide for such a function as setting a password for individual user files and directories.

The OS can only be configured to prohibit certain users from using or viewing a specific type of directory, file or program.

Setting a password for a folder is necessary if:

Set a password for the archive

Using this method, you can password-protect a folder with any type of file, while it is possible to hide the very fact that the archive contains files of a certain format.

The window for entering the code will pop up even before the archive opens, so it is impossible to find out about its contents if the user does not know the combination.

A password for an archive without programs is the easiest way to protect folders.

Advice! The function of setting a password for the archive does not require pre-installation additional software, you only need to have pre-installed free programs WinRAR or 7-ZIP.

To add the desired folder to the archive and password protect it, follow the instructions below:

  • Right-click on the folder you are interested in and add it to the archive, as shown in the figure;

Set password

  • Immediately after you select an action "add to archive", a window will appear with various settings for the parameters of the created archive. Find the button to set a password, it is shown in the figure;
  • Click on the button that allows you to set a password.

After this action, a small input window will immediately appear. New code must be entered twice (to verify correct insertion).

You can also check the box next to the option to encrypt file names.

Thus, third-party users will not be able to find out anything about the type of files being hidden.

After trying to open the archive, we see that you first need to enter the code and only then can you view and edit its contents.

This method of installing the code is the simplest and most effective. However, to implement it you will need to have one of the archivers on your computer.

Also, if the code is forgotten or lost, restoring the contents of the archive will become quite a difficult task for the user. This is why you should keep backup copy protected files, for example, on cloud storage.

Using the above method, you can also password-protect an archive on a flash drive.

Helpful information:

To create a password on your smartphone, you can use the utility. It is designed to block applications on Android using a password. With its help, only you can access the messenger, social networks, camera and gallery or any other applications.

Using PasswordProtect USB

On the Internet you can find a huge amount of third-party software that can cope with the task of installing code on the system object you need.

A large proportion of such programs, unfortunately, can harm your files rather than protect them from unauthorized access by other users.

This article presents the most popular and common types of software that have been tested big amount users.

Therefore, these programs will not harm your computer and files that need to be password protected or hidden.

PasswordProtect USB allows you to password protect folders and remove the previously installed encryption.

The application has an intuitive user interface, so working with this utility will not be a difficult task for the user.

You can start the code installation process not only using the main program window, but also using the computer desktop.

Once you have installed this software on your operating system, the installation option will be displayed in the menu of each folder.

You just need to right-click on it, as shown in the figure:

  • The next step is to enter the code in the window that opens. Enter it twice to eliminate the possibility of error.

  • After installing the code, a sign will be displayed on the folder icon, indicating that the folder is protected. When you try to open a password-protected folder, the following dialog box will appear. This is the most common way to put a code on photo folders.

Helpful information:

Pay attention to the program. It is designed to quickly recover a lost password to a data archive saved in ZIP/WinZIP, ARJ/WinARJ, RAR/WinRAR and ACE/WinACE formats.

Folder Lock Software

This program can protect a folder on a laptop or PC. Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.

The utility encrypts the folder itself, without the archive.

You can put the code on a folder with absolutely any content: files, photos and documents.

To install it on a folder using this program, follow the instructions:

  • After the folder has been added, it instantly becomes locked and can only be opened by a person who knows the password.

Set a password for a network folder

You can also password-protect a network folder.

Main property network folder– it is available for viewing by all network users, so sometimes there are cases when the content can be hidden.

However, is it possible to hide these types of content folders for all users?

It is possible, but there is a risk that users on the same network can easily hack the password.

Password protect a text file

You can password protect a text file separately from the folder. In this way, you can increase its crypto-resistance (resistance to hacking).

In order to increase the level of protection, you should also change the encoding text file and then, in the event of hacking, the attacker will not be able to read the contents without using a number of additional programs that select the correct encoding.

To set a password for a notepad file, follow these steps:

  • Save the document in bat format;

Now, when you try to open a notepad document on a computer, you will be prompted to enter a password; only after entering the correct password will the user be able to view and edit the contents of the file.

When using a computer, some users wonder how to put a password on a folder on the computer. And it’s kind of natural, everyone has their own secrets.

At the request of a friend, I decided to figure out how this could be done. Yes, there are currently many ways to set a password for a folder! And I was convinced of this as soon as I started looking for a convenient and easy way. In this article I want to talk about some of the methods. I hope you find it useful.

The most interesting thing is that most people use WinRar archiver To put a password on a folder, we will look at this method in the article.

How to put a password on any folder using programs

In the process of searching for a suitable option to set a password for a folder, I went through many programs, but I would like to talk about a few that really deserve attention and use.

Free Anvide Seal Folder in the past Anvide Lock Folder

This program deserves special attention because... she can not only set a password for a folder, but can also . In order to use its capabilities you need to download and install it.

After you have downloaded and installed it, a shortcut will appear on your desktop, launch it. A small program will launch, which copes with its functions with a bang.

The program interface is convenient and friendly, but let's figure out how it all works. To set a password for a folder, you need to drag the folder into the program or click on the plus and select from the list. In the program window, go to the folder and click on the lock icon, enter the created password 2 times, then "close access", sim-salabim and the folder disappeared.

During the password setting process, the program will prompt you to enter a hint; you don’t have to enter it, but don’t forget the password you set.

To access the folder, you need to run the Anvide Seal Folder program, select the desired folder, click on the icon "open lock", enter the password, the folder will appear and access will be granted.

The interesting thing about the program is that after setting a password, even an advanced user will not be able to find your data, even when booting from another operating system. The only note is that the program is not intended to protect confidential information, only for private use.

Attention! Before reinstalling windows Don't forget to open access to all folders to avoid data loss!

To start and make changes to the program, you need to set a password, to do this, click the mouse by the "code lock" button on the left side of the program, and enter your login password.

The program contains several useful options, to do this, go to settings, click on the "wrench"

To do this, in the program settings go to “Basic Settings”, and check the boxes - “Close access to all folders after exiting the program”. “Forcibly close access to folders”, this function will be needed in cases where, when access to the folder is closed, the file is occupied by another application, the program will forcefully close it.

To make this function available to you you need to click on the “Configure” button and indicate installed program "Unlocker"(by default, the program is installed in the C:\Program Files\Unlocker directory, and select the program file Unlocker.exe).

How to set a password for a folder using Lock-A-Folder

Another interesting program for setting a password on a folder and hiding it, meet Lock-A-Folder. Please keep in mind that this software is not intended to restrict access to confidential information.

This program does not use encryption when setting a password for a folder, and also hides the folder from prying eyes, this is what makes it interesting. You can enable the Russian language in the program. The interface is clear and convenient.

Download Russian.ini copy this file to the program folder C:\Program Files\LocK-A-FoLdeR\Lang

After downloading and installing, launch it. When you launch the program for the first time, you will receive a message about the need to create a master code or, in other words, a password to enter the program. Click OK and enter the password, repeat the password, enter the program. In the program at the bottom right from the drop-down menu Choose a language – Russian (Russian), for easier use of the program.

To set a password for a folder using Lock-A-Folder you you need to click on the “Lock folder” button, then select the folder to set the password and hide click OK, after selecting, the folder will appear in the list and disappear from the selected location.

You can do the same with other folders. Hidden folders are not displayed by the program when enabled. windows functions.

In order to unlock and the folder appears, you need to run the program, you need select a folder from the list And click on the “Unlock folder” button

Uninstalling the program if the folders are locked will not be possible until you enter the password to access the program. Deleting the program all hidden folders automatically become visible and restrictions are removed from it. The program allows you to put a password on a folder and hide it in Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1.

How to set a password for a folder without programs using a script

On the Internet I came across many scripts for this purpose, but none of them provided security. Programs work on the principle of this script to set a password for a folder. It is based on the same password for hiding a folder from the computer, BUT in many scripts, when you enter a password, the folder is hidden, and when you enable the function in windows, the folder is visible. In the same script, everything works as expected.

Let's figure out how to set a password for a folder without programs.

Step 1. Copy the text of the future script:

Select all text, right-click on the selection and select copy

cls @ECHO OFF title Folder Private if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER:CONFIRM echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho% ==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM:LOCK ren Private "HTG Locker" attrib +h +s "HTG Locker" echo Folder locked goto End:UNLOCK echo Enter password to unlock folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%== 12345 goto FAIL attrib -h -s "HTG Locker" ren "HTG Locker" Private echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End:FAIL echo Invalid password goto end:MDLOCKER md Private echo Private created successfully goto End:End


title Folder Private

if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK

if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER


echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder (Y / N )

set /p "cho=>"

if % cho %= = Y goto LOCK

if % cho %= = y goto LOCK

if % cho %= = n goto END

if % cho %= = N goto END

echo Invalid choice .



ren Private "HTG Locker"

attrib + h + s "HTG Locker"

echo Folder locked

goto End


echo Enter password to unlock folder

set / p "pass=>"

if NOT % pass %= = 12345 goto FAIL

attrib - h - s "HTG Locker"

ren "HTG Locker" Private

echo Folder Unlocked successfully

goto End


echo Invalid password

goto end


md Private

echo Private created successfully

goto End


The line to set a password for the folder is if NOT %pass%== 12345 goto FAIL (12345 is the default password, here you enter your password)

Step 2. Open notepad Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad, or just write in the search bar notepad and click on it as shown in the picture.

In the window that opens paste (Ctrl+V) the text copied earlier and save. Click File > Save As, select file type – All files, and the file name is any, adding at the end .bat, choose a location for the file, I save it to the desktop and click Save.

The file will appear on your desktop or in the location you specify.

Example: It should look like this - lock.bat

Run lock.bat, if you did everything correctly, the folder will appear - Privat. You copy anything into this folder that you wanted to set a password for and hide. Run the script file again, a window will open in which the script will ask, "Are you sure you want to lock the folder", must be entered to confirm the action, in English Y (Yes - Yes), press Enter. We click refresh on the desktop, the folder disappears.

Since our script file is on the desktop, the folder will appear on the desktop and disappear from the desktop.

For that for the folder to appear, run our script file lock.bat, enter the password which you entered in the line and press Enter, the folder appears. That's all. A simple way to set a password for a folder without programs.

The script file must be stored separately from the place where you set a password for the folder and hid it. The only inconvenient thing about this script is that you need to copy the script file back, and only then run it and enter the password. But I think these are minor things.

Set a password for a folder using the archive and the WinRAR program

Most PC users have a program for working with archives, as it is recommended software for convenient work on the computer.

Using WinRAR, you can easily set a password for a folder, but you will have to archive it. And every time you use a folder with a password, you will have to unpack the archive itself, this is a little inconvenient, but if the folder is not big size, then these are trifles.

But this method has its place, and it is effective and popular, and this method can also be considered how to set a password without third-party programs.

Let's look at the process with an example.

Right-click on the folder you are going to set a password and select from the context menu "Add to archive…" In the program window that opens, click "Set password"

Enter the password twice, or once when checking the box "Display password as I type". After entering the password, click "OK", in the next window one more time", an archive with a password will begin to be created. If you check the box "Encrypt file names", then when you try to view the contents of the archive, you will not see anything. Sometimes this function is useful, so take it into account.

To access the archive folder and file, you need to unpack the archive, right-click on the archive, select "Extract to current folder" or " Extract to .....", enter your password, then OK.

The most important thing is not to forget the passwords to the archives; if you forget the password, it is extremely difficult to obtain data from such an archive.