Which iPad mini is better to buy. iPad: which one is better?

Today, store windows are literally replete with many models of Apple equipment, and it can be quite difficult to navigate all this high-tech diversity, especially when the characteristics of the devices do not differ so significantly. Now there are many types of tablets on official sale, so the question: how to choose an iPad is very relevant.

It should be noted right away that it is impossible to clearly determine which is the best iPad. Each model has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, so you need to choose the one that best suits you.

Which iPad is better to choose?

It's easier to decide which iPad to choose by comparing iPads. Let's start with the honored veteran iPad 2. This model is extremely successful, and the fact that it was on official sale for several years is the best confirmation of this. True, it is now hopelessly outdated, and it is recommended to buy it only as a tablet for children. However, it is a very powerful device with many advantages:

  • light weight, good performance;
  • the presence of a camera allows you to fully communicate on Skype (however, the camera is of poor quality and taking pictures with it is inconvenient);
  • support for modern operating systems;
  • The screen on this model is large, and its resolution is quite enough to watch movies without problems.

iPad 3

iPad 3, or as it is also called The New iPad, did not last even a year in official sales. Now it, like the iPad 2, has been discontinued, but it has a fairly powerful dual-core processor, good camera and a great Retina display with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels (264 pixels/inch) and it's lighter previous model. In addition, apparently, in the near future he is not in danger of losing support for iOS from Apple.

Therefore, if you are faced with a choice: what better than iPad 2 or iPad 3, then preference should still be given to iPad 3, and iPad 2 should be taken only if it provides a good price benefit. True, the iPad 3 gets very hot during operation, and you have to put up with it.

iPad 4 (or iPad with Retina Display)

This model is significantly superior previous versions and is freed from almost all of their shortcomings. It has a new Lightning connector that can be inserted on both sides, it allows you to play all the popular games from the range App Store.

If you are not short on funds and want to purchase a very powerful, but at the same time, lightweight tablet, then you will definitely like it iPad Air. It has the same screen size as the iPad 4, but weighs significantly less.

Next iPad version The Air 2 is one of the most expensive, but also the most powerful and lightest tablets Apple offers today. Experts say that over the next three years this model will easily cope with absolutely any games and programs, its power reserve is so great. As a matter of fact, this tablet has the same architecture as stationary systems, and is not inferior in power to many computers. It is equipped with a multifunctional operating system iOS 9, providing the most convenient conditions for both work and entertainment.

It uses energy very economically: the battery charge lasts for as much as 10 hours of operation.

An increased level of security against unauthorized access to the device provides Touch technology ID, fingerprint recognition. With its help, only the person whose fingerprints are stored in the appropriate database can unlock the tablet by touching the button.

Powerful iPad camera Air 2 allows you to take panoramic shooting, do time-lapse and continuous shooting, and also shoot slow-motion video. It allows you to take great pictures even in low light levels.

The speed of WiFi is also pleasantly surprising. You'll feel it immediately when you download movies or stream videos.

Of course, owners of such a luxurious model will not experience a shortage of interesting and useful applications. In the App Store, the number of applications that work with the large Retina screen is in the hundreds of thousands.

Since miniaturization is one of the main trends today, Apple has released a smaller version of the tablet - iPad mini with a screen of only 7.9 inches. Its features are very similar to the iPad 2, but it lacks a Retina display. Also, an unpleasant surprise may be a slight slowdown when working with some applications and games.

A significantly improved version is the iPad Mini with Retina Display. This model combines compactness, powerful technical characteristics and an excellent display. This model is so good that we can advise you not to get carried away with saving money, and if you need a compact tablet, buy an iPad Mini with Retina Display.

Surprisingly, the next model, the iPad Mini 3, is inferior in power and performance to the iPad Air 2, but it is equipped with a Touch ID fingerprint scanner.

Given all this, if you are faced with the question of which is better than the iPad 3 or iPad mini, or which is better than the iPad 4 or iPad mini, you need to decide on your priorities. If maximum mobility, compactness and light weight of the device are important to you, then the iPad mini will be beyond competition. It is very convenient to work with it literally on the run. But if you want to watch a movie or play in peace, then models with a large screen will be much more convenient for this purpose.

So, how to choose an iPad - the answer to this question is determined by the range of tasks that you are going to solve using the tablet.

Have you decided to become the proud owner of an iPad, but are wondering, “Which iPad should I choose?” If so, then below you will find some tips that will help you with your choice; these tips can be applied when choosing an iPad 2, most likely...

They change as quickly as the globe rotates. New devices go on sale every day, offering the user everything best characteristics and utilities. Apple iPad represents Tablet PC, which was launched quite recently, and after some time the second version of the device will appear. The tablet is like a cross between a laptop and a smartphone. iPad brings together best opportunities both devices, offering the user the best of both worlds. However, there are some limitations and you must decide which model of device to purchase. There's also the question of which iPad is right for you. If you want an answer, let me explain. There are different models of Apple iPad, such as the Wi-Fi model and the Wi-Fi + 3G model. If this is not enough to confuse the buyer, then the devices vary in volume hard drive, the capacity of which varies between 16GB, 32GB and 64GB; in future versions this figure may increase; if this happens, you will be the first to know about it in our section of the same name. Now let's find out which iPad to choose, in the following sections.

Which iPad should I buy?

The correct answer to this question is based on two factors, connection type and hard drive size. We'll have to rely on these aspects to determine which iPad is best for you.

Which iPad should you choose based on storage capacity?

As I already mentioned, the iPad is available in three volume options internal memory. There are different things that you can do on the iPad, and based on them you need to choose the volume that suits you. Let's look at each model.

iPad 16GB

Smallest (by capacity) basic model iPad is a tablet computer with a capacity of 16GB. If you're on a budget but have a strong desire to own an iPad, this is the model you need. You can use the Internet, watch news, interesting videos and store several e-books.

iPad 32GB

If you are not going to limit yourself to reading e-books, then you will need a 32 GB model. This model will allow you to store a certain number of files, music, photos and video clips. Surfing the web and streaming videos, as well as occasional downloads, are entirely possible with this model. You can even enjoy and permanently store on your 32GB iPad large quantity“volumetric” games. While not the most expensive model, this option is a good choice for a limited budget.

iPad 64GB

If you're thinking about the internal storage capacity of a laptop, but want to store your data in a device that's easier to transport, then the 64GB iPad is just what you need. You will be able to store all the photos, all the videos, all the music collection, all the e-books, games and so on. Browse the Internet and enjoy streaming videos without having to worry about running out of space. An additional advantage is that the resale value of this model will remain higher than other models, although it will cost you a little more.

Which iPad to choose - Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi + 3G?

If you are faced with the question of which iPad to choose, then you need to decide what type of network connection is optimal for you. Perhaps you intend to use your tablet PC only at home, connecting it to your personal Wi-Fi router? Or are you going to use it in the office? If you're going to use it in an office, does that mean you'll be using a company-provided Wi-Fi connection? If you answered yes to all questions, you should probably purchase a Wi-Fi model. The model with a Wi-Fi connection is slightly cheaper (by giving up 3G, you can afford twice as much internal memory for the same price) and will be an excellent option for users for whom a 3G connection is not critical and/or unavailable. If you don't have Wi-Fi connections at home, then you will have to install it. It's necessary! That is, you can use this gadget to surf the Internet only by connecting it to Wi-Fi.

Next comes the Wi-Fi & 3G model. If you plan to travel frequently with your iPad to areas where there are no Wi-Fi hotspots, then you need a 3G connection. This model is more expensive than the simple Wi-Fi option. In addition, operating a 3G connection is not cheap at all. If you really need Internet access at any time, then purchasing iPad Wi-Fi& 3G is probably the most right choice for you. These are just some tips to help you decide buying an iPad. Now we will answer another question: “Do I need an iPad?”

Do I need an iPad?

If you are a big fan of technology and are in dire need of modern gadgets, which you can show off in public, you need an iPad. However, if you're seriously thinking about investing your hard-earned money into something useful, it's time to ask yourself. As I already said, the iPad is a device that combines the features of a laptop and mobile phone. If you are considering such a purchase, you will need to determine the tasks you will perform on such a device before making a choice.

If you need a device to help you check your email, you need a smartphone. If you are going to spend a lot of time on e-mail, working with documentation and editing information, the laptop will become best choice for you. However, if you are looking for a device to surf the Internet at any time and do only light work, the iPad is the right device. iPad helps you send and receive email, browse your favorite websites, and store photos, music, and video files.

It's great for viewing photos and videos on big screen. That is, if you want to avoid a bulky laptop, then the iPad becomes an excellent alternative. You'll be able to get a better view of photos and videos than a smartphone display can provide. In addition, reading e-books will be much better and more comfortable than on laptops or smartphones. A calendar will help you organize your life and Notebook on iPad.

There were several useful tips, which will help you figure out which iPad is best for you. Think twice before investing in an iPad. You don't want to end up purchasing a product that doesn't meet your needs. I hope the information above helps you make your iPad purchasing decision.

The undisputed leader in the tablet device market for many years now has been Apple, known throughout the world for its high-quality and expensive gadgets. Their high price is due to the fact that the manufacturer uses exclusively its own developments in all steps of manufacturing its devices, so masterpieces from the “apple company” are always a sign of the style and good taste of their owner. And for those readers who have already taken a closer look at this brand, but have not yet decided to buy an iPad, we have prepared a detailed article on how to choose good iPad in 2016-2017 and reviewed all the main advantages of Apple tablets, operating principles and video reviews of popular models.

How iOS works

The operating principle of Apple's OS is simple. Apple's main focus in its technology, including tablets, is on multitasking and productivity. Laptops and other equipment from Jobs’ company do not accommodate 16 gigabytes of RAM, a powerful processor and the latest generation video card. The whole essence of the work Apple devices is that they wisely use the resources given to them. They managed to create their own unique processor, which is the main workhorse. It is precisely due to its High Quality iOS and everything related to this operating system is popular.

In addition, the creators of high-quality iPadsiOS-based companies try to update previous versions of applications and devices, which makes them work faster and reduces overall costs. Why is this significant for users? They get a conditional fourth iPhone with the most new version An OS optimized specifically for the fourth version of the smartphone. Users simply do not have a question about which iOS is better for iPhone or iPad, since everything has already been decided in the best possible way. It is due to the above advantages that using Apple technology is profitable and convenient.

Metrics needed for iOS tablets

iOS processors

Let's talk about the processors of this magnificent system, what they are. The developers didn’t really innovate with the names. Apple A6, A7, A8, A9 – these are all the most popular models of this OS. The weakest among them is A6, the best, respectively, is A9. There is no point in describing them all, since the technology itself is quite complex. The only difference is that Apple is making progress not by increasing the frequency of the processor itself, but by radically changing it, increasing the frequency by less than 0.5 gigahertz. It is precisely due to the fact that Apple specialists make more powerful processors, they do not need to use 8 cores and a frequency of 4 gigahertz for them.


If you want to choose an iPad with the latest version 9 of the operating system, then you will need about one and a half gigabytes of internal memory. Compared to 8, last iOS version, which needed from 4.5 to 7 gigabytes, your choice is reasonable. About the total quantity random access memory: everything is as it was and remains. One gigabyte of RAM is enough for the user to work comfortably and quickly with any tablet from Apple. By the way, here is another plus in the direction of iOS - low RAM consumption.

Best iOS apps

If you have already decided which iPad is better to choose, then we will present you with a list of applications that you literally cannot live without. One of the best popular players - VLC media player - is the first thing you need to install. All its strength lies in its incredibly flexible settings, as well as wide possibilities video playback. The program itself can cope with the task of playing most video formats. In addition, the video player itself includes the ability to connect additional plugins, which makes its operation more functional. Additionally, this app is available for free on the App Store, and there are very few of them out there.

The archiver is an equally important program for any tablet, but which one? best RAR archiver for iOS? Undoubtedly, WIN ZIP, which can easily open archives of any extension, including RAR. It can be installed for free from the App Store.

Telegram or Whatsapp are the best messengers on this moment. With their help you can always stay in touch. Telegram is different increased security, and Whatsapp is the ability to carry out voice calls using the Internet. Of course, both of them are available for free on the App Store.

Let us also recall the fact that most of the programs that are available in the store iOS applications are paid. The saddest thing is that such paid applications are not particularly different from free applications, say, on Android. Of course, there are also free versions, however, to find quality and at the same time free application sometimes it can be very difficult.

Advantages of iOS

Why iOS? Why not Android or Windows? Both the first and second have significant problems with multitasking. A large number of running applications simply destroys other processes or simply slows down the operation of the entire OS. For example, when there are many background applications running on Android, the main ones, for example, a launcher or a simple audio player, may not be able to handle it and crash or slow down. Windows suffers from the same problem: under high load, everything starts to slow down, including the task manager, which, in fact, should be the only salvation.

It is also very easy to charge such a tablet via a computer, unlike other operating systems. A special adapter, which is needed to communicate with a laptop or PC, is always included in the kit, which is also an advantage.

iOS itself has a very attractive, minimalist design. It will please absolutely everyone with its simple, but at the same time high functionality. Using a simple top panel you can find out about time, weather, running applications, notifications, and if you open the pop-up panel, you can turn Wi-Fi on/off, find out how to update the operating system version on your tablet, and do many other actions.

Disadvantages of iOS

Unfortunately, the chosen operating system also has many disadvantages. Let's start with a paid store, in which most applications have their own price. The price, by the way, is in dollars. Inconvenient, especially considering the current dollar exchange rate. Yes, and it’s inconvenient.

The next drawback of iOS is that you simply cannot download the application except from the store. A simple player will cost you a lot of nerves and time. In addition, the OS itself is not flexible in management. Too many "problems", frankly speaking. It is also worth noting that it is simply impossible to make it unique, add themes or change the launcher, as in Android. Whatever design there is, that's how it is. For lovers of something original and creative, this flaw is very noticeable.

Which iPad is better to buy in 2017?

Apple iPad mini 2

This iPad model has the highest screen resolution of 2048x1536, producing the highest quality picture, rich in bright colors. The Apple A7 tablet processor with a frequency of 1.3 gigahertz allows the user to enjoy smooth and fast work without any problems. One gigabyte of built-in memory is enough to satisfy any user needs, both work and gaming. The price is about 29 thousand rubles, but even taking into account the high price, many people buy this device.

A thin, stylish tablet, taking it in your hands it becomes clear why the Air - it weighs 470 grams with a diagonal of 9.7 inches. This is the most compact among 10 inch gadgets. The aluminum body makes it feel lightweight yet very durable. The buttons of the device are metal, with a pleasant and soft action. Front-camera A very good one is 1.2 megapixels, and the rear one has 5 megapixels with autofocus for high-quality photos. The device has an excellent Apple A7 1400 MHz processor with 2 cores. On the bottom there are 2 stereo speakers with clear sound. The entire front panel is occupied by a chic TFT IPS screen of the device, covered protective glass with a smooth oleophobic coating, so you definitely won’t see fingerprints on it. The screen resolution is 2048 by 1536 pixels, the picture is realistic and smooth, even small fonts are readable without problems. The gadget has lithium battery with high-quality polymer electrolyte, which provides up to 10 hours of continuous surfing on the Internet and work. In terms of performance it is best tablet Apple, which is superior to all existing touch devices.

This is perhaps the most popular question asked on our forum since its opening. This question is also often heard in one form or another in the comments on the site. Everyone’s situation is different: someone can’t decide between iPad 2 and iPad 3, someone is trying to find out whether they need 3G, and someone is deciding whether it’s a lot or a little - 16 gigabytes...

Let's try to answer all these questions from our position, that is, from the position of people who use iPad constantly and in whose communication environment there are many acquaintances and friends with the most different models iPad.

Choose between iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Air, iPad Air 2

Now, in one way or another, you can find all the iPads on official sale, except for its first model.

iPad 1

It's not worth buying, even used. The only exception is if you are really limited in finances and they offer it to you very cheaply (well, or for killing a tablet with small children). Causes:

  • iPad 1 is no longer supported by Apple from a software point of view. And this is a very bad sign. The maximum possible operating system is . It will not be possible to update to, and especially not to.
  • iPad 1 noticeably slows down. It's not noticeable when the first iPad is the only tablet you've ever used. But, if you use even an iPad 2 for a long time, then after that there remains a persistent feeling of the first one being sluggish. The reason, it seems to me, is in the small RAM.
  • A huge number of applications for one reason or another will not run on iPad first generations. It's a shame that this could be some brilliant quest like.

iPad 2

I think the second iPad will be recognized as a very successful product from Apple. It is clear that the second iPad will not have the same longevity as the PS2, but the fact that it has been on official (!) sale for more than 3 years speaks volumes.

Now I advise buying an iPad 2 only in extreme cases. For example, as a gift to relatives as a first tablet or to children, or if you are very limited in finances. Let's look at the pros and cons.


  • The shortcomings of the first version of iPad were taken into account and corrected. There is a camera (poor quality), more memory, better processor, the tablet is a little lighter. Consequently, almost nothing slows down. Well, the camera allows you to communicate via Skype. The camera is terrible for photos, but taking photos on an iPad is already not a good idea.
  • Low price (even in Russia). Usually the deciding factor.
  • Many applications work as they should. There is no factor: “Somehow the program doesn’t look right! Where's the Retina support? Yes, the screen is worse than the following ones iPad generations, But…
  • Supports the latest operating system, and is rumored to support .

Vs iPad 2:

  • Pixels are visible on the screen. And if this was somehow not noticed before the release of the iPad 3, then once you see the Retina screen, you understand that the iPad 2 has an outdated screen. And you can’t get this thought out of your head.
  • You need to understand that this model is no longer destined to live on the market: if you buy it secondhand, you are unlikely to sell it later. They have already released iPad Mini and iPad 4, iPad Mini 2 and . Guess which model Apple programmers will stop supporting first? It's clear that the iPad 2 is not a competitor to the modern iPad Air.
  • Many iPad 2 users constantly complain in our comments that their tablet is slow on the latest iOS 7 and iOS 8. This is also an unpleasant bell.

iPad 3 (aka The New iPad or New iPad)

A model that died quickly (less than a year) on official sale... Apple discontinued the iPad 3 from production. New model(if you see it on sale somewhere) I don’t recommend buying it. After the release of the iPad 4, the iPad 3 suddenly turned into a stale commodity... Sellers need to unload it, and buyers now have a better tablet to choose from. These are the realities of the market.

However, if you are offered a used model much cheaper, then why not? The model is relatively modern: the Retina screen is gorgeous, the camera is not bad, the processor is powerful. It's just warming up. But as many months of practice have shown, heating is not fatal, and in winter it’s generally great to warm your hands.

The iPad 3 is also supported by the fact that its characteristics are very similar to the iPad 4 and Apple's iOS support for the iPad 3 will not be discontinued anytime soon.

iPad 4 (aka iPad with Retina Display)

The penultimate tablet model at the moment with a 9.7-inch screen. Naturally, I would recommend buying the iPad 4 only against the background of the models described above. The competition when choosing can only come from both versions of the iPad Mini (due to size) and the iPad Air, but more about them below. I recommend buying it with only one caveat - you will get it much cheaper than the iPad Air. For example, we had offers on the forum when an iPad 4 LTE 64 gigabytes was sold for 14 thousand rubles.

I consider the iPad 4 to be a “work on the bugs” of the iPad 3. Please note that the iPad 4 has a completely new thin charger - Lightning. iPad 4 as of mid-2015 has an unconditional iOS support 8 and allows you to play all the modern games that the App Store is so rich in. I don't remember any complaints about the performance of the iPad 4.

It is quite obvious that when buying, first of all, if finances allow, you need to look towards the latest models. At the beginning of 2014 it was the iPad Air, and in 2015 the iPad Air 2 is relevant. They are so good that I don’t even have anything to say in defense of the iPad 4.

The iPad Air line has more powerful hardware. There was even an opinion that there are currently no applications that can use the capabilities of the iPad Air to their fullest. There is hope that such applications will appear. But most importantly, the iPad Air has become a third lighter than its predecessor with the same screen size.

iPad Air 2 is the most powerful tablet V Apple line in mid-2015. If you are choosing a tablet for several years to come, then the iPad Air 2 is currently the best option on the market.

It will easily run the most powerful games from the App Store. I'm not talking about programs. And in the future, over the next 3 years, it is unlikely that anything will appear that the iPad Air 2 cannot handle. Even a year after its release, it has a huge reserve of power!

Since the iPad Air 2 is latest model, then its price is appropriate.

iPad Mini (first 7.9-inch tablet)

I didn’t take it because my heart felt that some kind would be released in 2013 iPad Mini with Retina Display, and the first version of the iPad Mini will turn out to be nothing more than a launch product (Apple is testing on us to see if the market needs such a product)... However, the tablet itself is successful. As successful as the iPad 2, but at the same time it is a Mini. speaks for him low price(300 dollars).

As it turned out, my prediction above was 100% correct and iPad Mini 2 and 3 are already being sold in full force on the market.

The first Minik can still be bought from retailers for around 10 thousand. In principle, this is a good inexpensive purchase for children as a first tablet. But don’t expect miracles from it - the filling, like the iPad 2, makes itself felt. There may be slowdowns in certain games and applications. And the overall system performance is not up to par.

iPad Mini with Retina Display (or iPad 2)

This is a fantastic tablet! In 2013, Apple made a tablet whose technical characteristics were not inferior to the then flagship iPad Air, but at the same time it had a smaller screen size and, accordingly, smaller dimensions.

If you wanted the best seven-inch tablet in the world, then I recommend taking this model. And it's not so much about the retina screen, but about the powerful filling.

But here Apple let us down. iPad Mini 3 differs from its predecessor only. That is, in terms of performance, the iPad Mini 3 is inferior to the iPad Air 2. Therefore, if there is a question of power, then the iPad Air 2 gives a head start to its younger brother. Whether such a gap will remain in the iPad Air 3 and iPad Mini 4 - we'll see.

If you choose between the iPad Mini 3 and iPad Mini 2, then this is a case where you should start with finances. The question is: are you willing to pay an extra $100 for Touch ID? This is exactly the difference in price between the models.

Choose between iPad Wi-Fi and iPad Celluar (3G, 4G, LTE)

  • Price - the model with Wi-Fi is simply cheaper.
  • The presence of a cellular module in the LTE model, which means it has the ability to access the Internet using cellular networks (a SIM card is required).
  • Availability of a GPS module in the iPad LTE model.

Any of these points could potentially have a decisive impact on your purchase. I’ll tell you for myself - I bought the iPad 2 3G model solely because of GPS, and subsequently I used it successfully many times and never regretted it. But a little later I bought an iPhone 6 Plus and the iPad model with GPS became irrelevant to me.

  • If you plan to use your iPad at home 99 percent of the time, then what's the point of an iPad LTE model?
  • If you like to surf in the subway on the way to work, then it is naturally logical to take a model with a cellular module.
  • If you are an active traveler, then best GPS It’s hard to think of anything better than iPad...
  • If you live in a remote village, where 3G is still a dirty word, and you don’t need GPS, then save money and buy an iPad Wi-Fi... Etc., etc.

Usually the choice here depends entirely on the situation. For example, we have one iPad with 3G and an iPhone, neither Olya nor I saw the point of buying a second iPad with a cellular module, so we took a regular model with Wi-Fi...

Choose between iPad with 16/32/64/128 gigabytes

And this is where people are usually overcome with the greatest torment. I have heard something like this question several times: “ Should I buy an iPad with Wi-Fi 64 GB or an iPad with 3G 16 GB? They cost about the same..." Friends, I won’t lie and beat around the bush: in such a situation I would choose an iPad with Wi-Fi 64 gigabytes. That is, I would give preference to the amount of memory. But I am me, and situations are different...

16 gigabytes

In my opinion iPad 3G 16 GB- the most relatively unsuccessful configuration that can be purchased. 16 gigabytes is all in words - you need to understand that in fact a little more than 13 gigabytes are available to the user. Immediately throw away 1 gigabyte for the GPS program (most people still need it) ... So it turns out that 12 gigabytes for all sorts of applications, and you will want applications - there is no doubt about it.

On average, a high-quality application in the App Store weighs more than 100 megabytes. But don’t try to divide the total gigabytes by this hundred - this is all arbitrary. If the iPad is going to be used in any way for games, then you need to take into account that games often “weigh” 500 megabytes or more. Wanted to play NFS (throw away 1.8 gigabytes) or fight (goodbye 453 megabytes).

Do you think programs weigh little? No matter how it is... Dictionary - 440 megabytes... - 354 megabytes... - 256 megabytes. And it just seems that I’ll install 5 games and a dozen of the most necessary programs and I will calm down. To most of my friends, 16 gigabytes seems catastrophically small and they are forced to periodically clean their applications. Moreover, if more than one person uses the device, and everyone has different tastes...

The situation got even worse with the release of the iPad with a Retina screen. Apps that support retina usually weigh much more than the version that did not support it before. At the same time, even owners of iPad 1, 2 and Mini suffer: applications weigh the same for everyone. It’s rare that a smart developer thinks of loading graphics for Retina screens separately.

32 gigabytes

In principle, a more or less optimal model...

There is twice as much space, which means that, as a bonus to the “essentials,” you still have the opportunity to add the same amount. In practice, 32 gigabytes was enough for me personally for a long time and I didn’t complain.

I understand that there are simply not so many applications and games that I constantly need, although, for example, I don’t delete them on principle and collect them, and also store many children’s applications for the children of friends. I have a lot of books in iBooks and it’s only 700 megabytes. Several albums of music “just in case.” And in general, for this very “just in case” I have a lot of programs that can be demolished without much damage. I prefer to watch movies on my laptop, but I always keep a couple on my iPad.

So it turns out that for me, 32 gigabytes is good... In principle, if you want to save money and don’t want to clutter your tablet with games that are long gone, or programs in case they “suddenly come in handy,” then 32 gigabytes is your choice.

64 gigabytes

Most iPad users will be overwhelmed by this volume.

For some of my friends, even 64 gigabytes is not enough... Usually these are people who like to store music on their tablet, take movies on the road, or simply those who do not dare to delete a gigabyte game just “because they haven’t completed a couple of levels” or “what if someone one of his friends will play." If what is written above is about you, then 64 gigabytes is your choice.

What could be the disadvantages of the 64 gigabyte model?

1) Psychological moment. You will secretly think that there is a maximum model, which is not much more expensive but provides twice the amount of memory.

2) If you don’t have a laptop or computer or you use them very rarely, then 64 gigabytes may not be enough for you. Still, if the iPad is your main digital friend, then it’s worth taking 128 gigabytes.

128 gigabytes

After purchasing 128 gigabytes, you will forget for a long time what “no free space” means. We must still try to fill this space with something necessary. If finances allow, take 128 gigabytes.

128 gigabytes - choice

  • fans download in App Store games in batches and then store everything even after passing
  • those who like to put a bunch of movies and TV series on their iPad
  • those who like to turn the iPad into a full-fledged replacement for a work computer

Disadvantages must be sought from the opposite. If you have an iPad only to read a book in your spare time, leave the birds in Angry Birds or hang out on VKontakte, then there is no point in 128 gigabytes, since it will look like a waste of money.

Readers: What iPad do you have? Is he satisfied? What shortcomings in the context of this article do you see in it or, on the contrary, are you happy with your choice?

Apple presented several iPad models, each of which differs in its functionality, technical characteristics. Therefore the question is how to choose an iPad, - interests everyone who decided to purchase new tablet. Of course, the choice of an “Apple” device largely depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities, but still we decided to give some useful tips that will help you make the right choice.

iPad lineup

The following iPad models are on sale today: iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Air, iPad Air 2.

The lineup wouldn't be complete without iPad 1, which was not mentioned above, but at the moment the first model is not sold due to the fact that the device is not supported by Apple from a software point of view. The only OS that can be installed is iOS 5.1.1. That is, it is simply impossible to update to more current versions of the OS (iOS 6/7). In addition, compared to more modern analogues, the first generation iPad cannot boast of a high-quality screen, is terribly slow, and often freezes, which can be explained by the small amount of RAM. A large number of programs and modern video games simply cannot run on the iPad 1.

What to look for when choosing an iPad

When planning to purchase an Apple tablet, before giving preference to one or another model, you should first of all watch video reviews on YouTube, visit thematic forums where users share opinions about devices, and get acquainted with the technical characteristics of the device.

Asking a question which iPad to choose, be guided by three main aspects, taking into account the size of the hard drive, the type of connection.

Almost all models that are officially available today are available with three memory options: 16/32/64 GB. Accordingly, the larger the internal memory, the better the gadget’s performance, and the more media files can be stored on the device. But the cost of the tablet will increase significantly if, for example, the model is equipped with 64 or 32 GB of internal memory. Yes, relatively recently Apple devices with 128 GB appeared on the market. With such a device you can forget about the lack of memory forever.

Regarding the type of connection, the best option is models that support Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G. If you plan to use the device around the house using a router for an Internet connection, it is quite possible to purchase a Wi-Fi device. For office work and travel, it is best to buy an iPad that supports several connection types. The cellular module in LTE models allows you to access the Internet via cellular networks, but this requires a SIM card. The cost of Wi-Fi models without LTE modules will be significantly lower.

When choosing an iPad, it is equally important to take into account the dimensions (diagonal), display resolution, dimensions of the device, performance level, camera parameters, and cost of the gadget.

iPad 2

The second iPad model, compared to its predecessor, can be called a completely successful Apple product, as evidenced by the fact that the iPad 2 was officially available for sale for three years. Of course, today it is difficult to call the second generation iPad a successful acquisition, which in principle is not surprising. Technologies do not stand still, developing rapidly, and Apple replenishes the market almost every year mobile devices more functional, advanced gadgets.

iPad 2, if you are limited in finances, you can choose it as an inexpensive gift for your children or relatives. There are versions of models with Wi-Fi and 3G/LTE.

iPad 2 advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • Fixed some bugs in the OS that were in the first model;
  • camera performance has been improved. but the photos will be of average quality;
  • compared to iPad 1, the device received more RAM;
  • You can run many applications and video games without glitches.
  • support for current OS versions.

The disadvantages of the second model include: a not very high-quality screen, on which pixels are noticeable and instability when switching to iOS 7/8.

Given the fact that this model The iPad is not officially sold, so if you buy an iPad 2 from someone else, you shouldn’t rule out problems when using it. Perhaps the device has already been repaired. And if you buy a used iPad 2, it will be very difficult for you to resell it if you decide to purchase another tablet PC. And it’s not hard to guess that the next iPad model that programmers will no longer support will be the iPad 2.

iPad 3

The third iPad model, unfortunately, quickly disappeared from sale and could be purchased within a year after its official release. Apple has withdrawn iPad 3 from production, so if you see a third generation iPad on sale, we do not recommend purchasing it. With the release of the iPad 4, the model quickly became a stale commodity. Therefore, if you have chosen this particular model, the best option is to purchase it second-hand. Still, it cannot be said that the third iPad is an unsuccessful “Apple” product.

Compared to its predecessor, iPad 3 is equipped with high-quality Retina display, enough powerful processor, a good camera for taking photographs. The only disadvantage of the device in mode active use- processor heating. But this parameter is not critical. In addition, the characteristics of the third generation iPad are almost close to the parameters of the iPad 4. Therefore, we can conclude that the iPad 3 is not the worst option.

iPad 4 with Retina display

Exactly iPad 4, after going on official sale, quickly supplanted its predecessors, in particular the iPad 2, and became an excellent alternative to the third generation iPad. By iPad specifications 4 can be compared to iPad Air or Mini versions. But compared to flagship models iPad 4 has a more affordable price.

The device operates on an A6 processor and has a full-fledged high-quality 9.7-inch Retina display with a resolution of 2048 × 1536 pixels. equipped with the same camera as iPad Air. According to user reviews, the tablet pleases with stable operation, supports latest versions OS, most modern mobile video games. There are no complaints about the performance of the device.

iPad Air

If finances allow, when choosing an iPad for personal use, preference should be given to more modern “Apple” products. iPad Air can be confidently called the best flagship V model range tablets presented by Apple. Support for 64-bit architecture is the main advantage of this model. Of course, not all applications have been developed in this segment yet, but there is hope that they will appear in the near future.

iPad Air received an excellent 9.7-inch Retina display, the most modern and intelligent among existing analogues A7 processor, which is accompanied by an M7 coprocessor, which collects data from the gyroscope, compass, accelerator, thereby relieving the main processor of unnecessary load. Note that the same processor is built into the iPhone 5S. In terms of performance, this model is almost twice as high as its predecessors. Any application can be used to its fullest.

The iPad has a stylish corporate design, boasts excellent performance, versatility, and stable operation. The Wi-Fi module has been improved thanks to support for MIMO technology. The model is equipped with a dual microphone, which allows you to record video without external noise. In addition, this parameter significantly improves the quality of playback of media files. The front camera has received an improved sensor. iPad Air supports more LTE bands.

Although iPad Air, like iPad 4 has the same screen dimensions, compared to its predecessor, the model is significantly lighter in weight.

iPad Air 2

iPad Air 2- the best flagship device in terms of performance, the latest development from Apple. Absolutely anyone can ride it. the most powerful video games, difficult graphics programs. At the moment this is best model tablet among all those existing on the market. And in the next two years, it’s unlikely that anything better will appear. Although, let's not think into the distant future, perhaps the company

iPad Mini with Retina display

iPad Mini- a compact, convenient, functional modern iPad model with a 7.9-inch high-resolution Retina display, which allows you to get incredibly clear, high-contrast images. iPad mini can be called a smaller copy of the flagship iPad Air.

iPad Mini is equipped with an innovative 64-bit processor, has a built-in A7 chip, and quite powerful hardware. This model is equipped with a Touch ID fingerprint sensor and has the best price-quality ratio.

iPad Mini

iPad Mini- the first model with a 7.9-inch screen. Compact dimensions, light weight, good performance parameters are the main advantages of this device. The big drawback is the lack of a Retina screen. Still, the difference in the picture will be very distinctive. By technical parameters iPad Mini can be compared with the second generation iPad model.

Considering the stunning success and popularity of the flagship iPad Mini with Retina display, this model is the launch product in this class. But still, this is not the worst option for purchasing. The system performance is excellent, which ensures comfortable and stable operation of the Apple device.”

To summarize, we can say that in 2016, if you are planning to purchase an iPad for personal use or as a gift, give preference to more modern models, taking into account their high quality, practical characteristics, and the versatility of Apple devices.