Russian payment systems. The best payment systems, electronic money and cryptocurrencies American payment systems list

Few people can imagine life without electronic money. With their help, you can make purchases in online stores, pay bills, purchase tickets, transfer funds from one card to another with a lower percentage. What are the most popular payment systems? A list of them is presented below.

List of payment systems

Many people liked the idea of ​​paying for their expenses using electronic money. The main purpose of payment systems (the list will be presented later) is instant settlement with a bank or seller. Nowadays there are a lot of electronic resources, but not all of them inspire delight and trust among the majority of citizens. So, here are the most popular domestic and international payment systems:

  • "Yandex money";
  • "";
  • Webmoney;
  • PayPal;
  • Visa;
  • MasterCard;
  • "World";
  • Perfect money;
  • Money mail;
  • "PRO100";
  • Qiwi;
  • Alipay.

This is not a complete list of services for payment with electronic money. But they are most often used by clients. Below are the TOP 5 systems that have won the trust of consumers.

"Yandex money"

IN Russian Federation considered the most famous. The main currency is the ruble, but this did not affect its great popularity among the population. It is upsetting that Yandex.Money does not allow its clients to pay for services and goods abroad. However, Russian online stores prefer domestic electronic payment systems. According to statistics, Yandex.Money occupies a leading position in payment for services and goods on the World Wide Web in the vastness of our homeland.

The advantages of this system include the ability to replenish your account by transferring funds from individual. In addition, a definite advantage is the simple and intuitive functionality.


International payment systems, for example, Webmoney, are also in demand. This service offers payments in various currencies. However, the high reliability of the system does not compensate for the difficulties in registration. This is why many beginners prefer to turn to another service “for help.” High security for clients - important aspect when performing a financial transaction. This is exactly what Webmoney guarantees.

Although the service has many advantages, its popularity abroad is not as high as in Russia and the CIS countries. According to many users who refused to use this system, there is a very inconvenient currency exchange process here. Secure payment systems, the list of which is presented and which includes Webmoney, must sacrifice convenience in the name of the reliability of monetary transactions.


The oldest one has also joined the most popular electronic payment systems. This is PayPal. It was founded in 1998. The advantages of the service include the variety of currencies with which you can carry out monetary transactions. There are about 24 species in total. According to experts, the PayPal system is used in 190 countries around the world. By the way, this is the service that buyers prefer to use when paying for orders in foreign online stores. In addition, it is rare that a virtual auction is completed without paying PayPal.

Why is this system so popular? Its high reliability and convenient functionality have won the hearts of millions of users. Disadvantages include the inability of clients to enter their personal data. Also, not all countries accept electronic money from PayPal.


In 2014, the government of the Russian Federation decided to create a service completely independent of Visa and MasterCard. The reason for this decision was the imposition of sanctions on domestic enterprises and banks. This is how the national payment system"Peace" (NPS). It is designed in the most careful way to ensure convenience, accessibility and reliability for transactions for all residents of Russia. The service belongs to the Central Bank of the country. NPS developers guarantee the uninterrupted and secure performance of various types of transactions using bank cards. Thanks to the “World” service, you can perform standard operations, namely:

  • cash withdrawal;
  • making mobile and contactless payments;
  • payment for purchases in retail chains.

The main advantage of the NPS is considered to be the impossibility of the situation in the international arena to influence the current state of affairs. Accordingly, Russian citizens do not have to worry about accessing their savings and funds to pay for services and goods.


Visa is a payment system widely used in America and Australia. If you try to pay with this card in Europe, sometimes problems with the terminal may arise, since here they prefer to use a direct competitor to MasterCard. However, according to statistics, the Visa service is used by 70% of clients, while its “rival” is used by only 30%.

Today, this card is accepted in 166 thousand places throughout Russia and in 36 thousand ATMs. Visa is accepted for payment in 200 countries around the world. This service really considered the largest and most famous.

Clients of the system can order one of the types (or maybe all types) of Visa:

  • Visa Electron;
  • Visa Classic;
  • Visa Gold;
  • Visa Platinum.

The presence of so many types of cards allows us to attribute this fact to the undeniable advantages of the system. Thanks to this, you can quickly make purchases, order tickets and pay for them immediately.

As already mentioned, the payment systems, the list of which was presented in this article, are very convenient for carrying out standard financial transactions. However, experts recommend not keeping all your savings in in electronic format, because now there are a lot of scammers on the Internet.

I would call 8 electronic payment systems the best in the world. They will be discussed today in this article.

This is truly a national payment system.

In it you can create wallets for all popular Runet currencies (dollar, ruble, hryvnia, tenge), while maintaining a high degree of anonymity. Here the wallet interface is Russified and it is possible to communicate with technical support in Russian. Agree that this is very convenient.

is a very young international payment system, but this did not stop it from becoming popular in the West, here, and in the post-Soviet space. The link (just like in PayPal) goes to your Email address, which is the logo in this payment system. Minor or even zero commission is charged for transactions. Withdrawals are possible to bank details or to an OKPay debit card linked to the account.

OKPay is an alternative to the untimely departed Liberty Reserve because it also turns a blind eye to the withdrawal of money from various “pyramids” and gambling. There are restrictions on payments here, but this only applies to non-verified accounts. It's the same here as in Perfect Money the balance of money in the account is credited as much as 3%. Agree, it’s very unusual for electronic wallets.

Payza (Alert pay)– another anonymous electronic wallet. Anyone can open it. The company was formed recently by merging Alert pay and another similar system. The movement of funds from it is carried out by linking a bank card to it. Payza in Russia is mainly used to receive online money earned abroad. Sometimes there is a problem with the output, but this problem is quickly resolved.

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☛ How to withdraw Webmoney part 2 Money transfer service

In the last article, I introduced you to all the ways to withdraw funds from a Webmoney wallet. Today, continuing the conversation on the topic of how to withdraw Webmoney, in the second part we will look in more detail at one of the main...

Electronic payment systems are becoming an increasingly popular financial instrument. The ability to manage your payments and expenses from any device and make any payments online is far from full list functions of electronic wallets.

Today, the list of payment systems includes several dozen names, but only a few are recognized as the most reliable and convenient. For those who have decided to open an account in such a service for active use, first you should familiarize yourself with the features of each wallet.

Visa Qiwi Wallet

Opens a list of payment systems Qiwi wallet. It’s not for nothing that the Qiwi Wallet electronic service is in first place - it is a convenient and functional multi-platform tool. The Qiwi group was formed in 2007 in Moscow. Since then, the company has managed to acquire its own bank, entered the international level and released co-branded products together with Visa.

Today, the Qiwi payment system has tens of millions of users around the world. Qiwi wallet holders have the opportunity to make utility and other types of payments, repay loans, make transfers and pay for purchases on the Internet and applications. This is not all the possibilities of the wallet! At the same time, the account in Visa Qiwi Wallet matches the owner’s phone number, and the level of payment security allows you to be confident in the safety of funds.

WebMoney Transfer

The WebMoney wallet does not top the list of electronic payment systems, but it firmly holds a leading position in some individual items. First of all, this is the most popular way to carry out currency transactions online. IN WebMoney Keeper available for opening an account in US dollars, euros, hryvnias and other monetary units.

To open an account, you just need to install a special keeper on your computer or mobile device. The developers guarantee compliance with all security requirements; therefore, some calculations require passport data, and each operation is confirmed with a password.

Users are offered numerous functions and services, partnerships of large companies and a user-friendly interface. The specificity of this wallet is the ability to exchange currencies. The course, of course, is not the most profitable, but sometimes such a service comes in handy.

"Yandex money"

In 2002, the Russian browser "Yandex" released its next product - the electronic payment system "Yandex.Money". In the same year, the project received an official bank certificate as a service for electronic payments and bank transfers, surpassing other payment systems in this matter. The list of Yandex.Money users includes 18 million people, and every day this figure is replenished by 12 thousand.

Users can install the payment system wallet on mobile device, on your computer in the form of a program or use the service online. Wallet owners can pay for purchases, receipts and bills. In this case, funds are debited at the user’s choice either from an account in the payment system or from a bank card. In payment terminals using Yandex.Money, you can select the desired provider and complete the transaction using cash.

One of the features of the Yandex service is the ability to make payments to unregistered users. Official wallet owners can order a plastic card linked to the Yandex.Money system and set up reminders.

All of the above platforms are included in the list of payment systems in Russia. Internet users often have to resort to international systems for payments. As a rule, most foreign online stores and applications work with PayPal.


This is the undisputed leader, surpassing other electronic payment systems in world rankings. The list of PayPal wallet owners is more than 170 million people. The system is recognized as very convenient and safe. But the electronic service is not very hospitable to residents of Russia and a number of countries of the former Union.

Some operations are still not available to residents of our country. And if we take into account the list of available currencies for settlements in the system, then a rather strange fact was the long absence of the ruble, but the presence of other 18 currencies, including the Hong Kong dollar or the Polish zloty.

Nobody hid the reasons for such measures at PayPal. The point is a lack of trust in the residents of Russia and an attempt to protect the system from scammers and violators, who, according to the creators of the service, live in abundance in the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

Payment systems are a convenient modern service. The vast majority of users believe that such technologies are the future. The list of payment systems is constantly updated, and existing projects are evolving and improving. If someone still doesn't have a wallet in electronic service payment system, then you definitely need to get one.

Electronic money is the monetary obligations of the organization that issued it (the issuer), located on electronic media under the control of users.

Main features of electronic money:

  • carrying out issuance in electronic form;
  • storage on electronic media;
  • the issuer's guarantees for their provision with ordinary funds;
  • their recognition as a means of payment not only by the issuer, but also by a number of other organizations.

To clearly understand what electronic money is, it is necessary to distinguish it from the non-cash form of traditional money (the latter is issued by the central banks of various countries, and they also establish the rules for their circulation).

They have nothing to do with electronic money and credit cards, which are only a means of control bank account. All transactions when using cards are carried out with ordinary money, albeit in non-cash form.

The history of electronic money

The idea of ​​electronic payment systems appeared in the 80s of the twentieth century. It was based on the inventions of David Shaum, who founded the DigiCash company in the USA, whose main task was to introduce electronic money circulation technologies.

The idea was quite simple. The system carries out operations with electronic coins, which are files-obligations of the issuer with its electronic signature. The purpose of the signature was similar to the purpose of the security elements of paper bills.

Principles of operation of electronic money systems

For the successful operation of this payment instrument, it is necessary that organizations selling goods and providing services be willing to accept electronic money as payment. This condition was ensured by the issuer's guarantees for the payment of amounts in real currency in exchange for electronic coins put into circulation by it.

In a simplified form, the system’s functioning diagram can be represented as follows:

  • The client transfers real currency to the issuer's account, receiving in return a file banknote (coin) for the same amount minus a commission. This file confirms the issuer's debt obligations to its holder;
  • The client uses electronic coins to pay for goods and services in organizations that are ready to accept them;
  • The latter return these files to the issuer, receiving real money from him in return.

With this organization of work, each party benefits. The issuer receives his commission. Trading enterprises save on costs associated with cash handling (storage, collection, cashier work). Customers receive discounts due to lower costs from sellers.

Advantages of electronic money:

  • Unitability and divisibility. When making payments, there is no need for change.
  • Compactness. Storage does not require additional space or special mechanical protection devices.
  • No need for recounting or transportation. This function is performed automatically by payment and electronic money storage tools.
  • Minimum emission costs. There is no need to mint coins or print banknotes.
  • Unlimited service life due to resistance to wear.

The advantages are obvious, but, as usual, there are no difficulties.


  • The circulation of electronic money is not regulated by uniform laws, which increases the likelihood of abuse and arbitrariness;
  • The need for special payment and storage tools;
  • For a relatively short period of operation, reliable means of storing and protecting electronic money from counterfeiting have not been developed;
  • Limited application due to the unwillingness of all sellers to accept electronic payments;
  • The difficulty of converting funds from one electronic payment system to another;
  • Lack of government guarantees confirming the reliability of the issuer and electronic money as such.

Storage and use of electronic money

Online wallet- This software, intended for storing electronic funds and carrying out transactions with them within one system.

Who organizes the functioning of these systems and issues electronic money?

Electronic money issuers

Requirements for issuers vary from country to country. In the EU, issuance is carried out by electronic money institutions - a new special class of financial institutions. In accordance with the legislation of a number of countries, including India, Mexico, Ukraine, only banks have the right to engage in this activity. In Russia - both banks and non-banking financial organizations, subject to their obtaining a license.

Electronic payment systems in Russia

Let's look at the most popular domestic systems and give answers to questions about how to buy and how to cash out electronic money in each of them.

The largest operators are Yandex.Money and WebMoney, their total share exceeds 80% of the market, but there are also PayPal, Moneybookers, and Qiwi...


"WebMoney", positioning itself as an "international payment system", was founded in 1998. Its owner is WM Transfer Ltd. It is registered in London, but technical services and the Main Certification Center are located in Moscow.

Transactions are carried out with electronic equivalents of a number of currencies.

For each of them, the guarantor is legal entities registered in various countries: Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, UAE, Ireland and Belarus.

For work, the electronic wallet “WebMoney Keeper” is used, which can be downloaded from the company’s website. There are also instructions for its installation, registration and use. The program allows you to operate in equivalents of US dollars (WMZ), Russian rubles (WMR), euros (WME), Belarusian rubles (WMB) and Ukrainian hryvnia (WMU). The circulation of gold is provided, the unit of measurement of which is 1 electron gram (WMG).

To carry out operations, you need to register in the system and obtain a participant certificate, of which there are 12 types.

More high level The certificate provides great opportunities in work.

When making transactions, the payer is charged a commission in the amount of 0.8% of the transfer amount. It is possible to use various types payment protection. All controversial issues are resolved by Arbitration.

Here are the ways to deposit electronic money into a wallet:

  • bank, postal or telegraphic transfer;
  • through the Western Union system;
  • purchasing a prepaid card;
  • by depositing cash at exchange offices;
  • through electronic terminals;
  • from electronic wallets of other system participants.

All of the above methods involve the payment of commissions. It is least profitable to deposit money through terminals and buy prepaid cards.

How to cash out electronic money in the WebMoney system? You can use the following methods:

  • transfer to a bank account from your electronic wallet;
  • using the services of an exchange office;
  • through the Western Union system.

There are virtual points where automatic mode exchange of one is possible electronic currency to another at the specified rate, although the system does not formally take part in this.

Since 2009, the use of WebMoney has been prohibited by law in Germany. This prohibition also applies to individuals.

"Yandex money"

The system has been operating since 2002. It provides settlements between participants in Russian rubles. The owner of the system, Yandex.Money LLC, sold 75% of the shares to Sberbank of Russia in December 2012.

Two types of accounts are used:

  • "Yandex.Wallet", which is accessible via a web interface;
  • "Internet. “Wallet” is an account with which transactions are carried out using special program. Its development was stopped in 2011.

Currently, new users can only open Yandex. Wallet."

Yandex.Money users can pay for housing and communal services, pay for fuel at gas stations, and make purchases in online stores.

The advantage of Yandex.Money is the absence of commissions for most purchases and account replenishment. For transactions within the system it is 0.5%, and for withdrawals – 3%. Yandex.Money partners, when accepting payments and withdrawing funds, can set commissions at their own discretion.

Significant disadvantages are the inability to maintain through the system entrepreneurial activity and strict limits on the amount of payments.

You can top up Yandex.Wallet in several ways:

  • converting electronic money of other systems;
  • by bank transfers;
  • through payment terminals;
  • depositing cash at points of sale;
  • through the Unistream and Contact systems;
  • from a prepaid card (cards have now been discontinued, but activation of previously purchased ones is possible).

You can cash out the electronic money system in this way:

  • transfer to a card or bank account;
  • receiving from a Yandex.Money card at an ATM;
  • through the transfer system.

The main share of the electronic money circulation market in Russia falls on WebMoney and Yandex.Money; the role of other systems is much less significant. Therefore, we will consider only their characteristic features.


"PayPal" is the world's largest electronic payment system, created in 1998 in the USA and has more than 160 million users. It allows you to receive and send transfers, pay bills and purchases.

For Russian participants, accepting payments became possible only in October 2011, and withdrawals to date have only been carried out to American banks. These circumstances significantly reduce the popularity of the system among domestic users.

The planned conclusion of an agreement between PayPal and Russian Post may improve the situation, but this is a matter of long-term prospects.

The LiqPay payment service is a universal payment system, with its help you can transfer money to a Visa card or send money to another user knowing only his number mobile phone. LiqPay makes it possible to make instant payments (withdrawals) using Visa and MasterCard bank cards. For instant payments, you only need a mobile phone and a bank card. This payment system is well suited for doing business online (websites, applications, online stores, and so on).

To register with LiqPay, you do not need a separate account; your LiqPay account is your mobile phone number, and payment confirmation is made via free SMS.

Registration in the payment system is very simple. You just need to enter the number cell phone, then enter the password sent via SMS (free).

The Payza payment system is the former Alertpay, and was renamed due to a change of owner. Payza – on this moment does not work, because it is already closed, cases have been filed against the owners. Those who in one way or another suffered from the actions of this system or had money in their account before it was closed can write to the following address: [email protected], the letter must indicate your email, used when registering with Payza, as well as the amount in the account. The letter, of course, must be sent in English.

RBK Money allows you to make purchases and pay for services with personal computer or mobile phone using electronic money, bank cards, mobile payments or Online banking services. Very convenient payment system. The system provides 2 main directions – for business and for individuals. For business, in turn, 6 tariffs are provided, which provides the opportunity to choose the best option for cooperation. For an individual, two types of wallets are defined: standard and extended (a passport scan is required to obtain an extended one). For owners of extended wallets there is additional features, such as:

1. Lower tariffs for payments within the system.

2. Increasing the limit for replenishing your wallet from a bank card.

3. Return function for unused funds.

4. Electronic currency exchange service.

5. Withdrawal of funds up to 100 thousand rubles.

Withdrawal methods:

1. By bank card.

2. Transfer (exchange) from another electronic payment system..

3. By bank payment.

5. Through money transfer systems.

6. RBK Money card.

7. Through communication shops.

Ways to replenish your wallet:

More than 30 ways to replenish your wallet, which cannot be listed makes a lot of sense, because this information is indicated on the payment system website.

yeah, everyone would be free and mind their own business

  • #245

    I have transferred money from payment card to payment card many times and there is always a commission, I wish they would cancel it

  • #244

    you will always pay a commission, why will they just work and maintain their services

  • #243

    When transferring from Pai Pal to WebMoney, will there be a transfer fee?

  • #242

    it’s very good that wmr was never closed, everything works and you can use it

  • #241

    yeah, but they said that it would be liquidated. what's the point again I don't know

  • #240

    and wmr works like that on WebMoney, it hasn’t been closed and all Malekh sites are starting to output to it again

  • #239

    How can I withdraw money from WebMoney now if the wallets there have been changed, although wmr remains the same?

  • #238

    Now it seems like 15 thousand have already made the maximum limit

  • #237

    Yandex has one minus - you can only cash out 10,000 maximum. otherwise a normal map

  • #236

    Is it worth ordering a card using Yandex money? Does anyone already have one? reviews needed

  • #235

    what happens to webmoney? everyone who used to pay on wmr quietly dumped him

  • #234

    The fact of the matter is that I have to continue to work, only now all the funds go to dollar and euro wallets and I pay various fees that were not previously incurred when transferring them to a ruble wallet

  • #233

    with webmoney everyone stops working after changing the wallet to P I can imagine what losses they have now

  • #232

    Now there are a lot of them, the main thing is to choose those where less interest is lost on transfer and cashing.

  • #231

    Already made a replacement. Now this new wallet is hanging around idle, but the old one is still working. When wmr is cancelled, it will be a blast for everyone

  • #230

    On WebMoney, wmr wallets want to cancel and make wmp, but why is not clear

  • #229

    How to transfer money from WebMoney to your phone? There is 1000 rubles. need to throw it off!

  • #228

    There is nothing you need to do here - this is just information about payment systems.

  • #227

    I still don’t understand what to do????

  • #226

    What nonsense? How can you earn money by transferring %%%? Well, comrade xx, tell us all in more detail

  • #225

    You can also make money on this - withdraw from one to another and earn %

  • #224

    It is dangerous to withdraw or transfer money through exchangers! They can throw money at you and you won’t do anything to them!

  • #223

    Ordered 10,000 rub. from Yandex money to a Sberbank card through the exchange system and silence for a week. what should I do?

  • #222

    You can withdraw it to your phone and then from your phone to the card, but there will be a commission both there and there

  • #221

    Withdrew prize money through payment systems. Now there is a sum on WebMoney and I don’t understand what to do with it? I need to transfer it to the card, but some kind of certificate doesn’t work for me. What to do?

  • #220

    If in rubles then there is no problem. You just need to add your card account and confirm it. Withdrawal in rubles will be carried out without commission

  • #219

    How to withdraw money from PayPal without commission to a Sberbank card?

  • #218

    If possible, it is better not to use payment systems on the Internet at all, since when you cash out money from them, you will pay back % anyway.

  • #217

    No, there is no more than 3% commission for the transfer. You need to ask payment support

  • #216

    I withdrew money from WebMoney to Yandex money and it came minus 10%, is this normal?

  • #215

    It seems like you link wallets to each other and you can transfer whatever you want between them. but there will be a commission

  • #214

    How to withdraw money from Yandex to WebMoney and then you need half the amount on the card?

  • #213

    What kind of earnings are they offering you on payment systems? smells like a scam. There are no such earnings! I don’t know exactly what we’re talking about, but most likely you will come to the conclusion that first you will be required to pay something to your “companion” and with this money you will be safely scammed! here on the site there is an article “deception on the Internet” (at the very top of the site), read it first..

  • #212

    Hello everyone, thanks to everyone who answers questions without any show off like “everything is as simple as shelling pears” and if you are a fool there is nothing to ask. Well, not everyone is as smart as some; some are just starting out; others decided to try it for the first time and immediately ran into a problem. Why show that you are smarter and know everything, well, if you don’t want to answer, don’t answer for you, others will answer. Sorry if I offended anyone. Now please help. It’s not difficult for anyone. They offered me this kind of income, they promised to help me for the first time while I learned, but for this they asked for 10% of my profit. I read your comments here and realized that the commission is already decent, and if I have to give 10% to someone else, then what will be left for me? So please tell me. Is this even practiced? Or I can do this myself without any intermediaries. As I understand it, the most difficult thing is to find profitable payment systems? I will be very grateful for your answer.

  • #211

    WebMoney won’t give me money on the card, they say send us a passport of two pages. Why should I show my passport to everyone?

  • #210

    Some irrelevant payments are described. where did the share fall for example? where is the kiwi? withdrawing money from WebMoney is the easiest of all of these

  • #209

    How can I transfer money from Yandex Money to a Sberbank card? thanks for the answer

  • #208

    I make money on the Internet and I have to use these money transfer systems. No choice

  • #207

    Why do you even use payment systems on the Internet when you can immediately withdraw or transfer money to a bank card? this is an extra link that eats %

  • #206

    Now you can easily withdraw money to cards from any payment card on the Internet. but the commission will be about 3-5%

  • #205

    What is the best payment system to use to withdraw money from earnings on the Internet to a Sberbank card?

  • #204
  • #203

    How to start working?

  • #202

    What's the point of writing about these payment systems online? Everything is clear there, since everything is simple, except that the certificates on WebMoney are a little tricky, otherwise everything is very simple

  • #201

    I really liked this site, it is not only relevant but also very promising

  • #200


  • #199

    Buyers do not use payment systems on the Internet when making purchases; everyone uses cards! This is my opinion, because... I often pay online myself

  • #198

    The kind that customers need, that is, all existing ones. At least one payment will not be received - lost profit

  • #197

    What are the best payment systems to use when you have an online store? Yandex Money apparently YES?

  • #196

    I’ve already worked with all the payment cards, so far I haven’t found anything better than a share, our payment cards are basically the same as Yandex’s

  • #195

    I use Qiwi wallet, there’s no need to withdraw money to the card. Very simple!

  • #194

    Now everything can be easily transferred from any payment system to another or to any card. People are just too lazy to read the rules on websites once again.

  • #193

    I don’t know how to withdraw money from Yandex to a card. Does it seem like you need to link a card somehow or something?

  • #192

    Now you can transfer from any payment card to another. If not directly, then through exchangers. Expensive but no more

  • #191

    Is it possible to transfer money from the WebMoney payment system to the Likpay payment system?

  • #190


  • #189

    How to withdraw money from Pioneer to a Sberbank card? did someone take it out? how is this done and what% commission? Thanks in advance

  • #188

    Very simple!)

  • #187

    Qiwi is the best payment system, everything is fast and high quality!!!

  • #186

    How to transfer money from WebMoney and Yandex to a Qiwi wallet with minimal commissions and so that it goes quickly?

  • #185

    What is the maximum amount that can be withdrawn from WebMoney to a Sberbank card?

  • #184

    go to the withdrawal to bank cards section and withdraw. There you just need to enter the card number and the application is completed. there's nothing complicated

  • #183

    How to transfer money from WebMoney to a Sberbank visa card? Thank you

  • #182

    When necessary, I use online payments, but this is not a requirement for me. It's easier to pay by card. Much more profitable and reliable

  • #181

    I don’t know which one is better, but they should send me money from WebMoney. I don't have a wallet there. I'll try to open it now. I hope everything is simple there. I'm only good on the internet, YouTube))))

  • #180

    The Qiwi wallet payment system is not described, but it is actually better than all these payment systems combined

  • #179

    How strange people are. Well, if you, Maria, have problems with the financial operation, then it is probably obvious that you need to solve the problem with the topic with whom you performed the operation. Is not it?))

  • #178

    Tell me what to do - I spent money on a Sberbank card with Yandex Money and it never arrived. A week has already passed. What period is considered normal for such an operation? Thank you.

  • #177

    So they tell you in Russian that everyone uses payment systems to make money online. So no one really needs them

  • #176

    For me, all Internet payment systems are in last place in terms of operation. If absolutely necessary, I can use Yandex Money. But if I don’t feel like it, I won’t do it. For what?

  • #175

    I just downloaded the Qiwi wallet, I’ve been using it for a long time. It’s very convenient, I’ve already transferred money to my Qiwi wallet many times

  • #174

    All payment systems on the Internet are created not for our convenience, but for making money on commissions. All this needs to be banned. Use banks for transfers and purchases.

  • #173

    I use Qiwi often, WebMoney rarely. Yandex Never with money and never with other payments. How the easier it is The best and easiest Qiwi wallet to have! But for some reason he’s not here...

  • #172

    People don't understand anything at all. Well, it’s not difficult to withdraw money from both Yandex Money and WebMoney to any card. What might be not clear there?

  • #171

    How can I transfer money to a card from Yandex Money? I can't figure it out myself.

  • #170

    QIWI is a scam for laundering money online! They don't need anything except a phone number! That's not how it works!

  • #169

    What payment systems are there with minimal commissions? Let’s say, answering the last post, I’ll say that Qiwi is better than WebMoney in all respects!

  • #168

    which payment system is better? Qiwi or WebMoney? and why is one better than the other?

  • #167

    the best payment systems are qiwi and pay pal, everything else is either stupid or the commissions are terrible! and they also work slowly, many payment cards are online

  • #166

    In general, I think that all payment systems on the Internet were created by the USA to manage our financial flows as closely as possible! no, it really does suggest itself when you see what’s happening around you

  • #165

    Actually, I’ve been using Qiwi for several years now and the flight is normal, but here I had to work with Yandex money... the pain is through the roof - confirm this to them, they’ve sent your passport, tell me your phone number... they’ve already completed the channel

  • #164

    What’s interesting, food for thought: I withdrew money from WebMoney to a Sberbank card many times and it went on for 24 hours. And then the card disappeared, I got it from Raiffeisen - now the money comes instantly. Sber sucks!

  • #163

    I ordered money from WebMoney to my card account and now the day has passed and there is no money. how much longer to wait then?

  • #162

    WebMoney would not say that it is a convenient payment system. There are still a lot of nuances and other things to consider for working with them calmly. They are "shaking" too much for safety

  • #161

    Should I soon have a fairly large amount transferred to the WebMoney ru website? You will also need to withdraw this money to the card. thanks for the info

  • #160

    Look for a better one, there is output to cards. On the left in your office. money arrives within a day! commissions about 3%

  • #159

    I don’t understand how to withdraw money from Webmoney to a Sberbank card? Where is this option located?

  • #158

    I wouldn’t have thought that I would also have to work with Internet payment systems - I had to! At first everything seemed very unclear, but I figured it out quickly, it’s something like an online savings bank...

  • #157

    For some reason everyone hangs out on WebMoney and Yandex Money, although there are a lot of other payment methods - more convenient and modest in %%

  • #156

    there is one on WebMoney and it depends on your level (called a certificate), you need to get an initial certificate, then the limit is up to 300 thousand per day! and the initial one can be obtained by sending screenshots of your passport

  • #155

    Are there any restrictions on the amount of money processed per day on these payment systems? More interested in WebMoney and Yandex money

  • #154

    Sber has a fairly large percentage of shares from the state, perhaps even a stake, which is why people trust it more than others. Nothing strange, it has always been and will be so.

  • #153

    Why did he suddenly become a government official? don't confuse anything? z.y. I’ve been using WebMoney for about 6 years, there are no complaints and it’s extortionate

  • #152

    Since Sberbank is a state bank, everyone trusts it more than other commercial ones. There is nothing surprising.

  • #151

    Yes, just like that. But when you withdraw money to cards of another bank, for some reason they arrive earlier. I just transferred it to Sberbank and to other cards. In general, Sber is stupid, I don’t know why everyone is “sitting” on it

  • #150

    Do cards from other banks have the same commission and delivery time? Not everyone has this savings bank as their favorite)))

  • #149

    Now they charge 2.8%, or rather 2%! 0.8% is the funds for making the transfer, well, in general, the total fee is 2.8% of the amount. Money appears on your Sberbank card in about a day!

  • #148

    Tell me, how much does WebMoney charge now for withdrawing money to a Sberbank card?

  • #147

    Only suckers use kiwis. Just pay attention, if any financial pyramid works with a Qiwi wallet! You’ll take a normal project, well, let’s say there’s some kind of freelance exchange, there’s no trace of Qiwi!!!

  • #146

    How about Qiwi wallet? Why wasn't he described? Many people use it, I am one of them!

  • #145

    They keep everything, that’s why they are Internet payment systems. Everyone has their own wallet on the Internet. Some have this number, others have a cell phone number, others have an email

  • #144

    And which of the existing payment systems, how do you store wallets on your computer?

  • #143

    What about payment systems operating in Kazakhstan? I’m going there for 2 months, and as I already understood, it’s stressful with payments!

  • #142

    Well, no one seems to say that WebMoney is the best. It’s just that when you make money online, ALMOST ALL SITES pay on WebMoney! I have to use it not because of a good life, if anything)))

  • #141

    The best payment method is PAYEER. It’s simpler than WebMoney, it doesn’t need a phone and a passport, it has a single wallet, but why XrenMoney*?! Why is he considered the best?! Because of the certificate?! Phone?! PASSPORTS?!?! Or is he the oldest?! Answer me!

    * HorseradishMoney is WebMoney

  • #140

    If a person is not very experienced in handling the Internet, then anything can happen! You need to work carefully with online money, there are predators on this prey during world wide web so many!

  • #139

    My funds from WebMoney disappeared today! wrote to them in technical support and now I’m wondering how this could even happen.? Has someone really gained access? Could this be the case?

  • #138

    Everything is more than reliable, but I don’t understand why it should be stored? Money needs to be kept in a bank account. And online payment cards are required for transactions with money - received, transferred, paid, etc. They don't keep money there!

  • #137

    Hello. Tell me, how secure is it to store funds on payment systems such as WebMoney and Yandex Money?

  • #136

    WebMoney is a very convenient payment system. Everything works quickly without any complaints. Of course there are commissions. where would we be without them? But compared to other payments on the Internet, here they are not even very high

  • #135

    When they need it, they calmly transfer any amounts, so to speak, to support someone... And to the common man don’t transfer 100 bucks... give us a commission of 20 dollars, brother...

  • #134

    Apparently a tranche from the USA with a lower commission is not profitable. This all depends on many things; it’s generally not easy to transfer money from the USA)))

  • #133

    They should, but not like this pause, terrible office, don’t work with it! To withdraw 100 dollars to a bank account, I am asked to pay a commission of 20 dollars! Is this normal at all?

  • #132

    I wouldn’t say that the commissions are really that “draconian”. They are normal, although it depends on the type of surgery. On the other hand, payment systems on the Internet are also made for a reason; they must have some kind of return on their activities.

  • #131

    All these online payment cards are created not for your and our convenience, but to line their pockets at our expense! Everywhere you spit there is a draconian commission! sick of it!

  • #130

    How to start? If you just create your own blog or website, but this is not suitable for everyone! Knowledge is needed about what is what in the field.

  • #129

    You Angela didn’t understand anything! Now start earning something online and then payment systems will be with you always and everywhere! Of course, replenishing the same Yandex Money from a card and then paying on the Internet is stupid! No one does that.

  • #128

    What's there to wrap? If I need to purchase something via the Internet, then I quite calmly use the card. Does it make sense for me to first replenish the electronic wallet of the payment system, so that later I can pay online from this wallet when I can immediately do this with a card?

  • #127

    On WebMoney you can store it at %. but it’s better in a bank, and with government support, it’s better, more profitable and more reliable! payment cards purely for online circulation, back and forth

  • #126

    But payment systems on the Internet do not seem to have been invented for storing money. They are rather needed for the convenience of paying for goods on the Internet. Why keep money on them?

  • #125

    The electronic option for storing money is certainly attractive in some ways, but there is also a concern. Suddenly the funds from the account disappear. In a bank, when you keep it there, at least with a piece of paper you can confirm that there was such and such an amount, but here it’s a different matter. That's why I don't trust online payment systems yet.

  • #124

    Payment systems are essentially needed only by those who earn something on the Internet. Otherwise, yes, it’s as if a person doesn’t need them. I myself lived quietly without them. As soon as I started working with the Internet, I needed it.

  • #123

    I don’t understand one thing - why do I need a payment system if I have a bank card and with it I can pay for anything on the Internet without commissions?

  • #122

    PayPal is still a good payment system in terms of card payments in stores. Look if anyone is interested. Once I switched to it, I completely forgot about Yandex money.

  • #121

    Thanks for the story. As I understand it, the leaders in convenience and interaction with stores are WebMoney and Yandex Money payment systems. So I’ll register for them first ((

  • #120

    Maybe that’s true, but when I pay with a card online, my commission is zero! - but through payment systems everything is not so rosy!

  • #119

    How can you live in the modern world without showing your passport to anyone? Are you kidding me? I’m still a newbie, I just registered in the Yandex money payment system yesterday. I already see many conveniences; you can pay here and there directly through your computer without risking your bank card.

  • #118

    I don’t give my passport to anyone! Even then I came to the bank for a loan, and give me my passport - I sent them and said - I give my passport to whoever I want. They didn't give me a loan!

  • #117

    It’s okay to send your passport to WebMoney, I still trust it. But of course I won’t send my passport to some incomprehensible recently appeared payment system!

  • #116

    What is the problem with sending a scan of your passport? After all, you’re not afraid to present it at the bank, are you? No! Payment systems are the same as banks, well, in theory ((

  • #115

    How come they don’t require documents? If the turnover is small, yes, they don’t require it, but if you want to increase the limits, send the document first!

  • #114

    PayPal, by the way, is one of the most convenient payment methods - registration is simple, you don’t ask for any documents, input and output are hassle-free and instant! It’s a pity that it’s not very common here, WebMoney is everywhere...

  • #113

    There is nothing special to write about the PayPal payment system! Attach a card to it and that’s it! To withdraw funds you need an account, to replenish a card. A PayPal account is not just a number, but your email address. mail. That's it, I described everything myself... And one more thing! When funds are received in one currency, it is automatically converted into the one that you have set as your main one.

  • #112

    Please, please describe the PayPal payment system in the same way. How to withdraw money from it to a card, how to top up and other possibilities. Some people don’t understand this so much (like me) that it’s difficult for them to even just register... Thank you.

  • #111

    Great article! With information about commissions and more! I have never used payment systems, this is my first experience. I'm just getting into it! Your site is my faithful assistant in this!

  • #110

    Question for payment system specialists. I’m in Donetsk, as you know, we’re at war, so there are no banks, no post office, nothing. Which payment system to choose is completely autonomous. So that you can do everything from registration to working with payments without leaving your computer. We have a business here for transferring and replenishing money (they dangle through the front), but it’s expensive.

  • #109

    For a formal certificate you do not need anything, neither a passport nor age. If you don’t plan to turn over more than 15 thousand a month, then none of this will be required of you.

  • #108

    Why is it necessary to send your passport on WebMoney? They won't let you in without this? And at what age can you fight there? It’s just that I’m 16, and maybe it’s only from 18?

  • #107

    Certificates in the WebMoney payment system are levels. The larger sums you want to work with, the higher the certificate you need. Everything is very logical and correct, so...

  • #106

    I don’t understand what these webmoney certificates mean and why am I being asked to upgrade them? Moreover, each time you need to provide more and more information about yourself. It has already come to the point of having to send them a screenshot of your passport. what the heck?

  • #105

    I have also been working with them for a long time and have never had any problems. People themselves do something unfair on the Internet using payment systems, then they are blocked there, and they blame WebMoney for everything)))

  • #104

    What other bans? I’ve been working with WebMoney for 6 years, maybe 7! I haven't experienced any bans. Do you know why they ban? You deceived someone and he complained about you to the arbitration of the payment system and provided evidence. You're getting banned! Everything is legal and fair.

  • #103
  • #102

    Yes, WebMoney doesn’t withdraw money to cards at all now! Say thank you to all our inspection bodies. It was such a cool payment card and this is what they turned it into...

  • #101

    Hello)) What about the WebMoney payment system in terms of withdrawing funds to bank cards? Does it make payments or has it never worked? Is it expensive or within reason?

  • #100

    They're already rolling a barrel on Kiwi. Either they want to block the payment, or they are trying to achieve something else. And so damn it’s not fun to live, and they’re making their own lives more difficult))

  • #99

    Most likely this is Sberbank's brake. He was never fast. You can even see it in online banking. Now I know that the money is already on the card, but on the Internet it starts to be displayed only after a day. Is it really impossible to somehow speed up these essentially simple processes...

  • #98

    and when you top up WebMoney from a Sberbank card and the money doesn’t arrive for a long time, is the bank or payment system to blame?

  • #97

    What is there to write about Kiwi? It’s better to write more about WebMoney - how to display it on a card, etc. Or do they no longer display on cards?

  • #96

    Good review payment systems. There is not enough QIWI and PLPAL, they are also well used by many. Especially the QIWI payment system!

  • #95

    WebMoney is not to blame, it is the main bank of the country that checks it and this is why difficulties arise that we, the users, ordinary people, suffer. I'll see what happens next with this payment system, maybe I'll look for an alternative.

  • #94

    I withdrew money from Rapida to WebMoney. Usually they arrived within 3 days, but here it took two weeks. I don’t even know if it’s worth working with WebMoney after this...

  • #93

    And here in Russia it’s always like this - people already have a shitty life, but that’s not enough, let’s make their life even more difficult and send the central bank to check WebMoney so that everyone’s payments will stop..

  • #92

    But I attached the card to my WebMoney wallet and the next day payments from the wallet to the card were closed. What the hell? Now you have to withdraw via cell phone and pay a 3% commission!!

  • #91

    Wondering how we can help you? Maybe you should still write this question to the payment system support?

  • #90

    Can't register on the WebMoney payment system website? Who can help?

  • #89

    Rather, such an exchanger is a brake. I also withdraw through an exchanger (the link does not work) and I receive money within 3 business days. Just try another exchanger, it will probably be faster.

  • #88

    After a pause, I withdrew money through an exchange office - it arrived in 2 weeks. Is this normal practice in general or did you just come across such an exchanger?

  • #87

    But I don’t understand WebMoney at all, I only use Yandex Money. It’s very convenient and, most importantly, understandable. Other payment systems are somewhat difficult to understand. Everything is simpler with Yandex.

  • #86

    I don’t know about legal entities. persons and how it is with payments, but for me everything comes and goes. I’ve been using WebMoney for a very long time, I buy mostly goods online and pay. I don't have any particular complaints.

  • #85

    and payments from legal entities never came to WebMoney and still don’t...

  • #84

    I don’t get it either, they’re probably thinking about something, like how to do it to please the Central Bank. It’s not clear how this will all end, but I think it will definitely be to our detriment.

  • #83

    They say WebMoney Bank of Russia is checking what led to the temporary suspension of the ability to receive transfers from Legal entities. Who thinks about this? I have 80 percent of translations from legal entities. persons Everything is at a standstill, I’m not receiving any transfers.

  • #82

    Qiwi is used only by scammers, because the requirements there are not great compared to WebMoney. Therefore, make a choice with whom to work. I'm for WebMoney!

  • #81

    Why so many wallets? Some work with the euro, and others with the dollar. On the contrary, it is very convenient and WebMoney is great in this regard!!!

  • #80

    As for WebMoney, I’ll say that it’s a complex system. They have their own arbitration system through which ill-wishers can block your account and cause quite a few problems. Kiwi good light payment system, very easy to link a card. Everything is tied to phone number easy to use because you won’t forget your phone number, if you lose your SIM card you can easily restore it, you can block your SIM card and you will be sure that no one will withdraw money. In addition, I installed a convenient application on my smartphone and set everything with a PIN code and you can make payments without SMS. There are plenty of Qiwi terminals in Kazakhstan, I don’t know how they are in other countries. It’s also convenient to just tell the person the number of your Qiwi wallet and don’t have to rack your brains; send it in rubles; you’ll receive it in a ruble wallet; send it in tenge; you’ll receive it in tenge; if it’s in dollars, then in dollars (I don’t know why there are so many different currency wallets in WebMoney)

  • #79

    I don’t understand why use these foreign payment cards like Payza at all? After different problems As a result, they happen - with translations that have not arrived, and so on. Is webmoney not enough for you???

  • #78

    Tehran, how were the funds sent to you? Was the addressee specified correctly? Where did you send it from? Maybe we should just wait a little while and they will come? The Pause itself is hardly the culprit here; rather, something else is confused.

  • #77

    They sent me money from Paiza but the money didn’t arrive, what could be the problem?

  • #76

    There is no way that services such as payment systems, much less WebMoney, will be banned. You probably received a lot of complaints against you in arbitration, so your account was blocked.

  • #75

    Whatever you say, the WebMoney payment system is natural beasts!!! They took it and banned me for nothing!!! how to work with these?

  • #74

    After the pause, I withdrew money without problems through exchangers. Thank you for getting the idea to use exchangers, not just any exchangers, but those that the payment system itself offers. By the way, the commission was 5%, withdrawn to WebMoney.

  • #73

    Baha you're probably exaggerating a little. Does WebMoney have a WMK wallet, which corresponds to Kazakh tenge, or is this no longer the case? You’re just saying things in vain, everything works for you and everything can be displayed and entered.

  • #72

    It’s easy to say, but to do... We have nothing in Kazakhstan. Even exchange offices There are no ATMs either. We live in a fairyland without payment systems...

  • #71

    Anything is possible, I am from Russia and I have no problems with WebMoney. I attached the card - I withdraw/replenish everything! And if someone is not from the Russian Federation, then you should use those payment systems that are supported in your territory and that’s it.

  • #70

    Webmoney has a very big disadvantage if you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, although the mastercard card was issued exclusively in my name...then, unfortunately, there is no way to link it to an R wallet. and there is no way to transfer money from your wallet to this card.. I don’t know, of course, how it is in other payment systems.. just like that((

  • #69

    With the initial certificate on WebMoney, everything becomes much simpler. Not only do the limits increase tenfold, but cards are also attached instantly. I just withdrew 2000 rubles from WebMoney. on a Sberbank card - a commission of 50 rubles, but as for commissions, there is from 1.8% of the transfer amount + 25 rubles. That is, if I were to withdraw 4,000 rubles, the commission would not be 100 rubles, but about 61 rubles.

  • #68

    that is, when I have an initial certificate, can I connect any card or will it be easier to connect only those that WebMoney itself sells?

  • #67

    here in the comments they write about the fact that you need to scan a bank card to connect it to the WebMoney payment system, but you just need to get an initial passport and adding cards will take 1 minute

  • #66

    There is no need to describe the Qiwi payment system. There was an incident with them and it was not good. They took and blocked my wallet with money and the amount was not small, I was never able to return the money - in short, assholes, do not work with this payment system - a scam!!!

  • #65

    Thank you, basically the payment systems are all described and so on, but not for example qiwi and pay pal - also payment systems are very popular.

  • #64

    WebMoney is a normal payment system. It’s not some kind of sharashka like a Qiwi wallet, but it also has its drawbacks, for example, ordering a card from them is something, % is simply unrealistic.

  • #63

    Why are you all attacking WebMoney? What exactly do you think is tricky there? I've been working with this payment system for 4 years, the flight is normal :-)

  • #62

    I use Qiwi wallet to withdraw my online earnings. It’s convenient and according to the rules of the projects, you need to store money on it. I practically don’t use WebMoney, it’s tricky.

  • #61

    These payment cards are essentially the same thing, they belong to the same owner. If they cover, then both. You need to use the local system if available :-)

  • #60

    Which payment system should I choose: visa or mastercard? It’s just that now everyone is afraid that this or that will be closed. and where I live, only these two work. Maybe they’ll close it, maybe they won’t, but I need it to withdraw what I’ve earned on the Internet

  • #59

    LLC Encod System what kind of payment system is this

  • #58

    You can send money directly when you have earned money on the Internet, i.e. bypassing payment systems. or am I not understanding something properly?

  • #57

    You can’t make money on the Internet without payment systems. Let's not look at them askance and discuss the topic of their commissions.

  • #56

    but with us it has always been and will be so, i.e. through w-y. use WebMoney and don’t torment yourself with unnecessary problems.

  • #55

    So it is) Yandex money then had to immediately set and announce such tariffs, that is, initially. Since there have been no fees for years, now naturally many people do not like this introduction.

  • #54

    Subscription fee at the expense of the payment system is normal. When you have a bank account, don’t interfere with the fact that they charge you a certain amount for maintaining the account? the payment system is essentially the same bank account, so you’re still not entirely right)

  • #53

    WebMoney works well! In the course of my work, I had to work nose to nose with all the payment systems - WebMoney is the most normal of all! Yandex money was also okay, but after their innovation - subscription fee for inactive users, somehow they stopped liking it...

  • #52

    There were all sorts of problems with the WebMoney payment system, but never with personal data! Don't worry about this.

  • #51

    I don’t know for sure, but if you use the most well-known payment systems, then I think everything is fine there in this sense. you need to be careful not to enter your data on some wrong site, but with WebMoney there were no problems of this kind.

  • #50

    What about storing personal data in payment systems? Where do they store them? Is it reliable and so on? For example, the same WebMoney requires you to send a scan of your passport, and if you don’t want to, then a maximum of 15,000 is the turnover of funds in your wallet. How to understand this issue? Help anyone who knows, I beg you)))

  • #49

    We also need to describe the Qiwi payment system, otherwise RBC Money described it, which no one needs, and Qiwi, which every second person does not use, is a mess.

  • #48

    yes, the safety of my money is more important to me than the ease of working with money

  • #47

    Damn people, when your money disappears from your account you will like it more. Payment systems do all this for our own safety. So don’t rush to WebMoney, everything is normal and reliable there, and that’s the main thing!

  • #46

    how to say, it’s not so simple. For example, I sent a photo of the card itself to WebMoney, the card needs to be confirmed.

  • #45

    To withdraw to a card from WebMoney, you need a formal certificate, the card is linked to the wallet and you’re done, it’s still simple, what’s not clear?

  • #44

    Hello. I just can’t figure out how you can withdraw money to a card using WebMoney. I have a ruble wallet on this payment card, I receive money on it, I have a Sberbank card, how can I transfer it???

  • #43

    Why dream? take it and run it, but counting on passive income is stupid. What do you think, the payment system is a small website that works by itself and there is no need to touch it? This is a large system that requires large investments in servers and personnel.

  • #42

    I wish I could have my own payment system) set it up and get passive income, and apparently the income is huge... it’s not harmful to dream)))

  • #41

    It wasn’t enough for them to come to the Internet with their stupid laws. Personally, I don’t mind paying taxes from my blog, but seeing how this money is stolen in our country, I don’t really want to

  • #40

    I am surprised how our legislation allows payment systems to operate at all. After all, there is so much “black” money circulating there)) After all, almost all site owners, when earning their money, withdraw it through WebMoney - there are millions of monthly turnover, if not billions..))) And who pays taxes on this??? no more than 30%

  • #39

    all these “difficulties” because there are laws that any payment system must follow. If you want to turn over more than 15,000 rubles a month, please provide your passport details (get a certificate), it’s not WebMoney itself that invents everything, but our legislation.

  • #38

    By the way, WebMoney has quite a few problems. Why complicate everything so much? I wanted to withdraw money from WebMoney to a bank card - you’ll figure out what you need to do for this. You move from page to page and the further you go, the wiser it gets, why all these difficulties I don’t understand...

  • #37

    The paycash payment system is complete trash. If you need a payment method, then use WebMoney. They also have their problems, but the reliability is good, I’ve been working with it for a long time.

  • #36

    Has anyone seen the advantages and disadvantages of the Paycash payment system? where can I read about this?

  • #35

    Well, if you can earn money on a three-wheeler... you can earn money on a house, you need experience, a sober mind and an understanding of how it works.

  • #34

    Dear Ramis!!!, better give up this idea, what kind of program do you want to download there? don't even think about it!!! Ask your parents for a bike, you can’t earn money for it on the Internet!!!

  • #33

    I just started reading today and was looking for articles on how schoolchildren can make money on the Internet, but I found this page and now I want to make money on the Internet. I don’t know where they will send me money and what program to download to receive money. Help me please, I haven't really figured it out yet. I want to buy myself a bicycle.

  • #32

    How can you withdraw money from WebMoney? I need a Sberbank card, I read their rules but still don’t understand how to do it?

  • #31

    Thank you, the basic payment systems are described in detail, which is what I was looking for...

  • #30

    Big problems with the WebMoney system arise when you lose access to your mobile phone and don’t remember the answer to Secret Question. Restoring access is almost impossible... They promise to send a verification code by regular email, but it never arrives. The only thing left is to go to the office, which is located in Moscow...
    In general, I spent a lot of nerves corresponding with the support service. He gave up, forgot about his personal passport and 5,000 rubles in his account, and swore for the rest of his life not to get involved with this system!!!

  • #29

    Tell me, which payment systems for an online store would be the best option? I’m planning to open an online store, so I’m looking for information about the most convenient payment system.

  • #28

    What are the problems with WebMoney password recovery? What's so complicated about it? a link arrives in the mail, clicked, changed the password and you’re done, no matter how many times I changed it and didn’t bother.

  • #27

    I don’t wish anyone to lose the password from the WebMoney payment system. Now I was restoring it, it was “fun”...

  • #26

    Boris, yes, just about her

  • #25

    Are you talking about single cash desk you say?

  • #24

    Semyon, in my opinion the international system is valid, no?

  • #23

    Evgeniy, absolutely right! It's not PayPal's fault, no one asks them! Have you heard about Valetvan, he works in Crimea??

  • #22

    The fact that the Paypal payment system has ceased to operate in the Crimea is not its idea, it is subordination to the law of the country in which it is registered, what is its fault here?

  • #21

    It was also necessary to describe this terrible PayPal service. They took it and stopped working in Crimea, I used this payment system for several years, but now, gentlemen, get it...

  • #20

    I found interesting information about the payment system, thank you, if you also describe other payment systems it will be great!

  • #19

    Look carefully, there you can receive a free code via SMS via e-num. Well, certificates in WebMoney are really annoying, but on the other hand, I understand what they are for..))

  • #18

    Well, the additional commissions for WebMoney have started, now pay + 1.5 for an SMS with a payment confirmation code, and the clients will all run away,

  • #17

    Personally, I have nothing against payment system commissions. In my humble opinion, this is quite natural. This is a big business and without commissions it is impossible.

  • #16

    Ivan, with the kind of money that we pay WebMoney, you can gobble up. It’s not the right word, but we don’t have enough for bread. As a result, we pay not 13% of income, but 50%. The system for withdrawing money has become more complicated. And for those who
    Is it profitable to work on the Internet? No. There are such huge commissions. Well that's too much.

  • #15

    Thank you, the article is good, all common payments are described. I will answer the previous one - yes. You have to pay on WebMoney, they also want to eat.

  • #14

    Tell me, did I understand correctly that you need to pay to get an initial certificate in WebMoney? I received the formal one without any problems, but there is some stupid turnover limit of 15 thousand. I don’t understand why I should pay the payment system for certificates if it already earns % from my transactions?

  • #13

    Thank you very much. A very informative article about payment services.

  • #12

    Even though I didn’t understand these certificates on WebMoney. Somehow everything is confused and confused that they cannot in simple words write what’s what, otherwise you won’t know where to go.

  • #11

    I agree 100% about Peiza. Out of desperation, you have to use it, it’s fucked up, it’s not for Russia.

  • #10

    My friends, don’t problems ever arise with Webmoney? Of course there will be problems from time to time, this electronic systems, which sooner or later fail.

  • #9

    But I don’t have any problems with the Qiwi payment system; on the contrary, I don’t accept WebMoney, they’re being too clever there.

  • #8

    There were also problems with Qiwi, but it is more convenient than WebMoney, so it can work.

  • #7

    There is also the Qiwi payment system, I used it normally for more than two years, and here it is on you - they just stole 3500 rubles from me, I’ve been trying to somehow resolve the situation for a month now, it looks like my money was crying, don’t mess with Qiwi!!!

  • #6

    It sucks that all projects on the network work only with WebMoney, I’m talking about those projects that make money. It’s impossible to get them out of this payment card anywhere, and even then there are all these certificates there.

  • #5

    I’m a little confused with WebMoney, some kind of certificates there, why all these difficulties?

  • #4

    Yes... it’s written correctly, Pause is a terrible payment system, there is almost no way to withdraw funds in Russia.

  • #3

    Thank you, good collection of payment systems.

  • #2

    Liqpay, aka a single wallet, is hellish trash. Every third payment gets stuck. If we are talking about freelancing, no matter how scary, the customer will pay one way or another. But if you have your own business and need a payment gateway, getting caught up in working with a single wallet (liqpay) is a big mistake.

  • #1

    A capacious and useful article, I found what I was looking for in one place. Thanks to the author.