Five best distributions based on Arch Linux. Linux operating systems for various tasks Archlinux derivative distributions

Arch Linux are a universal distribution that can be used to solve a wide range of problems.

Development priorities are simplicity, minimalism and code perfection. Arch installs as a minimalist base platform that is highly customizable by the user by installing individual components needed for specific needs.

GUI configuration utilities are not officially provided and most configuration operations are performed using command line And text editor. Using a rolling release model, Arch always includes the latest versions of most applications.

Arch Linux Review

Arch Linux - independently developed Linux distribution, optimized for i686- and x86-64 architectures and intended for experienced Linux users. “pacman” is used as a standard package manager - the solution updates applications and tracks all dependencies. Arch Linux is released on a rolling release system and can be installed not only using a disk, but also via an FTP server. Standard installation provides the installation of a solid base that allows users to create their own builds. In addition, the Arch Build System (ABS) allows you to create new packages, change the configuration of standard packages, and share packages with other users using the Arch Linux repository.

Here are the basic principles of the Arch distribution (known as the Arch Way or Arch philosophy):


* Simplicity does not mean the ease of use of the OS, but the simplicity of its internal organization: minimalism, conciseness, adherence to the principles of KISS and Unix-way.

Arch Linux stands for simplicity by eliminating unnecessary additions, modifications, and complications. The distribution includes programs in the same form in which they were released by the developer with minimal changes.

Centralized patches are excluded. Targeted updates mainly include fixes for porting bugs that become obsolete with a new release. Similarly, Arch supplies configuration files- they include only changes limited to the distribution, for example, path adjustments system files. Automation features are not added, such as enabling a service after installing a package.

Arch Linux packages usually correspond to centralized projects. Packages are split only when there are compelling benefits. Partitioning is used only to save disk space in particularly severe cases.


Arch Linux strives to maintain the latest stable versions of software as long as system package problems can be eliminated. The distribution uses a rolling release system, which allows for a one-time installation with regular updates, without the need to reinstall or perform complex installation procedures system updates. By entering just one command, you will get the latest version of the Arch system.

Arch includes many of the features available to GNU/Linux users, including the systemd init system, modern file systems(Ext2/3/4, Reiser, XFS, JFS, BTRFS), LVM2, support for software RAID, udev and initcpio, as well as the latest versions of the system kernel.


Arch is more of a pragmatic distribution than an ideological one. Design decisions were made by the development community on an individual basis through discussion and technical analysis.

A large number of packages and scripts in various Arch Linux distributions guarantee freedom of choice. They offer free products with open source code for users who value functionality over ideology.


While GNU/Linux tries to be more user-friendly, Arch Linux has always been focused on end users. Arch is able to meet the needs of a specific set of users and does not try to please everyone. The distribution is suitable for experienced users who are not afraid to solve problems on their own and sometimes review the documentation in search of a solution.

Each user can contribute by reporting bugs, improving the community wiki documentation, and providing technical support other users. The Arch Linux repository offers a large number of user-edited packages.


Arch Linux is a distribution for a wide range of tasks. After installation, the command line environment becomes available. Instead of cluttering the system with unnecessary packages, the user gets the opportunity to install only the set of tools necessary for specific tasks. Arch Linux's design and implementation philosophy makes it easy to extend the system's capabilities from a console machine to a system with a desktop environment of choice.

Without a doubt, Kali has established itself as the most popular distribution for pentesting. But just because newbies and security experts are fans of it doesn't make it suitable for all users. Manjaro Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution suitable for beginners that can easily be equipped with Black Arch extensions, making your first Arch experience a very enjoyable one.

Holy wars about the best distribution for pentesting, they have been going on forums and IRC channels for several years now. Hackers and pentesters debate which operating system is the most user-friendly, intuitive and easy to use, and which has the coolest set of hacking tools.

Because of this, beginners are often tormented by the question of which hacker distribution to choose to begin with, hesitating between ParrotSec and Kali. Arch Linux is generally considered a powerful distribution, but not very beginner-friendly. Let's look at an easier option for beginners - learning hacking with Manjaro Linux.

What is Manjaro

Manjaro is an easy-to-use, beginner-friendly Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. This is a cutting-edge, lightweight distribution that adheres to the KISS (keep it simple stupid) principle. Setting up Arch can be very intimidating as it requires a deeper understanding of the build Linux systems than other distros, but Manjaro takes all the pain and hassle out of installing Arch. Manjaro also has a great community of advanced Arch users who are always very responsive to beginners' questions.

What is BlackArch

Categories of BlackArch tools

As mentioned earlier, BlackArch has an incredible repository of tools. Depending on the speed of your network connection, installing each individual tool may take a long time to download. All tools can be installed individually or in groups by category. Below is a list of several available categories.

A set of tools designed to search for data on physical disks and built-in memory.

sudo pacman -Sg | grep blackarch

Alternatively, for more detailed information, we can check out the official BlackArch guide. We can also install all 1,900+ tools with just one command. This will take considerable time. If you consider yourself a patient person, you can use this command to install everything BlackArch offers.

Sudo pacman -S blackarch

Which distribution is right for you?

The debate about which distribution is the best for pentesting will never end. And most likely, there is no ideal distribution yet that can satisfy the personal needs of every security specialist. We all have different standards, preferences, areas of expertise and varying degrees of experience. All of this affects how we use our distributions for pentesting. If you are looking for new and interesting tools, then the combination is intuitive clear interface

Manjaro with the BlackArch tool repository makes Kali Linux users feel right at home. So you have a new Manjaro virtual machine with hundreds of new hacking tools, what's next? How about connecting the Wi-Fi adapter to virtual machine

and install some cool Wi-Fi hacking tools that Kali doesn't have?

Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, then don't forget to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to come to us from time to time to read new materials! Denial of responsibility

: This article is written for educational purposes only. The author or publisher did not publish this article for malicious purposes. If readers would like to use the information for personal gain, the author and publisher are not responsible for any harm or damage caused. In everyday work, I like to use the browser as a player, tying it to the left side of the screen, and leaving VS Code space on the right, fortunately new Windows versions
My main browser is Vivaldi and it is good in everything, except that by default it uses absolutely disgusting, thick scrollbars straight from the past. The screen is already small, and then there are scrollbars 15 pixels thick. Fortunately, fixing this problem is as easy as shelling pears and you don’t even have to go to the store. Google extensions Chrome.
You can install modern scrollbars directly from the browser by enabling a special flag in the experimental settings.

To do this, enter in the search bar vivaldi://flags and find through the search "Overlay Scrollbars". After that, we transfer it to the Enabled state. After restarting the browser, you will see a truly modern scrollbar that appears only when you scroll and is hidden the rest of the time.
I would also like to recommend a little-known extension for Chrome browsers from Google itself, which allows you to unpin a video from YouTube and watch it even on your desktop as in a miniplayer or as happens in MacOS with video.

June 24, 2019

I suddenly had a sufficient amount of free time in my personal life and observing the extremely sad state of industry in the Russian Federation, I decided to fulfill my old dream - to master web developer profession in order to be able to engage in freelancing. Having come into close contact with the topic of web development, I realized that it simply would not happen and the Internet has come an incredible way over these ten years (it was then that I fully tried to self-teach myself design and website layout).
Millennials have come up with new trendy names for web developers: front-end and back-end. The front-end renders a website from a layout drawn by a professional designer, adds various simple javascript scripts (so you need to know how to program) and possibly screws the layout into a CMS. The backender is responsible for the site engine and working with databases, and he also turns up his nose and considers himself a real programmer, and not like these “form slaps”. If 5 years ago you could learn how to layout in HTML5 and learn CSS in order to proudly be called a layout designer, now these are basic skills with which you cannot find a job in any web studio, because few people need layout itself. The stack of technologies required for modern website development has grown incredibly and the layout designer is now a bit of a programmer, and the programmer, if necessary, can layout the layout and make the interface himself. But in our time it was possible to “cut up” a website and layout it on tables...

Here's a short summary knowledge and advice that I learned during a month of persistent homeschooling:

  1. is now the most popular code editor that covers 90% of the tasks of all front-end developers. Atom is not popular because of its buggy and slowness, but Sublime Text Only old web developers are sitting there, who are simply accustomed to this “notepad” after years of use.
  2. Without the hated Adobe Photoshop nowhere when working with layouts. This is the de facto industry standard. Yes, very cool alternatives have appeared, like paid online services Avocode, Zeppelin or Figma, but they are more designed for quick development mobile interfaces, and not on website layouts. And although they declare support psd, with more or less complex layouts there will definitely be problems. Not to mention they don't read text layer options correctly and don't display/disable overlay effects. The guys who created Sketch for Mac OS squandered a huge market by not wanting to port their product to the web or to Windows. Where can I get Photoshop? Unfortunately, price policy Adobe leaves few options for newbies like me. Although they provide discounts and long trial periods for students.
  3. Our Internet is now very vector and hypertext, so the format vector graphics SVG used everywhere. It would be a good idea to have it on your computer in conjunction with Photoshop. open editor Inkscape vector graphics to open and edit such files. Well, or draw a couple of arrows, if nothing beautiful is alien to you.
  4. Professional training in online courses is quite expensive: from 12,000 - 20,000 rubles and above, I’m generally silent about the advanced level of knowledge (for which companies usually pay, not the programmer himself). You can say that I will download any lectures on torrents (and this is true, they are there), any books and will study myself. During the courses, you pay not for the lectures themselves (instead, you can read a bunch of articles on the topic for free), but for the mentors’ work with you, for working on mistakes and assessing your real knowledge. I am not encouraging anyone to run out and sign up for any courses, but by studying on your own, you will not gain some knowledge. Not to mention the possibility of unknowingly acquiring “wrong knowledge and practicing bad practices.”
  5. The human brain is able to adequately perceive new information for no more than 4 hours, then a sharp drop in efficiency begins.
  6. Without practices your knowledge is worthless. 80% of your training should be practice, and 20% learning theory and lectures. This is precisely the most valuable thing in online courses, which you will not download on torrents: there they will kick you in every possible way, give and check homework, and show you where to improve your knowledge.
  7. Be prepared for the fact that website development technologies change every 2 years: old browsers die out, new frameworks and layout methods appear. Be ready to learn new things. Eh, but I really remember those times when pages were laid out in tables and were just switching to “divas”. And now those who make layouts only as “divas” will be looked at askance - flexboxes are now in fashion.
  8. There are many on the Internet free templates in psd, which you can download, layout and make a portfolio out of them. And of course, Chrome DevTools (which opens with F12) and a similar developer tool in Firefox are cool things: constantly look at the code of sites that interest you in order to understand how this or that thing is made, or where the layout designers screwed up (childish mistakes are often encountered).
    Beginner developer page
  9. It is extremely difficult for a newbie to find work on freelance exchanges. As I already said, they simply rarely order layout, and if they do, then these simple orders are intercepted by craftsmen who, of course, will do it very quickly and with high quality. There are exchanges for complete beginners like Work-Zilla, but if you read the reviews, there will be a lot of negative ones. In addition, this exchange takes 15% from a completed order, imposes a limit on withdrawal of money and requires payment of a subscription every month. It also resets your rating over time. In general, there you will literally work for food for inadequate customers who want a full-fledged website for 1000 rubles. Used to be foreign Upwork, but now it’s paid, and you can’t get there because of the Indians.
  10. I learned cool concepts: semantic layout, Adaptive layout, flexbox, grids, pixel perfect, cross-browser compatibility. Without real knowledge of these things, they won’t even talk to you as a layout designer.
  11. You will be surprised, but Internet Explorer not yet dead. The 11th version of this “wonderful” browser, which was buried by the creators from Microsoft, is still alive and is included in the concept called “cross-browser compatibility” (and sometimes it is necessary to ensure that the layout and operation of the site corresponds to Chinese mobile browsers and Opera Mini, where half of them don't work modern technologies web). And IE 11 will definitely break your layout, because it is different from browsers based on Chromium and Gecko (Firefox).
    Once you start layout, you will very soon want to install a second monitor. This is a work necessity
  12. Soft Skills work as before (since the time of the Neanderthals). Namely: the ability to communicate with customers, advertise yourself, look for clients where your many competitors have not thought of - all this will help you find a job and receive a stable income. Well, or it will help you ask for money for food near the church using “selling texts” on cardboard (sad joke).
  13. All the latest and highest quality information on HTML and CSS technologies is only available on English language, so basic English is a necessity (to be honest, I have not yet met a developer who did not understand English from a word at all - some use online dictionaries at the learning stage, professionals teach with tutors). This information is often (poorly) translated and posted on the Medium blogging platform, and then stolen by all sorts of YouTubers, whom I do not recommend watching (there are not very many suitable Russian-speaking developer bloggers on front-end topics). Oh yes, never watch Gosha Dudar’s videos - this is Timur Sidelnikov from the world of programming. Freelancers love running YouTube channels because it's a great advertisement for their skills, but whether they teach the right things... that's a big question. For many things that they easily show in their videos, you will be scolded by team leads in web studios.
  14. In the provinces, there is very little work for web developers and the niche is occupied by long-running web studios of various calibers (I saw a studio of one person and of three people who know how to create a design on Wordpress and work with jQuery at most).
  15. By the way, if you learn how to “stretch a design” on Wordpress, ModX, Joomla and others popular CMS, then you may not die of hunger, because the demand for such work is very high. The share of Wordpress sites in the world is constantly falling, but they are still about 40%.
  16. The vast majority of web developers (as well as users) work on Windows and do not have cool 4K monitors, so Retina and layout for Safari are exotic things that few people need. But the share of users who access the site from mobile devices, may be more than 60%, so your site must work correctly and look good on smartphones and tablets.
  17. Time! Some people believe that layout can be thoroughly studied in 2 months and another six months can be spent studying javascript basics, automation tools and a popular framework. In any case, it’s crazy to think that now you’ll quickly learn and go make money with your knowledge. The volume of material for obtaining the status of “junior web developer” is 2000 hours of lectures and practice.
  18. Professional programmers love mechanical keyboards, but how loud they are at night (I have cherry mx black)! Take the keyboard to cherry mx red to make it at least a little quieter. I don’t know how much you can trust all the top keyboards on the Internet, but most often the Cooler Master Storm QuickFire Rapid is recommended as the first mechanical keyboard. True, this is not a very cool brand among keyboards and the lack of a number pad is annoying (and front-end developers need to enter numbers often), but this is a fairly old keyboard model and can be found in Russia for the price 4500 rubles. However, for 5,000 rubles you can already choose a normal keyboard with the switches you like.

The front-end path is very complex and thorny, knowledge becomes outdated and requires updating almost every year (with the release new version framework used). But personally, I like this activity and it would be cool if the knowledge I acquired was also paid for, allowing me to change my current profession to a new one. The one who walks will master the road.

June 10, 2019

A lot has been announced at the ongoing E3 exhibition good games, but the announcement caught my attention Microsoft Flight Simulator. The dead king of civil aviation flight simulators is back to kick X-plane And Prepar3D. I would really like to see a triumphant return and there is hope for this, even after a disastrous Microsoft Flight , which, although a beautiful game, was a completely useless game for simulation fans. It’s scary to imagine, but a full-fledged numbered simulator part of the series (MS FS X - “ten”) was released in 2006 - about 13 years ago.

There are no details about the game, but the trailer shows that it is a cool graphics engine that provides an incredible degree of detail in the simulation game world. However, I suspect that, by tradition, most of the world will be flat and procedurally generated, and the United States will have beautifully detailed airports and cities. I really hope that Microsoft understands that without the modding community their game has no future, and they will open an API for creating missions, maps and planes. Many people now have a business built on this and have a high-quality, well-developed airport scenario or plane for previous version simulators can cost under $100 and they are readily bought. If Microsoft wants to make money from this, well, organize the sale of add-ons for the game through your store, take a percentage. This will be better than releasing a “dead” game in which nothing can be changed and pushing users endless paid DLC (the way of some railway simulators).

Screenshot from version 10 with mods
I also hope that the game will have full built-in support VR. This technology has been asking for use in aviation simulators for a long time, and enthusiasts, of course, tried to implement it in MS FS, but it did not gain much popularity.
The simulator will be released in 2020.

June 9, 2019

With the release of the penultimate Windows updates 10 and Nvidia drivers, I encountered a disgusting hardware problem that is simply impossible to catch and fix - the monitor turns off briefly for 2-3 seconds when working from the displayport cable. As I later became convinced, the problem was not so much in the curves Windows drivers from the “beloved” Nvidia, how many hardware problems are there in the 2014 video card itself, the Chinese cable from Aliespress and modern monitor from Dell for 35,000 rubles (which is quite a shame).
When I started googling the problem, I realized that there are thousands of us suffering like this all over the Internet (google for “nvidia displayport blackscreen problem”)! On the Nvidia and Dell forums, people are trying to solve the problem with various shamanic actions, from reinstalling Windows, editing the registry, to disassembling the computer and replacing the power supply. I even updated the bios of my video card to a standard one, having found in the Internet a file with bios for the GPU, which has not been on the manufacturer’s website for a long time (maybe they are ashamed of their products?). The problem goes away for a day or two, and then the screen starts to insidiously turn off again while playing or when working with Chrome browser like mine. Working while constantly waiting for the monitor to turn off is extremely psychologically uncomfortable (personally, I involuntarily burst out into swearing and my eye begins to twitch from this).
I tried almost everything suggested on the Internet: I plugged the cable into another slot - it helped for a while, but the problem returned again and again! In addition, when I went into the BIOS and saw how the screen twitched and turned off, I realized that this The problem is exclusively with the video card and the Chinese displayport cable, but not at all operating system. Thus, for myself, I radically solved this very unpleasant problem with turning off the monitor - I stopped using the displayport cable and connected a Dell monitor with 2K resolution via HDMI. Yes, the HDMI cable is also 100% Chinese and was bought for 400 rubles in the nearest store (when the displayport cable cost me more), but at least it is simpler and works without failures. I'm not a professional designer who needs a cable that supports specific color spaces, or a gamer with a 4K 144 Hz monitor, but a regular computer user who needs to prevent the monitor from turning off suddenly! And if you still need a displayport cable, then you should probably bother buying a special, expensive vesa-certified cable, but I’m afraid it won’t cost 600 rubles.
So far, I don’t know for sure who is to blame for the current problem: the video card manufacturer, the unknown manufacturer of the displayport cable (in its defense, I will say that it worked perfectly for six months without any complaints), or me, when I was cleaning the computer from dust and accidentally touched something. Or maybe no one is particularly to blame, because in 2014 Nvidia made support for displayport versions 1.3 and 1.4 for its video cards, without having an officially accepted specification, and in the end they did it a little incorrectly, and when in 2018 cables and monitors appeared that required dp cables of new versions (high-resolution monitors and screen refresh rates), they began to fix this by flashing the firmware.
Nvidia even released a special utility that tries to patch the BIOS of video cards with this problem. But again, I don’t understand why the problem did not manifest itself in any way before, but has manifested itself recently?
Remembering all the problems and troubles that video cards caused me Nvidia(three of them simply burned out, the last two gave out blue screen death in games, scammers with 4 GB of memory, which are actually only 3.5), I'm thinking about moving to the camp AMD. Yes, “red” video cards do not always shine with performance, game developers rarely optimize their games for them, some of the cards are quite hot, but absolutely all the AMD cards I bought are still alive and work great.

Honor Band 4 I decided to start with something simple: giving up flour and running in the morning, and to make running less boring, I decided to buy a fitness bracelet that is fashionable this season, fortunately the Chinese industry produces them in incredible quantities and you can find simple models from 800 rubles to 2000 rubles for new models with an excellent screen.
Xiaomi Mi Band 3
On this moment Two devices are bestsellers: a sophisticated Huawei Honor Band 4 with a bright AMOLED screen and a bunch of functions, and more budget and simpler Xiaomi Mi Band 3 with a simple non-color screen (the new 4th version with a high-quality screen is just on the way). It’s also worth paying attention to Amazfit brand products - people praise them, but their price is 3,000 rubles. Honor Band 4 has more features and types of workouts (ha, there’s even Chinese gymnastics), but it also costs more, and besides, you have to pay for the opportunity to see a beautiful and bright screen with increased battery consumption. However, fitness bracelets consume little energy, so it’s okay if you charge your bracelet not once a month, but once every 2 weeks, especially since the charging process for Honor Band is very simple - using a small docking station that connects from below . But Xiaomi's charging is not very convenient: you need to pick it out of the strap.
There are a large number of videos on YouTube with Honor comparisons Band 4 and Mi Band 3, but most reviewers come to the conclusion that Honor Band 4 is naturally better. On the plus side Xiaomi fitness bracelet only the price: you can buy it for 1800 rubles with delivery from China. I bought Honor Band 4 for 2200 rubles from a store that has a warehouse in Russia, so they brought it to me in just a week by courier. Don’t even think about buying Honor Band 4 from the official Russian store Huawei: They have become completely insolent and are charging 4,500 rubles for this popular device. I think that 1000-2000 rubles is the amount that you can pay for a fitness bracelet and it won’t hit your wallet too hard.
Huawei Honor Band 4 is made perfectly, there are no complaints about the assembly. I decided to play it safe and stuck it on protective glass film, which was sent by the Chinese seller as a set (two small strips cost me an additional 100 rubles to the final price). I figured out how to turn on and update the device immediately and without any instructions. This is not so difficult if there is only one button on the device (well, touch screen, of course). I used the proprietary app to pair Huawei Health, which was discovered using bluetooth enabled bracelet and suggested updating it, after which it flooded for 20 minutes new firmware(it was extremely necessary to do this, because old firmware The bracelet worked so-so). During the connection process, the application honestly admitted that it would send data to the PRC servers.
The bracelet is controlled by scrolling through the screens and pressing the screen. To stop or interrupt the workout, you need to press the menu button on the bracelet for 3 seconds. The bracelet can constantly measure your pulse and also monitor your sleep, but I personally find it uncomfortable to sleep with it on, and there are people who don’t take it off around the clock, even in the shower, since it’s waterproof. Another problem with a bracelet (and a watch, for a person who has given up wearing them) is that out of habit, you constantly touch all sorts of things with it, doors, tables, etc.
Naturally, the bracelet works well with your phone and it can send you notifications (quite strong vibration), SMS, messages from programs like Twitter, weather, etc. to the bracelet. In addition, you have the opportunity to enable the bracelet to unlock the phone when they are nearby, and the bracelet has the “Where is my phone?” function, after turning on which the phone starts yelling in English in a female voice “I’m here!” Another cool feature is switching music tracks on your phone by turning your wrist with a bracelet. The bracelet itself does not have the ability to track coordinates via GPS (for this you need devices like Huawei Band 3 Pro, which are more expensive - prices start at 2800 rubles), but if you run with your phone, then the Health application can link your coordinates to a map and save tracks. Personally, I wouldn’t run with a phone, but for cyclists and tourists it’s perfect.
Both Huawei and Xiaomi have lightweight, budget versions of their fitness bracelets, which are not worth taking. In terms of price, they are 1000 rubles cheaper, but can't measure pulse. Honor has the Honor Band 4 Running Edition, which can only count steps. For me personally (an overweight person), constantly measuring my heart rate is important. And for ordinary runners, when training, it is important not to keep your heart rate high to avoid muscle pain.
Thus, prices for fitness bracelets have now fallen to an acceptable psychological level. I hope this purchase motivates someone to exercise every day.

Archlinux software

In my opinion, the software will largely determine the distribution. What are Debian and Ubuntu famous for? The fact that you can install almost any software from the OpenSource world with one command, which cannot be said about RPM distributions. In addition to everything, Ubuntu has a whole carload of PPA repositories with the latest software. This allows you to install any software and not have to build it from source and study the design of deb/rpm packages. Also, Ubuntu has a wonderful package manager apt, which is the heart of the system and allows you to manage packages with such convenience that Windows users are drooling. What will Arch surprise us with?
Rolling release model
Most people are used to the standard update model. First, a system release is released, be it Windows or Ubuntu, and then you receive minor software updates with security patches or bug fixes. In Arch, things are a little different. There is no concept of a system release here in principle. Packages appear daily and you can use the most latest versions straightaway. This is, so to speak, a constantly updated distribution, which eliminates the need to make new versions in the form of installation images.
Pacman and AUR
Arch has its own binary package manager called Pacman. How is it different from Apt in Ubuntu?
  1. Speed. It is so fast that it will seem like apt to you from the last century. When apt crashes on older machines, pacman works at the speed of light.
  2. Control. Pacman doesn't have a GUI, but it's designed so well that there's no need for an interface. Of course, it is possible to install a GUI, but over time you will no longer need to use it (more details in the next part).
  3. Dependencies. The ideology of the distribution implies simplicity and elegance in everything, from which in Pacman the dependencies are made in such a way that when installing any program, the dependencies necessary only for the operation of the program itself will be used. Let's look at this using the example of an archiver. For example, we install any of the GUI archivers in Ubuntu and as dependencies we will definitely receive additional software, such as zip, unrar, etc. What if I use tar archives and I don't need zip and rar? Pacman will install only the archiver and display a list of recommended dependencies including all possible archive formats. There is no such option in Ubuntu, even using --no-recommends-install
Pacman, by the way, does not contain many packages and it is not always possible to install what is available in the standard Ubuntu repositories, but there is such a wonderful thing as AUR.

So what is AUR? AUR (Arch User Repository) is a repository maintained by enthusiasts that contains scripts for automatically building applications from source code. Everyone has the right to add their favorite application to the AUR repository. If a package in the AUR receives a certain number of votes, then it ends up in the official repository. AUR is the place where you can find almost everything. Users constantly add a huge number of new packages and update old ones, which compensates for the meager official repository.

Distribution configuration

Everything that is in Archlinux can be customized. Any distribution settings are made through configuration files, instead of GUI programs in Ubuntu. Once again, we have the opportunity to customize everything exactly the way we want without resorting to a GUI. Why use a low-functional GUI to configure the system when everything can be done through configs? (a stone in the garden for Ubuntu Tweaker and other dregs). On the other hand, this is extremely difficult for novice users to do, but this is not about us.

Search for information

Ubuntu users are accustomed to searching for information on Google and ending up on forums where they recommend doing
perl -e "$??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=]=>%-(<-|}<&|`{;;y; -/:-@[-`{-};`-{/" -;;s;;$_;see"

In Archlinux everything is much simpler and more convenient. Archlinux has its own Wiki, where you can find out 95% of the information on the system and almost all the software in it. The remaining 5% of information appears in the first search lines from the official forum. True, there is one minus. Many articles in Russian on Wiki are very outdated and do not correspond to current software, so I recommend immediately opening the English version and looking there. Although, who knows, maybe you, the new archivist, will help update the documentation for Archlinux.


Arch Linux is a constructor from which you can assemble either a simple system for weak machines, or a system filled with software for working on powerful machines. Arch takes some time to get started with, but it makes up for it by being much more customizable than Ubuntu, for example.

Unlike so-called user-friendly distributions, the setup is quite complex and thorny. To install the system, at a minimum, you will have to read the Beginners Guide from the wiki before installation. Since there is no concept of a standard installation in Ubuntu. To install, you will have to make many decisions yourself and specify many parameters. If everything is done correctly, you will have a system free of unnecessary clutter.

Quote from Lurkmore:

Despite the apparent complexity, installation and configuration are not that difficult. It is enough to have perseverance, a clear understanding and awareness of your actions and attentiveness (and also study ArchWiki very carefully). That is, to put it simply, take your time. The documentation describes everything in great detail, with examples, which allows you to quickly begin to understand what is happening and why it is needed.

That's all for now. Next time we will install the system from scratch to a working environment. Thank you.

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