Why is it not included in iTunes? Apple is having global problems with the iTunes Store and iTunes Connect. What to do if the connection to the App Store fails on your mobile device

The error “iTunes could not connect to this iPhone” appears on Apple devices when connected to a computer. It can be caused by several factors. Problems can be with a mobile device, namely outdated software, failures, etc., with a computer - also failures, blocking by anti-virus software, or by the iTunes service. So we will figure out what exactly influenced the appearance of error 0xe8000015 with an unsuccessful connection to the phone.

Error 0xe8000015

Fixing an error in iTunes. Delete the Lockdown folder

To fix the problem “iTunes was unable to connect to this iPhone” (0xe8000015), first of all we will check the files that are on your computer for device interaction. To do this, we will delete one folder in the system related to the phone.

  1. Close all windows and applications, including the iTunes application.
  2. Disconnect the cable from the computer; this must be done immediately when error 0xe8000015 appears.
  3. Open the task manager on your computer by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE.
  4. Select the “Processes” section at the top of the program.
  5. Find here the running processes that are on this moment AppleMbileDveice.exe, iTunesHelp.exe, APSDaemon.exe are superfluous. and others that apply to your mobile device and iTunes store. The names of the processes may differ slightly, depending on the versions of the programs.

Now let's move on to deleting the Lockdown folder. To do this in Windows XP, Vista, 7:

  1. Open the Run window (to do this, press the WIN+R key combination).
  2. IN empty line type the following command %AllUsersProfile% and run it by pressing Enter.
  3. Next, the Application Data folder will open (it can only be read).
  4. Then find and go to the Apple folder.
  5. In the list, select Lockdown and right-click and select the “Delete” line.

Steps to fix the error for Windows 8 and 10

Then connect the device (iPhone) to the computer again and launch the iTunes store application. If the services are corrected, you will receive a message from the system about allowing access to information; agree by clicking “Continue”. To do this, you may need to confirm the actions on mobile device.

Other solutions to "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone" error 0xe8000015

It is important to understand that all services, whether online or local computer- these are just programs that can fail at any time when faced with tasks unforeseen by the developers along the way. If an error occurs when connecting iTunes to iPhone, Apple online services may have encountered problems and may have already been resolved. So try to connect again after some time or check and follow these steps:

If you continue to encounter the problem with error 0xe8000015 “iTunes could not connect to this iPhone”, if none of the resolution options helped, restore the data using the backup storage of your mobile device.

Connection failure App Store- what to do?

With each subsequent iOS update Apple engineers are trying to fix maximum amount errors and shortcomings. Some errors, however, have followed iPhone and iPad owners since earlier versions iOS, for example, an error with gaining access to the App Store. Not everyone experiences this problem, however, if a pop-up window with the message “Can’t connect to the App Store” terrorizes you, then pay attention to these instructions.

Important! If you encounter problems connecting to the App Store February 1, 2019, then the cause of the failure is a problem with Apple, which we wrote about in more detail. How to solve a problem? At the moment there is only one solution - reset the date on iPhone or iPad a few days ago, for example, on January 28.

The problem with access to the App Store appears due to many different reasons, but there is only one way to fix it. On the forums of fans of Apple technology, craftsmen tried everything they could to get rid of the hated window with the inscription “Can’t connect to the App Store”, even resetting the device, but the solution turned out to be much simpler.

Step 1. Open the menu " Settings» -> « App Store, iTunes Store »

Step 2: Click on your Apple ID

Step 3. Select " Go out»

Step 4: Enter your Apple ID password again and try to access the App Store

In this very simple way you can get rid of the error with access to the App Store. Please note that you must first check whether the device is connected to the Internet - a similar error can also occur due to the lack of a Wi-Fi router signal.


A common problem for owners of Apple devices is often an error when connecting to services of the same name, be it the App Store, iTunes Store or iBooks Store.

The messages displayed on the screen may vary, but, as a rule, the causes of all these errors are similar. Examples of messages:

  • "Unable to connect to iTunes Store"
  • "Can't connect to the iTunes Store. An unknown error has occurred"
  • "The iTunes Store request failed. The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later"
  • "iTunes was unable to connect to the iTunes Store. Make sure your network connection active and try again"
  • "The iTunes Store request failed. This network connection cannot be established. An error occurred in the iTunes Store. Please try again later"

General solutions

First of all, regardless of the problematic device, you must complete the following points.

Method 1: Checking your Internet connection

The most common reason is a lack of connection between the device and Apple servers. First of all, make sure that the device is connected to the Internet.

Open any website in your browser. If there is no connection, in case of connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi, restart your routing device (router, switch, etc.). Check its settings: the router software should not block access to Apple servers and ports. If you are using a public network (in public places, educational institutions, offices, etc.) and do not have access to configure the router, contact your network administrator. If the settings are fine, but there is still no Internet connection, contact your provider.

Method 2: Checking the status of Apple services

Sometimes the connection error is caused by a problem not on your end, but on Apple's side. To exclude this option Check the status of the company's services in your country using the link.

Method 3: Checking the set date and time

Incorrect date and time on the device can cause a large number of errors, especially related to connecting to remote servers. You need to make sure these parameters are correct for your time zone.

Method 4: Login again

Sometimes, to solve a problem with access to Apple services, you just need to log out and log back into your account.

If, after logging out of your account, it turns out that you cannot remember your password, use the recovery service by clicking on the corresponding text.

Additional Solutions

If all the above steps do not have an effect, follow the steps below. additional instructions(based on your device type).

Mobile devices (iPhone/iPad/iPod)

In case of use cellular communications To access the Internet, you need to check the following:

It is also worth noting that when using cellular communications there may be problems with loading heavy objects. For this purpose, it is better to use a Wi-Fi connection.

Computer (Mac)

Check your standard firewall settings. Although by default it is set to automatically pass all connections from Apple programs, there are cases of accidental or deliberate changes to the settings. Resetting the cache of approved certificates can help resolve this issue.

Computer (Windows)

First of all, make sure whether there are any third party programs that control network traffic (firewalls, antiviruses, etc.). They, along with standard means may block connection to Apple servers. Disable all software that controls network connections(and also turn off the proxy connection if used) and check if the problem is resolved. If the answer is positive, you need to make changes to the settings of these programs, adding permission to connect to the App Store, iTunes, etc. services, or leave them turned off.

If all the manipulations specified in these instructions did not help solve your problem with access to iTunes/App Store, you need to contact the official

Any Iphone owner or another Apple mobile device may encounter this problem. Here, as in the joke about aliens, the chance is 50 to 50. It can occur in any user at any time, regardless of generation or type of device. It can occur on any Macintosh product. If the error appears on a mobile device, do not worry, much less do full reset. Even if you first save important data, after this operation you will have to reinstall all third-party applications again, and this will not solve the problem. So, let's start breathing more evenly and read on? The error may look like the message “Connection to the App Store failed,” or the “Cannot connect to the App Store” window. Some Icloud suffer from the same disease. iTunes and Image.

Why does the connection to the App Store fail?

Usually the problem occurs when you try to download a new application or update an already installed one. There are several possibilities for its occurrence, and in most cases the reason lies in a failure on the device itself.

For example:

  • The date and time are incorrectly configured. It is important that the correct time zone is specified.
  • Is hidden serial number devices. The “About Device” data must contain a serial number. At hidden number serial device, or displaying the OS X version or build number instead, the server will simply refuse authentication to the device. After updating the operating system, just such a replacement of numbers may occur.
  • Incorrect network settings. When connecting via Wi-Fi access some or even all resources may be limited. The network administrator may have changed the settings, or Wi-Fi access is limited to only a few allowed servers or domains. In general, there must be Internet!
  • Invalid or expired certificates for the device. With an expired security certificate, the server will refuse to allow the device through. This point applies primarily to desktop computers. It can be cured by deleting crlcache.db and ocspcache.db from the folder with certificates /var/db/crls/ and then rebooting the system. There are options for setting up certificates and modifying the Keychain containing passwords and certificates manually, but, firstly, the user may not have enough privileges to modify the certificates, and then you will have to reinstall OS X, and secondly, there are more simple ways solutions. For example, calling Apple support.

What to do if the connection to the App Store fails on your mobile device

The first step is to check if the Internet is available. Perhaps the router needs to be restarted, or maybe the mobile traffic has run out. If there is internet, then something is wrong with the settings in the device.

There is a fairly simple way that anyone can do Iphone user or iPad. It allows you not to spend a long time delving into the settings and solves the problem in most cases. This method consists of two stages:

  • Log out of your Apple ID in the device settings.
  • We go back to our Apple ID.

To be sure, you can reboot the device between these two stages. All is ready! No reinstallations, no settings, you can go to the App Store.

Can't connect to iTunes store

The error message may look very different, but ultimately the situation is the same. For mobile device users, the solution is the same - check if the Internet is available, re-login to your ID.

I can't connect to iTunes via Apple TV. Here everything is somewhat more complicated. We check the availability of the Internet, updates for TV and date settings. We correct errors manually and get access to iTunes. If you can’t log in through a Macbook or desktop Mac, you should pay attention to several points in addition to those listed above:

  • Make sure your computer has the latest versions of Safari and iTunes.
  • If a firewall is activated on the system, make sure that it allows connecting to iTunes. This, of course, applies when logging into this system for the first time, or if the firewall has recently been installed (activated).

If the problem occurs when you try to access iTunes via a PC, then check again whether it responds to technical support. iTunes requirements, update your OS to latest version, do not use the proxies built into the system to connect to iTunes.

In addition to this, other problems may arise. The most common is conflict between iTunes and software that monitors traffic on a computer. It may look like “Blank” iTunes or be accompanied by a message with the number 0x80090318. This means that some software components on your PC use LSP technology. In some ways, this message may even be a good sign. Perhaps the firewall is again to blame, or perhaps Apple has just discovered a Trojan on your system. In the first case, we resolve the issue with firewall permissions, and in the second, we urgently need to clean the system.

Perhaps these are all cases when there may be a problem connecting to the App Store. In most of them, the refusal is accompanied by a more or less informative message, and in the vast majority, regardless of the content of this message, re-logging into the Apple ID will solve the problem. The main thing is not to fuss, but to check everything in order if a problem arises. Otherwise, rash actions can lead to much worse results. The likelihood of this and other problems occurring is reduced. preventive measures. Keep the software on your devices updated to the latest versions whenever possible, and use a reliable antivirus.

Apple operating systems and services bear the proud title of the most stable, fastest and most reliable. Indeed, within the services Apple errors and failures occur less frequently than with competitors, but this does not mean that there are no errors at all. Online services of the Apple corporation sometimes behave more unpredictably than the solutions of competitors. Especially when it comes to such a “machine” for selling and synchronizing content as iTunes.

Why do you need the iTunes Store?

Absolutely all Apple users are familiar with the iTunes program and services. This is a powerful media combine combined with a store for applications, music, podcasts, books and films. Recently, the music streaming service has also been linked to your iTunes account.

This is a necessary element of the iOS and macOS software ecosystem, without which the point of using gadgets developed in Cupertino is lost. Therefore, it is very important to have a working account iTunes, which functions uninterruptedly throughout the entire time, so that you do not lose access to your music collection and programs used on your iPhone or iPad. Alas, everything does not always function smoothly, and iTunes refuses to work, responding only with a connection error message.

Why can't I connect to the iTunes Store? Let's consider all the options that interfere normal operation service.

Checking your Internet connection

If your iPhone or iPad says “Unable to connect to the iTunes Store,” first check your Internet connection. Even though it’s banal, it happens. Sometimes, due to problems on the side of the router or even the provider, problems arise that interfere with specific computer or smartphone to access iTunes services. Ideally, you should have a stable Wi-Fi connection and be close to the router.

If that doesn't work, try disconnecting from Wi-Fi and connecting using cellular data. If the iTunes Store works when connected using cellular data, then you should contact your provider and see if they are blocking access to Apple services.

Problems on Apple servers

Don't forget that Apple has problems too. There was a massive collapse in March 2015 when all services associated with the iTunes Store went down. Thousands of people have tried to download an app or song but only received an error message. No one is immune from a repeat of those events, so before you start panicking and changing something on your devices, go to the official Apple website and make sure that necessary services are highlighted in green (this signal means that the service works all over the world and everyone has access to it).

Parental Control Settings

Sometimes a situation where you can’t connect to the iTunes Store on an iPhone, iPad or Mac arises because age restrictions were set at one time. To check this, you need to:

  • open the iTunes application;
  • go to the “File” menu (in the upper left corner);
  • select the “Settings” sub-item;
  • there you need to find the “Parental Controls/Restrictions” submenu (yellow circle with images of people);
  • when you see several “checkboxes” at the bottom, make sure there is no checkmark next to the iTunes Store; if there is, uncheck it.

In the same menu, you can open or close access to other Apple services, but only the computer administrator can do this.

Rebooting devices

If before you discovered that you couldn't connect to the iTunes Store, you were using it without problems on the same Network and with the same gadget, then you may need to resort to a mass reboot. This is perhaps the easiest way to fix anything.

Start with your router. It is enough to turn off the power by unplugging the plug from the socket, and after half a minute (this time is necessary for a complete reboot) turn it on again. If this does not help, restart your smartphone, computer or tablet. To restart your iPhone or iPad, hold down the Home button and the Lock button at the same time and wait 10 seconds. To restart your macOS computer, hold down the power button for 15 seconds.

Setting the date and time

Apple gadgets have an interesting dependence on date and time. Many people remember the resonance caused by a glitch that destroyed smartphones and tablets simply because the date changed to 1970, which speaks of iOS’s special love for punctuality. Moreover, many devices (not necessarily from the Apple corporation) cannot access the Network at all if the wrong date is set on them, since this prevents web resources from verifying the authenticity of the certificates.

The Internet is already smart enough to calculate the time on your device and real time in your time zone and they must match each other. To change the date on a smartphone or tablet running iOS, you need to:

  • go to the “Basic” submenu;
  • then open the “Date and Time” sub-item;
  • then there are two ways - either you turn on the “Automatic” toggle switch, and the gadget will set the time itself, or find out exact time and set it manually.

Logging out and logging in to your account

Another way to resolve the “Cannot connect to the iTunes Store” error is a simple “relog”. In order to do this, you must:

  • open the Settings application;
  • go to the iTunes Store and AppStore submenu;
  • click on your name (mailbox address);
  • select the “Log out” option, and then log in again and check if the service is running.

Software update

Top managers from Cupertino insist that every owner of an Apple smartphone, tablet or computer should use only the latest software and they call this almost the most important solution to all the problems that arise with their gadgets. To update your device to the latest software:

  • open the Settings application;
  • go to the “Basic” submenu;
  • select the “Software update” sub-item and wait until the update is completed.

Instead of a conclusion

Many of the procedures described above seem banal and ineffective, but in reality everything is different. The structure of Apple's cloud systems is so complex and unpredictable that a simple reboot can radically change the behavior of the gadget. Therefore, before harassing employees technical support, try all the options described above, perhaps one of them will be suitable for you, and the error"Couldn't connect to the iTunes Store" on iPad, iPhone, and Mac will disappear.