How to add new fonts to Windows. Ways to install fonts in Windows Fonts are not installed in windows 7

If you need to use an additional font that is not included in the standard Windows system, it can be installed very easily.

For this you need:

Why install new fonts

There are a number of reasons to install new fonts, as well as areas of profession for which the classic set will not be enough.

Main reasons:

  1. the inability to open the file if it uses individual parameters. In this case, the system will automatically select the font, but errors may occur during conversion and the translation will be crooked;
  2. the customer or instructor has set design requirements that are not included in the Windows package;
  3. if you want to stand out and make an original signature;
  4. when designing a congratulatory message in this way, you can add personality.

Who may need:

  1. students;
  2. photoshoppers;
  3. graphic editors;
  4. teachers;
  5. designers;
  6. to any person.

Where to get

There are a lot of sources. The first and most popular is on the Internet.

For this you need:

  1. enter the corresponding query in the search bar;
  2. follow the link you like;
  3. choose the appropriate font;
  4. click on it to download;
  5. save on your PC.

Important! Use trusted sources so as not to download a virus to your computer.

Additional options:

  1. create your own with the help of graphic editors;
  2. ask a friend to send it by mail or throw it on a carrier;
  3. buy in the store.

The next step is installation, there are several options.


There are two ways to install a font on a computer. Both are correct and simple. Everyone chooses the best for themselves.

It should be noted that these files have the following format:

  1. .font;
  2. .ttf

Important! When installing files from the same names, Windows can't tell them apart. This is fraught with the fact that the font type may change.

Typical installation

This is the easiest and most popular way. It does not require unnecessary transitions and knowledge, while taking a minimum of time.

Action algorithm:

All is ready. Nothing more needs to be done. You can open Microsoft Word and see the list of fonts just installed.

Installation in the Fonts folder

All fonts Windows systems are stored in the Fonts folder, and new ones should be installed there.

Important! The more fonts installed, the longer it takes to run programs using them. Therefore, not used - it is better to delete immediately.

To install you should:

Important! The name of the installed file may differ from the name specified in the program. In order to find out this name, you need to right-click on the file and select View.

Now you can use the new lettering. It is worth noting that Photoshop and similar programs may require additional steps to install.

Note. It happens that the user cannot find the Fonts folder. In this case, it may simply be hidden. You need to go to any folder, find the menu item Organize, in it the line Folder and search options. Go to the View tab and in the advanced options find "Show hidden files, folders and drives. Click OK or Save.

Video: find and install a font

Font check

In order to make sure that everything is done correctly, you need to run Word or any graphics editor. Next, in the font tab, find the newly installed font. Select it and write something in the text input field.

Compare the font, if it's the same, keep working. If not, perhaps there is a conflict due to the same name, or the file itself is in error.

How to properly install fonts in Windows 7 through the control panel

In Windows 7, you can add fonts using the Control Panel. For some, this is the best way.

Action algorithm:

Important! If such a line is not visible, you can select Small icons in the View item (located at the top right).

Of the many ways, everyone chooses the one that suits him. It should be remembered that there are many viruses on the Internet that can infect a PC and damage it or spy on its owner. Therefore, only reliable sources should be used.

If something does not work out, the reason is most likely in a non-working file or a system conflict.

Fonts automatically appear in all programs where there is an option to select it. However, Photoshop may not appear, then additional installation is required.

If you have installed an inappropriate font, it is better to remove it immediately so as not to clog memory and speed up program loading.

For this you need:

  1. open the WINDOWS folder, it is located on drive C;
  2. find the \Fonts folder;
  3. select an object to delete;
  4. right-click;
  5. from context menu select Delete;
  6. confirm deletion.

Important! You should carefully carry out this operation, as there are fonts necessary for the operating system for normal operation.

With the development of digital technology, great opportunities have opened up for the user in various structures of activity. New movements of music, paintings and other art appear in steel society. Modern life became more colorful and dynamic. The very idea of ​​presenting information has changed especially. People stopped seeing the same font in books, posters, posters and ads. Now it has become possible to convey the mood and atmosphere with the help of letters.

But many operating systems installed on a computer (for example, Windows 7) have a meager set of "letter styles". Naturally, many users are puzzled by this question of how they can be installed.

This article details how you can install various fonts in the Windows 7 operating system. At the same time, in order to add this data, you do not need to have third-party programs on your computer for this. To replenish the "beautiful alphabet" will be sufficient internal funds of the system itself.

To add different fonts in the Windows 7 operating system, you can use two methods

But first you need to download the necessary files from the source. Windows 7, like newer operating systems, works with styles like OpenType and TrueType. As a rule, these data have *.ttf and *.otf extensions. Having seen these files for the first time, PC owners will not confuse them with anything. The system displays *.ttf and *.otf as a blank slate where you can preview the downloaded font.

After downloading the archive where the fonts are stored or downloading it as a separate file, the user must hover over the required mouse cursor and press the right button. After that, Windows will provide a choice in the form of a context menu, where you will need to select the "Install" item.

Microsoft's operating systems are designed to make life easier for ordinary users. So in our case, in order not to waste time with each file in Windows, it is possible to install several at once. To do this, select the required amount, click on the right mouse button and select "Install".

There are times when the usual method does not help to add desired font. At the same time, the owner of the PC is sure that he has a working file with the necessary *.ttf and *.otf extensions. To still add the desired style, you can use the following method.
To do this, copy the necessary data and go to the specified path "C:\Windows\Fonts". This is where the OS stores all installed fonts, so this is where you should save the file.

After all the actions, the user can see these alphabet styles in various text editor programs (MS Office, OpenOffice, etc.), which take them from the above-described place in the OS. Applications also have their own set, which, during the installation process, puts its styles into this folder.

To view the entire set in Windows 7, the user must click the "Start" button, then select the "Control Panel" section and select "All Control Panel Items" in the menu that opens. In order not to waste time, you can also use the search. In the Control Panel at the top, you need to enter “fonts” in the search field and press the Enter key. By selecting the line that appears, you can see the entire list of letter styles that are in the system. Here you can, if necessary, delete or hide the selected data.

If the font is not installed

During installation, users may encounter various difficulties and errors. Here, the main thing is not to despair, because they all have a simple solution. The most common problem of all arises from the fact that the user cannot install, and the OS displays an error of this kind on the screen "This file is not an operating system font."

There are times when a PC owner, having downloaded a style he likes from a site, sees that the file has a different extension (does not have the required *.ttf and *.otf format). These styles are either suitable for other operating systems or are used by individual programs. In order not to look for a similar one and not waste time on this, you can use special free services that are on the Internet. They can convert from other font formats to those required for installation in the Windows operating system.

After converting, the user will need to download the file and install it using the methods described above.

When working with documents or images, users often encounter problems when the standard set of fonts is not enough for proper design. New ones that are widely available on the Internet can come to the rescue. But how to install and add them to the system? In this article, we will describe possible options how to install font in windows 10, 7, 8, xp.

First, let's go over the basics. In system Windows already system fonts are preinstalled, which are necessary for displaying system text and for using them in applications. This set is diverse, but not so much to please every user, so designers create more and more sets to suit the needs of users. Standard for Windows - Times New Roman, Arial, MS Sans Serif, Courier New and others.

It is worth noting that not all fonts can be displayed equally correctly on both Windows and Mac. This comparison article can help you with this. different systems-

Standard Solution

Consider the standard procedure for installing fonts using Windows 10 as an example:

  • First you need to download the desired set. The most popular and well-known site is, with paid and free sets. But you can always find an alternative in Google or Yandex. For example - Find the set you need and download it.

  • Files are uploaded in .ttf (TrueType), .otf (PostScript), .fnt (old format) format. On some sites, a .rar, .zip or .7z archive is downloaded, which must be unpacked before installation. In our example, the set is in .ttf format.

  • The file icon will display the style of the package you downloaded. By double-clicking on it, a preview window will open, where you can look at the set of Cyrillic characters and the system language. You will be greeted by the phrase “Eat more of these soft French rolls, but drink some tea”, the secret of this phrase is that it contains all the letters of the Russian alphabet, for a better acquaintance with the spelling and inscription of letters.

  • Click the "Install" button and this package will be added with a symbol to the list of available ones, both for the system and for applications. This is the most easy way set ttf format font to Windows any versions - 7, 8, 10 or Vista.

Alternative path

An alternative way to install a different font on the example of Windows 7 when you need to install several files:

  • Let's skip the download and unpack steps specified in the first method (if the archive has been downloaded) and move on to the main thing. An alternative option is to transfer the file directly to the system directory where they are stored in the Fonts folder in the system root. Windows folder.
  • For quick access to folder press keyboard shortcut and type %windir%/fonts

  • An alternative way to call this folder is through the Control Panel. Open it (press Win + R combination and type control), select to display small or large icons and select the appropriate item.

  • In this window, you will find available fonts and sets that you can view, print or delete. Also in this window are offered ClearType settings (to improve text smoothing), scaling options and other settings.

  • To add a set, simply drag the file from one window to another, or copy it from one window and paste it into another. This method Suitable for all systems from Windows XP to Windows 10.

Installing a new downloaded font on a computer with Windows 7 or 10 is quite simple if you follow these simple rules.

New version of Windows 10

And now we will tell you how to add a font in a new Windows versions 10: Starting with Windows 10 April 2018 Update (version 1803), a new Fonts item appeared in the Personalization settings, which duplicates the usual settings from the Control Panel for a better user experience. The settings show the contents of the set, preview, author, and the corresponding license.

Microsoft is expanding the influence of its app store on the system and now you can download the necessary font sets from there. Both free and paid sets are available to users. The list is not so wide, but it all depends on the desire of authors and designers to use this platform.

It's very good that Microsoft thinks about users and makes it easier to use the system by adding such a setting. The wider the assortment of the Store, the more convenient and better it will be for users.


  • The Windows/Fonts folder is in system partition, you need Administrator rights to open it.
  • If you installed a new font, and the application (Word, Photoshop, or another) does not “see” it, then you should restart the application so that the list is updated and new items are added to it.
  • Pay attention to the difference between Cyrillic (Russian characters) and Latin (English), because not all sets have the same style for each group of characters. Some characters are only available for Latin, while Cyrillic will display standard characters in this case.

Have a great day!

In order to install the font, go to "start" "control panel" then "appearance and personalization" and in the window that opens, click on the "fonts" section

Now go to the folder where you have the new font that you want to install, press the left mouse button and drag it to the "fonts" section

The second way to install the font:

Open the folder where the font is located, move the mouse cursor and press the right mouse button and click "Install" after that it will start quick installation font.

How to install windows 7 font

To install the windows font, you first need to download the font. To do this, enter search query in Yandex or google "font for widows 7"

download given file and unpack if the font is archived. Attention Be careful when downloading the font.

Do not download fonts from sites infected with viruses. Install . Next, just double-click the right mouse button on the font and click "install"

Installing the font in the operating room window system 7 is as simple as ,

even the thought comes to mind why I wrote such a simple article. But however, given the cases when the user puzzles over not knowing what the reason is,

but it turns out that the silent mode was turned on, there are also cases that simply have no idea how to install a new font.

At least at the stage of a beginner in computer topics, I came across such a question.

How to change font windows 7

In the windows operating system, you can change the font of certain elements. The default operating system interface font is Segoe UI.

But you can change the font of some elements of the system:

By selecting a specific element and changing the font, you can also change the font size, you can choose a color and specify a bold or italic font.

To change the font to your taste, press the right mouse button on the desktop, select "personalization" from the menu that opens

Or go to "start" open the "control panel" open the section "appearance and personalization"

And in this window, click " Extra options design"

If for some reason it does not open this section, maybe some component is not active or some kind of system error.

Then in this case we will use command line. Open the "start" enter the search line the following combination: rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl @0.5

It is also possible to remove the font from windows list. To do this, in the list of fonts, right-click on the font and click "delete".

I hasten to warn you that when deleting fonts, be careful. Optimum performance The windows operating system also depends on fonts.

What is a font?

A font is a graphic symbol containing different styles and sizes.

In this post, I talked about how to install font and how to change font. I hope that the information will help you customize the interface of your computer to your desires. If you have questions and opinions, write comments.

Traditionally, Microsoft, along with the operating Windows system provides users with a nice set of practical readable fonts. However, for many users, this set, for various reasons, seems insufficient. Someone wants to create a layout for a postcard or greeting address, and they need exquisite lettering. Someone works with mathematical formulas - professional symbols are required here. Special signs exist even for recording chess studies! Of course the standard Windows fonts unable to cover all these and other cases. Fortunately, you can add to the basic set yourself. As will be seen below, this is not a difficult task at all.

How to choose

Before telling you how to install fonts in Windows 7, I would like to give some tips on choosing them.

The computer user should remember that the main requirement for the design of printed text is readability. It doesn’t matter how beautiful the individual letters are, if reading what is written turns into deciphering the rebus, this will certainly interfere with conveying the idea embedded in the text. Hence the first tip: before installing a new font into the system, look at the samples of the written words. The easiest way to do this is by double clicking on the file.

The next thing to pay attention to is that many fonts for Windows 7 are intended only for writing, while most Russian-speaking users cannot do without Cyrillic. Sometimes an indication of the support of the Russian alphabet is contained directly in the name ("rus", "kyr" are marker words), but not always. Precisely determine the availability of the native language, again, a double-click preview will help.

Lastly, there are quite a few so-called font collections. This is an archive with dozens or even hundreds of files. Installing them all without looking is very unwise - any garbage in the system folders slows down the computer over time. For example, drawing thumbnails of the Fonts folder with a large number of installed fonts can take several minutes. It is also difficult to review each file from the set before installation. Yet optimal solution will download to the computer only what is really needed.

General instructions

Font files usually have a .ttf extension, less commonly .otf or .fnt. But they are often available in zipped form (.zip, .rar, .7z, etc. extension). Any of the methods below assume that you have already unpacked the archive and extracted the fonts from it. Windows 7 can unpack archives in .zip format. For other types of files, you will need a special archiver program.

Also, installing a new font requires administrative privileges. If you are not the administrator of the computer and do not know the administrative password, then you will have to contact someone who has such authority to complete the installation.

Installation via context menu

This is probably the easiest way to install fonts in Windows 7. The operating system recognizes suitable files and adds a special item to them. All you need is to right-click on the selected file and select "Install" from the menu that appears. It is done.

If you want to preview the font before installing it, double-click on it. In the window that opens, the outline of all letters will be presented. In the same place at the top of the window there will be an "Install" button. Liked the spelling - press the button.

These steps are useful when you need to install one or more fonts. If you plan to install a dozen or more files, then adding each of them one by one is a tedious task. In this case, the following method will do.

Copying fonts to the system folder

This option should be recognized as the most universal. The Windows\Fonts folder exists in operating systems from Microsoft since time immemorial, so it's easy to use in XP or Windows 8 in the same way as in Windows 7.

You can install fonts by simply dragging the appropriate files into the Fonts folder (or copy them and then paste them). You can not even copy the files, but simply create shortcuts to them.

It should be remembered that the Fonts folder has the "hidden" and "system" attributes. To get into it, you need to either do system folders visible through the settings in the Control Panel, or use file manager, which shows all objects on the computer regardless of their attributes, unlike Explorer.

Installation via "Control Panel"

Recommendations on how to install fonts in Windows 7 would be incomplete without mentioning a special tool for working with them in Windows. To use it, go to the "Start" menu, there we press the "Control Panel" button. Next, select the "Fonts" item, and if the panel has a "By Category" view, then first click "Appearance and Personalization", and only then - "Fonts".

The window that opens will be the same Fonts folder that we wrote about above. Therefore, to perform the installation, you should proceed in the same way: drag files with the mouse, copy and then paste them, or create shortcuts.