The Task Scheduler service is missing or missing - solution. The Task Scheduler service is missing or missing - solution Windows 7 Task Scheduler does not turn on

Today we will talk about how the Windows 7 task scheduler works. This tool helps the user configure the launch of applications as desired. Sometimes a program gets blocked due to excessive file protection.

Windows 7 Task Scheduler: Turn off and on

To activate the tool, open the “Run” item in “Start”. Enter C:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exe -k netsvcs. Press the Enter key. The Windows 7 Task Scheduler will open. If necessary, set the appropriate checkbox to activate the automatic launch of the tool. After enabling the service, restart the computer. There is an alternative way to launch the tool. To use it, enter the name in Russian in the search item when opening the Start menu.


If for some reason the Windows 7 task scheduler has disappeared, create Text Document and enter there the code of the file that relates to this tool. Save the document. We enable the display of file type extensions by going to the “View Settings” tab in the “Folder Options” function. Rename the created document by changing its extension to .reg. Open the file by double-clicking the mouse, then confirm the changes made in the system. We are waiting for the registry update. Reboot the computer. We configure automatic launch of the application in the manner described above.

Restoring the Task Scheduler

First of all, we check the availability system files of a given element at its standard address. To do this, you need to understand the question of where to look for the Windows 7 task scheduler. Open drive “C”. Let's go to Windows folder. We will find the files we need in the System32 directory. The main one among them is schtasks.exe; this group also includes schedcli.dll, mstask.dll and schedsvc.dll. If there are no files, manually transfer them to the specified directory, copying everything necessary from the disk operating system Windows. When system data display is not activated, you must enable it using the Folder View tab. Let's move on to the next stage. Checking integrity system folders and files. IN command line enter: sfc /scannow. This will start checking the contents of system directories for damage. If signs of errors are detected, the OS will recover the data using backup copy. We will need to remember exactly when the necessary component disappeared. We use the built-in recovery of the operating system. We return to the state of the computer at the moment the scheduler was working correctly. Select a restore point that matches the date. To start the process, open “Start”, go to the “All Programs” section, there we look for the “Maintenance” directory. We launch the corresponding program. If the system is too damaged, copy personal data to another partition of the hard drive and reinstall Windows. To do this, you need a disk with the appropriate software.


Next, we will discuss in detail how to disable the Windows 7 task scheduler. Right-click on the “My Computer” icon, which is usually placed on the desktop, to bring up the context menu. Select the “Management” item. By the way, if “Computer” is not on the desktop, the corresponding section can be launched using “Start”. So, the “Management” window appeared in front of us. Select the “Services” section on the left side. It is located at the bottom of the list. We click on it with the left mouse button, after which three sections with settings appear on the right. Select the “Services” item. A list opens in which we find “Task Scheduler”. Mark it with the left mouse button. In the line at the top of the window, select the section called “Action”. In the list that appears, select the “Properties” item. Here we see that the task scheduler we are interested in is running. This is evidenced by the “Status” item. Below it are buttons to stop and start the service. Click on “Stop” to disable the Windows 7 task scheduler. To pause the tool for a while, click on “Pause”. To deactivate an element without automatically starting it the next time you turn on the PC, click on “Stop”, then open the “Startup Type” section, which is located just above. Select the “Disabled” option. As for the “Manual” item, it involves activating the tool only with the consent of the user.

04.10.2009 17:50

With the improved Windows 7 Task Scheduler, you can schedule any program to run on certain time with certain conditions. You can also schedule a shipment Email and even display a specific message on the screen.

To launch Task Scheduler, open the Start menu, in search bar enter and press Enter (in non-Russian Windows 7, instead of the word, enter taskschd.msc).

You can also open Control Panel (advanced view) -> Administration -> Task Scheduler.

In the menu on the right Actions click Create a task(or Create a simple task).

In the window, enter the name of the new task and its description. If you need to run the program with elevated administrator rights, then activate the function Run with highest rights.

Switch to the tab, click the button Create and assign a date, time, and frequency for completing the task. To set the date when scheduled task execution will stop, activate the function Validity and enter the date and time.

Go to the tab Actions and press the button Create.

To schedule a program to run on a specified schedule, in the drop-down list Action select and using the button Review specify the location of the executable file.

To schedule email to be sent, use the drop-down list Action select Sending an email and fill out the standard fields: From(your name and email address), To whom(name and address of the recipient of the letter), Subject(letter header) and Text(Message text). If you need to attach files to the message you are sending, use the button Review indicate the location of the file you want to attach. In field Server smtp specify the smtp server of your email provider (for example, and press OK.

To schedule a specific message to be displayed on a specified schedule, use the drop-down list Action select Message output and fill in the fields Heading And Message.

A very convenient thing when you need to remind yourself that in 5 minutes the New Year will come, that it’s time to feed the cat, turn off the soup, or go to the Windows 7 website - Impressions and Facts. The message will look something like this:

Go to the tab Conditions and specify the conditions for completing the task.

You can also set Extra options completing a task on the tab.

After completing all these steps, click OK to create a task.

To edit a created task, open the Task Scheduler, select the task in the list, in the right menu Actions select Properties, edit the desired parameters and click OK.

To delete a scheduled task, open the Task Scheduler, select the task in the list, in the right menu Actions select Delete and confirm your intentions.

Note. For Task Scheduler to function, the Task Scheduler service must start automatically with Windows 7. Open Control Panel (advanced view) -> Administration -> Services. In the list of services, find, double-click on it, on the General tab, set the startup type Auto and press OK.

As part of a series of articles about Windows administration tools that few people use, but which can be very useful, today I’ll talk about using the task scheduler.

In theory, the Windows Task Scheduler is a way to launch some program or process when a certain time or condition occurs, but its capabilities do not end there. By the way, due to the fact that many users do not know about this tool, removing from startup malware, which can register their launch in the scheduler, turns out to be more problematic than with those that register themselves only in the registry.

The task scheduler has approximately the same interface as other administration tools - on the left side there is a tree-like folder structure, in the center - information about the selected element, on the right - the main actions on tasks. The same actions can be accessed from the corresponding item in the main menu (When you select a specific task or folder, the menu items change to those related to the selected item).

Basic actions in the task scheduler

In this tool, you have the following actions on tasks:

  • Create a simple task- creating a task using the built-in wizard.
  • Create a task- the same as in the previous paragraph, but with manual setting all parameters.
  • Import task- import of a previously created task that you exported. It can be useful if you need to configure a certain action to be performed on several computers (for example, running an antivirus scan, blocking sites, etc.).
  • Display all running tasks- allows you to view a list of all tasks that are currently running.
  • Enable log of all jobs- allows you to enable or disable task scheduler logging (records all actions launched by the scheduler).
  • Create a folder- serves to create your own folders in the left panel. You can use it for your own convenience, so that it is clear what and where you created.
  • Delete folder- deleting the folder created in the previous paragraph.
  • Export- allows you to export the selected task for subsequent use on other computers or on the same computer, for example, after reinstalling the OS.

In addition, you can call up a list of actions by right-clicking on a folder or task.

By the way, if you suspect the presence of malware, I recommend looking at the list of all tasks being performed, this may be useful. It may also be helpful to enable the Job Log (disabled by default) and look at it after a couple of reboots to see what jobs were running (to view the log, use the Log tab and select the Job Scheduler Library folder).

The task scheduler already contains a large number of tasks that are necessary for the operation of Windows itself. For example, automatic cleaning hard drive from temporary files and disk defragmentation, automatic maintenance and scanning of the computer during idle time and others.

Create a simple task

Now let's see how to create a simple task in Task Scheduler. This is the most easy way for beginner users, which does not require special skills. So, select the “Create a simple task” item.

On the first screen, you will need to enter a task name and, optionally, a description.

The next item is to select when the task will be executed: you can run it by time, when you log into Windows or turn on the computer, or when an event occurs in the system. When you select one of the items, you will also be asked to set the execution time and other details.

And the last step is to choose what action will be performed - launching the program (you can add arguments to it), displaying a message or sending an email.

Creating a task without using a wizard

If you want to fine-tune your Windows Task Scheduler tasks, click New Task and you'll be greeted with a plethora of options and options.

I will not describe in detail the complete process of creating a task: in general, everything is quite clear in the interface. I will only note significant differences compared to simple tasks:

Despite the fact that there are a large number of different options, I think it won’t be difficult to understand them - they are all named quite clearly and mean exactly what they say in the name.

I hope that the above may be useful to someone.

Task Scheduler is an important tool in Windows that allows users to schedule programs and specific processes to run. But lately I found that Scheduler is not working in my Windows system 10 Pro. For example, if I try to open it, a message appears saying that the Task Scheduler service is unavailable.

Here's the error message:

The Task Scheduler service is unavailable. Task Scheduler is trying to reconnect

Although the error message says that the task scheduler is automatically connecting to its service, it actually doesn't. As a result of this, you keep receiving this error message when opening Task Scheduler. Launch SFC / SCANNOW running commands with admin rights on the command line may help. If your system receives the same error, here's how to fix it:

How to Fix: Task Scheduler Service Not Available in Windows 10

Method 1 - Using a Services Snap-in

1. Press Win + R and enter the command services.msc in the dialog box Execute, press Enter to open the service management tool.

2. In the window Services, scroll down and find the service Task Scheduler. Double click on the service to open the properties window.

3. Now in the properties window set the startup type Automatically and then click the button Launch, to start the service. Click Apply then OK. Close the service control tool and restart your PC.

After rebooting the machine, the error should be resolved.

Method 2 - Using Registry Editor

Disclaimer: The next steps will involve registry manipulation. Errors when changing the registry can negatively affect the operation of the system. So be careful when editing registry entries. Be sure to create a backup.

1. Press Win + R and enter Regedit in the dialog box Execute. Click the button OK.

2. In the left pane of the Registry Editor, go to the following registry key:


3 . Open section Schedule and find in it a parameter named Start DWORD (32 bits). Double click on it and change the key value to 2 .

4. By changing the parameter value, from 4 on 2 click the button OK. Close Registry Editor and restart your computer. After rebooting, check and you will see that the problem is resolved.

Method 3 - Removing a corrupted task scheduler cache.

  1. Open Registry Editor.
  1. Go to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree
  1. Click on the Tree registry key and expand that registry key.
  1. Now rename all the folders in the Tree section, adding for example to the name .old

  1. Open Task Scheduler to see if there is an error message or not.
  1. If no error message appears, this indicates that the entry in this section registry is damaged, we must find the damaged entry.
  1. Let's return one of the folders to its previous name, and run the Task Scheduler again to see if there is an error message or not.
  1. This way you will find which of the tasks may be corrupted and causing the “Task Scheduler Service is not available” error. In most cases this is a problem with Adobe Flash Player Updater and renaming seems to clear the error, but you should fix the problem by following the steps above.
  1. Now delete the entries, causing the error task scheduler and the problem will be solved.

Hope this helps!

Probably every user has encountered a situation where, when turning on the computer, they have to wait for background programs and all applications that open along with the system to load. Inexpensive equipment can freeze due to a large number of simultaneous processes. To regulate them, there is a “Task Scheduler” in Windows (it is available in both version 10 and earlier). It allows:

  • configure autostart of applications (for example, ICQ or other instant messengers, antivirus) or disable it;
  • indicate a convenient time to perform resource-intensive tasks (cleaning up the disk, installing updates) so that they do not interfere with your work;
  • remove irrelevant processes from running;
  • indicate which applications can be disabled to save battery power;
  • set an alarm or send an email.

Setting up the task scheduler in Windows.

"Task Scheduler" in Windows XP can be found in the " Utilities" In the eighth version, the utility was moved to the “Control Panel”. In Windows 10, everything already looks different: the software is located in the “Computer Management” section - in the same place where other administration elements are located. Actual files this application are stored on the system drive C (Windows – System 32 – Taskschd.msc), and they can also be launched from here.

How to open Task Scheduler

Now we will tell you how to launch the “Task Scheduler” in different ways.

Start menu

  1. In Windows XP and 7, follow the path: “Start” – “All Programs” – “Accessories” – “System Tools”.
  2. In Windows 10 – “Start” – “Administrative Tools”
  3. In Windows 8, you cannot open the application through Start.

Control Panel

Open the task scheduler in Windows 10 and 8 as follows:

  1. Expand the search bar and write “Control Panel”.
  2. Open the section and pay attention to the inscription “View” at the top right. “Categories” should be changed to “Large icons”.
  3. Now we see the “Administration” shortcut - when you click on it, a list of services will open, among which will be “Scheduler”.

In Windows 7 and XP, as we remember, it is included in utility programs.

Search field

The easiest way to find an application is to type its name in the line Windows search. As soon as you start writing down a phrase, the system will automatically find the software, and you can turn it on immediately.

Run window

  1. Press the combination Win+R.
  2. The Run window appears with empty line, where we enter “taskschd.msc” (ignoring the quotes).
  3. Click “Inter” and wait for the application to open.

Command line

  1. Call the “Run” window again and enter “cmd” (without quotes)
  2. Press Enter and wait for the “Command Prompt” to appear.
  3. Enter “C:/Windows/System32/taskschd.msc” there and click OK.

You can also make the command more specific by adding to it without spaces:

  • /Create – to create a new task;
  • /Delete – to delete a task;
  • /Query – to view created tasks;
  • /Change – to adjust the task.

Direct launch

As mentioned above, “Task Scheduler” can be launched directly from the root folder where all its files are stored. To do this, just go to the path: drive C – Windows – System 32 – Taskschd.msc and double-click it.

Disabling Task Scheduler

Sometimes it happens that due to an incorrectly configured “Scheduler” some problems arise in the operation of the OS; if you have not found what exactly is the reason, you can disable it completely (this function is not supported by some builds of Windows).

  1. Find the "This PC" shortcut. If it's not in Desktop, click File Explorer (the yellow folder icon) and you'll see it listed on the left.
  2. Click the secondary mouse button (it’s on the right) and select “Manage” – “Task Scheduler” – “Action” – “Properties”.
  3. The table shows that the application is currently functioning. Click "Stop" and select the startup type - "Disabled". Thus, the next time you turn on the computer, this service will not work.

Before you disable Windows 7 Task Scheduler, please note that in this version, the correct operation of the system depends on this application. The only thing you can do in this case is to remove some tasks so that the application does not perform them.