Normal temperature for a computer. Ways to check the temperature of the processor and video card. How to check your computer's temperature. Program for measuring computer temperature

One of the factors affecting the speed of a computer/laptop is the temperature of the processor, video card and other components. The higher the temperature, the slower the computer/laptop will work. If the processor or video card is overheated, it may fail, and long-term operation in high heat mode reduces its service life. At critical temperatures, the device will turn off spontaneously (overheating protection is triggered). To prevent overheating of the processor, video card and other components of the computer/laptop, it is necessary to periodically monitor the temperature and, if it reaches critical values, take measures to reduce it. How and with what to check the temperatures of the processor and video card and how to reduce the temperature will be described in this article.

There are two ways to check the temperature of the processor, video card and other computer/laptop components:

1 View the temperature in the BIOS;

2 Use third-party programs.

Find out the temperature of the processor and other components in the BIOS.

In order to get into the BIOS when booting a computer or laptop, press the F2 or Del key (the buttons may differ, depending on the model motherboard). Then in the settings you need to find the Power/ Monitor menu in different versions BIOS will be different. There you will see the temperature of the processor, motherboard, etc.

Let me give you an example of how I looked at the temperature on the motherboard ASUS board in UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface - a replacement for the obsolete BIOS, used in modern motherboards). Once you are in UEFI, click the "Advanced" button.

After that, go to the “Monitor” tab, you will see the temperature of the processor, motherboard and much more information.

Thus, without installing any programs, you can find out the temperatures of computer/laptop components. The disadvantage of this method is that not all motherboards have this option and it is impossible to view the processor temperature under load (when running “heavy” programs or games).

Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using programs.

There are a large number of different programs that will show you online the temperatures of computer/laptop components. In this article I will analyze several such applications and give my assessment of their work.

Find out the temperature of computer/laptop components using the AIDA64 program.

AIDA64 is one of the most popular programs for reviewing and diagnosing a computer/laptop. AIDA64 provides comprehensive information about the composition of the computer: hardware, programs, operating system, network and connected devices, and also shows the temperature of all computer/laptop devices.

Program window showing temperature data from sensors.

It should be said that the program is paid and the trial version (30 days) does not show information about all devices - in my opinion this is the main disadvantage of this program.

Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using the Speccy program.

Speccy is a small utility from the developers of the most popular application for cleaning your computer from system garbage CCleaner. When launched, Speccy monitors the computer hardware and displays information about the operating system, characteristics installed hardware and data from sensors.

Below the program interface.

In my opinion, one of the best programs to determine the temperature of the processor, video card, etc. In addition to information from sensors, it also provides a detailed analysis of all the hardware installed on the computer/laptop. The big advantage is that the program is free.

Find out the temperature of the processor and video card using the CPUID HWMonitor program.

CPUID HWMonitor - a program designed to monitor the performance of various computer/laptop components (temperature, fan speed, and voltage).

Below is the interface of this program.

In my opinion perfect solution, for those who are only interested in information about the temperature of all PC components. No unnecessary information, just temperature and fan speed, plus minimum and maximum values ​​are shown, in addition, this program is absolutely free.

What should be the temperature of the processor and video card.

Different processor manufacturers set their own temperatures, but generally speaking, the temperature should be between 30-45°C at idle, up to 60-65°C under load, anything higher is considered critical. Let me explain that these are average values; more specific information should be found on the website of your processor manufacturer.

For a video card, the normal temperature is up to 50-55°C at idle, and under load up to 75-80°C. You can find more accurate average values ​​on your video card manufacturer’s website.

What to do if the temperature of the processor or video card is high.

1 Clean your computer/laptop from dust. Make sure all coolers and vents are free of dust. This is the most common problem of overheating of a computer or laptop. To fix it, you need to disassemble the computer/laptop and remove all dust that interferes with cooling.

2 Replace thermal paste. Thermal paste is a layer of heat-conducting composition (usually multi-component) between the processor and the heatsink. Over time, this paste dries out and loses its properties, causing the processor and video card to overheat. To replace it, you need to disassemble the computer, remove the old thermal paste from the laptop and apply a new one in a THIN layer. Typically, thermal paste is replaced when cleaning the computer/laptop from dust.

3 Replace the radiatorcooler. You should choose a better quality radiator or cooler to better cool your computer. In addition, it is quite possible that you should additionally install a cooler on the case for better heat removal from the computer.

I hope I helped you determine the temperature of the processor and video card and you were able to reduce it and achieve faster and more stable operation of your computer/laptop.

New generation processors do not fail due to overheating as before. Special function monitors the temperature of the device and, when it reaches a critical value, forcibly shuts down. But an ordinary user, when looking for solutions to emerging problems in the operation of the operating system, still needs to know the temperature of the CPU. This will help find the cause of unstable operation of the OS, for example, when the computer is frequently turned off.
You can view the temperature using both software methods (downloading third-party applications) and services of the operating system itself. All of them apply to all the latest Windows versions. Even an untrained user can easily find out the processor temperature. The programs described below are also applicable for viewing the temperature on other computer components. From this guide you will also learn what limits the temperature of the central processor should not exceed so that the operating system works without lags and failures.

View CPU temperature without programs

To avoid downloading and installing software from the outside, go to BIOS or UEFI (new interface). There you can find out information about the temperature of the equipment, in particular the central processor. This data can be found in a separate section, and its name depends on what motherboard is installed on your device: computer or laptop. In older computers, the BIOS does not support the Russian language, so you need to look for the following line: CPU Temp (or the full name Temperature). If you have new model motherboard, for example from Asus, the basic I/O system is Russified, therefore, look for the following information: CPU Temperature.

Search in these sections:

  • Hardware Monitor (or abbreviated as Monitor, H/W Monitor).
  • Power.
  • PC Health Status (or Status for short).
  • If the motherboard on the PC supports the new specification, UEFI, the CPU temperature can be seen immediately upon entry.
This method is simple, but not effective if you need to find the root of the problem. When you enter UEFI/BIOS, the processor is not loaded, therefore, the temperature that is displayed is not indicative. After exiting the BIOS, the processor will work at full capacity, and its temperature will be much higher.

The command line and PowerShell tool pre-installed in the operating system also provide information about CPU temperatures. We'll tell you how to recognize it a little later. And first, third-party software that allows you to monitor the degree of CPU heating in real time.

Core Temp

This small utility comes in one version, free, and allows you to get the necessary information. The uniqueness of the software is that the temperature of individual cores is shown, and fluctuations in temperature values ​​can be observed in real time.

Monitoring results are displayed on the OS taskbar. You can run the utility in the background and observe temperature data at different operating system load levels and different states.

The utility also provides basic data about the central processor and can work in conjunction with the All CPU Meter load gadget. The latter monitors the system and informs the user in real time about the CPU load, its frequency and RAM load. Users who have Windows 7 installed can download an add-on to the utility - Core Temp Gadget. This widget informs the user about the download random access memory and processor, and displays the results on the desktop screen.


This utility, despite its compactness, is very popular and in demand. HWMonitor, software from CPUID, is available in a Freeware version and is designed to monitor various components personal computer. The utility also shows the temperature of the central processor.

You can also observe with this tool:
  • for tension;
  • the rotation speed of cooling fans;
  • the temperature of other device components ( hard disks, video card, motherboard);
  • the load on the CPU cores.


It is free, compact and one of the simplest tools with which you can monitor the temperature of all PC components. The utility has Russian-language localization and works very simply. It needs to be launched and temperature fluctuations observed in real time. Moreover, you will see not only the degree of heating of the processor, but also be able to evaluate all the parameters of the computer.

This software was developed by Piriform Ltd, the authors of the most popular PC cleaning program, CCleaner, and is unique in its versatility. One small utility shows a lot of useful information about your operating system and the characteristics of all computer components.

You will be able to monitor all temperatures, which is very convenient when identifying faults associated with overheating of a particular equipment.


This utility controls all components of the computer/laptop. It works like the Dispatcher service, but in an expanded and more informative mode. You can monitor hard drives, change the rotation speed of cooling fans, monitor the temperature of the CPU and other PC components (core, video card, etc.).

The utility can be used on Windows 7,8 and 10. When measuring temperature, you can get results not only online mode, but also adjust the graphics. This will help you determine which process or application is loading the processor, increasing its temperature. Players also need this function: they will be able to receive up-to-date information during gameplay.


The HWInfo diagnostic tool is free and works the same as Speccy. With its help, you can find out the characteristics of your PC, monitor the equipment and monitor its temperature. By downloading the Freeware utility developed by the REALiX team, you will find out all the information about your computer and will be able to monitor changes in all parameters, including temperature values, in real time.

The “Sensors” button is responsible for displaying the temperature. By clicking on it, you will be taken to a section where all the temperature values ​​of various PC components, including the CPU, will be presented.

The software is available in two versions, depending on the bit depth of the operating system, and HWInfo32 can also be installed on a 64-bit OS.

Other utilities for viewing the temperature of a computer or laptop processor

Let's briefly talk about four more utilities that allow you to monitor the CPU temperature:

Find out the processor temperature using Windows PowerShell or the command line

PowerShell is an extensible automation tool, a shell with command line, pre-installed in Windows. It also has a function with which you can view the temperatures of equipment, including the CPU.

Launch PowerShell as Administrator and run:

Get-wmiobject msacpi_thermalzonetemperature -namespace "root/wmi"
If you traditionally use the command line, enter the following:

Wmic /namespace:\\root\wmi PATH MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature get CurrentTemperature
You will see the result on the command line.

This method may not work on all operating systems. If the temperature does not change, use other means.

Normal CPU temperature

What should the CPU temperature be for the computer to work stably, without lags, crashes and other surprises - a pressing question, especially for beginners. So:
  • If the PC is idle, the range varies from 27 to 37 (deviations in one direction or another are possible).
  • If the PC is loaded (games, synchronization, etc.) - the range varies from 39 to 61 (deviations in one direction or another are possible).
  • The temperature range from 68 to 73 is considered maximum. After this, the computer is forced to shut down or freeze.
This is important to know:
  • The room temperature affects the heating of all components of a computer or laptop. Moreover, heating occurs unevenly. If the room temperature increases by 2 degrees Celsius, then CPU at the same time it will respond by increasing it by three.
  • If the PC case is jam-packed with components, the CPU temperature will be 4-17 degrees higher. Also, the proximity of the case to the wall, battery, etc. has a great influence on processor overheating. That is, the less space, the higher the temperature of the components. Therefore, it is recommended to place the computer so that there is free space around the case.
  • The computer needs to be cleaned of dust from time to time. The more dust, the higher the temperature of the processor, motherboard and other equipment. This is because dust interferes with CPU cooling.
  • If the PC is clean and the thermal paste has been replaced, but the device continues to heat up or the system does not boot after all the manipulations, you have made some kind of mistake. Find up-to-date information on trusted, authoritative resources on how to properly clean your PC, etc. Not everything in these manipulations is as simple as it might seem to you at first glance.

Good day to everyone, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other individuals. Today we’ll talk about such a thing as computer temperature and its components.

Users often forget that they tend to heat up, overheat and, as a result, malfunction and break (oh how I wrapped it up :)). This usually happens due to weak or outdated cooling systems or due to simple dust in them.

But in 85% of cases, the whole point is that, as I said at the beginning, users do not know how to find out the temperature of the processor, memory, video card and other computer components, as well as what they should be, and do not clean (they don’t know how and why, or are simply lazy) dust from coolers (fans located on , and in ), or simply have standard boxed cooling devices that were supplied to them in the store by malicious sellers, and these are not effective enough to solve the tasks for high-quality cooling.

In addition, summer has come again, which means that the air temperature has risen significantly. And this is felt not only by people, but also by our computers, which are already hot, and here the sun is hot outside the window. When we are hot, what happens to us? That's right, at best we just feel bad and uncomfortable, we stop thinking normally, and at worst we get sunstroke.

The same thing can happen with a computer, because during hot periods it is more difficult for coolers to maintain an acceptable temperature and, as a result, your iron friend may begin to act up and risk sunstroke in the form of a reboot or shutdown (or even burn out). Naturally, the question arises - how to identify the first signs of overheating and what to do if they are detected? This is what will be discussed in this article.

Simply put, I will tell you about:

  • How to find out the temperature of various components in a computer
  • How to tell if they are overheating or not
  • What could be the consequences of overheating?
  • How to avoid overheating and those same consequences
  • What determines and what benefits can be derived from the temperature of various components
  • What to do if something overheats

Ready? Then let's go.

Signs of a computer overheating. We find and analyze

Characteristic signs of overheating are malfunctions, namely:

  • Spontaneous exit from applications to the desktop
  • Performance losses (stutters and lags)
  • Banding or other artifacts (noise) on the screen
  • Refusal to boot, namely with requests to check the operation of the cooling systems

But in general, it is better not to bring the system to the characteristic signs of overheating, but to monitor in advance the temperature of all components during idle time (just on the desktop) and under load (during a game or running a resource-consuming application) to see if there is overheating and take timely measures.

Finding out the temperature of computer components

There are countless programs for taking temperature readings. Another thing is that some of them take readings from thermal sensors (special things that measure temperature) on computer components not accurately enough, others simply do not support some/many components of your computer, and still others outright lie and mislead the user.

Some individuals use a frightening method - touch the processor/video card/anything else and if the piece of hardware is hot, then you can start to panic. But I would not recommend engaging in such nonsense, since it is completely inaccurate (unless you have finely sensitive thermal sensors built into your skin that can determine the temperature down to a degree :)), and in general you can get burned, get an electric shock or something else no less terrible.

Method one: a simple and quick way to find out the temperature

Instantly, simply and without unnecessary hassles, you can measure the temperatures of various computer components using the program HWMonitor.

It does not require installation, unnecessary movements and other horrors of life. You can take it, article on use.

Method two: the method is more accurate, but takes a long time, i.e. under load = during operation

Temperatures when idle (when the computer is hardly used is one thing). But under load and in a state of stress - this is different. Therefore, to take temperature readings, we will use a time-tested program - a heavyweight called (formerly Everest).

First, a little about the program itself. AIDA- this is perhaps the only program that can tell you everything about your computer, starting from what processor you have, operating system and ending with whether you have open this moment frame system unit, how many millions of transistors are in your video card and what kind of slippers are currently on your feet (of course it’s a joke about the slippers;)). I'll talk about this truly great program in detail, but for now let's get back to what we wanted to use it for - to determine the temperature of system components.

You can download the program from anywhere, but according to my tradition, I give you . No installation required, you just need to run from the unpacked folder aida64.exe.

In the big and scary program that opens (by the way, it is in Russian), you need to go to the "tab" Computer- Sensor". There you will see all the temperatures of your computer components.

Let's move on to direct use.

How to use AIDA64 for our purposes

Now we can observe the temperatures:

  • CPU - Processor
  • - Processor cores (this is the main thing in it)
  • GPU - Graphics Processing Unit (video card)
  • GPU memory - GPU memory (video card memory)
  • Motherboard - the temperature on the computer, namely the temperature of its chipset (the main thing in it)

What are these temperatures, what can be learned from them and why are they needed at all?

Temperature plays a critical role in the performance and health of your computer. When a certain mark is exceeded (each component has its own) different problems such as, for example, slowdowns, programs shutting down, restarting the computer, incorrect display graphics and so on until some components completely fail.

In order to avoid all this and save your computer, you need to at least periodically monitor the above temperatures, especially on hot summer days.

What temperatures should you be wary of?

Let's take a closer look at the temperatures to avoid.

  • For temperatures.
    I used to consider the ceiling where problems begin (for example, slowdowns) 60 (or more) degrees. Temperature in 65-80 degrees I think is quite critical, because the so-called throttling begins (namely, the mode of skipping cycles, i.e. the processor deliberately begins to work several times weaker, skipping cycles in order to reduce its temperature), emergency reboot/self-shutdown of the computer, etc. Simply put, it is important to ensure that the processor temperature does not exceed the bar in 55 degrees, or better yet in 45-50 . I consider normal temperatures 35-40 degrees at idle and 45-55 at 100% long hours of workload. Many people well versed in this will argue, but to this day I believe that the lower the temperature, the higher the performance, namely a processor with a temperature of 30 degrees will cope with its task faster than a processor with a temperature of 50 , of course, provided that both processors are of the same power.
  • For temperatures.
    Ideally, the chipset temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. Temperatures are tolerable in practice 40 -45 , for some board models up to 55 . In general, I have almost never encountered overheating of chipsets on motherboards, so there is nothing particularly to be afraid of.
  • For temperatures.
    It all depends on how powerful it is, what kind of model it is, what type of cooling is installed on it and for what purposes it is generally intended (for example: for games, for work, or for a media center). For modern video cards, temperatures in 65-75 degrees under full load for many hours is normal. For relatively old models this can be critical. Therefore, when the first signs of overheating appear (read below about what they are), you should pay close attention to the temperature conditions and.
  • Temperatures inside.
    Not many people know, but the temperature of the air in the case plays a very important role, since the temperatures of all system components depend on it, since coolers blow everything with case air. Unfortunately, it is not possible to measure the exact case temperature, but it is highly recommended to install several blow-in coolers in the case.
  • .
    Normal temperature for hard drives- that's all that's below 35-45 degrees, but ideally keep it several times lower, namely in the area 30 .

What overheats, when and why it is dangerous

Above, I described the general parameters by which you can determine that the computer is overheating. Below I will tell you how to calculate what exactly in it has, so to speak, a different temperature:

  • It is most likely that the processor overheats if you are “thrown out” of games and programs to the desktop. Simply put, the application closes itself.
  • It is most likely that the processor is overheating if the computer is rebooted for no reason.
  • Probability 30 on 70 that the motherboard is overheating or if the computer turns off for no reason.
  • It is most likely that the video card (or its memory) is overheating if you see so-called artifacts in games and 3D applications (image distortion, incorrect colors, falling textures, all sorts of extraneous sticks/squares, etc.)
  • The appearance may indicate overheating any components. Most often this is the processor. Then everything else.

Of course, this is just a possibility and not at all a fact that overheating is necessarily to blame for these symptoms. In each case, everything must be checked, analyzed and identified.

Is it possible to diagnose load temperatures and overheating in advance?

The most cunning ones will ask, is it possible to check in advance the temperature of all components under 100% load in temperature monitoring mode. Of course you can. That's why I chose AIDA for measuring temperatures.

We launch the program, select there " Service - System stability test", where in the window that appears, check all the items and click " Start". After which, in fact, we observe the temperatures in the corresponding window.

Under the window with temperatures you can observe the processor load by the program, as well as the same mode throttling(skipping cycles due to overheating) that I was talking about. As soon as you see that throttling has begun, feel free to stop the test, because this means that the processor is overheating. In all other cases, the program itself will notify you about the failure of any of the components and stop the test.

If you are unsure of the results and want to subject the system to a more precise stress load

There is an even more severe test option that will help you immediately identify whether you have the failures described below and above related to temperatures, as well as check the most extreme options, that is, there is also the option to check your computer using the OOCT program.

Our detailed article on this topic is available. If someone is interested and wants to, then you can (I would even say that in difficult cases it’s worth it) take a look.

What to do if your computer is overheated?

If you are already faced with the problem of overheating, then there are not many solutions, but still.. Actually, here they are:

If you decide to change the cooling system, but do not know which one to change to, then, traditionally, you can always ask me about it and I will try to advise you, because there are a number of subtleties that are important not to miss. Although, however, you can read the article "" or in general articles on the topic of cooling systems.

That's all for now.


Are you hot yourself? Don’t let your computer overheat either;) Moreover, summer is hot these days. And, by the way, read articles on the topic of “temperature”.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments or on our forum. We will try to help, advise and all that stuff.

PS: Temperatures shown are for desktops, not laptops, so your experience may vary slightly.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Everyone probably knows that any electronic component has resistance, and if current passes through it (and without current, the operation of a computer and all its components is impossible), then it heats up. Computers and laptops are designed in such a way that excess heat is dissipated outside and thus maintains the normal temperature of the computer. This is exactly how a new system unit or laptop works.

And almost all users completely forget that over time the heat removal system can change its characteristics and then overheating of the components is inevitable. You will most likely find out about overheating through unstable system operation, reboots, blue screen death or, which is even worse, through a burned-out component (motherboard, processor, memory or video card). I hope that this did not happen to you and that you are reading this article to prevent overheating and checking your computer’s temperature will now be a simple procedure for you.

So, first, let's determine what temperature is considered normal for each of the components and what temperature will be critical.

What is the normal temperature of the computer, and what is already critically high?

Each component of the system has its own specific temperature that is considered normal.

  • what should the processor temperature be?

The normal processor temperature is in the temperature range up to 55 degrees Celsius in constant operation mode. Of course, it is better to keep the optimal processor temperature around 30-40 degrees. I’ll tell you how to optimize heat removal below. If the temperature exceeds 60 degrees, the processor system begins to slow down to cope with overheating. This will be expressed in slow work. When the temperature reaches 80 degrees, the system will begin to overload and shut down to save the life of the processor. Therefore, controlling the processor temperature at optimal values ​​will allow your computer or laptop to run faster.

  • what is the normal temperature of the video card?

For a video card the situation is slightly different. And this is due to heavy loads on GPU. Accordingly, the normal temperature of the video card is different for each individual case. But it is better to know the general recommendations to understand the operating temperature of the video card. The main thing is to determine for what purposes it is used. It is designed and designed for long gaming sessions or is it a video card for office computer, where work with graphics is minimal. Plus, it’s important to understand how powerful system cooling is installed on it. For example, if you run a powerful game on a weak video card, but it is designed for simple office work, then you will get a correspondingly higher temperature. In general, the best operating temperature will be up to 70 degrees. This is quite normal and not critical. However, for weak old cards this can be deadly. The maximum temperature of the video card, after which you can expect some consequences, is 90-95 degrees.

  • normal motherboard temperature

With motherboards everything is much simpler. They do not perform powerful calculations like a video processor and processor and, accordingly, there are practically no problems with overheating. However, it is worth knowing the normal operating temperature of the chipset. Range up to 45 degrees normal operating temperatures.

  • normal temperature inside the case

By and large, the temperature inside the case does not play a special role if all components operate within normal ranges. You should only bother with the temperature in the case if you have done everything to reduce heating on the components themselves, and overheating does not go away. Then you should think about removing heat from the case. Perhaps you stuffed the old case with so much powerful components that the holes for heat circulation in the case are not enough to remove it.

In my personal experience I will say this - the lower the temperature of the hard drive, the longer it will serve you without problems. Try to keep the temperature to 30 degrees.

How to check your computer's temperature. Program for measuring computer temperature

You can view and test the temperature of components in several ways, including programs that allow you to check how your computer behaves under load.

1. Computer BIOS. This is a system recorded in the flash memory of the motherboard that allows your laptop or computer to boot. And most motherboards allow you to view the temperature of the components. Although this is not necessary. Some don't show. You can immediately after turning on press either F2 or Del or F12, depending on the type of BIOS and motherboard. There is only one “BUT”. The BIOS shows the temperature as if your computer is idling. Therefore, although this option shows it, it is not very informative. Although if even in this mode the computer overheats, then your device is doing very poorly. Turn it off and look for a solution to the problem.

2. The second and most correct option is a program for checking the temperature of the computer. There are a lot of them, but we will look at the best ones. And in my opinion there are two of them.

The first program for measuring computer temperature is HWMonitor. It is very easy to install (installation as such is not even required) and to use. Download the archive with the program from this link. Download one of the files (setup will need to be installed, archive is a program that does not need to be installed). I downloaded the portable version, unpacked it and launched the 64 bit version.

The window that you will see is the entire program - a program for measuring the temperature of a computer. We look at specific values ​​and analyze. Shows the minimum, maximum and current values ​​for the period since the program was started.

Another program is a more advanced solution for analyzing and viewing characteristics. The most useful thing for us in this case will be to test the temperature of the computer under load. It's called AIDA64 and you can download it from the website. There is also a version for installation and a portable version. The program is paid, but it works for free in trial mode for a full 30 days.

Downloaded, unpacked and launched.

The temperature is displayed in the computer tab -> sensors. But the most interesting thing is hidden in the “Service -> Test” tab

Here you will already see how your system behaves under load. We press the Start button and see how the load grows to 100 percent and the temperature rises. At some point, when the heating is high, Throtting appears, the processor skips clock cycles, i.e. tries to reduce the load to lower the temperature. Despite this, my processor did not exceed the critical temperature limit.

Causes of overheating and how to fix the problem

If you have already discovered that the system is overheating, you should take the following measures:

  • The first and most common solution to the problem is to clean your system unit or laptop. In the literal sense of the word. We open the system unit and clean all dust from all fans, cooling radiators and all openings in the case for normal air circulation.
  • Secondly, you definitely need to check whether the fans are working at all and how easily they spin. If the fan is standing, be sure to replace it. I think this will solve most problems.
  • Third, if the first two points did not help, then it is necessary to cool the space around the radiators. This involves creating fresh ventilation and blowing out warm air. First set one fan to blow out and check how much the temperature has changed.

CPU temperature monitoring - gadget for Windows 7 (video)

Hello, friends! In this article we will discuss about the temperature of computer components. How and with what to measure them, what they should be and, most importantly, what to do if the temperature is higher than normal.

So. It all starts with a subtle increase in noise from your system unit or laptop. Radiators are slowly becoming clogged with dust and fans require more high speed rotation, which accordingly increases the noise level. This is the first sign that something is wrong and a minimum of diagnostics is needed to get away with a slight fright. But since this happens inconspicuously, no one pays attention to it.

Then, when the cooling system fails, performance drops. The computer starts to slow down. The system deliberately reduces the performance of components or one of them to maintain normal temperatures. This is a protective function against damage. Sometimes reboots occur at the most interesting moment of the game or a blue screen pops up out of the blue. For me, this is a clear sign that it is necessary to open the computer case and see what’s what. If the computer is under warranty, then you need to take it to a service center.

The last stage is the failure of the component. This can mainly happen due to a cooling system failure. For example, the fan on the video card has stopped. To avoid this, let’s figure out how to control the temperature of your computer’s components.

The main ones for me are the temperatures of the processor, video card and hard drive. It is convenient to measure them using the AIDA or HWMonitor program. AIDA is paid program, but she has a probationary period of 30 days. The trial version does not show the temperature of hard drives, so let's add HWMonitor to it.

You can download utilities from official websites using the links below

AIDA64 Extreme Edition will be enough for us

On the official HWMonitor website on the right in the section Download the latest release choose the Setup version so as not to unpack

Download and install both programs. When you launch it for the first time, AIDA64 warns you that it is commercial software. Click OK

In order to see the temperatures, go to the Computer section and select Sensors

Temperatures will be displayed on the right.

Brake hard.

You can leave the computer in this state for an hour and if after that the test continues, then most likely everything is fine.

It is also important to monitor the processor load. If it starts to overheat, throttling will turn on - skipping cycles. I've never had this happen, so I can only assume that it won't be a standard picture. In this case, you can stop the test and move on to point 3.

Normal temperature of components

The normal temperature for different components will be different. Here I will try to provide a safe framework.

CPU temperature

It seems to me that it is necessary to build on the maximum temperature indicated on the manufacturer’s website. At least Intel indicates the maximum critical temperature in its specifications. For example, for Intel® Core™ i3-3220 it is 65 °C

Description critical temperature following

That is, the operating temperature under load should be lower.

Critical temperature for different models varies. Please refer to the specifications for your model. For example, for Intel® Core™ i3-4340 - 72 °C.

That is, for Intel processors it would be good if the temperature under load was< 60 °C.

I was unable to find any temperature values ​​for AMD processors. Since my AMD A8-3870K processor warmed up to 68 °C under load, we’ll take it to 70 °C.

We have decided on the temperature under load.

Idle temperature.

I will be calm if it is located up to 40-45 °C, regardless of the processor brand.


How to find specifications Intel processors. We take it and set our processor model in Google or Yandex. You can view it in HWMonitor

or in the properties of your computer (Start > right-click on the Computer icon > Properties or Control Panel\System and Security\System)

This is all that I was able to successfully use to bring the temperature of computer components within decent and safe limits.


Let's summarize about the normal temperature of computer components.

Intel processor - up to 60°C under load.

AMD processor - up to 70°C under load.

Without load we will accept 40-45°C

Video cards up to 80°C under load. No load up to 45°C

Hard drives 30 to 45°C

I don’t monitor the temperature of the motherboard and there have been no critical situations.

Try to clean your computer from dust during the May holidays and there shouldn’t be any problems.

Thank you for sharing the article on in social networks. All the best!