No connection to the app store. Can't connect to the iTunes Store. Make sure VPNs aren't blocking access

At the beginning of the month I got a notification on my iPad that it was time to update software before latest version- iOS 6.0. Among the things that were updated in the software were Passbook, a clock, the ability to upload photos through a browser and other goodies (it’s amazing, of course, that the iPad still didn’t have such functions as uploading images and an alarm clock). I decided to update. All the process was successful and I, one might say, did not even notice any mistakes, if the other day one of the applications installed on my tablet did not need to be updated. As expected in this case, a number in a red circle appeared next to the AppStore icon, informing. the exact number of applications that can no longer be updated. iTunes Store"(in English version "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"). So what's the problem?

I thought that these were some problems with Apple (it happened once before that I couldn’t open the AppStore for several hours, but later everything went away on its own), but it’s unlikely that they would have continued for a week. Today I was already tired of this wait for something unknown and I decided to look on foreign forums for ways to solve this problem. There were offers to roll back the firmware, but I have no idea how to do this, so I decided not to get involved - I have no plans to buy a new tablet yet, unless the film on the screen could use replacing, otherwise it already looks like a kitchen cutting board. And here it is: the most seemingly delusional proposal one could come up with. But it works. I'm serious.

So, the solution:
Closing everything open applications(for some reason, nothing worked for me with Safari open, although they write on the forum that other applications do not affect this matter in any way), after which we open the settings and go to the date and time settings. I had it on automatic detection time. I turned it off and added two more years to the date (i.e. I set it to 2014). Exit the settings and launch the AppStore. We get it, after which we again close all the applications that we managed to open, go to the settings and turn on automatic time detection. We launch the AppStore again and, lo and behold, a page appears before us offering to update applications. I have no idea how time settings affect the AppStore, but there is definitely some connection between them.

P.S. By the way, I didn’t experience any Passbook problems after updating to iOS 6.0.

UPD: The solution, of course, is not bad, but it’s a one-time solution, unfortunately: the AppStore works fine only until it is closed - after that the same problem occurs. I found a more radical solution to this problem, but it requires a computer with iTunes installed.

Please note that during recovery this way, all installed applications, photos, books in iBooks and all that stuff, so you first need to synchronize using an application on your computer, while marking all those sections that we need to save. Then, using the same application, we begin the process iPad recovery by clicking the "Restore" button. After clicking on it, 800MB of firmware files will be downloaded via the computer and iOS 6 will be reinstalled. After successful installation of the firmware, you will be asked to continue setting up the device as new or restore from backup copy. We select the installation again, and when everything is ready, we synchronize with the computer again.

Connection failure App Store- what to do?

With each subsequent iOS update Apple engineers are trying to fix maximum amount errors and shortcomings. Some errors, however, have followed iPhone and iPad owners since earlier versions iOS, for example, an error with gaining access to the App Store. Not everyone experiences this problem, however, if a pop-up window with the message “Can’t connect to the App Store” terrorizes you, then pay attention to these instructions.

Important! If you encounter problems connecting to the App Store February 1, 2019, then the cause of the failure is a problem with Apple, which we wrote about in more detail. How to solve a problem? At the moment there is only one solution - reset the date on iPhone or iPad a few days ago, for example, on January 28.

The problem with access to the App Store appears due to many different reasons, but there is only one way to fix it. On the forums of fans of Apple technology, craftsmen tried everything they could to get rid of the hated window with the inscription “Can’t connect to the App Store”, even resetting the device, but the solution turned out to be much simpler.

Step 1. Open the menu " Settings» -> « App Store, iTunes Store»

Step 2: Click on your Apple ID

Step 3. Select " Go out»

Step 4: Enter your Apple ID password again and try to access the App Store

So very in a simple way You can get rid of the error with access to the App Store. Please note that you must first check whether the device is connected to the Internet - a similar error can also occur due to the lack of a Wi-Fi router signal.

As you probably know, the iTunes Store is Apple's online store, where various media content is purchased: music, movies, games, applications, books, etc. Many users make purchases in this store through the iTunes Store program. However, the desire to visit the built-in store may not always be successful if iTunes cannot connect to the iTunes Store.

Access to the iTunes Store may be denied for a variety of reasons. In this article we will try to consider all the reasons, knowing which, you can establish access to the store.

Reason 1: no internet connection

Let's start with perhaps the most banal, but also the most popular reason for the lack of connection to the iTunes Store.

Make sure your computer is connected to a stable, high-speed Internet connection.

Reason 2: Outdated version of iTunes

Older versions of iTunes may not work properly on your computer, exhibiting a variety of problems, such as not connecting to the iTunes Store.

All you need to do is check iTunes for updates. If updated version The program will be available for you to download, you will need to install it.

Reason 3: iTunes processes are blocked by antivirus

The next most popular problem is the blocking of some iTunes processes by the antivirus. The program itself may work fine, but when you try to open the iTunes Store, you may experience failure.

In this case, you should try disabling the antivirus and then check the functionality of the iTunes Store. If after completing these steps the store was successfully downloaded, you will need to go to your antivirus settings and try adding iTunes to the exclusion list, and also try disabling network scanning.

Reason 4: changed hosts file

This problem is usually caused by viruses that have settled on your computer.

First, conduct a deep scan of your system using your antivirus. You can also use the same procedure free utility Dr.Web CureIt, which will allow you not only to find threats, but also to safely eliminate them.

After virus removal is complete, be sure to restart your computer. Now you need to check the status hosts file and, if necessary, return them to their previous state. How to do this is described in more detail on the official Microsoft website.

Reason 5: Windows Update

According to Apple itself, unupdated Windows can also cause the inability to connect to the iTunes Store.

To eliminate this possibility, in Windows 10 you will need to open a window "Options" keyboard shortcut Win+I , and then go to the section "Update and Security" .

In the new window, click on the button "Checking for updates" . If updates are found for you, install them.

The same goes for younger ones Windows versions. Open menu “Control Panel” – “Center” Windows management» , check for updates and install all updates without exception.

Reason 6: Problem with Apple servers

The final reason, which does not arise from the type of user.

In this case, you have no choice but to wait. Perhaps the problem will be fixed in a few minutes, or perhaps in a few hours. But as a rule, such situations are resolved fairly quickly.

In this article, we looked at the main reasons why you cannot connect to the iTunes Store. We hope this article was useful to you.

Someone is currently trying to update the software in Mac App Store, but cannot connect to its account, having received some error at the password entry stage. And some people are unable to log into the iTunes Store using their Apple ID. For some people, the Mac App Store and iTunes Store are disabled and showing a connection error. iTunes Connect generally “fell” and does not move. Do not rush to reboot your routers, computers or bombard your provider’s technical support with calls - this is a global problem and Apple will solve it for its part.

Difficulties connecting to Apple services began about an hour ago, all over the world. For some, everything works great, but for others, they cannot connect to Mac App Store or iTunes Store, or you can’t log into your account with using Apple ID.

Currently, according to TNW, problems are observed in Australia, Brazil, Bolivia, Poland, Serbia, South Africa, Cyprus, Canada, Switzerland, India, Italy, Indonesia, the Philippines, Portugal, Egypt, Singapore, Vietnam, Israel, Iceland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, Hong Kong, Germany, Greece, Great Britain and the USA. They also exist in Ukraine and, judging by the activity on the Internet, similar difficulties are observed in Russia. The problem also affected iTunes Connect- developers cannot log into their accounts.

At the moment, Apple is not commenting on the situation, which is not surprising - California is currently sleeping. So don’t panic and wait until everything gets better on its own. In the past, similar problems were resolved by the company within a few hours, or at most in half a day. [TNW]

Update: The status of Apple online services can be checked on the official page.

website Someone is currently trying to update the software in the Mac App Store, but cannot connect to their account, having received some kind of error when entering the password. And some people are unable to log into the iTunes Store using their Apple ID. For some people, the Mac App Store and iTunes Store are disabled and showing a connection error. iTunes Connect...

This material tells you how to resolve one of the errors that pops up when connecting your iPhone to iTunes. We will talk about such an unpleasant situation when iTunes was unable to connect to this iPhone.

If, when connecting your device to a PC, a message with a similar error is displayed, do not be upset. There are a number of steps you can take to help resolve the problem. Below, each method is discussed in detail, and the causes of the problem are given.

If iTunes was unable to connect to the iPhone, before you begin to resolve the error, you need to understand its causes. Often, a way out of a situation is discovered by itself when the cause is determined.

The first thing you need to do is check the functionality USB cord. This is the most common factor causing an error. The cord must be intact and free from suspicious kinks or damage. The best solution is to check the accessory on another iOS device.

It happens that iTunes cannot “recognize” the iPhone due to problems with the latter. The phone may experience glitches that negatively affect its functionality. The solution to the problem in such a situation is very simple: you need to restart the iOS device. In 99% of cases this helps.

Sometimes the reason lies in the “stuffing” of the PC. The USB socket may be damaged. You should connect the cord to a different port.

If the source of trouble is in the USB socket or its contacts, the best solution is to connect the cord to the connector located on the back of the system unit.

Software and operating systems can also “fly”. The source of the problems here may lie in the incorrect startup or operation of iTunes. The easiest way out of the situation is to restart the PC. As mentioned above, this primitive procedure almost always leads to success.

You can make sure that the source of the problem is a PC/laptop by connecting the iOS device to another computer.

For devices on Mac OS X

To eliminate the error on this operating system, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • Disconnecting all iOS gadgets from the PC and closing iTunes.
  • Launch Finder, select the section to navigate to the folder.
  • Entering the command var/db/lockdown and pressing the input element.
  • Open the View section and choose to show folder items as icons.
  • The Finder window will display a single or group of items with impressive names, including different types characters.
  • Move along the path of editing and selecting everything. Selecting the command to move the file to the trash. When the request pops up, enter the characters of the administrator password.
  • Restart PC.

Attention! There is no need to erase the Lockdown folder. Need to get rid of files from this folder.

For Windows XP owners

  • Disconnecting all iOS devices from the PC and closing iTunes.
  • Opening a partition on your computer.
  • In the pop-up window, select the service section and folder properties. Go to the view section and change the hidden items option. You need to make them visible.
  • Clicking the consent button.
  • Follow the path C: / Documents and Settings / All Users / Application Data / Apple.
  • Move the Lockdown item to the trash.
  • Restart PC.

Troubleshooting Windows Vista/7

  • Disconnecting any iOS device from the PC and closing iTunes.
  • Opening your PC from the Start menu.
  • In the pop-up window, select the organizing section and the folder and search options. Navigate to the view menu and change the item not displayed option. The latter should become visible.
  • Clicking the consent element.
  • Open the Apple folder by following the path C:/ProgramData/Apple.
  • Erase the Lockdown element.
  • Restart PC.

This will complete the operation. The iPhone should, as before, exchange data without problems.

Cleaning iPhone

If you have tried all the methods above, but the problem is not resolved, you can only resort to the last option. The problem is probably not in the PC, but in the iPhone. And this means you need to clean the elements that interfere with data exchange. Taking into account the fact that the iOS device does not connect to the PC via iTunes, other software will be required. iFunBox or iExplorer will do.

  • You will need to disconnect the iPhone from the PC.
  • Then update iTunes to the latest version.
  • Connect the iPhone and launch the previously installed file manager and find the VAR element.
  • The owner of the device must copy this element and its contents to the PC.
  • Erase the folder and restart the iPhone. Owners of the fifth iPhone must erase another element - iTunes_Control.
  • Connect your device and exchange data with iTunes.

It should be remembered that when you erase a folder, a number of elements will disappear from the iPhone. Restoring lost data is possible from a backup located on a PC. Saving the folder is a mandatory procedure. This will not only save the lost data, but also return it to the iPhone in case of failure.

If this method does not help, there is only one thing left to do - go to a repair shop. The owner of an iPhone cannot always cope with the problem on his own. Often a complex diagnosis of the device is required, which only a specialist can carry out. Let’s say that at home it is very problematic to detect the functionality of USB sockets or flash the device’s firmware. The only drawback is the high cost of repair work.


Before contacting a repair shop iPhone owner can try to fix the situation himself. And the easiest way to eliminate such an error is when, when connecting a PC to iPhone connection not installed. Usually the device does not connect in any way due to trivial problems that can easily be resolved on their own. But any actions on the iOS device must be approached as responsibly as possible so as not to damage the iPhone or its internal parts.